It’s Not Just Hillary: Scott Walker’s Email Controversy

AzMike, you call mainstream folks liberals while you are somehwere out in far far far reactionary right la la land.

If the both broke the law, they can both pay for for it.

And if the left is doing a tu quo que attack, so be it.

Walker's crime, if any, cannot be excused by Hillary's.
Yet the excuse right here in this thread is Walker did it too. Walker people went to jail. Who is going to jail for Hildabeasts actions?
She may be guilty, too, and we will find out.

Scott does not get off because of Hillary.
AzMike, you call mainstream folks liberals while you are somehwere out in far far far reactionary right la la land.

If the both broke the law, they can both pay for for it.

And if the left is doing a tu quo que attack, so be it.

Walker's crime, if any, cannot be excused by Hillary's.
Yet the excuse right here in this thread is Walker did it too. Walker people went to jail. Who is going to jail for Hildabeasts actions?
She may be guilty, too, and we will find out.

Scott does not get off because of Hillary.

Poor Jake.

You're just afraid we'll get Scott in and not Jeb.
We see the gastric penguins of the far right mouth farting their belches.

These are the the fools who said Obama could not possibly win. They wanted to run the likes of a Fred Thompson, a Santorum, a Perry. The massacre by Obama would have been even worse.

America does not you freaky candidates. Scott is acceptable, barely, but none of the others to his right.

Kasich would be OK. Paul would be OK.
We see the gastric penguins of the far right mouth farting their belches.

These are the the fools who said Obama could not possibly win. They wanted to run the likes of a Fred Thompson, a Santorum, a Perry. The massacre by Obama would have been even worse.

America does not you freaky candidates. Scott is acceptable, barely, but none of the others to his right.

Kasich would be OK. Paul would be OK.

Poor Jake, you love you some Billary.
The Wisconsin governor kept a secret email system too, and some of his aides were found guilty of other crimes too. And it’s not over yet.

It s Not Just Hillary Scott Walker s Email Controversy - The Daily Beast

You would think folks would learn.
The daily beast....Look, these liberal blogs have been taking pot shots at Walker and it's all nonsense.
Secret email accounts. Jesus Christ.
You libbies are shitting your pants over Walker.
You are not mainstream, just a far right wank wanking along.

Walker is a serious candidate, yes, but with problems similar to Hillary.

This seems to be a season for dumb candidates: Clinton, Walker, Bush, Christie, Carson, etc.



You look very stupid telling others what they are and what they aren't ;)

Us Conservatives are right here.

Sure you are. Always...... right....... here. Posting dumb things that I can come laugh at when ever I want. Keep up the good work.

Oh lookie another Lib who knows best about everything !!!!

I'm far from knowing everything, but it doesn't take much to see that the right wing is batshit crazy, and they post some hilarious stuff. Tell me again how any one of your clown car occupants thinks they can win the presidency with no support other than teabaggers. They've pissed off everybody else.

Wow what Conversation did you but into?

Nobody gives a shit about your opinion ;)

You know you hang on my every word.
The Wisconsin governor kept a secret email system too, and some of his aides were found guilty of other crimes too. And it’s not over yet.

It s Not Just Hillary Scott Walker s Email Controversy - The Daily Beast

You would think folks would learn.
Hey, man. You can't use the same yardstick for Democrats and Republicans. You have to use two different ones.

Otherwise that is...unfair. Or something.

Didja hear that when Jeb publicly released all his emails, they contained the email addresses, home addresses, phone numbers, and social security numbers of Florida residents?

Everything an identity thief needs, handed to them on a silver platter. By Bush.

What a dipshit!

I don't want jeb but do you have a link to that information?
Leftytoons don't need links or evidence. All they need are marching orders.
The Wisconsin governor kept a secret email system too, and some of his aides were found guilty of other crimes too. And it’s not over yet.

It s Not Just Hillary Scott Walker s Email Controversy - The Daily Beast

You would think folks would learn.
Scott walker isn't be charged for having a private email account ... what they are trying to find out did Scott Walker use his campaign money illegally... Hillary is being accused of not turning in her private emails to the country... a totally different thing
...Conservatives did not stay home in 2008 and 2012. The numbers do not lie, like Conservatives do.
Then again, the original huge numbers of Orgasmic ObamaBots climbed on-board in order to serve-up an overdue first Black POTUS.

Now that we've had that particular bit of fun, those vast numbers are no longer an automatic and taken-for-granted Blue vote.

Besides, a lot of the kiddies who voted for Obumble have grown-up in the past 4 to 8 years and now know better.

Making 2016 an even more interesting and amusing contest.
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The Wisconsin governor kept a secret email system too, and some of his aides were found guilty of other crimes too. And it’s not over yet.

It s Not Just Hillary Scott Walker s Email Controversy - The Daily Beast

You would think folks would learn.
Hey, man. You can't use the same yardstick for Democrats and Republicans. You have to use two different ones.

Otherwise that is...unfair. Or something.

Didja hear that when Jeb publicly released all his emails, they contained the email addresses, home addresses, phone numbers, and social security numbers of Florida residents?

Everything an identity thief needs, handed to them on a silver platter. By Bush.

What a dipshit!

I don't want jeb but do you have a link to that information?
Leftytoons don't need links or evidence. All they need are marching orders.
leftytoons hummm ....letslook at you baseless accusation here... I'll give you the facts as
I know them oh wise one..... walkers email are being asked for because he is being accused of using campaign money Illegally ... hillary is being accused of not turning in her private emails ... how is that the same???? how is that marching orders as you claim???? or are you just whining to be whining
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Jeb uses his own privately owned server that he controls.

You won't hear any complaints from the right about that though.

Did he ever say why released names and Social Security numbers of citizens? I mean, besides that he's just another incompetent BUSH.

Pssst we won't vote for Jeb,Conservatives ill not elect him.
Sure you/they will. Just like you voted for McCain and Romney.

You'll vote for who they tell you to vote for, as always, and you'll do it because in your mind it's the lesser of two evils.

You have us confused with people like you and Jake.
Conservatives did not stay home in 2008 and 2012. The numbers do not lie, like Conservatives do.
Then again, the original huge numbers of Orgasmic ObamaBots climbed on-board in order to serve-up an overdue first Black POTUS.

Now that we've had that particular bit of fun, those vast numbers are no longer an automatic and taken-for-granted Blue vote.

Besides, a lot of the kiddies who voted for Obumble have grown-up in the past 4 to 8 years and now know better.

Making 2016 an even more interesting and amusing contest.

Jeb uses his own privately owned server that he controls.

You won't hear any complaints from the right about that though.

Did he ever say why released names and Social Security numbers of citizens? I mean, besides that he's just another incompetent BUSH.

Pssst we won't vote for Jeb,Conservatives ill not elect him.
Sure you/they will. Just like you voted for McCain and Romney.

You'll vote for who they tell you to vote for, as always, and you'll do it because in your mind it's the lesser of two evils.

You have us confused with people like you and Jake.
Conservatives did not stay home in 2008 and 2012. The numbers do not lie, like Conservatives do.
Then again, the original huge numbers of Orgasmic ObamaBots climbed on-board in order to serve-up an overdue first Black POTUS.

Now that we've had that particular bit of fun, those vast numbers are no longer an automatic and taken-for-granted Blue vote.

Besides, a lot of the kiddies who voted for Obumble have grown-up in the past 4 to 8 years and now know better.

Making 2016 an even more interesting and amusing contest.
talk about childish remarks... ObamaBots ??? Obumble???serve-up an overdue first Black POTUS ???? you know you wanted to say serve-up an overdue "N" word POTUS... YOU KNOW YOU DID!!!!!
Last edited: about childish remarks... ObamaBots ??? Obumble???serve-up an overdue first Black POTUS ???? you know you wanted to say serve-up an overdue "N" word POTUS... YOU KNOW YOU DID!!!!!
My, my, my... oh, dearie-me... as bad as all that? Goodness gracious and golly-gee willickers, Emmy Lou... you didn't like my vernacular? I'm absolutely devastated.


"Yes, Virginia, there are still a few Orgasmic ObamaBots hanging-on by the skin of their teeth."


( although vast numbers have already jumped ship )

Do I hear the haunting strains of ,
'Nearer My God, to Thee'
in the background?
Last edited: about childish remarks... ObamaBots ??? Obumble???serve-up an overdue first Black POTUS ???? you know you wanted to say serve-up an overdue "N" word POTUS... YOU KNOW YOU DID!!!!!
My, my, my... oh, dearie-me... as bad as all that? Goodness gracious and golly-gee willickers, Emmy Lou... you didn't like my vernacular? I'm absolutely devastated.


"Yes, Virginia, there are still a few Orgasmic ObamaBots hanging-on by the skin of their teeth."


( although vast numbers have already jumped ship )

Do I hear the haunting strains of ,
'Nearer My God, to Thee'
in the background?
and once again you've prove how childish you are for me liking your remarks, its like watching a 8 year old stop his feet .... as amusing as it can be it pretty much silly what it does say, how you act ... childish !!I we get it ...
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