it's not just Trump, all popular conservative presidents who remain true to their principles are hated by liberals, from Reagan to George W Bush to TR

The Ukraine?


Sorry, was this thread about Democrats? We could go there also and I would point out Syria as a big example but for the life of my I will never understand a desire to deflect from Bush's lies.

It's like a disease.
Bill Maher reminisced about an episode of Politically Incorrect where Harvey Firestein yelled at Ron Reagan Jr: "F*ck you and f*ck your father"...

Maybe so but it really sticks in the left's craw that Trump beat the annointed one Hillary in 2016. It is a sting that never goes away.
Supply side economics. Works every time.

Then why has it failed every time you've done it. Crashing the economy and impoverishing millions is your definition of "working"???

It's "supply AND DEMAND" that works. It's a 2 sided coin. If your employees can't afford to buy what's being offered, there will be little demand for that product. Henry Ford didn't get rich making cars for the wealthy. He got rich making cars that EVERYONE could afford to buy.

When Reagan attacked the unions, he told workers that they'd all get big raises when the unions were gone. The workers are still waiting.

Reagan didn't raise the minimum wage once during the 8 years he was in office. There have only been 9 minimum wage increases since 1981, and all but one have been under Democratic Presidents. During that time, executive compensation rose 1000%. Wages, as a percentage of costs are now at the same level as during the era of the Robber Barons - before the union movement existed.

The USA is the only first world country where the middle class is shrinking, and you can't have a successful capitalist economy without a healthy and thriving middle and working class.
Then why has it failed every time you've done it. Crashing the economy and impoverishing millions is your definition of "working"???

It's "supply AND DEMAND" that works. It's a 2 sided coin. If your employees can't afford to buy what's being offered, there will be little demand for that product. Henry Ford didn't get rich making cars for the wealthy. He got rich making cars that EVERYONE could afford to buy.

When Reagan attacked the unions, he told workers that they'd all get big raises when the unions were gone. The workers are still waiting.

Reagan didn't raise the minimum wage once during the 8 years he was in office. There have only been 9 minimum wage increases since 1981, and all but one have been under Democratic Presidents. During that time, executive compensation rose 1000%. Wages, as a percentage of costs are now at the same level as during the era of the Robber Barons - before the union movement existed.

The USA is the only first world country where the middle class is shrinking, and you can't have a successful capitalist economy without a healthy and thriving middle and working class.

Then why has it failed every time you've done it.

It worked every single time.

Crashing the economy and impoverishing millions is your definition of "working"???

How does supply side economics crash the economy? Be specific.

If your employees can't afford to buy what's being offered, there will be little demand for that product.

If the market for your product is limited to your must be a liberal idiot.
But I repeat myself.

Henry Ford didn't get rich making cars for the wealthy. He got rich making cars that EVERYONE could afford to buy.

How did he make them affordable for everyone?

When Reagan attacked the unions

That was awesome.

Reagan didn't raise the minimum wage once during the 8 years he was in office.

I didn't realize that. He's even better than I remember.

During that time, executive compensation rose 1000%.


Wages, as a percentage of costs are now at the same level as during the era of the Robber Barons - before the union movement existed.

Pedo-Joe is awful!

The USA is the only first world country where the middle class is shrinking,

I know, a lot of middle-class people are moving to the upper-class.
Trickle down was a term invented by a leftist opinion writer to smear Reagan’s economic policy. Reagan never used the term. Reagan’s language was “A rising tide lifts all boats.”. His policies did exactly that.
The reality of Reagan's dumb idea matters more than what it was called. Giving more to the rich thinking some crumbs might fall off for the poor was Reagan's plan.
All republican presidents from Regan on have worked tirelessly to help the rich at the expense of the poor and middle class. Remember that trickle down debacle?

Yep. Kissing bankers asses, and sending other people’s kids to die for their oil investments, are what constitute “conservative principles”

What makes you want to puke is how they use that term with a straight face.
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There was absolutely nothing CONSERVATIVE or TRUE about George W Bush, the worst traitor in American history.

The OP cannot name ONE THING W did that was "conservative" other than the appointment of Alito (after picking left wing Zionist Fascist John Roberts)_

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