"It's my body, my choice" doesn't count if another life is invovled.


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2014
Doesn't it? Really? You see, we have a legal precedent in this country known as "bodily autonomy". Because of this precedent, you cannot force me to donate blood, even if it is necessary to save a life. Similarly, you cannot harvest the organs of a corpse without the prior consent of the person, before they died. Even a corpse is allowed bodily autonomy.

To insist that a person give up their bodily autonomy for nine months during an expensive, invasive, often life threatening procedure is immoral, unethical, and illegal. You are attempting to demand that women surrender the bodily autonomy that we afford to corpses. Really??????
"My body, my choice" doesn't mean squat. If some shithead murders a pregnant woman and the baby also dies, said shithead can be charged with two murders.

as they should be... is this simple concept too complicated for you?
You know, there are ways to prevent that, even the day after.
Doesn't it? Really? You see, we have a legal precedent in this country known as "bodily autonomy". Because of this precedent, you cannot force me to donate blood, even if it is necessary to save a life. Similarly, you cannot harvest the organs of a corpse without the prior consent of the person, before they died. Even a corpse is allowed bodily autonomy.

To insist that a person give up their bodily autonomy for nine months during an expensive, invasive, often life threatening procedure is immoral, unethical, and illegal. You are attempting to demand that women surrender the bodily autonomy that we afford to corpses. Really??????
People are so eager to kill the unborn that murder is the #1 cause of death of pregnant women.
What about the baby's body?

the law does not recognize prenatal life as meeting the definition of "persons" as conveyed in the constitution...

the law views prenatal life as an entirely private matter during the first trimester of pregnancy. the legal precedent is set by the constitutionally protected principle of individual privacy from the undue burden of intrusive state laws.
What about the baby's body?
What about it? It's not the woman's responsibility to give her body up for another. Period. Bodily autonomy. The only argument you are making is that we should ignore this principle.
The ONLY time Republicans care about children is when it comes to USING them for politics.

The don't want to spend money to educate them.

They don't even want school lunches for poor children. The GOP position is let the fukkers starve. It's no MY kid. Why should I have to pay for it.

The made up abortion issue gives the GOP an opportunity to control women and it doesn't cost much. Not like education or feeding poor children.

So their position is get them born, then fuk 'em. It's your problem, not mine. It's not MY kid.

"My body, my choice" doesn't mean squat. If some shithead murders a pregnant woman and the baby also dies, said shithead can be charged with two murders.

as they should be... is this simple concept too complicated for you?

But it's fine and dandy with you if the mother murders her unborn child through abortion? Is this simple concept too complicated for you?
rethuglican emos have been demonizing women for merely protecting their bodily autonomy from oppressive government overreach...

these are the same emo idiots who wish to deregulate every other God damned thing going, except the evul wimmins baginas.

"My body, my choice" doesn't mean squat. If some shithead murders a pregnant woman and the baby also dies, said shithead can be charged with two murders.

as they should be... is this simple concept too complicated for you?

But it's fine and dandy with you if the mother murders her unborn child through abortion? Is this simple concept too complicated for you?
Yup. It's perfectly alright with me. It's not the woman's responsibility to surrender her body as an incubator, just because it offends your sensibility. Bodily autonomy. Is this simple concept too complicated for you?
rethuglican emos have been demonizing women for merely protecting their bodily autonomy from oppressive government overreach...

these are the same emo idiots who wish to deregulate every other God damned thing going, except the evul wimmins baginas.


Give me a fucking beak here. "Oppressive government overreach" is using taxpayer's money to murder unborn children. It is also forcing people to purchase a health care plan which provides abortion services, even if you're a male.

Let's talk about who the real "thugs" are here. Those would be you liberals, Democrats, and progressives. You sure as shit don't see any conservatives occupying campuses and schools, breaking shit, assaulting people, starting fires, and denying people of their First Amendment right of free speech. You can claim those lock, stock, and barrel.
"My body, my choice" doesn't mean squat. If some shithead murders a pregnant woman and the baby also dies, said shithead can be charged with two murders.

as they should be... is this simple concept too complicated for you?

But it's fine and dandy with you if the mother murders her unborn child through abortion? Is this simple concept too complicated for you?
Yup. It's perfectly alright with me. It's not the woman's responsibility to surrender her body as an incubator, just because it offends your sensibility. Bodily autonomy. Is this simple concept too complicated for you?

Self-autonomy ends when a woman is pregnant. She no longer only cared for her own well-being, but the well-being of the child she carries.
the law does not recognize prenatal life as meeting the definition of "persons" as conveyed in the constitution...

the law views prenatal life as an entirely private matter during the first trimester of pregnancy. the legal precedent is set by the constitutionally protected principle of individual privacy from the undue burden of intrusive state laws
I don't care what the law says I'm asking you what about the baby's body? What do you have to say about the body when it's a baby in the womb?
What about the baby's body?
What about it? It's not the woman's responsibility to give her body up for another. Period. Bodily autonomy. The only argument you are making is that we should ignore this principle.
So you don't care about the baby...it means nothing to you...just a small piece of flesh and bone to be discarded over convenience...That is sick...

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