Its interesting the “Whistleblowers” on Trump did not have their lives in danger, but the Biden ones do

It would be nice if they were loyal to JESUS... aka objective TRUTH

but that's too much to ask...

If they had the kind of fear of Hell they should have... they would not go against Jesus EVER

I don't know if you are into Jesus as much as I am but let's just put it another way:

Truth and justice should, as you imply, come first with all govt agencies. The reason it doesn't.. .well, here is where only a "religious" answer works:

they have no fear of Hell. Scoff away, atheists... but it dosn't make sense that there will be no justice ever... this life or the next. That does not make sense. Humans are born with an innate sense of what is just and what is not.. ask any child who has had some toy ripped out of his/her hands by a bully...

anyway, where was I?

This is the world we all deserve, to one extent or another... Ditch God and He ditches you... or as one scripture says

He gives us over to our reprobate minds, to those things which are [unseemly... despicable.. disgusting..

Romans Chapter 1


and tragically, we suffer the ill consequences. Those who listen to God from their youth on do not suffer those kinds of egregious consequences...

(my paraphrase in brackets)

Loyal to The Constitution.
The end.
Which party are the authoritarians?

The FBI says the Biden Whistleblower may be killed?

Have they ever protected anyone before?

seems like they have….why not now?

We know who killed Seth Rich, but the DOJ is withholding evidence for 65 years?

We know Big Pharma covered up bad test results on the “vax” but the evidenve cannot come out for 65 years?

The CIA intentionally lied about the Hunter Biden laptop.

This is the most corrupt DOJ in history.

The whistleblower isn't in danger....Wray is lying...He'll say anything to keep from being outed as the fucking crook that he is.
Indeed. She's an open Russian agent, yet the Trump cultists still love her.
you know how bad it is when people flee HERE to go to Russia...

Are you talking about Tara Reed? I thought she said he just got touchy feely with her?
He jammed her against a wall and stuck his fingers up her…
you know, the thing.
Obama gave Biden the diplomatic platform to Ukraine.

Hunter Biden was employed by Zlochevsky, a man being investigated by Ukraine's prosecutor Shokin.
On the day Shokin conducted a raid of Zlochevsky's property and seized his assets, Hunter Biden and Karen Tramontano contacted Anthony Blinken at the Department of State. Tramontano, representing Zlochevsky, name-dropped the Bidens in her emails to State. Joe Biden, using the threat of withholding Federal funding, forced the Ukrainians to fire Shokin in order to protect Zlochevsky and the Biden Syndicate's gravy train.

Who was impeached for it? Trump. Why? Because he was trying to find out the truth.

How do we now? Because Trump released the transcript of his TELCON with Zelensky.

One rule for Democrats and Vichy Republicans who play ball.

Quite another set of rules for everyone else.

In the end, all whistleblowers die. That is the inconvenient truth.
There was no real investigation into Burisma by Shokin.

The effort to remove Shokin had nothing to do with Biden or Blinken. It had to do with State Dept diplomats seeing that Shokin was obstructing their efforts to reform the corrupt justice system of Ukraine where the prosecutors that Shokin protected would use phony investigations to extort bribes from businesses.
There was no real investigation into Burisma by Shokin.

The effort to remove Shokin had nothing to do with Biden or Blinken. It had to do with State Dept diplomats seeing that Shokin was obstructing their efforts to reform the corrupt justice system of Ukraine where the prosecutors that Shokin protected would use phony investigations to extort bribes from businesses.

you know how bad it is when people flee HERE to go to Russia...

Are you talking about Tara Reed? I thought she said he just got touchy feely with her?
Tara claims Joe held her against the office wall as a senator and shoved his finger inside of her.... that's forcible rape in anyone's book but the media wasn't interested so Biden and his crime family goons... (possibly FBI agents) threatened her life... Just like they did Snowden when he fled to Russia... it makes me sick to watch this corrupt news media fool so many Americans...
Tara claims Joe held her against the office wall as a senator and shoved his finger inside of her.... that's forcible rape in anyone's book but the media wasn't interested so Biden and his crime family goons... (possibly FBI agents) threatened her life... Just like they did Snowden when he fled to Russia... it makes me sick to watch this corrupt news media fool so many Americans...

Are they fooled or are they complicit?
Tara claims Joe held her against the office wall as a senator and shoved his finger inside of her.... that's forcible rape in anyone's book but the media wasn't interested so Biden and his crime family goons... (possibly FBI agents) threatened her life... Just like they did Snowden when he fled to Russia... it makes me sick to watch this corrupt news media fool so many Americans...

Sexual assault is synonymous with the Democrat Party
Comer is going to drop contempt of Congress papers on Wray.

Wray refuses to release the statement from whistleblower, claiming the whistleblower will be killed if they get released.

See, Wray is protecting the whistleblower…NOT THE BIDEN CRIME FAMILY! :auiqs.jpg:

Oh, you silly cult fucks!
Which party are the authoritarians?

The FBI says the Biden Whistleblower may be killed?

Have they ever protected anyone before?

seems like they have….why not now?

We know who killed Seth Rich, but the DOJ is withholding evidence for 65 years?

We know Big Pharma covered up bad test results on the “vax” but the evidenve cannot come out for 65 years?

The CIA intentionally lied about the Hunter Biden laptop.

This is the most corrupt DOJ in history.

The FBI has been retaliating against Whistleblowers ... and now they are concetned about one?

I smell bullshit.

The FBI issuing a public warning that this Whistleblower might be killed sounds like somethibg they would put out to cover their ass before killing this person themselves.

Yikes…..I think you are correct….or a warning to scare future whistleblowers.
Just to make clear, it’s not the whistleblower that fears for their life, it’s the informant.

The FBI is right to protect confidential sources. It makes me wonder why Congress is so intent on disseminating their information.
We impeach presidents because of whistleblowers, of course we need to hear from these.
I know! Beside they’re protecting a confidential source. How hard is that to understand?
I know! Congress can hold a closed door session in front of a Republican only committee, after which said committee will introduce a bill of impeachment based on what was said in secret. The committee members will reveal the parts of the testimony that bolster the impeachment process and Quid Pro gets impeached. That's the way it's supposed to work, right?
I know! Congress can hold a closed door session in front of a Republican only committee, after which said committee will introduce a bill of impeachment based on what was said in secret. The committee members will reveal the parts of the testimony that bolster the impeachment process and Quid Pro gets impeached. That's the way it's supposed to work, right?
What the hell are you talking about?

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