It's been 17 years since consumers felt this good about the U.S. economy


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 22, 2016
New York
Coupled with record breaking Dow, lowest UE since 1973 and a 3% growth rate with no tax cuts and you have to wonder when the Dems will drop this losing non stop attack on Pres Trump.

“Consumers’ assessment of current conditions improved, boosted by the job market which had not received such favorable ratings since the summer of 2001,” said Lynn Franco, director of economic indicators at The Conference Board.

Trump economy reaching his 3 percent goal even without tax reform
Because Hillary was denied her due doesn't mean her legacy is in peril. The economics are doing well because of Obama and the policies he fought the congress to get done.
Because Hillary was denied her due doesn't mean her legacy is in peril. The economics are doing well because of Obama and the policies he fought the congress to get done.
/----/ Can you name some of the Obama policies that led to the lowest UE since 1973 and highest consumer confidence in 17 years? I'll wait so you can gather your notes and post the data.


No illegals to be picked up at Home Depot.
I see Americans doing the construction...White, Black and other minorities speaking English.
Indeed, yet the market has skyrocketed in the last nine months due to the rapid decrease of uncertainty that Obama generated. That's a fact. Perceptions matter.
If it's indeed a fact, do you have proof I can see?
/—/ Yea of course Cupcake, consumer confidence highest in 17 years. It’s in all the papers.
It would seem like the poopers on the reich will not claim anything good from Obama but will put anything bad on him. This is a dead thread.
It would seem like the poopers on the reich will not claim anything good from Obama but will put anything bad on him. This is a dead thread.

Trump killed the economic strangling EO's that Obama signed.
/—/ Yea of course Cupcake, consumer confidence highest in 17 years. It’s in all the papers.
Thanks for your opinion.
/----/ My opinion is you're in deep denial and reject any positive news.
Consumer confidence hits highest level since December 2000

I remember when the radical leftist MSM claimed the stock market would crash as soon as Trump became President. You don't here that anymore....:dunno:
Because Hillary was denied her due doesn't mean her legacy is in peril. The economics are doing well because of Obama and the policies he fought the congress to get done.
/----/ "Because Hillary was denied her due " You just identified Hildabeast's problem. She thought she was due the presidency when actually it was up for grabs.

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