It's a Miracle! San Francisco voters recall three "woke" school board members.

In this one case, I support the carried interest loophole for hedge fund managers.

"The PAC’s biggest donor [to the S.F. school board recall] is local hedge fund manager William Oberndorf, who gave $600,000 to Neighbors for a Better San Francisco."

The board prioritized the renaming of 44 schools for reasons of racial equity and abolished merit-based testing at an elite public school, replacing it with a lottery.

“This is what happens when you try to rename the schools in the middle of a pandemic!” exclaimed David Thompson a.k.a “Gaybraham” Lincoln, an SFUSD parent dressed in head-to-toe rainbow drag and towering platform shoes.."

NOTE: San Fran's recall of 3 school board members was about "racial equity" nonsense (not CRT).

Board planned to rename George Washington and Thomas Jefferson schools - because they “engaged in the subjugation and enslavement of human beings.”

"Another school was named after Abraham Lincoln, who was being examined for his role in the 1862 execution of 38 Dakota men."

Yep, as an alumnus of one of these high schools I'm very pleased to learn these kooks are gone. I was one who sent hundreds of letters to the editor of the Chronicle to recall the entire school board.

However, Progressives are not haters, those few kooks are outliers who rejected the history and the ethos, when most of them lived in very much different times. Keep in mind that we have not come to a time when the Preamble and words in the Declaration of Independence - Mission and Vision Statements - have been by the few accept equal rights, equal opportunities and equal justice for all. These core values are rejected overtly and covertly on Social Medial everyday, and in State Legislatures and in The Congress.
Well, if that’s truly the case RC it would seem that those good progressives you’ve referenced need to start vocalizing their “less extreme views” more, they certainly have remained a quiet bunch. Are you thinking national media only gives airtime to far leftists? There could be truth to that, chaos sells clicks. It’s time to do something about it though if you don’t agree with your wacko fringe, so what are you and the other more sensible progressives waiting for? Seems to me that if moderate progressives do exist, they are running out of time to have any say in their party; that’s my opinion but I do read a lot. You are currently being swept under the rug by your loudmouth section.
I’m going to propose they rename one of the schools “Bull Connor High”
So, being unfamiliar with many of the names listed, including CLAIRE LILIENTHAL, I did a quick search about her while she served on the school board (voted in as president twice) to see what type of “alleged atrocities” she must have committed. None is the short answer, but here are more details:

“While on the board, Claire Lilienthal drafted a schools plan that fostered parent participation, improved instructional programs, and racial integration. After Claire Lilienthal retired from the board, the Madison school was named in honor of her.” Yes, I can see that she must’ve been a real scoundrel! How do these idiots even get in positions of authority in the first place, renaming these schools for no good reason whatsoever.

Well, if that’s truly the case RC it would seem that those good progressives you’ve referenced need to start vocalizing their “less extreme views” more, they certainly have remained a quiet bunch. Are you thinking national media only gives airtime to far leftists? There could be truth to that, chaos sells clicks. It’s time to do something about it though if you don’t agree with your wacko fringe, so what are you and the other more sensible progressives waiting for? Seems to me that if moderate progressives do exist, they are running out of time to have any say in their party; that’s my opinion but I do read a lot. You are currently being swept under the rug by your loudmouth section.
In short, your comments are plated on the entire 21st Century, third decade, of the Republican Party; “less extreme views” aren't the making of trumpsters and the entire AM Radio talking heads.
In short, your comments are plated on the entire 21st Century, third decade, of the Republican Party; “less extreme views” aren't the making of trumpsters and the entire AM Radio talking heads.
Anytime anything in life, inside and outside of the political circus, moves too quickly or too much to the extreme, there will be public rebuttal. I anticipate much ado about the extremism of the leftists. Voters are going to have a choice that will be more cut and dry compared to previous modern elections. Yes, many of us are aware of the duopoly that runs behind the left versus right public curtain, but the extreme leftist agenda is going to blow that all up and it won’t be pretty for the moderate Democrats. They still have a choice to take back their party, but their time is running out.

It began in Virginia and now even San Francisco is smartening up. Leftists made a mistake attacking children with their at best controversial CRT mantra, remote learning and mask mandates. Recall idiot leftists and let's get normal people into these seats.

All three members facing votes — Alison Collins, Gabriela López and Faauuga Moliga — were unseated by margins exceeding 70 percent, with three-quarters of the electorate opting to remove López, who served as the board’s president.

Parents demanding a return to in-person school have launched an unprecedented number of recall campaigns over the last year; in addition to complaints about school access and quality, many have been animated by the prospect of critical race theory practiced in classrooms, particularly in the last months of 2021.

“I hope national Democrats — and [Gov.] Gavin Newsom — see that parents in the bluest city in America are frustrated, and need our leaders to prioritize our children.”
The democrat party will always have supporters. The people they lose are the ones who wise up. There's always more young dumb kids coming along to fill the void.

It began in Virginia and now even San Francisco is smartening up. Leftists made a mistake attacking children with their at best controversial CRT mantra, remote learning and mask mandates. Recall idiot leftists and let's get normal people into these seats.

All three members facing votes — Alison Collins, Gabriela López and Faauuga Moliga — were unseated by margins exceeding 70 percent, with three-quarters of the electorate opting to remove López, who served as the board’s president.

Parents demanding a return to in-person school have launched an unprecedented number of recall campaigns over the last year; in addition to complaints about school access and quality, many have been animated by the prospect of critical race theory practiced in classrooms, particularly in the last months of 2021.

“I hope national Democrats — and [Gov.] Gavin Newsom — see that parents in the bluest city in America are frustrated, and need our leaders to prioritize our children.”
Yeah, right. I suppose they are fleeing to trump?

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