It’s Clear Now To Dems: Soleimani Strike Was A Trump Slam Dunk

Trump's argument for killing Soleimani is falling apart, and the president is being accused of telling Fox News more about the assassination than Congress
Trump's argument for killing Soleimani is falling apart, and the president is being accused of telling Fox News more about the assassination than Congress

Trump authorized Soleimani’s killing 7 months ago, with conditions
Trump authorized Soleimani's killing 7 months ago, with conditions

It is disturbing to see how Trumpette's are being duped right out in the open............yet they choose to believe whatever rubbish is fed to them because..............Dear Leader.
Got to love how stupid the left really is. Rice said that your messiah spoke many times about taking out the Iranian general. So because Trump did not just talk about it you are upset. I realize that the general was someone you felt inspired by but you might want to actually inspire to be better then him.
Obama didn't take out Soleimani for the same reasons Bush didn't. They realized satisfying a childish desire for revenge was the wrong thing to do given the larger picture.
Now, in truly pathetic fashion, small minded Trumpette's parrot the gratuitous accusations made against Dems. That because they are speaking out about the idiocy of escalating tensions with Iran it means they liked Soleimani. Those types of allegations are always made against critics when the evidence of an admin's idiocy are put on full display.

But but I thought Bush invaded Iraq out of a myopic desire for revenge (remember the argument that GWB just wanted revenge because Sadam tried to kill his father)?
"America cannot stand idly by and watch Sunnis and Shias slaughter each other!" - Trump

there is a cost to our inaction, my friends
Trump gave the OK to kill Soleimani 7 months ago. Two conditions, it has to be carried out after Iran's aggression kills a US citizen and he gives the final OK.

Trump has lied to you Trumpettes yet again & here you were here defending him claiming immanent threats & embassies.

He gave the OK 7 months ago.

You assfucks like being butt fucked by trump,. You all keep bending over & asking for more.
Once again you provide zip to back up your bullshit.
Sorry, I forgot that you are that uninformed.
Still nothing. Typical, and expected.
Right,. you assfucks make up any excuse to defend your orange piece of shit.


Feel better now that you have that tantrum out of your system, lil' snowflake?



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Trump gave the OK to kill Soleimani 7 months ago. Two conditions, it has to be carried out after Iran's aggression kills a US citizen and he gives the final OK.

Trump has lied to you Trumpettes yet again & here you were here defending him claiming immanent threats & embassies.

He gave the OK 7 months ago.

You assfucks like being butt fucked by trump,. You all keep bending over & asking for more.
7 months ago eh?

So what you're saying is this wasn't a wag the dog event. Your leftist buddies are gonna be unhappy with your honesty. That shit ain't allowed bruh

Trump lied.

and this is your concern?

Trump lied to the American people about this strike.
Obama put that killer on the terrorist list. Trump took him out. I fail to see the problem.

Find a pacifier and get a grip

So why did Trump need to lie about it?
Trump gave the OK to kill Soleimani 7 months ago. Two conditions, it has to be carried out after Iran's aggression kills a US citizen and he gives the final OK.

Trump has lied to you Trumpettes yet again & here you were here defending him claiming immanent threats & embassies.

He gave the OK 7 months ago.

You assfucks like being butt fucked by trump,. You all keep bending over & asking for more.
7 months ago eh?

So what you're saying is this wasn't a wag the dog event. Your leftist buddies are gonna be unhappy with your honesty. That shit ain't allowed bruh

Trump lied.

and this is your concern?

Trump lied to the American people about this strike.

No he didn't. And that's what makes you mad. Don't worry though, soon images of all kinds of dead folks will pour out of Iran and you can get all excited again. Y'all need to get it, when you latch on to an enemy of America in an attempt to make people to feel bad over killing a terrorist normal people, the non butthurt grown up ones, it just drives them to voting against the people you support. Solomani is old news. It's over. Deal with it and watch Maddow for the next thing you are supposed to be outraged over.
Trump lied about his reason for killing Soleimani. Just because your head is so far up Trump's ass that you can't admit it is irrelevant.
Trump gave the OK to kill Soleimani 7 months ago. Two conditions, it has to be carried out after Iran's aggression kills a US citizen and he gives the final OK.

Trump has lied to you Trumpettes yet again & here you were here defending him claiming immanent threats & embassies.

He gave the OK 7 months ago.

You assfucks like being butt fucked by trump,. You all keep bending over & asking for more.
Once again you provide zip to back up your bullshit.
Sorry, I forgot that you are that uninformed.
Still nothing. Typical, and expected.
It is all over the news. Don't thry deliver papers up Trump's ass?
Trump gave the OK to kill Soleimani 7 months ago. Two conditions, it has to be carried out after Iran's aggression kills a US citizen and he gives the final OK.

Trump has lied to you Trumpettes yet again & here you were here defending him claiming immanent threats & embassies.

He gave the OK 7 months ago.

You assfucks like being butt fucked by trump,. You all keep bending over & asking for more.
Once again you provide zip to back up your bullshit.
Sorry, I forgot that you are that uninformed.
Still nothing. Typical, and expected.
It is all over the news. Don't thry deliver papers up Trump's ass?
Still nothing.
Trump gave the OK to kill Soleimani 7 months ago. Two conditions, it has to be carried out after Iran's aggression kills a US citizen and he gives the final OK.

Trump has lied to you Trumpettes yet again & here you were here defending him claiming immanent threats & embassies.

He gave the OK 7 months ago.

You assfucks like being butt fucked by trump,. You all keep bending over & asking for more.
7 months ago eh?

So what you're saying is this wasn't a wag the dog event. Your leftist buddies are gonna be unhappy with your honesty. That shit ain't allowed bruh

Trump lied.

and this is your concern?

Trump lied to the American people about this strike.
Obama put that killer on the terrorist list. Trump took him out. I fail to see the problem.

Find a pacifier and get a grip

So why did Trump need to lie about it?
I have no idea if he lied or not. Either way it doesn't matter. If Obama didn't want him dead he wouldn't have put him on the list. So if his death is your problem then half your gripe is with him as well.
Trump gave the OK to kill Soleimani 7 months ago. Two conditions, it has to be carried out after Iran's aggression kills a US citizen and he gives the final OK.

Trump has lied to you Trumpettes yet again & here you were here defending him claiming immanent threats & embassies.

He gave the OK 7 months ago.

You assfucks like being butt fucked by trump,. You all keep bending over & asking for more.
7 months ago eh?

So what you're saying is this wasn't a wag the dog event. Your leftist buddies are gonna be unhappy with your honesty. That shit ain't allowed bruh

Trump lied.

and this is your concern?

Trump lied to the American people about this strike.

No he didn't. And that's what makes you mad. Don't worry though, soon images of all kinds of dead folks will pour out of Iran and you can get all excited again. Y'all need to get it, when you latch on to an enemy of America in an attempt to make people to feel bad over killing a terrorist normal people, the non butthurt grown up ones, it just drives them to voting against the people you support. Solomani is old news. It's over. Deal with it and watch Maddow for the next thing you are supposed to be outraged over.
Trump lied about his reason for killing Soleimani. Just because your head is so far up Trump's ass that you can't admit it is irrelevant.

Roughly translated, " I don't like Trump. I saw he did something that would cause allot of people to die, and some did, and I got all hard thinking it would end trump, but again, it didn't". That's what you really meant to say. That's why you say nothing about token negro killing a 16 year old kid and braggin how good he is at killing people. You don't give two shits about those folks who die. To you and many others they are nothing more then a link and a blerb on a message board. Kind of shines a light on what a piece of trash you are and how meaningless your life is.
Trump's argument for killing Soleimani is falling apart, and the president is being accused of telling Fox News more about the assassination than Congress
Trump's argument for killing Soleimani is falling apart, and the president is being accused of telling Fox News more about the assassination than Congress

Trump authorized Soleimani’s killing 7 months ago, with conditions
Trump authorized Soleimani's killing 7 months ago, with conditions

It is disturbing to see how Trumpette's are being duped right out in the open............yet they choose to believe whatever rubbish is fed to them because..............Dear Leader.

Why would President Trump tell Soleimani's allies in Congress in advance of the plans to whack him?

Soleimani is glorified as a great general and hero by Liberals, had Trump told Chuck and Nancy, they would have immediately texted the man to give him the heads up.

Right,. you assfucks make up any excuse to defend your orange piece of shit.

Not giving your Enemies advance notice of your surprise attacks is a basic rule of common sense, Dave.

The libs love Iran
Trump's argument for killing Soleimani is falling apart, and the president is being accused of telling Fox News more about the assassination than Congress
Trump's argument for killing Soleimani is falling apart, and the president is being accused of telling Fox News more about the assassination than Congress

Trump authorized Soleimani’s killing 7 months ago, with conditions
Trump authorized Soleimani's killing 7 months ago, with conditions

It is disturbing to see how Trumpette's are being duped right out in the open............yet they choose to believe whatever rubbish is fed to them because..............Dear Leader.
Got to love how stupid the left really is. Rice said that your messiah spoke many times about taking out the Iranian general. So because Trump did not just talk about it you are upset. I realize that the general was someone you felt inspired by but you might want to actually inspire to be better then him.
Obama didn't take out Soleimani for the same reasons Bush didn't. They realized satisfying a childish desire for revenge was the wrong thing to do given the larger picture.
Now, in truly pathetic fashion, small minded Trumpette's parrot the gratuitous accusations made against Dems. That because they are speaking out about the idiocy of escalating tensions with Iran it means they liked Soleimani. Those types of allegations are always made against critics when the evidence of an admin's idiocy are put on full display.
Damn you really are gone in your adulation of the general. I hate to bring this up since you will probably just go off the crazy end full force. But exactly what has escataled? Iran was involved in the attack of our embassy. We did not attack them.

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