It's been nearly 2 years since the TRUMP/PUTIN collusion narrative began

A week from Tuesday

(but I'm not saying WHICH Tuesday)
Yep, only 5 more years and about 65 million more dollars till the "Starr" level of special investigator is matched.
For how long will the mueller investigation last?

Where is the beef? Since one of the supposed lost text messages from FBI agent Peter Strzok, found by the IG, said to his girlfriend regarding the Russian Collusion investigation "There is no there, there," its past time for Mueller to turn the page, close this news media created investigation and stop wasting taxpayer dollars!
Didn't bill Clinton blast semen all over Lewinsky's dress?

bill Clinton lied about his affair with Lewinsky. trump did not collude with was hillary who did.

Mueller and Ken Starr are nothing alike.
How long did the Benghazi investigations go? Resulting in what ?

Already the trump investigation is getting guilty pleas.
And we have known for some time now that this whole Russian-collusion nonsense was cooked up by Hillary and the DNC, who paid for the Steele dossier, which in turn was shopped by Dems in the intel community to get the government to investigate Trump.
Fun facts about Trump.

He turned 1 million into 4 billion.

He sends mobile hospitals all over the world to shithole countries & has for the last 30 years.

His business failure rate is .92%. Which makes his success rate 99.08%.

And he’s your President for the next 7 years.

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