IT’S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Allred's Accuser’s Yearbook Was FORGED

For Roy Moore, a Long History of Combat and Controversy

“It was a known fact: Roy Moore liked young girls,” said Faye Gary, a retired Gadsden police officer. “It was treated like a joke. That’s just the way it was.”

Nothing printed in the New York Times is a fact.
Most respected news source in the country

Name one more respected and honored

The National Enquirer is more respected than NYT
You’re kind of slow aintcha?

She would not have known the picture existed unless it was somehow distributed, now would she?

And who EXACTLY did Trump mention by name in that SECRETLY RECORDED audio tape?

Proceed Columbo

Oh, since he did not mention anyone by name, then there was nothing wrong with what he said. if you say so, I do not agree but to each their own.

Are seriously mental?

Franken stages the photo, trump did not stage the audio.

Franken new YEARS before. Hell he distributed it!

Now go get your pussy hat on and organize the Million women march against Franken, it shut the fuck up cuz you are exhibiting hypocritical behavior.

Actually Rump did stage the audio. The whole conversation took place while he and Bush were sitting on the left side of the bus, immediately across from a camera crew sitting on the right side of the bus, videotaping the whole thing. That's why there's an audio recording --- it goes with the video recording. Rump and Bush were already wearing wireless mics exactly for that purpose. You can't possibly be wearing a wireless lavaliere mic and not know you're wearing it, especially with cameras pointing right at you.

So they knew they were recording before they said anything. And they had to know a tape existed. The only question was whether it would come out in public. And sure enough it came out on the same day O'bama announced that the government believed there was Russian hacking connected to the election, and the same day the Podesta e-mails were leaked.

On and RECORDING are two completely different things.

But then there is the lefts excuse for Frankens act being a “Prank” and Trump giving the same. Yet Frankens is to be accepted, and Trumps not?

Such inconsistency

You don''t point a camera at a subject without the intention to record them. That's the whole point of what a camera does.

Bush and Rump knew they were both "on" and "recording". You record all the raw material you can and then edit together what you want to use. Obviously the Tic Tac Terminology wasn't going to make the show, but it did get recorded, and both of them cannot not have known it was being recorded while they were doing it.

In fact given Rump's past history of insinuating himself into incest, pedophilia and the whole "John Miller"/"John Baron" hysterical fables, it's hard to imagine that Rump wasn't deliberately playing TO the cameras with the whole direction the dialogue took. In other words it's doubtful he would have gone into all that had there not been cameras rolling.

Your deflection noted:

Both Trump and Franken dismissed both as pranks. Both apologized for the prank.

Why is one to be accepted and other not?

Come on Pogo, you’re better then deflection (not).
You’re kind of slow aintcha?

She would not have known the picture existed unless it was somehow distributed, now would she?

And who EXACTLY did Trump mention by name in that SECRETLY RECORDED audio tape?

Proceed Columbo

Oh, since he did not mention anyone by name, then there was nothing wrong with what he said. if you say so, I do not agree but to each their own.

Are seriously mental?

Franken stages the photo, trump did not stage the audio.

Franken new YEARS before. Hell he distributed it!

Now go get your pussy hat on and organize the Million women march against Franken, it shut the fuck up cuz you are exhibiting hypocritical behavior.

Actually Rump did stage the audio. The whole conversation took place while he and Bush were sitting on the left side of the bus, immediately across from a camera crew sitting on the right side of the bus, videotaping the whole thing. That's why there's an audio recording --- it goes with the video recording. Rump and Bush were already wearing wireless mics exactly for that purpose. You can't possibly be wearing a wireless lavaliere mic and not know you're wearing it, especially with cameras pointing right at you.

So they knew they were recording before they said anything. And they had to know a tape existed. The only question was whether it would come out in public. And sure enough it came out on the same day O'bama announced that the government believed there was Russian hacking connected to the election, and the same day the Podesta e-mails were leaked.

On and RECORDING are two completely different things.

But then there is the lefts excuse for Frankens act being a “Prank” and Trump giving the same. Yet Frankens is to be accepted, and Trumps not?

Such inconsistency

You don''t point a camera at a subject without the intention to record them. That's the whole point of what a camera does.

Bush and Rump knew they were both "on" and "recording". You record all the raw material you can and then edit together what you want to use. Obviously the Tic Tac Terminology wasn't going to make the show, but it did get recorded, and both of them cannot not have known it was being recorded while they were doing it.

In fact given Rump's past history of insinuating himself into incest, pedophilia and the whole "John Miller"/"John Baron" hysterical fables, it's hard to imagine that Rump wasn't deliberately playing TO the cameras with the whole direction the dialogue took. In other words it's doubtful he would have gone into all that had there not been cameras rolling.
It would be of a piece with his narcissism..and hey..he was one cared--in the end.
Did Trump know that he said those things? Or are you saying they were only wrong because they were on tape?

You’re kind of slow aintcha?

She would not have known the picture existed unless it was somehow distributed, now would she?

And who EXACTLY did Trump mention by name in that SECRETLY RECORDED audio tape?

Proceed Columbo
LoL..I guess things are happening so fast..that the knee-jerks cannot keep up--It was HER photograph..she found it in her stuff, after the tour..and realized what had happened.

"The tour wrapped and on Christmas Eve we began the 36-hour trip home to L.A. After 2 weeks of grueling travel and performing I was exhausted. When our C-17 cargo plane took off from Afghanistan I immediately fell asleep, even though I was still wearing my flak vest and Kevlar helmet.

It wasn’t until I was back in the US and looking through the CD of photos we were given by the photographer that I saw this one....
I couldn’t believe it. He groped me, without my consent, while I was asleep.

I felt violated all over again. Embarrassed. Belittled. Humiliated.

How dare anyone grab my breasts like this and think it’s funny?"

Senator Al Franken Kissed and Groped Me Without My Consent, And There’s Nothing Funny About It

About the only thing I find that many people got that CD..and no-one, including Franken, remarked on it.

It was not until Franken, who staged the photo, started lecturing on sexual harassment did she find it necessary to point out his hypocrisy.

You didn’t know that? What, you’re dense?
Actually..her own words contradict you..and as I read your posts is clear that you just make shit up as you suit your

"A few weeks ago, we had California Congresswoman Jackie Speier on the show and she told us her story of being sexually assaulted when she was a young Congressional aide. She described how a powerful man in the office where she worked ‘held her face, kissed her and stuck his tongue in her mouth.’

Senator Al Franken Kissed and Groped Me Without My Consent, And There’s Nothing Funny About It

At that moment, I thought to myself, Al Franken did that exact same thing to me.

I had locked up those memories of helplessness and violation for a long time, but they all came rushing back to me and my hands clinched into fists like it was yesterday.

I’m still angry at what Al Franken did to me.

Every time I hear his voice or see his face, I am angry. I am angry that I did his stupid skit for the rest of that tour. I am angry that I didn’t call him out in front of everyone when I had the microphone in my hand every night after that. I wanted to. But I didn’t want to rock the boat. I was there to entertain the troops and make sure they forgot about where they were for a few hours. Someday, I thought to myself, I would tell my story.

That day is now.

Senator Franken, you wrote the script. But there’s nothing funny about sexual assault.

You wrote the scene that would include you kissing me and then relentlessly badgered me into ‘rehearsing’ the kiss with you backstage when we were alone.

You knew exactly what you were doing. You forcibly kissed me without my consent, grabbed my breasts while I was sleeping and had someone take a photo of you doing it, knowing I would see it later, and be ashamed.

While debating whether or not to go public, I even thought to myself, so much worse has happened to so many others, maybe my story isn’t worth telling? But my story is worth telling.

Not just because 2017 is not 2006, or because I am much more secure in my career now than I was then, and not because I’m still angry.

I’m telling my story because there may be others.

I want to have the same effect on them that Congresswoman Jackie Speier had on me. I want them, and all the other victims of sexual assault, to be able to speak out immediately, and not keep their stories –and their anger– locked up inside for years, or decades.

I want the days of silence to be over forever."


Mutual exclusivity?

God you’re dense
Oh, since he did not mention anyone by name, then there was nothing wrong with what he said. if you say so, I do not agree but to each their own.

Are seriously mental?

Franken stages the photo, trump did not stage the audio.

Franken new YEARS before. Hell he distributed it!

Now go get your pussy hat on and organize the Million women march against Franken, it shut the fuck up cuz you are exhibiting hypocritical behavior.

Actually Rump did stage the audio. The whole conversation took place while he and Bush were sitting on the left side of the bus, immediately across from a camera crew sitting on the right side of the bus, videotaping the whole thing. That's why there's an audio recording --- it goes with the video recording. Rump and Bush were already wearing wireless mics exactly for that purpose. You can't possibly be wearing a wireless lavaliere mic and not know you're wearing it, especially with cameras pointing right at you.

So they knew they were recording before they said anything. And they had to know a tape existed. The only question was whether it would come out in public. And sure enough it came out on the same day O'bama announced that the government believed there was Russian hacking connected to the election, and the same day the Podesta e-mails were leaked.

On and RECORDING are two completely different things.

But then there is the lefts excuse for Frankens act being a “Prank” and Trump giving the same. Yet Frankens is to be accepted, and Trumps not?

Such inconsistency

You don''t point a camera at a subject without the intention to record them. That's the whole point of what a camera does.

Bush and Rump knew they were both "on" and "recording". You record all the raw material you can and then edit together what you want to use. Obviously the Tic Tac Terminology wasn't going to make the show, but it did get recorded, and both of them cannot not have known it was being recorded while they were doing it.

In fact given Rump's past history of insinuating himself into incest, pedophilia and the whole "John Miller"/"John Baron" hysterical fables, it's hard to imagine that Rump wasn't deliberately playing TO the cameras with the whole direction the dialogue took. In other words it's doubtful he would have gone into all that had there not been cameras rolling.

Your deflection noted:

Both Trump and Franken dismissed both as pranks. Both apologized for the prank.

Why is one to be accepted and other not?

Come on Pogo, you’re better then deflection (not).

What I challenged was your contention that Rump didn't stage the audio tape.

And I won. Bing bing bing.
Are seriously mental?

Franken stages the photo, trump did not stage the audio.

Franken new YEARS before. Hell he distributed it!

Now go get your pussy hat on and organize the Million women march against Franken, it shut the fuck up cuz you are exhibiting hypocritical behavior.

Actually Rump did stage the audio. The whole conversation took place while he and Bush were sitting on the left side of the bus, immediately across from a camera crew sitting on the right side of the bus, videotaping the whole thing. That's why there's an audio recording --- it goes with the video recording. Rump and Bush were already wearing wireless mics exactly for that purpose. You can't possibly be wearing a wireless lavaliere mic and not know you're wearing it, especially with cameras pointing right at you.

So they knew they were recording before they said anything. And they had to know a tape existed. The only question was whether it would come out in public. And sure enough it came out on the same day O'bama announced that the government believed there was Russian hacking connected to the election, and the same day the Podesta e-mails were leaked.

On and RECORDING are two completely different things.

But then there is the lefts excuse for Frankens act being a “Prank” and Trump giving the same. Yet Frankens is to be accepted, and Trumps not?

Such inconsistency

You don''t point a camera at a subject without the intention to record them. That's the whole point of what a camera does.

Bush and Rump knew they were both "on" and "recording". You record all the raw material you can and then edit together what you want to use. Obviously the Tic Tac Terminology wasn't going to make the show, but it did get recorded, and both of them cannot not have known it was being recorded while they were doing it.

In fact given Rump's past history of insinuating himself into incest, pedophilia and the whole "John Miller"/"John Baron" hysterical fables, it's hard to imagine that Rump wasn't deliberately playing TO the cameras with the whole direction the dialogue took. In other words it's doubtful he would have gone into all that had there not been cameras rolling.

Your deflection noted:

Both Trump and Franken dismissed both as pranks. Both apologized for the prank.

Why is one to be accepted and other not?

Come on Pogo, you’re better then deflection (not).

What I challenged was your contention that Rump didn't stage the audio tape.

And I won. Bing bing bing.

Oh don’t want to answer the hard question? Don’t play with the big boys.

Let’s stipulate he knew the mic was live. Franken knew the camera was taking the picture.

Both called them pranks. Yet you accept one, not the other?

Can you explain your logic?

No, didn’t think so
Actually Rump did stage the audio. The whole conversation took place while he and Bush were sitting on the left side of the bus, immediately across from a camera crew sitting on the right side of the bus, videotaping the whole thing. That's why there's an audio recording --- it goes with the video recording. Rump and Bush were already wearing wireless mics exactly for that purpose. You can't possibly be wearing a wireless lavaliere mic and not know you're wearing it, especially with cameras pointing right at you.

So they knew they were recording before they said anything. And they had to know a tape existed. The only question was whether it would come out in public. And sure enough it came out on the same day O'bama announced that the government believed there was Russian hacking connected to the election, and the same day the Podesta e-mails were leaked.

On and RECORDING are two completely different things.

But then there is the lefts excuse for Frankens act being a “Prank” and Trump giving the same. Yet Frankens is to be accepted, and Trumps not?

Such inconsistency

You don''t point a camera at a subject without the intention to record them. That's the whole point of what a camera does.

Bush and Rump knew they were both "on" and "recording". You record all the raw material you can and then edit together what you want to use. Obviously the Tic Tac Terminology wasn't going to make the show, but it did get recorded, and both of them cannot not have known it was being recorded while they were doing it.

In fact given Rump's past history of insinuating himself into incest, pedophilia and the whole "John Miller"/"John Baron" hysterical fables, it's hard to imagine that Rump wasn't deliberately playing TO the cameras with the whole direction the dialogue took. In other words it's doubtful he would have gone into all that had there not been cameras rolling.

Your deflection noted:

Both Trump and Franken dismissed both as pranks. Both apologized for the prank.

Why is one to be accepted and other not?

Come on Pogo, you’re better then deflection (not).

What I challenged was your contention that Rump didn't stage the audio tape.

And I won. Bing bing bing.

Oh don’t want to answer the hard question? Don’t play with the big boys.

Let’s stipulate he knew the mic was live. Franken knew the camera was taking the picture.

Both called them pranks. Yet you accept one, not the other?

Can you explain your logic?

No, didn’t think so

I don't get what you find so complex about a single concept.

You said Rump didn't stage the audio. I said he did, and showed why.

That's it. Full stop. Waiter, check please. Cue fat lady, fade to black, roll credits.

There's nothing about my "accepting" anything in there. Nor is there anything about Al Franken in there. Not rocket surgery. No need to call in the Spanish Inquisition.
On and RECORDING are two completely different things.

But then there is the lefts excuse for Frankens act being a “Prank” and Trump giving the same. Yet Frankens is to be accepted, and Trumps not?

Such inconsistency

You don''t point a camera at a subject without the intention to record them. That's the whole point of what a camera does.

Bush and Rump knew they were both "on" and "recording". You record all the raw material you can and then edit together what you want to use. Obviously the Tic Tac Terminology wasn't going to make the show, but it did get recorded, and both of them cannot not have known it was being recorded while they were doing it.

In fact given Rump's past history of insinuating himself into incest, pedophilia and the whole "John Miller"/"John Baron" hysterical fables, it's hard to imagine that Rump wasn't deliberately playing TO the cameras with the whole direction the dialogue took. In other words it's doubtful he would have gone into all that had there not been cameras rolling.

Your deflection noted:

Both Trump and Franken dismissed both as pranks. Both apologized for the prank.

Why is one to be accepted and other not?

Come on Pogo, you’re better then deflection (not).

What I challenged was your contention that Rump didn't stage the audio tape.

And I won. Bing bing bing.

Oh don’t want to answer the hard question? Don’t play with the big boys.

Let’s stipulate he knew the mic was live. Franken knew the camera was taking the picture.

Both called them pranks. Yet you accept one, not the other?

Can you explain your logic?

No, didn’t think so

I don't get what you find so complex about a single concept.

You said Rump didn't stage the audio. I said he did, and showed why.

That's it. Full stop. Waiter, check please. Cue fat lady, fade to black, roll credits.

There's nothing about my "accepting" anything in there. Nor is there anything about Al Franken in there. Not rocket surgery. No need to call in the Spanish Inquisition.

Did you see the part of the stipulation?

Nuff said. Deflection noted
You don''t point a camera at a subject without the intention to record them. That's the whole point of what a camera does.

Bush and Rump knew they were both "on" and "recording". You record all the raw material you can and then edit together what you want to use. Obviously the Tic Tac Terminology wasn't going to make the show, but it did get recorded, and both of them cannot not have known it was being recorded while they were doing it.

In fact given Rump's past history of insinuating himself into incest, pedophilia and the whole "John Miller"/"John Baron" hysterical fables, it's hard to imagine that Rump wasn't deliberately playing TO the cameras with the whole direction the dialogue took. In other words it's doubtful he would have gone into all that had there not been cameras rolling.

Your deflection noted:

Both Trump and Franken dismissed both as pranks. Both apologized for the prank.

Why is one to be accepted and other not?

Come on Pogo, you’re better then deflection (not).

What I challenged was your contention that Rump didn't stage the audio tape.

And I won. Bing bing bing.

Oh don’t want to answer the hard question? Don’t play with the big boys.

Let’s stipulate he knew the mic was live. Franken knew the camera was taking the picture.

Both called them pranks. Yet you accept one, not the other?

Can you explain your logic?

No, didn’t think so

I don't get what you find so complex about a single concept.

You said Rump didn't stage the audio. I said he did, and showed why.

That's it. Full stop. Waiter, check please. Cue fat lady, fade to black, roll credits.

There's nothing about my "accepting" anything in there. Nor is there anything about Al Franken in there. Not rocket surgery. No need to call in the Spanish Inquisition.

Did you see the part of the stipulation?

Nuff said. Deflection noted

There is no "part of the stipulation".

There is a simple assertion, to wit: "Rump didn't stage the audio event".
I contradicted that.

That's it. We're done. Time to move on.
Meaningless without real inspection by an agency that both has the yearbook in hand and is staffed by experts in determining this sort of thing.

Whoever signed the yearbook spelled the name of the restaurant wrong.

Because the waitress signed it just before Allred held it up for all to see.
What morons

It is spelled right

Either way, let’s see it. Turn it over to the third party for analysis. Is that unreasonable?
Your deflection noted:

Both Trump and Franken dismissed both as pranks. Both apologized for the prank.

Why is one to be accepted and other not?

Come on Pogo, you’re better then deflection (not).

What I challenged was your contention that Rump didn't stage the audio tape.

And I won. Bing bing bing.

Oh don’t want to answer the hard question? Don’t play with the big boys.

Let’s stipulate he knew the mic was live. Franken knew the camera was taking the picture.

Both called them pranks. Yet you accept one, not the other?

Can you explain your logic?

No, didn’t think so

I don't get what you find so complex about a single concept.

You said Rump didn't stage the audio. I said he did, and showed why.

That's it. Full stop. Waiter, check please. Cue fat lady, fade to black, roll credits.

There's nothing about my "accepting" anything in there. Nor is there anything about Al Franken in there. Not rocket surgery. No need to call in the Spanish Inquisition.

Did you see the part of the stipulation?

Nuff said. Deflection noted

There is no "part of the stipulation".

There is a simple assertion, to wit: "Rump didn't stage the audio event".
I contradicted that.

That's it. We're done. Time to move on.

Trump had no control of the recording, that would have been the engineer.

Got it. To stage is to control.
Oh, since he did not mention anyone by name, then there was nothing wrong with what he said. if you say so, I do not agree but to each their own.

Are seriously mental?

Franken stages the photo, trump did not stage the audio.

Franken new YEARS before. Hell he distributed it!

Now go get your pussy hat on and organize the Million women march against Franken, it shut the fuck up cuz you are exhibiting hypocritical behavior.

Actually Rump did stage the audio. The whole conversation took place while he and Bush were sitting on the left side of the bus, immediately across from a camera crew sitting on the right side of the bus, videotaping the whole thing. That's why there's an audio recording --- it goes with the video recording. Rump and Bush were already wearing wireless mics exactly for that purpose. You can't possibly be wearing a wireless lavaliere mic and not know you're wearing it, especially with cameras pointing right at you.

So they knew they were recording before they said anything. And they had to know a tape existed. The only question was whether it would come out in public. And sure enough it came out on the same day O'bama announced that the government believed there was Russian hacking connected to the election, and the same day the Podesta e-mails were leaked.

On and RECORDING are two completely different things.

But then there is the lefts excuse for Frankens act being a “Prank” and Trump giving the same. Yet Frankens is to be accepted, and Trumps not?

Such inconsistency

Crazy, sort of like you giving Trump a free pass and attacking Franken. I love it when you morons call yourself out.

When you organizing the pussy march.

I can’t think of anyone better qualified.

You have quite the obsession with pussy. And while it is very true that I am very qualified with the subject having experienced them all around the world, it seems like if you would perhaps get your head out of Trump's ass that maybe you could get some pussy for yourself and then you would not need to be so obsessed with it.
Meaningless without real inspection by an agency that both has the yearbook in hand and is staffed by experts in determining this sort of thing.

Whoever signed the yearbook spelled the name of the restaurant wrong.

Because the waitress signed it just before Allred held it up for all to see.

For the love of all that is good and holy.....the name of the restaurant was not spelled wrong. How many times are you braindead morons going to repeat that same lie?
Are seriously mental?

Franken stages the photo, trump did not stage the audio.

Franken new YEARS before. Hell he distributed it!

Now go get your pussy hat on and organize the Million women march against Franken, it shut the fuck up cuz you are exhibiting hypocritical behavior.

Actually Rump did stage the audio. The whole conversation took place while he and Bush were sitting on the left side of the bus, immediately across from a camera crew sitting on the right side of the bus, videotaping the whole thing. That's why there's an audio recording --- it goes with the video recording. Rump and Bush were already wearing wireless mics exactly for that purpose. You can't possibly be wearing a wireless lavaliere mic and not know you're wearing it, especially with cameras pointing right at you.

So they knew they were recording before they said anything. And they had to know a tape existed. The only question was whether it would come out in public. And sure enough it came out on the same day O'bama announced that the government believed there was Russian hacking connected to the election, and the same day the Podesta e-mails were leaked.

On and RECORDING are two completely different things.

But then there is the lefts excuse for Frankens act being a “Prank” and Trump giving the same. Yet Frankens is to be accepted, and Trumps not?

Such inconsistency

Crazy, sort of like you giving Trump a free pass and attacking Franken. I love it when you morons call yourself out.

When you organizing the pussy march.

I can’t think of anyone better qualified.

You have quite the obsession with pussy. And while it is very true that I am very qualified with the subject having experienced them all around the world, it seems like if you would perhaps get your head out of Trump's ass that maybe you could get some pussy for yourself and then you would not need to be so obsessed with it.

You mean in other countries? So you like them really young to? We what I did there? In all likelihood, you were in the military doing what y’all u did. Bailey t it would be so easy, especially if you were running for office to say you were having sex with underage girls. Hell, or boys.
Meaningless without real inspection by an agency that both has the yearbook in hand and is staffed by experts in determining this sort of thing.

Whoever signed the yearbook spelled the name of the restaurant wrong.

Because the waitress signed it just before Allred held it up for all to see.

For the love of all that is good and holy.....the name of the restaurant was not spelled wrong. How many times are you braindead morons going to repeat that same lie?

Still don’t change the fact the lady is in all likelihood lying. Her silence as well as that of the others is extremely suspect.

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