It’s Happening: A Case That Could Seriously Undermine Roe v. Wade Is Before SCOTUS

A Case That Could Seriously Undermine Roe v. Wade Is Before SCOTUS

Pro-aborts have seen the writing on the wall, Roe v. Wade will soon be overturned, or in someway rendered irrelevant indirectly by Louisiana's law that abortion doctors have to have hospital privileges.

That's why the push is on to have the states go beyond Roe v. Wade to legalize abortion all the way to the moment of birth, like they have just done in New York, and they tried to do in Virginia.

It will become a state to state battle and our nation will be divided between life states and death states, in the same way the states were once divided between free states and slave states.

NBC/WSJ poll: Support for Roe v. Wade hits new high

Even if Roe v. Wade is overturned...eventually the Dems will control the SCOTUS again.

And then the Dems in power will bring out an abortion legalization law and the SCOTUS will support it.

Support for abortion is growing - not shrinking.

Like it or not, abortion is here to stay - whether out in the open or in back alley clinic's.


BTW - I do NOT support abortion after there is brain activity. But before that - okay.

Does that mean you support killing people with Alzheimers?

How did my answer not answer your question?

Obviously not...they are sentient - they have brain activity.
Dems want to allow Jewelry Piercers and
Tattoo artists to perform abortions.
Preferably, because the most likely clients are already there anyway, it will be one stop shopping.
*rim shot snare roll- cymbal crash*
This abortion issue has woke up the sleeping giant

Anger. Is rising fast all over

No other issue can bring such anger

Trump now has enough power to call up the military to make logic tests for voters. To stop electing crooks and murderers

Rising anger, by a shrinking minority.
liberals lying again.

You have a poll showing the opposite? I would love to see it.
Polls are all BS like you are.
Well the battle lines have been drawn and this will be an issue that can never will be solved. The real test is if SCOTUS becomes political as it has already been decided.

I guess that is why states are coming up with new twists and turns to get something from SCOTUS to hang their hats on

Still if all it takes is conservative majority or liberal majority then is SCOTUS a political party and there is nothing great about that
Anyone who tasks about Roe v Wade, either saving it or overturning it, is an idiot. The case is obsolete. There are much stronger, more detailed precedents that are now the standards used.
can you elaborate?

not questioning you - just wanting to know more of what you're saying and read up on it.
Anyone who tasks about Roe v Wade, either saving it or overturning it, is an idiot. The case is obsolete. There are much stronger, more detailed precedents that are now the standards used.
can you elaborate?

not questioning you - just wanting to know more of what you're saying and read up on it.

Well, I was probably a bit harsh to say people are idiots. But the clamor about Roe is definitely simplistic.

Think of Roe as being the equivalent of someone saying "The Earth is not the center of the universe." Afterwards, a whole series of advancements are made, and competing theories are suggested, that still fall into the category of Earth not being the center of the universe. First, someone suggests that the sun is the center of the universe. Then someone suggests that Earth revolves around the sun, which is the center of the universe. Then someone eventually hits on the fact that the sun revolves around the center of the galaxy, which itself is part of a galactic group, itself is part of a parent group, which is part of a cluster, which is part of a child supercluster, which is part of a parent supercluster. All still fits into the very broad truth that "the Earth is not the center of the universe," even though that statement doesn't come close to describing modern theory and understanding. And if someone ever tried to come around and say "Wait, Earth really is the center of the universe after all," they would have a huge burden, explaining all the advances in knowledge that have been achieved when built upon the framework they are now trying to overturn.

Planned Parenthood v Casey is a much more relevant case at this point, providing more in depth nuance regarding the standard of review for laws that regulate abortion, and the time period of pregnancy in which abortion can be regulated. The "facially defective" ruling about back door abortion bans via "hospital admission privileges" requirements is particularly critical as it precludes relying on mere pro-forma legality. Overall, there has been a great deal of jurisprudence over the decades affirming, upholding, and defending the right to abortion.
Anyone who tasks about Roe v Wade, either saving it or overturning it, is an idiot. The case is obsolete. There are much stronger, more detailed precedents that are now the standards used.
can you elaborate?

not questioning you - just wanting to know more of what you're saying and read up on it.

Well, I was probably a bit harsh to say people are idiots. But the clamor about Roe is definitely simplistic.

Think of Roe as being the equivalent of someone saying "The Earth is not the center of the universe." Afterwards, a whole series of advancements are made, and competing theories are suggested, that still fall into the category of Earth not being the center of the universe. First, someone suggests that the sun is the center of the universe. Then someone suggests that Earth revolves around the sun, which is the center of the universe. Then someone eventually hits on the fact that the sun revolves around the center of the galaxy, which itself is part of a galactic group, itself is part of a parent group, which is part of a cluster, which is part of a child supercluster, which is part of a parent supercluster. All still fits into the very broad truth that "the Earth is not the center of the universe," even though that statement doesn't come close to describing modern theory and understanding. And if someone ever tried to come around and say "Wait, Earth really is the center of the universe after all," they would have a huge burden, explaining all the advances in knowledge that have been achieved when built upon the framework they are now trying to overturn.

Planned Parenthood v Casey is a much more relevant case at this point, providing more in depth nuance regarding the standard of review for laws that regulate abortion, and the time period of pregnancy in which abortion can be regulated. The "facially defective" ruling about back door abortion bans via "hospital admission privileges" requirements is particularly critical as it precludes relying on mere pro-forma legality. Overall, there has been a great deal of jurisprudence over the decades affirming, upholding, and defending the right to abortion.
we all get emotional on our trigger points. :) and who knows, maybe they are idiots - i was just curious to see what you mean by a precedent shift as i was thinking roe vs wade also. if there is more to consider, i'm all for learning about it.

i get what you're saying about sub/supersets and i try to think the same way a lot. how does this fit into a bigger picture and what does that picture look like when you quit trying to anticipate the pieces? :)

appreciate the case itself. i'll look into it in the am and read about the relevancy.

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