It’s been a year since BLM hijacked America and the Dem Party...Have blacks improved..has the perception of blacks improved?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
The Dem Party rode George Floyd and the engineered BLM ‘movement’ to victory in the House the Senate and the Executive Branch...The Dem Party benefitted big time from Floyd’s death, the looting, the rioting and the killings in urban American.
So here’s the million dollar question(s) did black folks benefit?
Have they improved collectively? Isn’t black on black crime at an all time high?
Has the public perception of blacks / black culture improved? Aren’t race tensions through the roof, aren’t we more divided than ever before?
Isn’t this starting to look like just another case of the Democrat Party using blacks for all they’re worth while blacks gain nothing and fall even further among society?
The short answer is no. No one wants rioters burning down their business. Even corporations are seeing that BLM is just for socialist anarchy, and not improving black lives.
Convincing Racists that people are equal is an impossible task. The best society could do on that front is take small children from the racists and raise them in a home that teaches love instead of hate.

As for society in general. They still don’t think it is a major issue. In May the numbers who saw Racism and Race Relations as the top issue was 11%. Down from 12% the month before.

So all the hysteria from the White Wing is having no effect. The reason? Nobody in Rural Georgia cares what is happening in Seattle. The assertions that they should care are not hitting the target.
It's worse, blacks evolution is in reverse
well sorta------I kinda agree-----social development took a BIG HIT.
Starting with something REALLY BENIGN------the OCCUPY WALL STREET
demonstrations were IMEO, JUST AS MALIGNANT as was the January 6
Capital building sit-in. Criminal trespass, HOWEVER, was not only
tolerated----it as LAUDED. ------then things went RAPIDLY DOWNHILL
I blame Bloomberg -----he inadvertently made himself that which was,
unfortunately, ascribed to Dinkins. To wit----a supporter of criminal riot.
Convincing Racists that people are equal is an impossible task. The best society could do on that front is take small children from the racists and raise them in a home that teaches love instead of hate.

As for society in general. They still don’t think it is a major issue. In May the numbers who saw Racism and Race Relations as the top issue was 11%. Down from 12% the month before.

So all the hysteria from the White Wing is having no effect. The reason? Nobody in Rural Georgia cares what is happening in Seattle. The assertions that they should care are not hitting the target.
Are you saying black on black crime hasn’t gone through the roof in the last year...are you saying racial tensions haven’t extremely escalated over the last year? Are you ignoring the real world practice data and favoring an opinion piece Gallup poll?
The Dem Party rode George Floyd and the engineered BLM ‘movement’ to victory in the House the Senate and the Executive Branch...The Dem Party benefitted big time from Floyd’s death, the looting, the rioting and the killings in urban American.
So here’s the million dollar question(s) did black folks benefit?
Have they improved collectively? Isn’t black on black crime at an all time high?
Has the public perception of blacks / black culture improved? Aren’t race tensions through the roof, aren’t we more divided than ever before?
Isn’t this starting to look like just another case of the Democrat Party using blacks for all they’re worth while blacks gain nothing and fall even further among society?

Real estate prices have become much more affordable in BLM plagued cities?

Does that count?
The Dem Party rode George Floyd and the engineered BLM ‘movement’ to victory in the House the Senate and the Executive Branch...The Dem Party benefitted big time from Floyd’s death, the looting, the rioting and the killings in urban American.
So here’s the million dollar question(s) did black folks benefit?
Have they improved collectively? Isn’t black on black crime at an all time high?
Has the public perception of blacks / black culture improved? Aren’t race tensions through the roof, aren’t we more divided than ever before?
Isn’t this starting to look like just another case of the Democrat Party using blacks for all they’re worth while blacks gain nothing and fall even further among society?
Blacks are in the same place they were before. Stupid and lazy.
The Dem Party rode George Floyd and the engineered BLM ‘movement’ to victory in the House the Senate and the Executive Branch...The Dem Party benefitted big time from Floyd’s death, the looting, the rioting and the killings in urban American.
So here’s the million dollar question(s) did black folks benefit?
Have they improved collectively? Isn’t black on black crime at an all time high?
Has the public perception of blacks / black culture improved? Aren’t race tensions through the roof, aren’t we more divided than ever before?
Isn’t this starting to look like just another case of the Democrat Party using blacks for all they’re worth while blacks gain nothing and fall even further among society?
Blacks are in the same place they were before. Stupid and lazy.
Damn all blacks in the GOP!
The Dem Party rode George Floyd and the engineered BLM ‘movement’ to victory in the House the Senate and the Executive Branch...The Dem Party benefitted big time from Floyd’s death, the looting, the rioting and the killings in urban American.
So here’s the million dollar question(s) did black folks benefit?
Have they improved collectively? Isn’t black on black crime at an all time high?
Has the public perception of blacks / black culture improved? Aren’t race tensions through the roof, aren’t we more divided than ever before?
Isn’t this starting to look like just another case of the Democrat Party using blacks for all they’re worth while blacks gain nothing and fall even further among society?
Blacks are in the same place they were before. Stupid and lazy.
Damn all blacks in the GOP!
Quick wit is a sign of a keen mind.
Convincing Racists that people are equal is an impossible task. The best society could do on that front is take small children from the racists and raise them in a home that teaches love instead of hate.

As for society in general. They still don’t think it is a major issue. In May the numbers who saw Racism and Race Relations as the top issue was 11%. Down from 12% the month before.

So all the hysteria from the White Wing is having no effect. The reason? Nobody in Rural Georgia cares what is happening in Seattle. The assertions that they should care are not hitting the target.
Are you saying black on black crime hasn’t gone through the roof in the last year...are you saying racial tensions haven’t extremely escalated over the last year? Are you ignoring the real world practice data and favoring an opinion piece Gallup poll?

I am saying for a vast majority of us it isn’t an issue. I do not live in Chicago. I don’t care about Chicago. I don’t care about crime in Chicago. It is not my problem. My plate is full enough.

And judging from the realities, most people don’t care about what is happening in Chicago, Seattle, Portland, or anywhere else. Not just the polling numbers. But the Political Discussions. If Chicago was an issue that people wrote to their congresscritters about they would be making statements. Pretty much none are.

The only people reporting on it “nationally” are the fringe news sites. The sites that cater to Whites who use Black on anyone crime as a banner to scream the minorities are animals.

It isn’t an issue for most people. The biggest issue is the economy. But the usual suspects can’t discuss that. They have to turn it to Race. So their voices are ignored.

Again this is common sense. Blame the Media but they aren’t going to waste time reporting on stories people don’t care about. Blame the Liberals but we are talking about conservative leaning moderates in other places around the nation. Crime in Chicago may be a huge issue in Chicago. But it isn’t anywhere else.

The Whites who scream it is an issue for them in Texas or whatever are racists assholes who won’t take their own advice. They hate the country but won’t leave.
Convincing Racists that people are equal is an impossible task. The best society could do on that front is take small children from the racists and raise them in a home that teaches love instead of hate.

As for society in general. They still don’t think it is a major issue. In May the numbers who saw Racism and Race Relations as the top issue was 11%. Down from 12% the month before.

So all the hysteria from the White Wing is having no effect. The reason? Nobody in Rural Georgia cares what is happening in Seattle. The assertions that they should care are not hitting the target.
Are you saying black on black crime hasn’t gone through the roof in the last year...are you saying racial tensions haven’t extremely escalated over the last year? Are you ignoring the real world practice data and favoring an opinion piece Gallup poll?

I am saying for a vast majority of us it isn’t an issue. I do not live in Chicago. I don’t care about Chicago. I don’t care about crime in Chicago. It is not my problem. My plate is full enough.

And judging from the realities, most people don’t care about what is happening in Chicago, Seattle, Portland, or anywhere else. Not just the polling numbers. But the Political Discussions. If Chicago was an issue that people wrote to their congresscritters about they would be making statements. Pretty much none are.

The only people reporting on it “nationally” are the fringe news sites. The sites that cater to Whites who use Black on anyone crime as a banner to scream the minorities are animals.

It isn’t an issue for most people. The biggest issue is the economy. But the usual suspects can’t discuss that. They have to turn it to Race. So their voices are ignored.

Again this is common sense. Blame the Media but they aren’t going to waste time reporting on stories people don’t care about. Blame the Liberals but we are talking about conservative leaning moderates in other places around the nation. Crime in Chicago may be a huge issue in Chicago. But it isn’t anywhere else.

The Whites who scream it is an issue for them in Texas or whatever are racists assholes who won’t take their own advice. They hate the country but won’t leave.rap
Chi-Town Hustler was a funny car in 1968 but didn't make the finals at National Trails Raceway. Sour Grapes beat USA 1 to win.
So, I've learned from our friends on the right that blacks are only:
  • lazy
  • violent
  • evolving "in the reverse"
  • not developing socially (you say that like talking about a dog)
  • you avoid them at all costs.
But it's liberals who talk down to the black community and are the real racists. You guys maybe should shut up for a day or so and look back at all the crap you guys are posting.
Honestly my perception has decreased the past year of blacks.

2 years ago I didn't care about black people, they were just people to me. But since the last year I find I myself disliking them because we spent a whole year screaming they are more important, I am racist against them just because I am white, they deserve special treatment and recognition, they deserve special breaks and opportunities, and that they aren't responsible for crimes they commit. Fuck all that.

So ill admit that I went from "I am not racist as I like or dislike people based on who they are and not their skin color" to "I don't like most black people".
Convincing Racists that people are equal is an impossible task. The best society could do on that front is take small children from the racists and raise them in a home that teaches love instead of hate.

As for society in general. They still don’t think it is a major issue. In May the numbers who saw Racism and Race Relations as the top issue was 11%. Down from 12% the month before.

So all the hysteria from the White Wing is having no effect. The reason? Nobody in Rural Georgia cares what is happening in Seattle. The assertions that they should care are not hitting the target.
Are you saying black on black crime hasn’t gone through the roof in the last year...are you saying racial tensions haven’t extremely escalated over the last year? Are you ignoring the real world practice data and favoring an opinion piece Gallup poll?

I am saying for a vast majority of us it isn’t an issue. I do not live in Chicago. I don’t care about Chicago. I don’t care about crime in Chicago. It is not my problem. My plate is full enough.

And judging from the realities, most people don’t care about what is happening in Chicago, Seattle, Portland, or anywhere else. Not just the polling numbers. But the Political Discussions. If Chicago was an issue that people wrote to their congresscritters about they would be making statements. Pretty much none are.

The only people reporting on it “nationally” are the fringe news sites. The sites that cater to Whites who use Black on anyone crime as a banner to scream the minorities are animals.

It isn’t an issue for most people. The biggest issue is the economy. But the usual suspects can’t discuss that. They have to turn it to Race. So their voices are ignored.

Again this is common sense. Blame the Media but they aren’t going to waste time reporting on stories people don’t care about. Blame the Liberals but we are talking about conservative leaning moderates in other places around the nation. Crime in Chicago may be a huge issue in Chicago. But it isn’t anywhere else.

The Whites who scream it is an issue for them in Texas or whatever are racists assholes who won’t take their own advice. They hate the country but won’t leave.
You couldn't be more wrong....anybody even half sane and paying attention knows full well that all disgusting, dangerous filthy shitholes are run by Democrats applying Lib ideologies.....NO state wants to become the next dangerous Blue Shithole
So, I've learned from our friends on the right that blacks are only:
  • lazy
  • violent
  • evolving "in the reverse"
  • not developing socially (you say that like talking about a dog)
  • you avoid them at all costs.
But it's liberals who talk down to the black community and are the real racists. You guys maybe should shut up for a day or so and look back at all the crap you guys are posting.
You silly tards thought you could poke the bear and stoke racial tensions without ever really pissing the bear off...hahaha...dumbmotherfuckers!
Convincing Racists that people are equal is an impossible task. The best society could do on that front is take small children from the racists and raise them in a home that teaches love instead of hate.

As for society in general. They still don’t think it is a major issue. In May the numbers who saw Racism and Race Relations as the top issue was 11%. Down from 12% the month before.

So all the hysteria from the White Wing is having no effect. The reason? Nobody in Rural Georgia cares what is happening in Seattle. The assertions that they should care are not hitting the target.
Are you saying black on black crime hasn’t gone through the roof in the last year...are you saying racial tensions haven’t extremely escalated over the last year? Are you ignoring the real world practice data and favoring an opinion piece Gallup poll?

I am saying for a vast majority of us it isn’t an issue. I do not live in Chicago. I don’t care about Chicago. I don’t care about crime in Chicago. It is not my problem. My plate is full enough.

And judging from the realities, most people don’t care about what is happening in Chicago, Seattle, Portland, or anywhere else. Not just the polling numbers. But the Political Discussions. If Chicago was an issue that people wrote to their congresscritters about they would be making statements. Pretty much none are.

The only people reporting on it “nationally” are the fringe news sites. The sites that cater to Whites who use Black on anyone crime as a banner to scream the minorities are animals.

It isn’t an issue for most people. The biggest issue is the economy. But the usual suspects can’t discuss that. They have to turn it to Race. So their voices are ignored.

Again this is common sense. Blame the Media but they aren’t going to waste time reporting on stories people don’t care about. Blame the Liberals but we are talking about conservative leaning moderates in other places around the nation. Crime in Chicago may be a huge issue in Chicago. But it isn’t anywhere else.

The Whites who scream it is an issue for them in Texas or whatever are racists assholes who won’t take their own advice. They hate the country but won’t leave.
You couldn't be more wrong....anybody even half sane and paying attention knows full well that all disgusting, dangerous filthy shitholes are run by Democrats applying Lib ideologies.....NO state wants to become the next dangerous Blue Shithole

Unless of course you run off of Polling or common sense. Most people don’t care what is happening. Racist idiots excepted of course.

Look. I posted the polling. Race and racism poll at 11%. It was 12% the month before.

What polls higher? Pretty much everything. Economy especially. Public health and COVID.

But let’s look at other polls. Party affiliation. Republicans are down. Way down.

Why is that? Is it because the extreme Right won’t shut up about the insane conspiracy theory that the election was stolen?

We hear polls from your side. Like how a majority of Republicans believe the election was stolen. Ignored by the extreme right is this fact. A vast majority of people think Biden won fairly.

So tell me. When a majority think you are bat shit crazy how do you win the elections? Sadly the extreme Right has become the Extreme Left redone.

The extreme left primaried people who were not liberal enough after the Gore loss. Including the former VP nominee Lieberman. All they did was harm their own party with the one size fits none rhetoric. I tried to explain it to people at the time. Left of center in Georgia is not the same thing as left of center in Frisco.

It was painful to watch this once. It is even more disturbing to watch it a second time.

The result when the left did it was more lost seats. What makes you think it will be any different with your effort?
Since it’s black history month I thought I’d ask…..Did all those statues coming down help improve blacks?
Was it all just counterproductive theatrics?

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