It's amazing how fast Mexico caved on immigration when Trump threatened tariffs...

We are all so grateful that Trump has cowed the Mexicans into doing something about the illegal immigrants crossing our border, because now we know that we don't need to build a wall.
So that's how you will rationalize the no wall happening bs..trump supporters have gone beyond ignorant
...what's even more amazing is that even Republicans in Senate were back stabbing Trump the entire time he was getting this done.

Fuck 'em.
They are back stabbing bastards. I have no idea WHO they represent, because it sure as HELL isn't us!

Mairead McArdle reported,

"Smugglers pulled in anywhere from $200 million to $2.3 billion in 2017 in payments from migrants they helped enter the country illegally, according to a new study commissioned by the Department of Homeland Security.​

"Migrants pay from just under $4,000 to over $11,000 each in smuggling fees, depending on the amount of help they request and whether it includes transit all the way from their home country and actual passage across the U.S. border, according to the study, Human Smuggling and Associated Revenues, produced by the Rand Corporation for DHS. “The wide range reflects uncertainty about the number of migrants that travel northward, their use of smugglers and the fees they pay,” the report said.​

"Meanwhile, drug lords charge traffickers another $30 million to $180 million annually to use their routes."​

Democrats and Never Trumpers support this exploitation of illegal aliens.

Their intellectual forerunners supported slaveships as well.

aLL tRUMP'S MONEY COMES FROM TAKING Advantage of people, of course he supports teh smugglers and arrests the women and children.

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