It's a fake folks LoL

Abraham Lincoln was Republican. A very hardcore one just like Trump!

Sent from my RS988 using Tapatalk
That's all of congress lady, why single out one man trying to do a good job for all of us at the bottom. We could have had something much worse like another evil demon Clinton...... Or do you support the evil in the world like Nobama and Clinton? They hurt us regular folks terribly and now we have a decent person in to help us and you want to support that BS your talking? Target them all or leave them all alone!

Sent from my RS988 using Tapatalk
republicans all seem to have amnesia
We remember facts rather than propaganda.
You have nothing to fear Bri but fear itself
There's plenty to fear when there are so many idiots like you who can vote.

If Trump is telling the truth, then he truly does have nothing to fear. Hillary has survived 17 investigations with no charges and no convictions. How hard can it be?

If Trump isn't lying is about all you've got. Calling a special Grand Jury is Mueller saying he's ready to present evidence of crimes.

You were really cocky and arrogant after Trump won. Now you're all defensive and snarky. But you truly have nothing to worry about, if Trump isn't lying.
Your partner in crime, Joe the commie says Trump should be very worried. So which is it, should he be totally unconcerned or very worried? "Defensive and snarky?" I just treat commie scum like you the way you deserve to be treated. You don't actually believe you're entitled to respect, do you?
republicans all seem to have amnesia
We remember facts rather than propaganda.
You have nothing to fear Bri but fear itself
There's plenty to fear when there are so many idiots like you who can vote.

If Trump is telling the truth, then he truly does have nothing to fear. Hillary has survived 17 investigations with no charges and no convictions. How hard can it be?

If Trump isn't lying is about all you've got. Calling a special Grand Jury is Mueller saying he's ready to present evidence of crimes.

You were really cocky and arrogant after Trump won. Now you're all defensive and snarky. But you truly have nothing to worry about, if Trump isn't lying.
Your partner in crime, Joe the commie says Trump should be very worried. So which is it, should he be totally unconcerned or very worried? "Defensive and snarky?" I just treat commie scum like you the way you deserve to be treated. You don't actually believe you're entitled to respect, do you?

No, I said "If Trump isn't lying" he has nothing to worry about. You said it's all fake news.

I realize everything you believe comes from Trump's tweets and Donnie says it's all fake news. Everything hangs on whether Donald J. Trump is an honest man who doesn't lie. If he is, then he has nothing to worry about.

The problem for you is that Trump lies as easily as he breathes. But you've chosen to believe Trump on the off-chance that he wouldn't lie to you, this time.

Good luck with that.
We remember facts rather than propaganda.
You have nothing to fear Bri but fear itself
There's plenty to fear when there are so many idiots like you who can vote.

If Trump is telling the truth, then he truly does have nothing to fear. Hillary has survived 17 investigations with no charges and no convictions. How hard can it be?

If Trump isn't lying is about all you've got. Calling a special Grand Jury is Mueller saying he's ready to present evidence of crimes.

You were really cocky and arrogant after Trump won. Now you're all defensive and snarky. But you truly have nothing to worry about, if Trump isn't lying.
Your partner in crime, Joe the commie says Trump should be very worried. So which is it, should he be totally unconcerned or very worried? "Defensive and snarky?" I just treat commie scum like you the way you deserve to be treated. You don't actually believe you're entitled to respect, do you?

No, I said "If Trump isn't lying" he has nothing to worry about. You said it's all fake news.

I realize everything you believe comes from Trump's tweets and Donnie says it's all fake news. Everything hangs on whether Donald J. Trump is an honest man who doesn't lie. If he is, then he has nothing to worry about.

The problem for you is that Trump lies as easily as he breathes. But you've chosen to believe Trump on the off-chance that he wouldn't lie to you, this time.

Good luck with that.
That's ironic considering how virtually everything you post is a lie.
You have nothing to fear Bri but fear itself
There's plenty to fear when there are so many idiots like you who can vote.

If Trump is telling the truth, then he truly does have nothing to fear. Hillary has survived 17 investigations with no charges and no convictions. How hard can it be?

If Trump isn't lying is about all you've got. Calling a special Grand Jury is Mueller saying he's ready to present evidence of crimes.

You were really cocky and arrogant after Trump won. Now you're all defensive and snarky. But you truly have nothing to worry about, if Trump isn't lying.
Your partner in crime, Joe the commie says Trump should be very worried. So which is it, should he be totally unconcerned or very worried? "Defensive and snarky?" I just treat commie scum like you the way you deserve to be treated. You don't actually believe you're entitled to respect, do you?

No, I said "If Trump isn't lying" he has nothing to worry about. You said it's all fake news.

I realize everything you believe comes from Trump's tweets and Donnie says it's all fake news. Everything hangs on whether Donald J. Trump is an honest man who doesn't lie. If he is, then he has nothing to worry about.

The problem for you is that Trump lies as easily as he breathes. But you've chosen to believe Trump on the off-chance that he wouldn't lie to you, this time.

Good luck with that.
That's ironic considering how virtually everything you post is a lie.

Trumpanzee to the core.
This last election was the proof that too many morons have the right to vote You wanted the shithead You got him
ROFL! No sane person can legitimately claim that crooked Hillary was preferable to Trump.
Meanwhile, in reality-based America

More Americans voted for Snow White Hillary. That is why she won her historic popular vote landslide in 2016.
She lost, numskull. Talk about "reality-based."
Yes, by the official count, Crazy Ivan trump managed to barely crawl over the electoral college selection line with help from the Russians.

Doesn't it chap your butthurt hide that you and trump can never say "by the American people"?

That inconvenient fact is a lot of what has driven trump even more insane.
You're peddling snowflake conspiracies, moron. Hillary lost because she sucked, and not everyone in American is as stupid as you.
Hillary lost YOU won Put on your big boy pants and do something that brings honor to America rather than the shit republicans pile on
Welcome to american politics, If there was an actual pressing matter you would hear crickets in the US media.
how many investigators are working the cases now ?? 16,,? or 17 experienced experts on digging up dirt? And all being done on the QT
my guess is that trump takes vacation now to try and get his families stories to all jibe He's in deep sheet and he knows it imho

he's taking 17 days @ his jersey golf course to do just that. i'm wondering if christie will be coming over for some meatloaf & help the fascist out with strategy.

Pretty sure Christie bridge is burned.
Welcome to american politics, If there was an actual pressing matter you would hear crickets in the US media.
how many investigators are working the cases now ?? 16,,? or 17 experienced experts on digging up dirt? And all being done on the QT
my guess is that trump takes vacation now to try and get his families stories to all jibe He's in deep sheet and he knows it imho

he's taking 17 days @ his jersey golf course to do just that. i'm wondering if christie will be coming over for some meatloaf & help the fascist out with strategy.

Pretty sure Christie bridge is burned.
The POS is looking for a job as we speak Some repub leaning law firm will pick up the fat lying bastard
A pet rock would be preferable to Trump.
I'm certain all communists feel the same way.

Why do you think that only communists don't like Trump? Honest people don't like him because he lies. He's hated in New York, because he's lived there all his life and they think he's an asshole. Even the people who voted for him don't like him.

I remember when Rob Ford was elected Mayor of Toronto. A friend said "We can take comfort knowing he'll be a one-term mayor". He didn't last half a term before council stripped his powers.

Narcissistic men with no self discipline and lacking a strong moral centre can't help themselves. They fuck up. When you've cut corners and lied to get ahead all your life, you're not changing.

Communists don't like Trump because he's not willing to sell this country into slavery. You got to be kidding if you believe honest people voted for Hillary. I voted for Trump and I like him just fine. The more lying weasels like you attack him, the more I like him. If you weren't screaming about him, it could only be because he wasn't doing the right thing, which is getting your kind out of Washington.

You wouldn't recognize a communist if Lenin himself slapped you in the face. There haven't been communists in the US since the 1950's.

Of course I would recognize a communist. Take you for instance. Show me one thing you've posted that Lenin wouldn't agree with. The communists of the 1950 all switched parties and registered as Democrats.

We know you like Trump. You're not bright enough to figure out he's a con man.

My kind isn't in Washington. Neither is yours. Trump spits on the people who voted for him and helps himself to every dollar he can get.

He's a lame duck now. Congress is stripping his power in an effort to minimize the damage he does before they impeach his ass.

Hope you enjoy his last months in office.

Your kind obviously is in Washington. It's infested with your kind.

How does Trump spit on the people who voted for him? Did he fail to sign the repeal of Obamacare? Did he overrule his own travel ban?

I'm not nor have I ever been anything but a fiscally conservative Liberal. I did work for the campaign of a Conservative Candidate once back in the 1990's. I knew him personally and knew he was the better candidate. I also voted NDP more than once but only because Jack Layton was my MPP, and my city councillor before that. Best most honest hardest working politician ever. Dedicated and hardworking. You'd have hated him.
That's all of congress lady, why single out one man trying to do a good job for all of us at the bottom. We could have had something much worse like another evil demon Clinton...... Or do you support the evil in the world like Nobama and Clinton? They hurt us regular folks terribly and now we have a decent person in to help us and you want to support that BS your talking? Target them all or leave them all alone!

Sent from my RS988 using Tapatalk
A good job ??The attention deficit disorder president begged Leader of Mexico to please don't talk about not paying for wall Also made an idiot out of himself again talking to leader of Argentina Forget about the AH way he handles NK We must be tougher??? bull shit ,,,We must be smarter and the ah in office now doesn't have it in him No wonder he has 3 generals in offices The moron thinks he's smarter than the generals
Abraham Lincoln was Republican. A very hardcore one just like Trump!

Sent from my RS988 using Tapatalk
Yeah but he should have kept the war going for another year Wipe out more southern traitors

There's that liberal compassion we're always hearing about. Tell us: when California votes to exit from the United States, should we launch the nuclear missiles at Los Angelos and the bay area?
I'm certain all communists feel the same way.

Why do you think that only communists don't like Trump? Honest people don't like him because he lies. He's hated in New York, because he's lived there all his life and they think he's an asshole. Even the people who voted for him don't like him.

I remember when Rob Ford was elected Mayor of Toronto. A friend said "We can take comfort knowing he'll be a one-term mayor". He didn't last half a term before council stripped his powers.

Narcissistic men with no self discipline and lacking a strong moral centre can't help themselves. They fuck up. When you've cut corners and lied to get ahead all your life, you're not changing.

Communists don't like Trump because he's not willing to sell this country into slavery. You got to be kidding if you believe honest people voted for Hillary. I voted for Trump and I like him just fine. The more lying weasels like you attack him, the more I like him. If you weren't screaming about him, it could only be because he wasn't doing the right thing, which is getting your kind out of Washington.

You wouldn't recognize a communist if Lenin himself slapped you in the face. There haven't been communists in the US since the 1950's.

Of course I would recognize a communist. Take you for instance. Show me one thing you've posted that Lenin wouldn't agree with. The communists of the 1950 all switched parties and registered as Democrats.

We know you like Trump. You're not bright enough to figure out he's a con man.

My kind isn't in Washington. Neither is yours. Trump spits on the people who voted for him and helps himself to every dollar he can get.

He's a lame duck now. Congress is stripping his power in an effort to minimize the damage he does before they impeach his ass.

Hope you enjoy his last months in office.

Your kind obviously is in Washington. It's infested with your kind.

How does Trump spit on the people who voted for him? Did he fail to sign the repeal of Obamacare? Did he overrule his own travel ban?

I'm not nor have I ever been anything but a fiscally conservative Liberal. I did work for the campaign of a Conservative Candidate once back in the 1990's. I knew him personally and knew he was the better candidate. I also voted NDP more than once but only because Jack Layton was my MPP, and my city councillor before that. Best most honest hardest working politician ever. Dedicated and hardworking. You'd have hated him.

The term "fiscally conservative liberal" is a euphemism meaning "tax and spend liberal." What you actually are is a commie. There isn't a single leftwing scheme proposed in this forum that you don't support.

The NDP is a leftwing party.

So tell us, what's "conservative" about you?
That's all of congress lady, why single out one man trying to do a good job for all of us at the bottom. We could have had something much worse like another evil demon Clinton...... Or do you support the evil in the world like Nobama and Clinton? They hurt us regular folks terribly and now we have a decent person in to help us and you want to support that BS your talking? Target them all or leave them all alone!

Sent from my RS988 using Tapatalk
A good job ??The attention deficit disorder president begged Leader of Mexico to please don't talk about not paying for wall Also made an idiot out of himself again talking to leader of Argentina Forget about the AH way he handles NK We must be tougher??? bull shit ,,,We must be smarter and the ah in office now doesn't have it in him No wonder he has 3 generals in offices The moron thinks he's smarter than the generals

Smart like Obama and Clinton? That's how we got in this fix in the first place. If the groveling of Obama and Kerry to the Iranian mullahs was published, the Democrat party would have been ridiculed out of existence.
ROFL! No sane person can legitimately claim that crooked Hillary was preferable to Trump.
Meanwhile, in reality-based America

More Americans voted for Snow White Hillary. That is why she won her historic popular vote landslide in 2016.
She lost, numskull. Talk about "reality-based."
Yes, by the official count, Crazy Ivan trump managed to barely crawl over the electoral college selection line with help from the Russians.

Doesn't it chap your butthurt hide that you and trump can never say "by the American people"?

That inconvenient fact is a lot of what has driven trump even more insane.
You're peddling snowflake conspiracies, moron. Hillary lost because she sucked, and not everyone in American is as stupid as you.
Hillary lost YOU won Put on your big boy pants and do something that brings honor to America rather than the shit republicans pile on
You're the one who is crying like a baby, but I'm supposed to put on my big boy pants?
Abraham Lincoln was Republican. A very hardcore one just like Trump!

Sent from my RS988 using Tapatalk
Yeah but he should have kept the war going for another year Wipe out more southern traitors

There's that liberal compassion we're always hearing about. Tell us: when California votes to exit from the United States, should we launch the nuclear missiles at Los Angelos and the bay area?
That's all of congress lady, why single out one man trying to do a good job for all of us at the bottom. We could have had something much worse like another evil demon Clinton...... Or do you support the evil in the world like Nobama and Clinton? They hurt us regular folks terribly and now we have a decent person in to help us and you want to support that BS your talking? Target them all or leave them all alone!

Sent from my RS988 using Tapatalk
A good job ??The attention deficit disorder president begged Leader of Mexico to please don't talk about not paying for wall Also made an idiot out of himself again talking to leader of Argentina Forget about the AH way he handles NK We must be tougher??? bull shit ,,,We must be smarter and the ah in office now doesn't have it in him No wonder he has 3 generals in offices The moron thinks he's smarter than the generals

Smart like Obama and Clinton? That's how we got in this fix in the first place. If the groveling of Obama and Kerry to the Iranian mullahs was published, the Democrat party would have been ridiculed out of existence.
Those 2 great American Presidents dug us out of the cesspool republicans put us in And they did it with repubs pulling against them Never forget repubs think of party first,, Dems the countries interests first
Meanwhile, in reality-based America

More Americans voted for Snow White Hillary. That is why she won her historic popular vote landslide in 2016.
She lost, numskull. Talk about "reality-based."
Yes, by the official count, Crazy Ivan trump managed to barely crawl over the electoral college selection line with help from the Russians.

Doesn't it chap your butthurt hide that you and trump can never say "by the American people"?

That inconvenient fact is a lot of what has driven trump even more insane.
You're peddling snowflake conspiracies, moron. Hillary lost because she sucked, and not everyone in American is as stupid as you.
Hillary lost YOU won Put on your big boy pants and do something that brings honor to America rather than the shit republicans pile on
You're the one who is crying like a baby, but I'm supposed to put on my big boy pants?
LOL the tears you imagine are tears of laughter Laughing at how republicans put a moron, a true AH in office AND he proves it every day
Abraham Lincoln was Republican. A very hardcore one just like Trump!

Sent from my RS988 using Tapatalk
Yeah but he should have kept the war going for another year Wipe out more southern traitors

There's that liberal compassion we're always hearing about. Tell us: when California votes to exit from the United States, should we launch the nuclear missiles at Los Angelos and the bay area?
That's all of congress lady, why single out one man trying to do a good job for all of us at the bottom. We could have had something much worse like another evil demon Clinton...... Or do you support the evil in the world like Nobama and Clinton? They hurt us regular folks terribly and now we have a decent person in to help us and you want to support that BS your talking? Target them all or leave them all alone!

Sent from my RS988 using Tapatalk
A good job ??The attention deficit disorder president begged Leader of Mexico to please don't talk about not paying for wall Also made an idiot out of himself again talking to leader of Argentina Forget about the AH way he handles NK We must be tougher??? bull shit ,,,We must be smarter and the ah in office now doesn't have it in him No wonder he has 3 generals in offices The moron thinks he's smarter than the generals

Smart like Obama and Clinton? That's how we got in this fix in the first place. If the groveling of Obama and Kerry to the Iranian mullahs was published, the Democrat party would have been ridiculed out of existence.
Those 2 great American Presidents dug us out of the cesspool republicans put us in And they did it with repubs pulling against them Never forget repubs think of party first,, Dems the countries interests first

What utter horseshit. They did nothing of the sort. They just happened to be in office at the right time. Dims are like Aztec priests who take credit for the sun coming up.
She lost, numskull. Talk about "reality-based."
Yes, by the official count, Crazy Ivan trump managed to barely crawl over the electoral college selection line with help from the Russians.

Doesn't it chap your butthurt hide that you and trump can never say "by the American people"?

That inconvenient fact is a lot of what has driven trump even more insane.
You're peddling snowflake conspiracies, moron. Hillary lost because she sucked, and not everyone in American is as stupid as you.
Hillary lost YOU won Put on your big boy pants and do something that brings honor to America rather than the shit republicans pile on
You're the one who is crying like a baby, but I'm supposed to put on my big boy pants?
LOL the tears you imagine are tears of laughter Laughing at how republicans put a moron, a true AH in office AND he proves it every day
Nana Nana Nana Boo Boo!

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