It's just sad at this point.

Do you have a problem with context?

".....I’ve used that phrase several times in talks I’ve had here. But the decisions we make now are going to determine what the next three or four decades are going to look like.

They’re going to lay down the path that we’re going to follow. It’s happened every five, six generations throughout history. Things are changing.

We have an opportunity to make things better or lay back and let events determine what we’re going to do.

And folks, tonight, sitting in this beautiful castle, where I had the honor to speak to the people of Ireland in 2016, let’s resolve to march onward with each other and with all those who seek a better future, because the vast majority of us do.

So, let’s renew our commitment to defending all the values we stand for.

And let’s remember — let’s remember: No barrier is too thick nor too strong for Ireland or the United States of America, especially today.

There’s nothing, and I mean this from the bottom of my heart — there’s nothing our nations can’t achieve if we do it together. I really mean it.

So, thank you all. God bless you all. And let’s go — let’s go la- — lick the world. Let’s get it done. Thank you.
You posted this context not me. So what was Biden trying to saying ?

2 a : to strike repeatedly : THRASH
b : to get the better of : OVERCOME, DEFEAT
You posted this context not me. So what was Biden trying to saying ?

2 a : to strike repeatedly : THRASH
b : to get the better of : OVERCOME, DEFEAT

As I said it was not a gaffe. Several posters have corrected you on the various meanings and usages of the term lick. Had he said let's Covfefe the world, that would have been a bigly gaffe. But I digress....
As I said it was not a gaffe. Several posters have corrected you on the various meanings and usages of the term lick. Had he said let's Covfefe the world, that would have been a bigly gaffe. But I digress....
Some around here don't know when to call it quits when defeated.
I really did not want to see the 25th invoked because that would mean that idiot Harris taking over, but Biden's gaffes has gone from mildly amusing to down right sad. I didn't vote for him and you have to wonder about the sanity of those that did and continue to support him.

Biden tells Irish leaders Let's lick the world.

This gaffe of hundreds of gaffes is of little consequence actually. The world knows we have a incapable, incompetent President. It probably makes them very nervous that they can't count on a strong USA with China, North Korea, Russia, Iran either already at war or seriously saber rattling.

Trump has sometimes spoken words that came across as unpresidential, irritating, obnoxious, petulant, or inappropriate and I have been as annoyed by that as anybody else.

But President Trump:
--Kept campaign promises that got him elected
--Gave us the best economy in all demographics that any of us had ever seen
--Slowed the illegal invasion of our southern border to a trickle
--Gave us energy independence that, among other things, helped us in all aspects of national security.
--Had the respect of the world that brought us closer to world peace than at any time in my now long lifetime.

President Biden:
--Has one of the worst economies for any but the rich.
--Is begging the Saudis and Venezuela and others for oil
--Has exacerbated crushing inflation far outpacing wage increases.
--Has an uncontrolled border admitting millions of unvetted, unverified illegals into the country including hundreds of thousands of gotaways that we don't know who they are or where they come from.
--Russia and the Ukraine are at war and no other predatory countries are the least worried about Biden.
--Nobody but nobody respects us.

I'll take a lot of obnoxiousness in a Trump administration to the disaster that the Biden administration has been.
Talk about desperation... :laughing0301:
I agree. How dumbed down has America become. We went from :

Timex watch torture tests. The watches survived tests against paint mixers, jackhammers, washing machines, dishwashers, water skiers and even an 87-foot dive off of the La Quebrada Cliffs in Acapulco, Mexico. And after every test, they reiterated the Timex slogan, “It takes a licking and keeps on ticking.”

To: "Why were they licking those Watches?"
Sad as it is, Joe looks smart to the people of the hard left because he is about 5 IQ points above them.

They are ready to follow Joe anywhere! Or at least wherever Jill leads him.

View attachment 776384
It's sad to see an aged, and demented octogenarian paraded out and used like tis by Maoist Democrats. They did the same to Woody Wilson in his last years of office too..
Your President until 1/20/2029 and there is NOTHING you can do about it. :auiqs.jpg:
It's sad to see an aged, and demented octogenarian paraded out and used like tis by Maoist Democrats.

It is really less about Joe's age than it is his mental condition. Trump is just a few years younger but the difference is night and day.

The upside to Joe is that before his term is out, we might see Joe come out and put a show on for us!


Here he is, folks, president of the USA! I'm willing to take that just to see the left humiliated and confronted with the person they really elected, then stand back for the last year or whatever as they 25 Joe out of office and put his Puckering Priscilla in his place to add the final wrecking ball to the democrat party.

Biden is indeed too old to be President.
Not too old, too senile.

The fact that he remains the better choice over a profoundly damaged orange sociopath only demonstrates how far this country has fallen.
The fact that you see this treasonous, disastrous bastard a better choice than the most loved, popular, and successful, pro-America president in a century and criticize him as "orange" demonstrates your opinion totally worthless and you a complete nutter.
As I said it was not a gaffe. Several posters have corrected you on the various meanings and usages of the term lick. Had he said let's Covfefe the world, that would have been a bigly gaffe. But I digress....
So you think Biden wasn't saying he was going to lick the world with his tongue ? Then you must believe he was threatening the world, according to your definition of lick.

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