It's a fake folks LoL

The first respond team arrived with 30 minutes. They drove off the attackers and rescued all but two.
Timeline: Here’s how the Benghazi attacks played out

recheck your timeline

Two armored vehicle arrived at 10:10.........The time line in your link started at 10:30.

But the Post did publish this, the same as above.

Senate Intelligence Committee report on Benghazi attack
Watch the video........these guys state they were held up 25 minutes and were NEVER GIVEN THE OK TO GO...........they told the leader to get into the back seat and said............WERE GOING...........the Team Leader had instructions to Stand Down...........they were ready to go a 5 minutes...........

and THEY WERE THE ONES WHO FOUGHT THEIR WAY INTO THE COMPOUND.......but it was too late.............they then held the compound for hours.....just a few of them.

The compound was stormed by assailants armed with ak47's and other weapons........

WH stated it was ignited by a PROTEST that GOT OUT OF CONTROL..........VIA A VIDEO

LET ME TAKE THE OPPORTUNITY to call the following LYING POS'S..........



thank you.

It's all in the Senate report. Without the Fox spin of course.

In reality the WH talking point was that extremist with heavy weapons came to the Consulate Building and joined an ongoing protest or used the protest as cover for their attack. Didn't Fox News even report that there was a protest at the site?

Were they right about the extremist?

Senate Report? Written by Clinton Supporters? Yah, that's legit.. LMFAO.

Well it's not from your buddies the Russians, so I'm not surprise you reject it without reading it. It's just what a tree would do.

The truth is fake
Reality is fake
Economics is fake
Education is fake

Everything to a conservative is fake because that is what they're and they can't admit that they're wrong.
You left out Climate erosion is fake too

What the fuck is "climate erosion?"

Also, so-called "global warming" or "man made climate change," as you snowflakes like to mislabel it, is fake.
The best thing I can tell you bri is go shovel coal Even China is ahead of us in cleaning up their country
Welcome to american politics, If there was an actual pressing matter you would hear crickets in the US media.

You don't consider treason, fraud, obstruction of justice, or undermining the US Constitution "pressing matters"? How very Trumpian of you. Where are the cries of "Lock him up! Lock him up!", like we heard over Hillary's emails?

I guess you only give a shit if a Democrat does something you don't like. If there's an R next to the name, they get a free pass.
Actually I consider all of the above horrid. What I don't get is that, as a non Trump supporter, what the hell are you talking about? Treason? By all mans explain? Obstruction of justice, please explain. Undermindinding the US constitution please explain. Quite frankly this is typical leftwing screaming. No substance just noise.

Seriously, start with treason. back that up or go join the idiots screaming about fascism.

I could probably answer for you "Fascism, patriarchy, racism, lots of other left wing nonsense". The noise is deafening.

the investigations aren't over. when all the Is are dotted & the Ts crossed,& the intel becomes hard evidence then impeachment will begin because there will be no denial of wrong doing. the senate will then proceed & go to trial. as for explaining... do your own fucking research, because trying to 'explain' .... again futile with the poorly educated. did you enjoy mango mussilini's rally in WV? i bet you did.
The pundits say no, he won't be impeached while Republicans hold the Congress. It takes a majority vote. They say no, Trump won't be impeached while Republicans hold the Congress.

The rumour out of Washington. At the time of the inauguration was that Republicans would back Trump as long as they reasonably could, while extending the rope to hang himself. Trump being his own worst enemy, was not expected to implode quite this quickly or spectacularly but working with they've been given, Republicans are all growing a pair and doing what is best for the country.

Now if they can drop the toxic rhetoric and actually work in a bi-partisan way to the benefit of the whole electorate and not just the 25% of the electorate who voted for Trump or the 5% top income earners in America, you might have something.
Where did you hear that rumor, at a communist party meeting?

The truth is fake
Reality is fake
Economics is fake
Education is fake

Everything to a conservative is fake because that is what they're and they can't admit that they're wrong.
You left out Climate erosion is fake too

What the fuck is "climate erosion?"

Also, so-called "global warming" or "man made climate change," as you snowflakes like to mislabel it, is fake.
The best thing I can tell you bri is go shovel coal Even China is ahead of us in cleaning up their country

Right. That must be why they said they wouldn't start reducing their CO2 emissions for another 30 years, whereas we have already reduced ours by 20%.
How so? You mean fewer illegals hanging out at Home Depot makes it a dump? The stock market surging to new highs makes it a dump? What exactly are you whining about?

Can you imagine how all the Rightie Tighties would be screaming if Obama had dumped all over America's House?
He took a Giant Dump on the American people..........attacked them with abuse of power.......did rectal exams on conservative groups with the IRS, FBI, ATF, OSHA and others............simply because they were conservative.

He spied on leaders of other nations.........tried to influence elections in other countries.....started a war in Libya without Congressional Consent.......same damned thing the leftist Brigade said Bush did even though they approved military action...........

Gave weapons to ISIS.........allowed ISIS to take over most of Iraq that our men bled taking before..........

Said it was great in Yemen.............we got THROWN OUT........

Tried to get Egypt to allow the Muslim Brotherhood to be elected there...........was told to pound sand.....

The Red Line...........made out of Crayon......

Handing our enemy..........Iran ........a lot of money in an agreement not worth the paper it was written on.

Tied our military's hands with restrictive ROE's on the battle field.

Fast and Furious................guns to DRUG LORD'S who have killed more people in Mexico than all the loses in the ME over time.

Doubled down on debt..........

Low economic growth

Made a MONUMENTAL LAND GRAB.....................more than all the presidents combined in the past............damn near declared the ENTIRE OCEAN A MONUMENTAL..............

And in closing.........................fitting here.


How many investigations into all of the above? How many indictments? How many convictions? How many of those investigations lead by Republicans?

Stop deflecting back to what even cleared of wrong doing over and over ad nauseum, and look at what you're deflecting away from.

Why is Trump so desperately deflecting away from anything having to go with the Magnitsky Law, and the role of his son, and the AG have in the case involving a Russian lawyer. Why did Junior lie about the purpose of the meeting and who was in attendance?

Why did Sessions settle this case?
Put the evidence in front into a real trial and see what happens............


You can play that fairy tale game all you want..........but anybody with a lick of COMMON SENSE...........knows what would happen to an average joe if he did that........

So continue to political spin................

PUT THAT IN FRONT OF A JURY PLEASE with the EVIDENCE...............and clear it once and for all how it isn't a crime.

This has been investigated. There was no evidence. The FBI said she did nothing illegal, and she did not lie to them.

You can't go to court on FOX News rumours. You need witnesses and evidence. There is none.
No, only Comey said that, and many DAs said he was lying.
Fake Special Prosecutor convenes Fake Grand Jury to...

Not unusual. If the goal is charges, would one not need a grand Jury's to present evidence to? You will get your charges against someone for something that's a surety. What you won't get is an impeached Trump. You will also not see an unelected Trump in 2020.
You might be right If so I weep for America ruled and elected by morons and nitwits

Thank god we put an end to that by electing Trump.
Yeah we had our 8 years of plenty now you'll get 8 years of famine Its already started The world is laughing at trump and those who support him
"8 years of plentiful" what? Government regulations? Not being able to pay for your insurance? Anemic economic growth? Spying on Americans? Using the IRS to persecute Americans?
The crimes were fake but the President is real. The sooner the angry incoherent left get's the other side of their brain back on track the better off their mental health will be.

The truth is fake
Reality is fake
Economics is fake
Education is fake

Everything to a conservative is fake because that is what they're and they can't admit that they're wrong.
You left out Climate erosion is fake too

What the fuck is "climate erosion?"

Also, so-called "global warming" or "man made climate change," as you snowflakes like to mislabel it, is fake.
The best thing I can tell you bri is go shovel coal Even China is ahead of us in cleaning up their country
China keeps building coal plants despite new overcapacity policy - Energydesk


Fake Special Prosecutor convenes Fake Grand Jury to...

Not unusual. If the goal is charges, would one not need a grand Jury's to present evidence to? You will get your charges against someone for something that's a surety. What you won't get is an impeached Trump. You will also not see an unelected Trump in 2020.
You might be right If so I weep for America ruled and elected by morons and nitwits

Thank god we put an end to that by electing Trump.
Yeah we had our 8 years of plenty now you'll get 8 years of famine Its already started The world is laughing at trump and those who support him
"8 years of plentiful" what? Government regulations? Not being able to pay for your insurance? Anemic economic growth? Spying on Americans? Using the IRS to persecute Americans?
Bri spying anemic growth persecuting is all repub BS You never blamed gwb for obamas economy did you?? and look at all the good Obama did Trump can never equal Obama as a president or as a man

Listen to the LYING CLINTON....................It's a VIDEO..................SPONTANEOUS......................

LIES.......................while the families of the DEAD are watching the coffins of their family members being loaded.

It was NEVER A PROTEST GONE AWRY............It was a PLANNED ATTACK..............and even as the dead are buried...........the LYING LEFTEST MACHINE lies to the families of those killed.

POUND SAND LIBERALS..............ON YOUR LIES.................and your danged MSM FAKE NEWS NETWORKS.

Conflating the Muslin protest and riots at our embassies over that awful cartoon, um er....oops, book uh no.... ,oh yeah movie trailer, with the attack on the Consulate building again I C.
Not unusual. If the goal is charges, would one not need a grand Jury's to present evidence to? You will get your charges against someone for something that's a surety. What you won't get is an impeached Trump. You will also not see an unelected Trump in 2020.
You might be right If so I weep for America ruled and elected by morons and nitwits

Thank god we put an end to that by electing Trump.
Yeah we had our 8 years of plenty now you'll get 8 years of famine Its already started The world is laughing at trump and those who support him
"8 years of plentiful" what? Government regulations? Not being able to pay for your insurance? Anemic economic growth? Spying on Americans? Using the IRS to persecute Americans?
Bri spying anemic growth persecuting is all repub BS You never blamed gwb for obamas economy did you?? and look at all the good Obama did Trump can never equal Obama as a president or as a man
Why would I blame George Bush? Obama promised to fix it, and he obviously only made it worth. Obama has the lowest GDP growth of any president.

What "good" did Obama do? Nothing that I can see. Trump has already beaten Obama by a mile in my book. The reduction in illegal aliens entering the country is enough to make that true.
Not unusual. If the goal is charges, would one not need a grand Jury's to present evidence to? You will get your charges against someone for something that's a surety. What you won't get is an impeached Trump. You will also not see an unelected Trump in 2020.
You might be right If so I weep for America ruled and elected by morons and nitwits

Thank god we put an end to that by electing Trump.
Yeah we had our 8 years of plenty now you'll get 8 years of famine Its already started The world is laughing at trump and those who support him
"8 years of plentiful" what? Government regulations? Not being able to pay for your insurance? Anemic economic growth? Spying on Americans? Using the IRS to persecute Americans?
Bri spying anemic growth persecuting is all repub BS You never blamed gwb for obamas economy did you?? and look at all the good Obama did Trump can never equal Obama as a president or as a man
Europe falls out of love with Obama over NSA spying claims - CNN

Merkel's spokesman, Steffen Seibert, lamented a "grave breach of trust." One of Chancellor Merkel's closest allies, Defense Minister Thomas de Maiziere told broadcaster ARD there would be consequences.
"We can't simply turn the page," he warned.
Der Spiegel reported Thursday that Thomas Oppermann, who leads the parliamentary committee that scrutinizes Germany's intelligence services, complained that "the NSA's monitoring activities have gotten completely out of hand, and take place beyond all democratic controls."

Poor Obama got his ass caught spying on the world.....................Poor thing.......I'm all out of love............sniff sniff.........

Listen to the LYING CLINTON....................It's a VIDEO..................SPONTANEOUS......................

LIES.......................while the families of the DEAD are watching the coffins of their family members being loaded.

It was NEVER A PROTEST GONE AWRY............It was a PLANNED ATTACK..............and even as the dead are buried...........the LYING LEFTEST MACHINE lies to the families of those killed.

POUND SAND LIBERALS..............ON YOUR LIES.................and your danged MSM FAKE NEWS NETWORKS.

Conflating the Muslin protest and riots at our embassies over that awful cartoon, um er....oops, book uh no.... ,oh yeah movie trailer, with the attack on the Consulate building again I C.

It's been found many times over that this was a planned terrorist attack...............on the anniversary of 911............

But here is another trying to sell the same LIE they tried to sell before...........................It didn't work then......what the hell makes you think it will work now.

You guys are a JOKE.
Liars don't like facts................

Liars have to dance around the facts and tell new lies to cover their old ones.........

And when beaten down they try to change the subject............

It is to be expected of the left.....................

No surprise there.

Now for another 100 THREADS..............IF threads.............Maybe threads..........Probably threads...........

FISH IN THE BARREL................:Boom2:
You might be right If so I weep for America ruled and elected by morons and nitwits

Thank god we put an end to that by electing Trump.
Yeah we had our 8 years of plenty now you'll get 8 years of famine Its already started The world is laughing at trump and those who support him
"8 years of plentiful" what? Government regulations? Not being able to pay for your insurance? Anemic economic growth? Spying on Americans? Using the IRS to persecute Americans?
Bri spying anemic growth persecuting is all repub BS You never blamed gwb for obamas economy did you?? and look at all the good Obama did Trump can never equal Obama as a president or as a man
Europe falls out of love with Obama over NSA spying claims - CNN

Merkel's spokesman, Steffen Seibert, lamented a "grave breach of trust." One of Chancellor Merkel's closest allies, Defense Minister Thomas de Maiziere told broadcaster ARD there would be consequences.
"We can't simply turn the page," he warned.
Der Spiegel reported Thursday that Thomas Oppermann, who leads the parliamentary committee that scrutinizes Germany's intelligence services, complained that "the NSA's monitoring activities have gotten completely out of hand, and take place beyond all democratic controls."

Poor Obama got his ass caught spying on the world.....................Poor thing.......I'm all out of love............sniff sniff.........

Guess as an anti dem you don't think all countries spy?
Thank god we put an end to that by electing Trump.
Yeah we had our 8 years of plenty now you'll get 8 years of famine Its already started The world is laughing at trump and those who support him
"8 years of plentiful" what? Government regulations? Not being able to pay for your insurance? Anemic economic growth? Spying on Americans? Using the IRS to persecute Americans?
Bri spying anemic growth persecuting is all repub BS You never blamed gwb for obamas economy did you?? and look at all the good Obama did Trump can never equal Obama as a president or as a man
Europe falls out of love with Obama over NSA spying claims - CNN

Merkel's spokesman, Steffen Seibert, lamented a "grave breach of trust." One of Chancellor Merkel's closest allies, Defense Minister Thomas de Maiziere told broadcaster ARD there would be consequences.
"We can't simply turn the page," he warned.
Der Spiegel reported Thursday that Thomas Oppermann, who leads the parliamentary committee that scrutinizes Germany's intelligence services, complained that "the NSA's monitoring activities have gotten completely out of hand, and take place beyond all democratic controls."

Poor Obama got his ass caught spying on the world.....................Poor thing.......I'm all out of love............sniff sniff.........

Guess as an anti dem you don't think all countries spy?


Our nation has been spying since conception...............

So have all the others.............sometimes they get caught.......sometimes they don't............

We are guilty of doing the same thing they are guilty of..................


Yeah we had our 8 years of plenty now you'll get 8 years of famine Its already started The world is laughing at trump and those who support him
"8 years of plentiful" what? Government regulations? Not being able to pay for your insurance? Anemic economic growth? Spying on Americans? Using the IRS to persecute Americans?
Bri spying anemic growth persecuting is all repub BS You never blamed gwb for obamas economy did you?? and look at all the good Obama did Trump can never equal Obama as a president or as a man
Europe falls out of love with Obama over NSA spying claims - CNN

Merkel's spokesman, Steffen Seibert, lamented a "grave breach of trust." One of Chancellor Merkel's closest allies, Defense Minister Thomas de Maiziere told broadcaster ARD there would be consequences.
"We can't simply turn the page," he warned.
Der Spiegel reported Thursday that Thomas Oppermann, who leads the parliamentary committee that scrutinizes Germany's intelligence services, complained that "the NSA's monitoring activities have gotten completely out of hand, and take place beyond all democratic controls."

Poor Obama got his ass caught spying on the world.....................Poor thing.......I'm all out of love............sniff sniff.........

Guess as an anti dem you don't think all countries spy?


Our nation has been spying since conception...............

So have all the others.............sometimes they get caught.......sometimes they don't............

We are guilty of doing the same thing they are guilty of..................



Hacking into our election can not be permitted
"8 years of plentiful" what? Government regulations? Not being able to pay for your insurance? Anemic economic growth? Spying on Americans? Using the IRS to persecute Americans?
Bri spying anemic growth persecuting is all repub BS You never blamed gwb for obamas economy did you?? and look at all the good Obama did Trump can never equal Obama as a president or as a man
Europe falls out of love with Obama over NSA spying claims - CNN

Merkel's spokesman, Steffen Seibert, lamented a "grave breach of trust." One of Chancellor Merkel's closest allies, Defense Minister Thomas de Maiziere told broadcaster ARD there would be consequences.
"We can't simply turn the page," he warned.
Der Spiegel reported Thursday that Thomas Oppermann, who leads the parliamentary committee that scrutinizes Germany's intelligence services, complained that "the NSA's monitoring activities have gotten completely out of hand, and take place beyond all democratic controls."

Poor Obama got his ass caught spying on the world.....................Poor thing.......I'm all out of love............sniff sniff.........

Guess as an anti dem you don't think all countries spy?


Our nation has been spying since conception...............

So have all the others.............sometimes they get caught.......sometimes they don't............

We are guilty of doing the same thing they are guilty of..................



Hacking into our election can not be permitted

Yeah that's what it's about.


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