IT’S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Allred's Accuser’s Yearbook Was FORGED

Actually Rump did stage the audio. The whole conversation took place while he and Bush were sitting on the left side of the bus, immediately across from a camera crew sitting on the right side of the bus, videotaping the whole thing. That's why there's an audio recording --- it goes with the video recording. Rump and Bush were already wearing wireless mics exactly for that purpose. You can't possibly be wearing a wireless lavaliere mic and not know you're wearing it, especially with cameras pointing right at you.

So they knew they were recording before they said anything. And they had to know a tape existed. The only question was whether it would come out in public. And sure enough it came out on the same day O'bama announced that the government believed there was Russian hacking connected to the election, and the same day the Podesta e-mails were leaked.

On and RECORDING are two completely different things.

But then there is the lefts excuse for Frankens act being a “Prank” and Trump giving the same. Yet Frankens is to be accepted, and Trumps not?

Such inconsistency

Crazy, sort of like you giving Trump a free pass and attacking Franken. I love it when you morons call yourself out.

When you organizing the pussy march.

I can’t think of anyone better qualified.

You have quite the obsession with pussy. And while it is very true that I am very qualified with the subject having experienced them all around the world, it seems like if you would perhaps get your head out of Trump's ass that maybe you could get some pussy for yourself and then you would not need to be so obsessed with it.

You mean in other countries? So you like them really young to? We what I did there? In all likelihood, you were in the military doing what y’all u did. Bailey t it would be so easy, especially if you were running for office to say you were having sex with underage girls. Hell, or boys.

You can say whatever you want, I could really not care less. I do not like them young and never did. I know I am clean in that area so knock yourself out. I was in the Corps doing what I did, but I was not doing it with children.
Meaningless without real inspection by an agency that both has the yearbook in hand and is staffed by experts in determining this sort of thing.

Whoever signed the yearbook spelled the name of the restaurant wrong.

Because the waitress signed it just before Allred held it up for all to see.

For the love of all that is good and holy.....the name of the restaurant was not spelled wrong. How many times are you braindead morons going to repeat that same lie?

Still don’t change the fact the lady is in all likelihood lying. Her silence as well as that of the others is extremely suspect.

So far the accusations have been more convincing than the defense, and it is not even close. Even without the yearbook, but I think the yearbook makes a compelling addition to the case because it not only has the accuser in it, but it also has a picture of Moore's wife, who was the same class.

Moore's wife is the one that started the lie about the name of the restaurant being spelled wrong, she was so desperate to prove it was so that she put a picture on Facebook to back up her story. The only problem was the restaurant she posted a picture of was in Georgia not Alabama. Considering that Moore's wife grew up there it is likely she knew the name of the restaurant was not wrong, but pushed her story anyhow.

Not unlike how the lawyer pushed the story that Moore had been assigned to the divorce case of the accusers, even though he had to know that was a lie.

If the people defending Moore have to lie, that should tell you a lot about the case
She said he perved on her the whole trip
If it were just one accuser [The first by the way is a Democrat operative] it would be irrelevant - but it seems the first accuser primed others to come out of the woodwork. They are not ALL deep state operatives. He has already been tried and convicted by the media. What I find as a titillating forethought is what if he is elected - will he get equal treatment with Franken or will Franken get a free pass once the media firestorm subsides - we all know that Democrats are held to lower standards

No, a man who molested a 14-year old will likely not be given equal treatment as a man who forced a kiss on an adult. Duh.
Really ? What about a man who molested a sleeping woman ?

Who poses for a picture while molesting?

No one.
You're wrong. Franken did it because he's a moron. Bullies tend to believe they can get away with anything because they have for a long time . . . . . . . . . until they don't.
Cases in Point --- the 2 Bills --- or the 2 Cs ---------
Clinton and Cosby. Pudding Pops and Cigars take your pick
She said he perved on her the whole trip
If it were just one accuser [The first by the way is a Democrat operative] it would be irrelevant - but it seems the first accuser primed others to come out of the woodwork. They are not ALL deep state operatives. He has already been tried and convicted by the media. What I find as a titillating forethought is what if he is elected - will he get equal treatment with Franken or will Franken get a free pass once the media firestorm subsides - we all know that Democrats are held to lower standards

No, a man who molested a 14-year old will likely not be given equal treatment as a man who forced a kiss on an adult. Duh.
Really ? What about a man who molested a sleeping woman ?
On and RECORDING are two completely different things.

But then there is the lefts excuse for Frankens act being a “Prank” and Trump giving the same. Yet Frankens is to be accepted, and Trumps not?

Such inconsistency

Crazy, sort of like you giving Trump a free pass and attacking Franken. I love it when you morons call yourself out.

When you organizing the pussy march.

I can’t think of anyone better qualified.

You have quite the obsession with pussy. And while it is very true that I am very qualified with the subject having experienced them all around the world, it seems like if you would perhaps get your head out of Trump's ass that maybe you could get some pussy for yourself and then you would not need to be so obsessed with it.

You mean in other countries? So you like them really young to? We what I did there? In all likelihood, you were in the military doing what y’all u did. Bailey t it would be so easy, especially if you were running for office to say you were having sex with underage girls. Hell, or boys.

You can say whatever you want, I could really not care less. I do not like them young and never did. I know I am clean in that area so knock yourself out. I was in the Corps doing what I did, but I was not doing it with children.[/QUOTE/]

and I have no reason to doubt it, yet here you are saying I can’t take your word. If some little old lady said you raped her, or tried do I take her word right out of the gate? No I would not. So then, you pointed to something in the alligations that has you convinced. Below you will have all of them. Please, point us to what you specifically based your opinion that they are more credible then his statements or lack there of?

Leigh Corfman: Claims Moore provided her with alcohol and sexually assaulted her when she was 14 years old.

She claimed a 32-year-old Moore picked her up near her house in Gadsden, Ala., and drove her to a remote location in the woods, where he told her “how pretty she was and kissed her,” according to the Washington Post.

“On a second visit, she said, he took off her shirt and pants and removed his clothes. He touched her over her bra and underpants, she says, and guided her hand to touch him over his underwear,” the report added.

Wendy Miller: Claims Moore asked her out on a date when she was 16 years old and he was 32. Her mother said no.

Debbie Wesson Gibson: Claims she dated Moore for roughly three months in 1981 when she was 17 years old.

Gibson said he would read her poetry and serenade her with his guitar. She said he kissed her twice during the time they dated. He was 34 at the time.

Gloria Thacker Deason: Claims she dated Moore on-and-off again when she was 18 and he was 32 after an initial meeting at the Gadsden Mall in 1979.

Deason said their physical relationship never went further than kissing and hugging. Like Corfman, Deason also said Moore gave her alcohol on dates, even though she was below the legal drinking age.

Beverly Young Nelson: Claims Moore sexually assaulted her in 1977 when she was 16 years old.

Nelson worked as a waitress at a diner Moore frequented. She said Moore once offered to give her a ride home after her shift ended. Instead, she added, he parked his truck in the back of the diner and tried to force her to perform oral sex on him.

“I tried to open my car door to leave, but he reached over and he locked it so I could not get out,” Nelson said in a statement published this week. “I tried fighting him off while yelling at him to stop. But instead of stopping, he began squeezing my neck, attempting to force my head onto his crotch. I continued to struggle.”

“I was determined that I was not going to allow him to force me to have sex with him. I was terrified, he was also trying to pull my shirt off. I thought that he was going to rape me. I was twisting and struggling and I was begging him to stop. I had tears running down my face,” she added.

Moore was 30 years old at the time.

Tina Johnson: Claims Moore groped her in his office in 1991 when she was 28 years old.

"He kept commenting on my looks, telling me how pretty I was, how nice I looked," Johnson told the Birmingham News. "He was saying that my eyes were beautiful."

"I was thinking, can we hurry up and get out of here?" she added

Johnson said Moore repeatedly flirted with her and complimented her on her looks, saying things like he wondered if her children were as good looking as their mother.

She also alleged that as she turned to leave his office after their meeting, Moore grabbed her buttocks.

"He didn't pinch it; he grabbed it," said Johnson

Moore was 44 years old at the time.

Kelly Harrison Thorp: Claims Moore asked her out in 1982 when she was a 17-year-old waitress at Red Lobster.

She said Moore, who was 35 at the time, came into her restaurant one day, introduced himself and then immediately asked her out on a date.

"I just kind of said, 'Do you know how old I am?'" she recalled asking, according to the Birmingham News.

"And he said, 'Yeah. I go out with girls your age all the time.”

Gena Richardson: Claims Moore pursued her relentlessly in 1977 when she was an 18-year-old high school senior.

Richardson said she met Moore at the Gadsden Mall, where he asked her which school she attended. She said he also asked for her phone number, which she said she declined to give.

Richardson said he then called her when she was in trigonometry class and asked her out on a date. She said he called a few more times until she relented, and agreed to go to the movies with him.

After their first date, she said, Moore gave her an unsolicited, “forceful” kiss, which prompted her to break off further contact with him.

“It was a man kiss — like really deep tongue. Like very forceful tongue. It was a surprise. I’d never been kissed like that,” she says. “And the minute that happened, I got scared then,” she told the Post. “I really did. Something came over me that scared me. And so I said, ‘I’ve got to go because my curfew is now.’”

Becky Gray: Claims Moore repeatedly asked her out on dates when she was 22 years old he was 30.
So what’s the evidence that’s so compelling other hen you don’t like Moore?

Leigh Corfman: Claims Moore provided her with alcohol and sexually assaulted her when she was 14 years old.

She claimed a 32-year-old Moore picked her up near her house in Gadsden, Ala., and drove her to a remote location in the woods, where he told her “how pretty she was and kissed her,” according to the Washington Post.

“On a second visit, she said, he took off her shirt and pants and removed his clothes. He touched her over her bra and underpants, she says, and guided her hand to touch him over his underwear,” the report added.

Wendy Miller: Claims Moore asked her out on a date when she was 16 years old and he was 32. Her mother said no.

Debbie Wesson Gibson: Claims she dated Moore for roughly three months in 1981 when she was 17 years old.

Gibson said he would read her poetry and serenade her with his guitar. She said he kissed her twice during the time they dated. He was 34 at the time.

Gloria Thacker Deason: Claims she dated Moore on-and-off again when she was 18 and he was 32 after an initial meeting at the Gadsden Mall in 1979.

Deason said their physical relationship never went further than kissing and hugging. Like Corfman, Deason also said Moore gave her alcohol on dates, even though she was below the legal drinking age.

Beverly Young Nelson: Claims Moore sexually assaulted her in 1977 when she was 16 years old.

Nelson worked as a waitress at a diner Moore frequented. She said Moore once offered to give her a ride home after her shift ended. Instead, she added, he parked his truck in the back of the diner and tried to force her to perform oral sex on him.

“I tried to open my car door to leave, but he reached over and he locked it so I could not get out,” Nelson said in a statement published this week. “I tried fighting him off while yelling at him to stop. But instead of stopping, he began squeezing my neck, attempting to force my head onto his crotch. I continued to struggle.”

“I was determined that I was not going to allow him to force me to have sex with him. I was terrified, he was also trying to pull my shirt off. I thought that he was going to rape me. I was twisting and struggling and I was begging him to stop. I had tears running down my face,” she added.

Moore was 30 years old at the time.

Tina Johnson: Claims Moore groped her in his office in 1991 when she was 28 years old.

"He kept commenting on my looks, telling me how pretty I was, how nice I looked," Johnson told the Birmingham News. "He was saying that my eyes were beautiful."

"I was thinking, can we hurry up and get out of here?" she added

Johnson said Moore repeatedly flirted with her and complimented her on her looks, saying things like he wondered if her children were as good looking as their mother.

She also alleged that as she turned to leave his office after their meeting, Moore grabbed her buttocks.

"He didn't pinch it; he grabbed it," said Johnson

Moore was 44 years old at the time.

Kelly Harrison Thorp: Claims Moore asked her out in 1982 when she was a 17-year-old waitress at Red Lobster.

She said Moore, who was 35 at the time, came into her restaurant one day, introduced himself and then immediately asked her out on a date.

"I just kind of said, 'Do you know how old I am?'" she recalled asking, according to the Birmingham News.

"And he said, 'Yeah. I go out with girls your age all the time.”

Gena Richardson: Claims Moore pursued her relentlessly in 1977 when she was an 18-year-old high school senior.

Richardson said she met Moore at the Gadsden Mall, where he asked her which school she attended. She said he also asked for her phone number, which she said she declined to give.

Richardson said he then called her when she was in trigonometry class and asked her out on a date. She said he called a few more times until she relented, and agreed to go to the movies with him.

After their first date, she said, Moore gave her an unsolicited, “forceful” kiss, which prompted her to break off further contact with him.

“It was a man kiss — like really deep tongue. Like very forceful tongue. It was a surprise. I’d never been kissed like that,” she says. “And the minute that happened, I got scared then,” she told the Post. “I really did. Something came over me that scared me. And so I said, ‘I’ve got to go because my curfew is now.’”

Becky Gray: Claims Moore repeatedly asked her out on dates when she was 22 years old he was 30.
It's truly amazing. It's as if the GOP Establishment is completely ignoring the fact that the "evidence" against Roy Moore has been ripped to shreds and publicly set on fire.


Meaningless without real inspection by an agency that both has the yearbook in hand and is staffed by experts in determining this sort of thing.

Whoever signed the yearbook spelled the name of the restaurant wrong.

Because the waitress signed it just before Allred held it up for all to see.

For the love of all that is good and holy.....the name of the restaurant was not spelled wrong. How many times are you braindead morons going to repeat that same lie?

Still don’t change the fact the lady is in all likelihood lying. Her silence as well as that of the others is extremely suspect.

So far the accusations have been more convincing than the defense, and it is not even close. Even without the yearbook, but I think the yearbook makes a compelling addition to the case because it not only has the accuser in it, but it also has a picture of Moore's wife, who was the same class.

Moore's wife is the one that started the lie about the name of the restaurant being spelled wrong, she was so desperate to prove it was so that she put a picture on Facebook to back up her story. The only problem was the restaurant she posted a picture of was in Georgia not Alabama. Considering that Moore's wife grew up there it is likely she knew the name of the restaurant was not wrong, but pushed her story anyhow.

Not unlike how the lawyer pushed the story that Moore had been assigned to the divorce case of the accusers, even though he had to know that was a lie.

If the people defending Moore have to lie, that should tell you a lot about the case

Please point out the lie? You are to weak to adress the woman’s own claims. Admit it, you just don’t like the red team and that’s the basis of what you post, not facts.
Still don’t change the fact the lady is in all likelihood lying. Her silence as well as that of the others is extremely suspect.

Funny how her "lie" perfctly comports with Moores behavior with dozens of other women (technically girls)

It's not like Moore only went out with one teenager.
Whoever signed the yearbook spelled the name of the restaurant wrong.

Because the waitress signed it just before Allred held it up for all to see.

For the love of all that is good and holy.....the name of the restaurant was not spelled wrong. How many times are you braindead morons going to repeat that same lie?

Still don’t change the fact the lady is in all likelihood lying. Her silence as well as that of the others is extremely suspect.

So far the accusations have been more convincing than the defense, and it is not even close. Even without the yearbook, but I think the yearbook makes a compelling addition to the case because it not only has the accuser in it, but it also has a picture of Moore's wife, who was the same class.

Moore's wife is the one that started the lie about the name of the restaurant being spelled wrong, she was so desperate to prove it was so that she put a picture on Facebook to back up her story. The only problem was the restaurant she posted a picture of was in Georgia not Alabama. Considering that Moore's wife grew up there it is likely she knew the name of the restaurant was not wrong, but pushed her story anyhow.

Not unlike how the lawyer pushed the story that Moore had been assigned to the divorce case of the accusers, even though he had to know that was a lie.

If the people defending Moore have to lie, that should tell you a lot about the case

Please point out the lie? You are to weak to adress the woman’s own claims. Admit it, you just don’t like the red team and that’s the basis of what you post, not facts.

I just pointed out two of them, one by the wife of Moore and the other by his lawyer.

The claims of the women are what they are. On one side you have the claims of the women and on the other side you have the denials. So far the denials are far weaker than the accusations. There is also the fact that someone who has known Moore for 40 years choose to justify his actions with bible stories instead of denying they happened. I find that very compelling.

I do not like the red team or the blue team, I have made that painfull clear on this board 1000 times but most people cannot think beyond red and blue so they cannot comprehend the mere idea of someone not being on the either team. I hope you are not one of those people.

With that said, I have stated on this forum multiple times that my only desire is to see a different party control the White House and the Senate. Moore if he is elected and drops out will be replaced by another Red team member so there is no gain in this for me.
Meaningless without real inspection by an agency that both has the yearbook in hand and is staffed by experts in determining this sort of thing.

Whoever signed the yearbook spelled the name of the restaurant wrong.

Because the waitress signed it just before Allred held it up for all to see.
What morons

It is spelled right

Either way, let’s see it. Turn it over to the third party for analysis. Is that unreasonable?
It was reasonable when Obama turned his birth certificate over

No matter what you do, you will never satisfy conspiracy theorists
Same goes for Creepy Roy's note
You know, normal 32 year old guys don't get kicked out of malls for hassling teenagers. Moore did.
Or write love notes to tenth graders

Or call their high schools to arrange a date.

Yeah, my jaw just about hit the ground when I found out that he'd called her high school and had her pulled out of trigonometry class just to ask her out.

The only time I was ever pulled out of class was when something was wrong family wise.
Have you been drinking? Isnt it a little early to be drunk on a Sunday? I am not sure what it is you were trying to say there, but come back when you are sober and try again.
I don't drink you fucking retard. My grandfather was a judge. My cousin's husband is a judge. Three of my cousin's are lawyers. Recusal has to be requested by the defence you fuckin tard.

Well, maybe you should start drinking then, it would give you a reason for being such a moron. Who the fuck said anything about recusals.

But I have to admit, I almost fell out of my chair laughing over the fact you think your cousin's husband being a judge is somehow relevant to the discussion.
Look you fuckin tard you had not added a damn thing of value to the thread. Just the ramblings of a fucking idiot.

This from the guy that started talking about recusals out of blue when there was no recusal. This from the guy that thinks his cousin's husband being a judge makes him an expert on what judges do?

I gave you fucking copies of the actual paperwork, the initial divorce petition being signed by someone other than Moore, despite the lies that you and his lawyer are telling people. Now crawl back under your cousin's husband ass and shut the hell up
Fuck you punk. You got an issue dick breath? Ask the OP if he has a problem with me saying what I think you ball washing mother fucker.
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