Democrats, Biden White House, Oppose Bill Mandating Proof of Citizenship to Vote

Anything that gets in the way of cheating they are opposed to. ID is a universal entity for one hundred years yet suddenly it’s too onerous .
That’s because, it stymies cheating
If a 25 Year old Black woman in the Burbs of Chicago or In Oxnard or Ventura can get a CCW / CHL \ CWP ( Hand Gun Carry Permit ) then she can get a Voter ID
The states can and do.

No, they cannot, I pointed to the case on that. And Arizona as an example, if you cannot prove citizenship they will ONLY give you a ballot for Federal offices not state or local offices.
Voting includes the requirement of citizenship

It merely requires you sign that you are a citizen, but the Federal law also says you cannot ask a person when they vote for proof they are a citizen under the presumption that when they signed the registration he didn't lie.
Last week a federal court ruled in League of Women Voters v. Harrington that a former U.S. Election Assistance Commission official violated federal law in 2016 when he allowed three states – Alabama, Georgia, and Kansas – to require documentary proof of citizenship on the federal voter registration form
In their lawsuit, plaintiffs argued that the proposed change to the federal voter registration form to require documentary proof of citizenship was unauthorized, violates federal law, and would deprive tens of thousands of voters of their fundamental right to vote and undermine the groups’ efforts to increase civic participation. Many American citizens don’t have a passport or birth certificate (Me: Birth certificates are very common, so BS), the most common types of document used to prove citizenship. A 2017 report found that in the first few years after the Kansas requirement was implemented in 2013, between 8% and 14% of new registrants were blocked (Me: Good, because most if not all had no right to vote or were trying to register under a false name).​

It merely requires you sign that you are a citizen, but the Federal law also says you cannot ask a person when they vote for proof they are a citizen under the presumption that when they signed the registration he didn't lie.
It’s circular bullshit in order to allow illegal voting.
If you have to be something to participate in this very unique and Vitally Important once every 4 year event then proof you are elegible is entirely rational and proper. The presumption that the prior acts like filling out paperwork automatically conveys to this act is ludicrous.
When Trump wins USSC will be tasked with this again and get it corrected.
It’s circular bullshit in order to allow illegal voting.
If you have to be something to participate in this very unique and Vitally Important once every 4 year event then proof you are elegible is entirely rational and proper. The presumption that the prior acts like filling out paperwork automatically conveys to this act is ludicrous.
When Trump wins USSC will be tasked with this again and get it corrected.
Then why didn't the Founders require it?
Then why didn't the Founders require it?
Massive immigration a non issue back then tard noggin
Why do libs pose “questions” about long ago while not comprehending that issues of 200 years ago are different than today?
Why-to troll and/or cry

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