"It's fun to shoot some people" - ;)


Senior Member
Sep 23, 2004

U.S. General Says It Is 'Fun to Shoot Some People'
Feb 3, 3:09 PM (ET)

By Will Dunham

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A senior U.S. Marine Corps general who said it was "fun to shoot some people" should have chosen his words more carefully but will not be disciplined, military officials said on Thursday.

Lt. Gen. James Mattis, who led troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, made the comments at a conference Tuesday in San Diego.

"Actually it's quite fun to fight 'em, you know. It's a hell of a hoot. It's fun to shoot some people. I'll be right up front with you, I like brawling," said Mattis.

"You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years because they didn't wear a veil," Mattis said during a panel discussion. "You know, guys like that ain't got no manhood left anyway. So it's a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them."

In a statement, Gen. Michael Hagee, commander of the Marine Corps, praised Mattis as "one of this country's bravest and most experienced military leaders."

"While I understand that some people may take issue with the comments made by him, I also know he intended to reflect the unfortunate and harsh realities of war," Hagee said.

"I have counseled him concerning his remarks and he agrees he should have chosen his words more carefully," Hagee added.

Maj. Jason Johnston, a Marine spokesman at the Pentagon, said Hagee did not plan any disciplinary action against Mattis. Johnston declined to provide details of how Hagee had counseled Mattis, calling it a private matter.

At a Pentagon briefing on Thursday, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said he could not comment on the remarks, but Gen. Peter Pace, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, praised the general as having set a stellar example for troops in his service abroad.

Mattis is commander of the Marine Corps Combat Development Command at Quantico, Virginia, south of Washington.
I agree with SE, some people are just more fun than others! :chains:
This guy in no way deserved any sort of punishment. He is exactly what you need on the front lines.
Here, here !!! they WOULD be funner to shoot than your average old everyday nice person ! :flameth: :ali:
Sir Evil said:
Yeah I think that is right OCA, don't need no gun shy types in that position. I think it has to be the state of mind for some during combat!

Can't be having some pansy up there who hesitates to squeeze the trigger, that will get you and your platoon mates smoked.

I never saw any combat in Greece but I would guess that you have to be in a different state of mind most of the time there. You've got to convince yourself your job is to kill(which it is) and you've got to do your job to the best of your ability.
OOWah! Go Marines!

The guy loves his job, I can see nothing wrong with that. So long as he understands the difference between his job of killing enemies and killing everybody he is safe for society and right for the position he fills.
Umm...they ingrain it in your head even before you go to boot killing the enemy is good. I agree with all you you have to be a little off to do what they do. What would we do without them?
gotta agree! why put some pansy ass up there who needs thearpy after going to a range? your supposed to like your job for christ sakes.
Anyone want to clarify..."a little off" What exactly are you talking about?

A job needs to be done, and you don't have to ask a jarhead twice...just don't question his actions, after the fact!!!!

Semper Fi.....we can live and breathe in freedom another night!
BTW...there is nothing further from the truth when you think most Marines enjoy what they do....it is not to be enjoyed, it is a duty and a privilege to serve for our ideals.

Most of the crap that needs to be done is asked of Marines.....(not to slight any other branch of service, at all....the sacrifices are the same, individually) The Marine Corps has the highest mortality rate of any branch of service in Iraq and Afghanistan....

"Sometimes you gotta just make friends with the faces in your dreams" anonymous Marine at Chosin Resevoir
OCA said:
This guy in no way deserved any sort of punishment. He is exactly what you need on the front lines.

I know Id feel better holding up the rear flank of this guy! :firing:
Fmr jarhead said:
Anyone want to clarify..."a little off" What exactly are you talking about?
I'm saying thier not your average man. I've talked to my dad about his vietnam days, he's not the same after what he's done and seen. 1st recon.
Give yer old man a big hug...for no reason!...tell him you love him!

All he's done is for you, and the rest of us who call America home.
I wouldn't sweat the idea of him getting punished.

Mattis and Hagee are old buds. When two people of the same standing counsel each other, Heres a pretty close idea of how the conversation went.

Hagee: Hey, Devildog.......
Mattis: Yessir....

Hagee: Look killer, I reeeeeeeeeely don't need you pissing off the press. Ok, it really cramps my style and in order to appease them Congress cuts my budget.

Mattis: I got it. We still on for BBQ next week.

Hagee: Hail Yeah. I need to unwind after the latest congressional idiot came in with a "whole new approach" to getting the job done in Iraq.

Mattis: Roger that, sorry bout the slip up.

Hagee: No worries.
Fmr jarhead said:
Give yer old man a big hug...for no reason!...tell him you love him!

All he's done is for you, and the rest of us who call America home.
I do all the time...I only hope I can live up to what he did, want to make it into 1st recon too (3rd would be alright). We'll see though takes a special breed.
This is another indicator of the difference between the Bush and Clinton administration. Had Gen Mattis made the same remark while Clinton was in office, Mattis would be tendering his resignation by now.

I'll bet the media pigs which hyped this story are disappointed that they can no longer run our top officers out of the service just by printing a story about a comment that THEY think was inappropriate

And while it's not "fun" to shoot some people, but it can certainly be a satisfying experience. I have a fantasy of catching a couple hundred terrorist during their prayers, bowing to the East while I roll in from the West with a Cobra loaded with flechettes.
Sir Evil said:
Isn't this what it's all about? :D

Pretty much sums it up. If you're downrange, you're dead meat.
Really this is going to cause just what we need....a bunch of "sensitive" troops who are going to hesitate shooting someone about to shoot them or their fellow soldiers. This just reminds me of the young kid in "Saving Private Ryan." How many people died because he didn't want to be viewed as too harsh by the enemy?

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