It's official: Majority of Amercian's voted Barack Obama, Best President Ever!

I'm curious who you get along with on the opposite side. There are excellent posters that present ideas in a rational way on both sides. Who do you like/respect even though they have divergent views.

and brain deads who can't function in the real world don't EVER GET THE PICTURE , brainwashing is easy to do when you have a nation of morons.

Go Obama!

Laughing at your Signature Photo! Friigin Hilarious!

trump lied when he changed "would" to "wouldn't"....everyone with a brain knows it. The orange raccoon is a dog turd...

Not only that, but apparently he doesn't understand how double negatives work.

And, Sarah Huckabee had to lie for him again today in the press meeting. She was asked about whether or not Trump was saying that Russia was no longer a threat earlier today when a reporter asked him that question, and he said "no". She then said that he had said "thank you" prior to the no, so the no wasn't about Russia no longer interfering, but rather he was saying no to any questions.

You know, if I had a job where I had to lie as much as she does, I would have quit after a week.

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