‘It’s A Nightmare Number For The White House’: Politico Reporter Breaks Down Biden’s Falling Approval Ratings

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Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

‘It’s A Nightmare Number For The White House’: Politico Reporter Breaks Down Biden’s Falling Approval Ratings​


Politico reporter Betsy Swan said Sunday President Joe Biden’s plummeting job approval ratings are the result of the “totality of everything that happened since April,” and the debacle in Afghanistan is only a part of the bigger picture.
NBC Host Chuck Todd presented a poll evaluating Biden’s approval rating among independent voters during a Sunday episode of “Meet the Press.”
“You can see his approval rating sitting at 36% now. In April, it was over 50,” Todd said of the poll’s results. “They [independents] react to what’s happening.”
“It’s a nightmare number for the White House,” Swan weighed in on the data. “I talked with a Republican strategist about this whole situation yesterday. And what that person said is that Afghanistan — that horror in a vacuum — probably would not have significantly damaged Biden’s poll numbers the way we’ve seen them change over the last few months.”
The Politico reporter added that Biden’s poll numbers also reflect voters’ dissatisfaction with his administration’s handling of COVID-19, immigration and inflation.
“It gives Republicans an opening to argue that things are spiraling out of control for the White House,” Swan claimed. “Whether or not that’s accurate, this number tells you what you need to know at least in terms of the way that this administration … are communicating to the American people and to these persuadable independents how exactly they’re governing.”

I've tried to find the last time Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats made a policy or legislative decision based on the best interests of the American people rather than the best interests of the Democrat Party or special interest group that supports the Democratic Party. I couldn't remember one. Every decision Democrats make is politically motivated and their approach to every issue is biased in their own favor regardless of what would be best for the country. Democrats impeached Donald Trump because of a telephone call, but won't do the same to Joey Xi. While they waste their time and our money on an investigation of a three-hour riot on January 6th, they ignore BLM and Antifa riots that have been ongoing for more than a year and have resulted in loss of life, many injuries and billions in property damage. Hopefully, voters have learned a lesson about voting for personality rather than policy, but I don't hold out much hope for that. If voters were that enlightened they would never have chosen Bai Dung to be the party's presidential candidate in 2020.
Meanwhile, America is still waiting for Joey Xi Bai Dung to implement his plan on ending Covid-19. All throughout his campaign he said all you have to do is "squash the virus" and that he had a plan to end it. All I've seen him do so far is the same thing as Trump, but at least he has a vaccine to work with thanks to Trump. Still waiting on the rest though for him to live up to his promise? Don't hold your breathe.
Closed for violating Clean Start (again…). Look, just repost it with a clean OP, no Joey Xi Bai Dung. We did the same with orange blob/Cheeto in chief threads. It’s not rocket science, JUST the title and the OP, that’s all. Then you can throw in all the insulting nicknames you want in the follow up postings.
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