It’s Official, McDonald’s and Monsanto Are Both ‘Losing Money Fast’

Good I hope they both go bankrupt. If the US wasn't so filled with corruption Mandatory Labeling would already be a reality instead of something we are still battling for and GMO's would be history!

Guess I know where I'm going for Breakfast and Lunch the next couple of weeks.
Good I hope they both go bankrupt. If the US wasn't so filled with corruption Mandatory Labeling would already be a reality instead of something we are still battling for and GMO's would be history!

Guess I know where I'm going for Breakfast and Lunch the next couple of weeks.
I am sure your body and the toilet will enjoy that. That "food" is disgusting
I am sure your body and the toilet will enjoy that. That "food" is disgusting

The quality of the food is irrelevant. It's the fact that places like McDonalds, KFC, Five Guys, etc.... Piss Liberals off that makes their food EXTRA TASTY.
I am sure your body and the toilet will enjoy that. That "food" is disgusting

The quality of the food is irrelevant. It's the fact that places like McDonalds, KFC, Five Guys, etc.... Piss Liberals off that makes their food EXTRA TASTY. you don't give a shit if the food is of good quality? Do you want to get sick? I mean be my guest. The disgusting stuff they inject in their "food" is gross and harmful. Oh and I am no liberal you idiot...I just don't want shit that goes in silicone breast implants going in my chicken nuggets...or any other chemicals what the hell happened to just FOOD instead of chemicals made to taste and look like food!? you don't give a shit if the food is of good quality? Do you want to get sick? I mean be my guest. The disgusting stuff they inject in their "food" is gross and harmful. Oh and I am no liberal you idiot...I just don't want shit that goes in silicone breast implants going in my chicken nuggets...or any other chemicals what the hell happened to just FOOD instead of chemicals made to taste and look like food!?

Eat Right, Exercise Daily and DIE ANYWAY. It's the simple fact of life.
Good I hope they both go bankrupt. If the US wasn't so filled with corruption Mandatory Labeling would already be a reality instead of something we are still battling for and GMO's would be history!

Guess I know where I'm going for Breakfast and Lunch the next couple of weeks.
I am sure your body and the toilet will enjoy that. That "food" is disgusting

dear, who cares, people eat what they want all over the world. You seem like a frivolous child when you rant about what other people eat as if it matters, while liberals are ruining our country.
Good I hope they both go bankrupt. If the US wasn't so filled with corruption Mandatory Labeling would already be a reality instead of something we are still battling for and GMO's would be history!

Seems odd that a socialist like yo'self would Jones to see those tens of thousands (or is it hundreds of thousands) of workers out on the street. Of course you'll invite them to share your home and redistribute the food in your pantry to them!
So, you want to die of a funny heart attack just to piss us off? Good job.

The length if my life was determined at the moment if my birth. Nothing I do can increase or decrease that length. I just accept that my Fate us predetermined and move on with life.

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