It's amazing watching the hypocrisy on Fox Etc ignoring the sex scandals of trump and fox executives

I told you so yesterday this Weinstein party was just getting started. Another young woman came out today Cara Delevingne saying Weinstein tried to forcer her into a 3 way. Now they are saying "scores" of women over decades.
Their hypocrisy is utterly they actively defended their rapists...even now.

Now you MAY see some not-so-much doing that, because they feel they have a liberal to swing that rapist stick at. But these rightwing rapists and serial women harassers have been staunchly defended to a man (and woman) by the FOXNEWS crew.
No they haven't, dumbass.
Fox News hypocritical? No way!!!


Have you grabbed that pussy yet, Bill?
And the funny thing is, the woman who accused Bill O'Reilly has now been arrested for making false statements about sexual harassment and is facing some prison time herself!

Good job libs.
One of many...
While going crazy over Weinstein... Let's face it American men have a problem including domestic violence... And well violence in general.
and the multiple women who came forward?

Which sex scandals?

You mean the locker room talk scenario don't you? The one where the hard left wouldn't shut up about it for months and months, even though nothing happened?

We will be talking about this for years to come. Yes, you should panic as you already did by starting this thread.
And the multiple women who came forward...
While going crazy over Weinstein... Let's face it American men have a problem including domestic violence... And well violence in general.
and the multiple women who came forward?

Which sex scandals?

You mean the locker room talk scenario don't you? The one where the hard left wouldn't shut up about it for months and months, even though nothing happened?

We will be talking about this for years to come. Yes, you should panic as you already did by starting this thread.
And the multiple women who came forward...

And very quickly withdrew all allegations when it came to doing anything illegally. As I recall, Trump did not have to settle with anyone.

Eh, yet a other rape apologist.
While going crazy over Weinstein... Let's face it American men have a problem including domestic violence... And well violence in general.
not anymore... Unlike you and the president and Bill O'Reilly and Eric Bolling and Rodger Ailes etc etc etc

Its not our fault the Clinton's and Obama's are BFF's with a rapist pig.
Not anymore... Unlike you and the president and Eric Bolling And Rodger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly...
Well to be fair, Weinstein has now been accused of rape by three women. So, it isn't a case of 'sexual harassment' anymore.' That degenerate could end up doing some serious time in the Big House. Stay tuned...

Following liberal democrat hero Roman Polanski, Harvey Weinstein has already left for parts in Europe.

Wouldn't surprise me. Just like being a close friend of the Clintons doesn't. He's likely another Democrat serial rapist. Will he get away with it? Maybe? Depends on who he's connected with.

If he can get his trial moved to California....all the victims will be jailed and he'll walk. Probably get a few million form the state for compensation.
What trial?
I told you so yesterday this Weinstein party was just getting started. Another young woman came out today Cara Delevingne saying Weinstein tried to forcer her into a 3 way. Now they are saying "scores" of women over decades.
In Casting Couch Hollywood zzzzzzz..... Fox is Supposed to be a news Outlet... The bozos they have as bought off DJs and the blonde bimbos are in keeping with their b******* propaganda and spin...
While going crazy over Weinstein... Let's face it American men have a problem including domestic violence... And well violence in general.

And Her Thighness Clinton can't even win when she gets major $$$$ from her rapist friends

While going crazy over Weinstein... Let's face it American men have a problem including domestic violence... And well violence in general.
and the multiple women who came forward?

Which sex scandals?

You mean the locker room talk scenario don't you? The one where the hard left wouldn't shut up about it for months and months, even though nothing happened?

We will be talking about this for years to come. Yes, you should panic as you already did by starting this thread.
And the multiple women who came forward...

And very quickly withdrew all allegations when it came to doing anything illegally. As I recall, Trump did not have to settle with anyone.

Eh, yet a other rape apologist.
Nobody is saying rape yet, except of course on b******* bought off fox propaganda Network.
NBC refused to report the story months ago. So, reporter took it to the New Yorker and there you have it

Why would NBC kill the story

The liberals are slowly but surely destroying themselves, regardless of what their paid trolls on message boards puke up. 2018 will be a major blow to these imbeciles.
While going crazy over Weinstein... Let's face it American men have a problem including domestic violence... And well violence in general.
and the multiple women who came forward?

Which sex scandals?

You mean the locker room talk scenario don't you? The one where the hard left wouldn't shut up about it for months and months, even though nothing happened?

We will be talking about this for years to come. Yes, you should panic as you already did by starting this thread.
And the multiple women who came forward...

And very quickly withdrew all allegations when it came to doing anything illegally. As I recall, Trump did not have to settle with anyone.

Eh, yet a other rape apologist.
Nobody is saying rape yet, except of course on b******* bought off fox propaganda Network.
All the more reason to shut down the fake liars in the MSM.
While going crazy over Weinstein... Let's face it American men have a problem including domestic violence... And well violence in general.
If the accusation were true, and so then the Dems has something on him to start the impeachment process, like they had impeached Bill Clinton for his misconduct of women, and or wasn't it behind Chinagate. They will not have to search through all of his and his family's records to see if he has something in them to impeach him with. But they still couldn't find anything to impeach him with. But misconducting himself around women is a impeachable offense. And so why are they ignoring that? It is because they were false allegations of him groping women. And those women that made those allegations knows that they will be getting groped by other women for around 2 to 5 years for persury.


Mark 14:55 The chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin were looking for evidence against Jesus so that they could put him to death, but they did not find any.

Luke 23:4 Then Pilate announced to the chief priests and the crowd, “I find no basis for a charge against this man.”

The lawyers said in a state Supreme Court filing Monday they'll formally ask for a dismissal or a suspension of the January claims by Summer Zervos until he leaves office. They said the Constitution immunizes Trump from being sued in state court while he's president. President Trump asserts immunity against defamation claims

Lying as an impeachable offense – Part III: Chronic or pervasive falsehood

The Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Bill of Rights Institute

The most common penalty for perjury is a fine and/or jail, but the amount of the fine or jail time can depend on judicial discretion in sentencing. It’s possible for there to be a minimum sentence length as a penalty, perhaps one year, and a maximum length of sentencing at five to 10 years per charge. If the person has committed more than one act of perjury, as by making numerous false statements under oath, he or she could be charged with multiple offenses and that could increase total fines charged or jail time. If the penalty is a mandatory one-year sentence, and the person perjured himself five times, he might face five years in prison. What is the Penalty for Perjury? (with pictures)

The deflection by the left is in full display

This guy is not a politician or a bought off GOP propaganda Giant so why is this even politics? Fox is obviously full of rapists and bimbos... a Joke, dupe.
While going crazy over Weinstein... Let's face it American men have a problem including domestic violence... And well violence in general.
If the accusation were true, and so then the Dems has something on him to start the impeachment process, like they had impeached Bill Clinton for his misconduct of women, and or wasn't it behind Chinagate. They will not have to search through all of his and his family's records to see if he has something in them to impeach him with. But they still couldn't find anything to impeach him with. But misconducting himself around women is a impeachable offense. And so why are they ignoring that? It is because they were false allegations of him groping women. And those women that made those allegations knows that they will be getting groped by other women for around 2 to 5 years for persury.


Mark 14:55 The chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin were looking for evidence against Jesus so that they could put him to death, but they did not find any.

Luke 23:4 Then Pilate announced to the chief priests and the crowd, “I find no basis for a charge against this man.”

The lawyers said in a state Supreme Court filing Monday they'll formally ask for a dismissal or a suspension of the January claims by Summer Zervos until he leaves office. They said the Constitution immunizes Trump from being sued in state court while he's president. President Trump asserts immunity against defamation claims

Lying as an impeachable offense – Part III: Chronic or pervasive falsehood

The Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Bill of Rights Institute

The most common penalty for perjury is a fine and/or jail, but the amount of the fine or jail time can depend on judicial discretion in sentencing. It’s possible for there to be a minimum sentence length as a penalty, perhaps one year, and a maximum length of sentencing at five to 10 years per charge. If the person has committed more than one act of perjury, as by making numerous false statements under oath, he or she could be charged with multiple offenses and that could increase total fines charged or jail time. If the penalty is a mandatory one-year sentence, and the person perjured himself five times, he might face five years in prison. What is the Penalty for Perjury? (with pictures)


Democratic congressman don't do witch hunts, dupe. Plus the GOP are in the majority and would never do it. Stupid goddamn argument.
When confronted by the fact that there are people as stupid as pinkoHFW walking around in spite of natural selection you have to wonder if it was a good idea to put stop lights on school buses and child resistant lids on household chemicals.

I can guaran-fuckin-tee the stupid mother fucker would have killed himself accidentally if this was 1940. You know that imbecile would have been pulled out of someone's wheel well or found dead under a kitchen sink.

Now matter how deviant or egregious an act of sexual violence committed by a democrook sociopath is, they will pretend someone they're programmed to hate is worse. Then they wonder how the world's richest professional clown beat the worlds most hypocritical sociopath hag.

They're weapons grade stupid. Dangerous without proper supervision.

All the assault allegations against Donald Trump, recapped
When confronted by the fact that there are people as stupid as pinkoHFW walking around in spite of natural selection you have to wonder if it was a good idea to put stop lights on school buses and child resistant lids on household chemicals.

I can guaran-fuckin-tee the stupid mother fucker would have killed himself accidentally if this was 1940. You know that imbecile would have been pulled out of someone's wheel well or found dead under a kitchen sink.

Now matter how deviant or egregious an act of sexual violence committed by a democrook sociopath is, they will pretend someone they're programmed to hate is worse. Then they wonder how the world's richest professional clown beat the worlds most hypocritical sociopath hag.

They're weapons grade stupid. Dangerous without proper supervision.

All the assault allegations against Donald Trump, recapped

Mr. Trump may have said some bad words, but Bill Clinton raped me and Hillary Clinton threatened me. I don't think there's any comparison," Broaddrick said at the event.

I was 35 years old when Bill Clinton, Ark. Attorney General raped me and Hillary tried to silence me. I am now never goes away.

2:42 PM - Jan 6, 2016

Bill Clinton's alleged sexual encounters - CNNPolitics

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