It's just sad at this point.

I really did not want to see the 25th invoked because that would mean that idiot Harris taking over, but Biden's gaffes has gone from mildly amusing to down right sad. I didn't vote for him and you have to wonder about the sanity of those that did and continue to support him.

Biden tells Irish leaders Let's lick the world.

He confused "the world" with "ice cream cone"
No harm done.
What’s worse is that this is already the Body Double! The “real” Joe was last seen in Summer 2020. That’s why they kept him locked away in the basement

He’s violating the Constitution by putting combat troops on the ground in Ukraine

Weird that people keep bringing up laws broken by someone who was the beneficiary of a coup.

There are no laws when it comes to this regime.
If there were, who would enforce them?
So you think Biden wasn't saying he was going to lick the world with his tongue ? Then you must believe he was threatening the world, according to your definition of lick.
Why must I? Couldn't I interpret the remarks he made about the world challenges both the US and Ireland face be what he would like help in licking? Like in all those words he used before he said the word lick.
As I said it was not a gaffe. Several posters have corrected you on the various meanings and usages of the term lick. Had he said let's Covfefe the world, that would have been a bigly gaffe. But I digress....
Are you saying Biden wants to join with Ireland and lick (thrash/overcome/defeat) the world?
Are you saying Biden wants to join with Ireland and lick (thrash/overcome/defeat) the world?
Hahahaha. Um Hah. No.

I'm thinking he wants help to defeat/overcome or "lick" some of the problems he mentioned earlier in his remarks.

Why do you insist it was a gaffe?
I really did not want to see the 25th invoked because that would mean that idiot Harris taking over, but Biden's gaffes has gone from mildly amusing to down right sad. I didn't vote for him and you have to wonder about the sanity of those that did and continue to support him.

Biden tells Irish leaders Let's lick the world.

lol he confused a soccer team named 'All Blacks' with the Irish 'Black and Tans'. lol you expect Democrats to elect sane people at any level? They can't even get rid of Warbucks Feinstein, who has missed over 75% of the Senate votes. She has shingles now, lol. They
are supposed to be the Party of Progressive Yoofs aren't they? What a hoot.
The Last Anointing: "Really, It Just Happened"

' "It just so happened, and this is spontaneous, that we have working at the shrine here the chaplain who gave the last rites, the last anointing, to his son in the United States." '
lol he confused a soccer team named 'All Blacks' with the Irish 'Black and Tans'. lol you expect Democrats to elect sane people at any level? They can't even get rid of Warbucks Feinstein, who has missed over 75% of the Senate votes. She has shingles now, lol. They
are supposed to be the Party of Progressive Yoofs aren't they? What a hoot.
Sane people who are experts on Irish Soccer Teams?
The Last Anointing: "Really, It Just Happened"

' "It just so happened, and this is spontaneous, that we have working at the shrine here the chaplain who gave the last rites, the last anointing, to his son in the United States." '

lol what a fake PR scam. These gimps are shameless.

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