It’s A Great Day For America. McCarthy Gets Squashed Again And Fox News Implodes


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
As the House of Representatives reconvened today, excited and hopeful that a new round of balloting would get Rep. Kevin McCarthy his gavel. But it was not to be. Another round of voting closed without meeting the threshold required to elect a speaker. The only winners thus far are Democrats, who look like a formidable force together, and C-SPAN ratings.

So, with the dreams and wishes of the Republicans dashed, the fury and finger-pointing drifted over to the top-rated cable news channel, Fox News. The recriminations were palpable as Tucker Carlson suggested that maybe McCarthy didn’t really want to be the House speaker, and Newt Gingrich told the Fox & Friendsghouls that every Republican lawmaker who didn’t support McCarthy was and is a “blackmailing idiot.”

Sean Hannity opened his show Tuesdaywith a stinging indictment of House Republicans, saying they are “on the verge of becoming a total clown show if they’re not careful.”

The Republicans ladies and gentlemen. Give it hem a big hand will you please.
Absolutely amazing watching Tucker and Hannity and Newt being so pissy about this...

....when THEY and those like them are LARGELY responsible for CREATING IT.

Only on Fox.
I support what the resistance Reps are doing to the RINOS or Prog enablers. Of course, many of the Reps voting for Mccarthy are not RINOS.
Why should anyone just blindly vote for someone? America can't be in the business of anointing leaders, America has already lost major ground to China in the M.E, Africa, Europe and Asian Pacific, the answer isn't to just rubber stamp another politician. I fail to see why this process is a bad outcome, it should be a guide, these types of political demands and debate happen all over the world.

At the very least, if he is to win the Speaker seat he should be accountable to his constituents and agree to address issues important to Americans. If not, what is the point?
As the House of Representatives reconvened today, excited and hopeful that a new round of balloting would get Rep. Kevin McCarthy his gavel. But it was not to be. Another round of voting closed without meeting the threshold required to elect a speaker. The only winners thus far are Democrats, who look like a formidable force together, and C-SPAN ratings.

So, with the dreams and wishes of the Republicans dashed, the fury and finger-pointing drifted over to the top-rated cable news channel, Fox News. The recriminations were palpable as Tucker Carlson suggested that maybe McCarthy didn’t really want to be the House speaker, and Newt Gingrich told the Fox & Friendsghouls that every Republican lawmaker who didn’t support McCarthy was and is a “blackmailing idiot.”

Sean Hannity opened his show Tuesdaywith a stinging indictment of House Republicans, saying they are “on the verge of becoming a total clown show if they’re not careful.”

The Republicans ladies and gentlemen. Give it hem a big hand will you please.
Is Pelosi still Speaker?


Then things are good.
Anything that causes gridlock in the government anymore is a bonus for the people.
that being said, I find it highly amusing that one party is willing to debate and try and find solutions while another just rubber stamps.
Best part is...
As long as the gridlock continues, Congress Critters cannot pass legislation to fuck over Americans.
Gridlock is good.
As the House of Representatives reconvened today, excited and hopeful that a new round of balloting would get Rep. Kevin McCarthy his gavel. But it was not to be. Another round of voting closed without meeting the threshold required to elect a speaker. The only winners thus far are Democrats, who look like a formidable force together, and C-SPAN ratings.

So, with the dreams and wishes of the Republicans dashed, the fury and finger-pointing drifted over to the top-rated cable news channel, Fox News. The recriminations were palpable as Tucker Carlson suggested that maybe McCarthy didn’t really want to be the House speaker, and Newt Gingrich told the Fox & Friendsghouls that every Republican lawmaker who didn’t support McCarthy was and is a “blackmailing idiot.”

Sean Hannity opened his show Tuesdaywith a stinging indictment of House Republicans, saying they are “on the verge of becoming a total clown show if they’re not careful.”

The Republicans ladies and gentlemen. Give it hem a big hand will you please.
Fox lost it. They're now just total tools of their neocon owners, establishment robber barons that they are.
The arguments by the likes of Hannity are so ridiculously lame. They talk about principled politicians and then turn beet red when someone goes against the establishment based on principles.

This asshole McCarthy helped make sure Trumpian candidates did not get the money they needed for their campaigns, but only so many to lose the majority. He's a duplicitous swamp creature.

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