It’s Happening: A Case That Could Seriously Undermine Roe v. Wade Is Before SCOTUS

You want to galvanize the left?

Declare a woman's body to be chattel. Chattel that needs men to be in charge of. Because a woman can't be trusted with her own body.
Well... many certainly can’t be trusted with the body of another, judging by the lengths they go to murder them...
That's why democrats want abortions to be performed by hires right off the street.

They legalized it, saying it was the only way to end back alley abortions. Now they want that to be the standard.

It's insane that they want babies killed up to the moment of birth and some even say it's okay to let the baby die after it's born alive. Seriously fucked up. PP is drooling at the thought of being able to sell fully developed baby parts.

And they will insist that all medical personnel be forced to perform these late abortions or after-birth murders. No one thinks about the psychological affect this has on those in the medical field. It would be traumatizing to kill a baby. Let's be clear, they are babies at that point. Can't pass it off as a clump of cells in the third trimester. What kind of monster would be okay with murdering a baby?

The old argument is that it would only be done to save the mother's life. News flash: They have always had a plan when a mother's life is at risk due to accident or illness. It's called an emergency C-section. It does not increase the mother's chances when the baby is killed. What this law is talking about is partial-birth abortion. It would actually pose a greater risk to the mother by either extending the birth to kill the baby or inducing labor and stopping to kill the baby.

It is clear just how much value the left places on life. They don't want mass murderers to get the death penalty, despite there being no cure or treatment for psychopaths or sociopaths. They don't want honest citizens to defend their very lives against attackers by using their choice of weapon. They don't want to save American lives by keeping drug cartels, human traffickers or terrorists out of our country. But they think killing innocent, healthy, full-term babies is something to celebrate.

It's about as sick as it gets. The liberals have given up on freedom and have bent over to the tyrannical leftists. Sad day.

This entire issue is all about reducing the population. Leftists don't care how that comes about, whether it's minorities murdering each other in cities, 100,000 people being taken each year by human traffickers, people being killed by drugs. Or terrorist strikes. It's not adding up fast enough for the leftists. Taking away our guns means that government can do what they want to us. It happened in every single socialist and communist country. Millions murdered by their own government after they were disarmed and stripped of rights. It can and will happen again. Human nature remains the same and when power-hungry tyrants gain power, they seek to control. There are too many people to control right now. especially considered how many are armed. That is all gun control has ever been about and it's sad that so many have been brainwashed to believe otherwise. It's no mystery how Hitler and other dictators were able to do what they did. We see the same exact things being said now. Hitler was Time magazine's Man of the Year. Now, they praise Obama, Hillary and the Dems. Nothing has changed except that it's a new generation of useful idiots.

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except that is not relevant in the least, since we are talking about other people's choices and lives. Otherwise you would just keep your mouth shut and make your own choices.
Not when you’re playing god with innocent lives. I’ll oppose you, and harass your efforts at every turn. You can count on it...
No you won't. You will sit at home and tell yourself how pious you are, while engaging in none of the efforts that actually prevent abortions. That's what you frauds do...
Uh-huh... Tell your self whatever you must to find comfort. Your kind, and your ideology will remain under attack, until both are nothing more than a barbaric footnote in American history, like slavery...
I don't feel understand attack from you "pray and fast" weirdos. Those are both, literally, "do nothing". The only people under attack are the women you cowards harass, before you go home and tell yourselves how pious you are.

And, of course, you fraud leave all the work that ACTUALLY prevents abortion to others. Because you aren't interested in actually preventing abortions. You are only interested in getting yourself into heaven.

All the evidence shows this. You are all frauds.
I neither pray nor fast. Nor do I believe in heaven , nor Hell. As such... I find justice best served in the here, and now mortal world...
Looks like your crystal ball has failed you Madame Cleo... Here... Use mine. It says “Your kind will never find sanctuary to commit your murders of the innocent unopposed; so long as you live.”
So far... It’s right...
Wow, so you're just a rudderless fraud, instead of a religious one. Don't worry yourself. You just sit and rest. Others will do all the work of preventing abortions.
Not when you’re playing god with innocent lives. I’ll oppose you, and harass your efforts at every turn. You can count on it...
No you won't. You will sit at home and tell yourself how pious you are, while engaging in none of the efforts that actually prevent abortions. That's what you frauds do...
Uh-huh... Tell your self whatever you must to find comfort. Your kind, and your ideology will remain under attack, until both are nothing more than a barbaric footnote in American history, like slavery...
I don't feel understand attack from you "pray and fast" weirdos. Those are both, literally, "do nothing". The only people under attack are the women you cowards harass, before you go home and tell yourselves how pious you are.

And, of course, you fraud leave all the work that ACTUALLY prevents abortion to others. Because you aren't interested in actually preventing abortions. You are only interested in getting yourself into heaven.

All the evidence shows this. You are all frauds.
I neither pray nor fast. Nor do I believe in heaven , nor Hell. As such... I find justice best served in the here, and now mortal world...
Looks like your crystal ball has failed you Madame Cleo... Here... Use mine. It says “Your kind will never find sanctuary to commit your murders of the innocent unopposed; so long as you live.”
So far... It’s right...
Wow, so you're just a rudderless fraud, instead of a religious one. Don't worry yourself. You just sit and rest. Others will do all the work of preventing abortions.
A Case That Could Seriously Undermine Roe v. Wade Is Before SCOTUS

Pro-aborts have seen the writing on the wall, Roe v. Wade will soon be overturned, or in someway rendered irrelevant indirectly by Louisiana's law that abortion doctors have to have hospital privileges.

That's why the push is on to have the states go beyond Roe v. Wade to legalize abortion all the way to the moment of birth, like they have just done in New York, and they tried to do in Virginia.

It will become a state to state battle and our nation will be divided between life states and death states, in the same way the states were once divided between free states and slave states.
The only thing that will undermine Roe is old white men.
No you won't. You will sit at home and tell yourself how pious you are, while engaging in none of the efforts that actually prevent abortions. That's what you frauds do...
Uh-huh... Tell your self whatever you must to find comfort. Your kind, and your ideology will remain under attack, until both are nothing more than a barbaric footnote in American history, like slavery...
I don't feel understand attack from you "pray and fast" weirdos. Those are both, literally, "do nothing". The only people under attack are the women you cowards harass, before you go home and tell yourselves how pious you are.

And, of course, you fraud leave all the work that ACTUALLY prevents abortion to others. Because you aren't interested in actually preventing abortions. You are only interested in getting yourself into heaven.

All the evidence shows this. You are all frauds.
I neither pray nor fast. Nor do I believe in heaven , nor Hell. As such... I find justice best served in the here, and now mortal world...
Looks like your crystal ball has failed you Madame Cleo... Here... Use mine. It says “Your kind will never find sanctuary to commit your murders of the innocent unopposed; so long as you live.”
So far... It’s right...
Wow, so you're just a rudderless fraud, instead of a religious one. Don't worry yourself. You just sit and rest. Others will do all the work of preventing abortions.
That's right. You just sit there and cry like a little b**** and then pretend you did something to prevent abortions. Meanwhile, others will work for and provide access to education amd birth control. Which you won't do, because one of your aims is to control women. You don't like things that empower them.
A Case That Could Seriously Undermine Roe v. Wade Is Before SCOTUS

Pro-aborts have seen the writing on the wall, Roe v. Wade will soon be overturned, or in someway rendered irrelevant indirectly by Louisiana's law that abortion doctors have to have hospital privileges.

That's why the push is on to have the states go beyond Roe v. Wade to legalize abortion all the way to the moment of birth, like they have just done in New York, and they tried to do in Virginia.

It will become a state to state battle and our nation will be divided between life states and death states, in the same way the states were once divided between free states and slave states.

NBC/WSJ poll: Support for Roe v. Wade hits new high

Even if Roe v. Wade is overturned...eventually the Dems will control the SCOTUS again.

And then the Dems in power will bring out an abortion legalization law and the SCOTUS will support it.

Support for abortion is growing - not shrinking.

Like it or not, abortion is here to stay - whether out in the open or in back alley clinic's.


BTW - I do NOT support abortion after there is brain activity. But before that - okay.
You are extremely mistaken.

All that is being done is redefining what abortion means in the poll questions.

Not even 10 percent of the country supports the New York or Virginia laws.
Uh-huh... Tell your self whatever you must to find comfort. Your kind, and your ideology will remain under attack, until both are nothing more than a barbaric footnote in American history, like slavery...
I don't feel understand attack from you "pray and fast" weirdos. Those are both, literally, "do nothing". The only people under attack are the women you cowards harass, before you go home and tell yourselves how pious you are.

And, of course, you fraud leave all the work that ACTUALLY prevents abortion to others. Because you aren't interested in actually preventing abortions. You are only interested in getting yourself into heaven.

All the evidence shows this. You are all frauds.
I neither pray nor fast. Nor do I believe in heaven , nor Hell. As such... I find justice best served in the here, and now mortal world...
Looks like your crystal ball has failed you Madame Cleo... Here... Use mine. It says “Your kind will never find sanctuary to commit your murders of the innocent unopposed; so long as you live.”
So far... It’s right...
Wow, so you're just a rudderless fraud, instead of a religious one. Don't worry yourself. You just sit and rest. Others will do all the work of preventing abortions.
That's right. You just sit there and cry like a little b**** and then pretend you did something to prevent abortions. Meanwhile, others will work for and provide access to education amd birth control. Which you won't do, because one of your aims is to control women. You don't like things that empower them.
Still relying on your “keen sense of premonition” I see... lol! Outstanding! Keep at it. I promise you. I will...
up to the moment of birth and some even say it's okay to let the baby die after it's born alive.

If you have to LIE to try and make your have no case...and know it

You need to listen to the videos, which are everywhere. Yes, they said abortion up until the moment of birth. And the idiot in Virginia indeed stated that if a baby was born alive, it would be kept comfortable until a discussion about whether to provide care was decided by the mother. It is abundantly clear and the guy stands by what he said.

That's why democrats want abortions to be performed by hires right off the street.

They legalized it, saying it was the only way to end back alley abortions. Now they want that to be the standard.

It's insane that they want babies killed up to the moment of birth and some even say it's okay to let the baby die after it's born alive. Seriously fucked up. PP is drooling at the thought of being able to sell fully developed baby parts.

And they will insist that all medical personnel be forced to perform these late abortions or after-birth murders. No one thinks about the psychological affect this has on those in the medical field. It would be traumatizing to kill a baby. Let's be clear, they are babies at that point. Can't pass it off as a clump of cells in the third trimester. What kind of monster would be okay with murdering a baby?

The old argument is that it would only be done to save the mother's life. News flash: They have always had a plan when a mother's life is at risk due to accident or illness. It's called an emergency C-section. It does not increase the mother's chances when the baby is killed. What this law is talking about is partial-birth abortion. It would actually pose a greater risk to the mother by either extending the birth to kill the baby or inducing labor and stopping to kill the baby.

It is clear just how much value the left places on life. They don't want mass murderers to get the death penalty, despite there being no cure or treatment for psychopaths or sociopaths. They don't want honest citizens to defend their very lives against attackers by using their choice of weapon. They don't want to save American lives by keeping drug cartels, human traffickers or terrorists out of our country. But they think killing innocent, healthy, full-term babies is something to celebrate.

It's about as sick as it gets. The liberals have given up on freedom and have bent over to the tyrannical leftists. Sad day.

This entire issue is all about reducing the population. Leftists don't care how that comes about, whether it's minorities murdering each other in cities, 100,000 people being taken each year by human traffickers, people being killed by drugs. Or terrorist strikes. It's not adding up fast enough for the leftists. Taking away our guns means that government can do what they want to us. It happened in every single socialist and communist country. Millions murdered by their own government after they were disarmed and stripped of rights. It can and will happen again. Human nature remains the same and when power-hungry tyrants gain power, they seek to control. There are too many people to control right now. especially considered how many are armed. That is all gun control has ever been about and it's sad that so many have been brainwashed to believe otherwise. It's no mystery how Hitler and other dictators were able to do what they did. We see the same exact things being said now. Hitler was Time magazine's Man of the Year. Now, they praise Obama, Hillary and the Dems. Nothing has changed except that it's a new generation of useful idiots.


I don't think you have to worry about abortionist letting babies die after the are born alive following a failed abortion attempt. Federal law requires doctors to use the same standard of care provided for those who survive abortion, regardless of their stage of development, as they would for other newborns. of development as other newborns. There is a Federal law known as Born-Alive Infants Protection Act of 2002, enacted August 5, 2002, ( § 8).1 U.S.C. The Act extends legal protection to an infant born alive. after a failed attempt at induced abortion. It was signed into law by President George W. Bush.

The Act did not create new laws as such; it merely classified those who survived abortion to be a person, a human being. Here is the text of the law:

(a) In determining the meaning of any Act of Congress, or of any ruling, regulation, or interpretation of the various administrative bureaus and agencies of the United States, the words “person”, “human being”, “child”, and “individual”, shall include every infant member of the species homo sapiens who is born alive at any stage of development.

(b) As used in this section, the term “born alive”, with respect to a member of the species homo sapiens, means the complete expulsion or extraction from his or her mother of that member, at any stage of development, who after such expulsion or extraction breathes or has a beating heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of voluntary muscles, regardless of whether the umbilical cord has been cut, and regardless of whether the expulsion or extraction occurs as a result of natural or induced labor, cesarean section, or induced abortion.

(c) Nothing in this section shall be construed to affirm, deny, expand, or contract any legal status or legal right applicable to any member of the species homo sapiens at any point prior to being “born alive” as defined in this section.

1 U.S. Code: § 8 “Person”, “human being”, “child”, and “individual” as including born-alive infant

The following is a report from the House Judiciary Committee which discusses the details of the law to protect those infants who are born alive. The report is very lengthy so I have presented only excerpts from that document:

“Confusion regarding the legal status of abortion survivors is not a problem only in the United States. Evidence of this confusion can be further illustrated by events that occurred in Professor Peter Singer’s native country of Australia. On April 10, 2000, in Sydney, Australia, a Coroners Court heard testimony regarding a baby who survived an abortion in 1998 and lived for 80 minutes while hospital staff waited for the baby to die. When the midwife nurse called the abortion doctor (who was not present) to inform him that the baby had survived, he responded, ‘‘So?’’ The nurse then did what she could to make the baby comfortable, covering her with a blanket to keep her warm until her breathing and heartbeat slowed and she died.” (See page 11, 12 of the provided text.)

“H.R. 4292 draws a bright line between the right to abortion—which the Supreme Court has now said includes the right to kill partially-born children—and infanticide, or the killing or criminal neglect of completely born children. The bill reaffirms that a born-alive infant’s legal status under Federal law does not depend upon the infant’s gestational age or whether the infant’s birth occurred as a result of natural or induced labor, cesarean section, or induced abortion. If, for example, an infant is born alive at a Federal hospital as a result of a failed abortion attempt, this bill makes clear that the attending physicians and other medical professionals should treat the infant just as they would treat a similarly-situated infant who was born as a result of natural labor.” (See page 13 of the provided text.)

“H.R. 4292 would amend the United States Code by expanding the definition of the words ‘‘person, human being, child, and individual’’ as they are used in any act of the Congress or any administrative ruling, regulation, or interpretation. Under the bill, such words would be defined to include every infant born alive at any stage of development. The bill also would define the term ‘‘born alive.’’ (See page 16 of the provided text.)

The various States have their own laws which afford protections to infants who are born alive after an attempted abortion. Here is the law in my home State of Florida

Section 390.0111(12) – INFANTS BORN ALIVE

(a) If an infant is born alive during or immediately after an attempted abortion, any health care practitioner present at the time shall humanely exercise the same degree of professional skill, care, and diligence to preserve the life and health of the infant as a reasonably diligent and conscientious health care practitioner would render to an infant born alive at the same gestational age in the course of natural birth.

(b) If an infant is born alive during or immediately after an attempted abortion, any health care practitioner present at the time shall humanely exercise the same degree of professional skill, care, and diligence to preserve the life and health of the infant as a reasonably diligent and conscientious health care practitioner would render to an infant born alive at the same gestational age in the course of natural birth.

(c) An infant born alive during or immediately after an attempted abortion must be immediately transported and admitted to a hospital pursuant to s. 390.012(3)(c) or rules adopted thereunder.

(d) A health care practitioner or any employee of a hospital, a physician’s office, or an abortion clinic who has knowledge of a violation of this subsection must report the violation to the department.

(e) A person who violates this subsection commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. This subsection shall not be construed as a specific provision of law relating to a particular subject matter that would preclude prosecution of a more general offense, regardless of the penalty.

(Note: s. 775.083 provides for a definite term of imprisonment not exceeding 1 year, ands. 775.083, provides for a fine of $1,000.)

Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine
This abortion issue has woke up the sleeping giant

Anger. Is rising fast all over

No other issue can bring such anger

Trump now has enough power to call up the military to make logic tests for voters. To stop electing crooks and murderers
It always does during election time when right wingers have nothing else to run on.... :rolleyes:
Except when someone grows the brains and nerve to point out that it’s a man’s baby, too, stipulated upon the contract of copulation.
Sorry...never will and never should happen. You can give up on that fantasy right now.
“Never”... Famous last words...
Not worried....
Good... All the better for advancing men’s, and fathers rights...
Actually, I only spoke to that one "right", which isn't a right and will never be. The same principle by which we legalize abortion -- woman's choice -- will prevent that silly "right".
Again, logic not necessary.
up to the moment of birth and some even say it's okay to let the baby die after it's born alive.

If you have to LIE to try and make your have no case...and know it

You need to listen to the videos, which are everywhere. Yes, they said abortion up until the moment of birth. And the idiot in Virginia indeed stated that if a baby was born alive, it would be kept comfortable until a discussion about whether to provide care was decided by the mother. It is abundantly clear and the guy stands by what he said.

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam was strongly supported by Planned Parenthood and he received around two million dollars in campaign contributions from that organization.

Governor Who Endorsed Infanticide Received $2 Million From Planned Parenthood - Big League Politics

There are other links that show how Planned Parenthood was anxious to get Northam elected because his opponent, Ed Gillespie, opposed abortion except in cases of rape, incest and when the mother’s life is at stake.

Report: Planned Parenthood Va. Affiliate Spent $3 Million to Elect Post-Birth Abortion Gov. Ralph Northam

It is obvious that money is his guiding influence and he has no concern at all for innocent young lives. I never thought I would ever hear any elected official say those cold heartless words

Bottem line abortion is killing a human life

And it has created the death sentence for western democracies this

Monster Imbalance of young to old

This makes nations run
in the young of low IQ people then the nation is replaced and dies

Trump will lead the way by stopping women's voting or a logic test for voters

This is a National Security Issue.

The commander in chief must act now!
A Case That Could Seriously Undermine Roe v. Wade Is Before SCOTUS

Pro-aborts have seen the writing on the wall, Roe v. Wade will soon be overturned, or in someway rendered irrelevant indirectly by Louisiana's law that abortion doctors have to have hospital privileges.

That's why the push is on to have the states go beyond Roe v. Wade to legalize abortion all the way to the moment of birth, like they have just done in New York, and they tried to do in Virginia.

It will become a state to state battle and our nation will be divided between life states and death states, in the same way the states were once divided between free states and slave states.

NBC/WSJ poll: Support for Roe v. Wade hits new high

Even if Roe v. Wade is overturned...eventually the Dems will control the SCOTUS again.

And then the Dems in power will bring out an abortion legalization law and the SCOTUS will support it.

Support for abortion is growing - not shrinking.

Like it or not, abortion is here to stay - whether out in the open or in back alley clinic's.


BTW - I do NOT support abortion after there is brain activity. But before that - okay.

Does that mean you support killing people with Alzheimers?
A Case That Could Seriously Undermine Roe v. Wade Is Before SCOTUS

Pro-aborts have seen the writing on the wall, Roe v. Wade will soon be overturned, or in someway rendered irrelevant indirectly by Louisiana's law that abortion doctors have to have hospital privileges.

That's why the push is on to have the states go beyond Roe v. Wade to legalize abortion all the way to the moment of birth, like they have just done in New York, and they tried to do in Virginia.

It will become a state to state battle and our nation will be divided between life states and death states, in the same way the states were once divided between free states and slave states.

Na, John Roberts will vote with the libtards.
This abortion issue has woke up the sleeping giant

Anger. Is rising fast all over

No other issue can bring such anger

Trump now has enough power to call up the military to make logic tests for voters. To stop electing crooks and murderers

Rising anger, by a shrinking minority.

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