It's now been confirmed the gun that started the Kansas City Superbowl shooting was stolen

Blame the innocent gun owner but not the innocent knife owner???
Honestly, it seems odd to me that anyone would not understand the fundamental and defining differences between the two tools.
Guns really ARE different than knives. Duh!

The very unique characteristics of firearms and the American right to bear them are not frivolous realities. Both require immense responsibilities.

Firearms pose existential risks to any society. Duh!
Accordingly, societies must require concomitant responsibilities in their use and ownership.
Seems readily understandable responsible people. IMO
Which one?

Firearms pose existential risks to any society. Duh!
Accordingly, societies must require concomitant responsibilities in their use and ownership.
Seems readily understandable responsible people. IMO

Good thing we do.

We currently have 20,000+ gun laws on the books.
The cops have zero interest in property crimes. They just tell you to call your insurance company.

A few years back I had (among other things) 2 guns stolen, and substantial damage to my home in the break-in. (a big picture window, the back door, and one wall were either damaged or destroyed)

In addition to the guns, the thieves stole a tablet computer. Well, this tablet computer had an app that allowed me to track it over the internet. I thought great! We can catch these assholes!

I gave the tracking info to the cops, and went online to see if I could track them. Within a couple hours of the break-in, I had the thieves geolocated. Told the cops where they were. No response. 3 days, 3 different jurisdictions, I could not get one police dept to even go check it out.

I finally just locked the tablet remotely and gave up. No P.D. ever logged in and tried to locate the device.

This is absolute bullshit. You basically did all the work for them and still won't go and arrest the fuckers. It's not the first time i've heard a story similar to this. It's all over online of ppl tracking their stuff and cops won't do shit. You should have given the cops the address and told them a story that you're going there with a gun. Watch, they'll be all over that address in minutes.
States Rights!

In Michigan, a person under the age of 18 generally may not possess a firearm in public except under the direct supervision of an adult 18 years of age or older.1 Persons under age 18 may possess a firearm while at, or going to or from, a recognized target range or trap or skeet shooting ground if, while going to or from the range or ground, the firearm is enclosed and securely fastened in a case or locked in the trunk of a motor vehicle.2 Persons under age 18 may also possess a firearm while hunting game under the authority of a hunting license on land upon which a parent or guardian is regularly domiciled or where a parent or guardian, or another adult at least 18 years old authorized by a parent or guardian, accompanies the minor.3
I see nothing that backs up your claim of the parents buying a gun for their son, for the purpose of using it to kill people.
Please. Be stupid some more.
A gun's sole purpose is to kill.
What do you think they bought it for?
A salad fork? A tv remote?

Your feigned stupidity only serves to prove my points.
In Michigan, a person under the age of 18 generally may not possess a firearm in public except under the direct supervision of an adult 18 years of age or older.1 Persons under age 18 may possess a firearm while at, or going to or from, a recognized target range or trap or skeet shooting ground if, while going to or from the range or ground, the firearm is enclosed and securely fastened in a case or locked in the trunk of a motor vehicle.2 Persons under age 18 may also possess a firearm while hunting game under the authority of a hunting license on land upon which a parent or guardian is regularly domiciled or where a parent or guardian, or another adult at least 18 years old authorized by a parent or guardian, accompanies the minor.3
thanks for illuminating my point.

May not buy
May not possess

It's great when you guys prove my points while claiming to prove something different.
Please. Be stupid some more.
A gun's sole purpose is to kill.
What do you think they bought it for?
A salad fork? A tv remote?

Your feigned stupidity only serves to prove my points.

Stupid? Me? Really?

Millions of people own guns and have never and will never kill anyone.

Many own guns for the fun of shooting only and will never kill anything with the gun, including things that are legal to kill.

Now, show me the part in the article that backs up your claim, or admit you lied.
thanks for illuminating my point.

May not buy
May not possess

It's great when you guys prove my points while claiming to prove something different.

You said the gun was illegally bought for the son.

Look up MI where mommy is on trial for illegally providing a gun to her son.

Another instance where you can not back up your claims.

Imagine that.
Stupid? Me? Really?

Millions of people own guns and have never and will never kill anyone.

Many own guns for the fun of shooting only and will never kill anything with the gun, including things that are legal to kill.

Now, show me the part in the article that backs up your claim, or admit you lied.
Hey, if you're gonna act stupid I'm gonna acknowledge that stupidity.
I'm in favor of gun ownership
I'm not in favor of stupidity.

Handing a gun to a kid with a history of mental issues is stupid
Failing to properly secure firearms is stupid.

Why do you defend stupid?
You said the gun was illegally bought for the son.

Another instance where you can not back up your claims.

Imagine that.
Seems mommy stands convicted
Daddy's on his way.

That backs up my claims.

Imagine that.
Hey, if you're gonna act stupid I'm gonna acknowledge that stupidity.
I'm in favor of gun ownership
I'm not in favor of stupidity.

Handing a gun to a kid with a history of mental issues is stupid
Failing to properly secure firearms is stupid.

Why do you defend stupid?

The only thing you're highlighting is your ignorance on guns and your willingness to lie.
Guns are merely a tool. No different from a drill, a vise, a ladder, or nail gun.

However....due to ALL the many legal hurdles it's almost impossible to own one anymore without falling afoul of the law inadvertently. Due mostly to those who are afraid of guns instead appropriately fearing the person who is weilding a gun in a threatening manner.

However, because thieves have a host of mental health issues they tend to seek owning a firearm for the false sense of empowerment they might provide.

But what most thugs do not understand is that firearms are not as easy to control in an effective manner as the movies make it seem. IOW you must practice regularly to be proficient in an emotionally charged moment to hit the broad side of a barn.

And most thugs do not even know the functionality of the firearm they posess...

Most handguns of legal ownership, are stored in a vehicle. (Road rage is never a good idea)
Thieves know this and target vehicles to obtain a gun.
The only thing you're highlighting is your ignorance on guns and your willingness to lie.
Do your gun-nut duty and show me a single instance where I've lied.
C'mon dungbutthole, you can do it.
And by that I mean


Typical MAGAT fuckwad
No, it does not.

It was not illegal for them to buy the gun for their son.

But, it was illegal for him to take the gun to school.
Sorry squirthole.

Waiting for you to show me a lie.

Till then you're nothing but a shitbird MAGAT

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