It's my people who voted for Brexit. To call them racist is wrong and divisive


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
Peter, now Lord, Mandelson and I have three things in common. Obviously, weā€™re both members of the House of Lords. Both of us were architects of New Labour (albeit in Peterā€™s case more prominently than in mine). And we are both better at giving other people advice than we are at taking it ourselves.

It is this third point that has made me think about the words used by Peter last week when he suggested that many supporters of Brexit were ā€œnationalistsā€ who ā€œhate other countriesā€ and ā€œhate foreignersā€.

It's my people who voted for Brexit. To call them racist is wrong and divisive

Far too many who supported Brexit were motivated by an unwarranted fear of immigration, in addition to bigotry and a hostility toward ā€˜foreigners.ā€™

To claim otherwise is as dishonest as it is wrong.

Far too many who supported Brexit were motivated by an unwarranted fear of immigration, in addition to bigotry and a hostility toward ā€˜foreigners.ā€™

To claim otherwise is as dishonest as it is wrong.

Really? Have you done any reading about the crimes caused by the influx of military aged muslim males that believe any female not wearing a burka is "fair game" for rape? How there are sections of London that not even the "Bobbies" will patrol because the muslims have taken it over called "No go" zones. Why did the UK have to take them in? Because the unelected bureaucrats in Brussels, Belgium TOLD them that as part of being in the E.U that they HAD to take them in and subsidize them.

You really are one stupid fuck......but then again? You are a leftard.....

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