It's Official: NFL To Suspend Cheating Tom Brady

Funny how they suspend him for not turning over records to the NFL, yet Hillary gets a pass for doing the same thing.. not turning over records that is.

Funny how they suspend him for not turning over records to the NFL, yet Hillary gets a pass for doing the same thing.. not turning over records that is.

I see you saw that whiney ass bitch Fox News announcer this morning...
And one of the guys who's going to be handing down the punishments was one of the officials at the game who witnessed the balls being tested at halftime and found them to be under-inflated.

Report Tom Brady Will be Suspended by Roger Goodell for Role in DeflateGate - Breitbart
The whole NFL should be suspended, until it gets its shit together.

It is as corrupt and dishonest as Congress.

Is the NFL going to give up it's tax exempt status?
The NFL has no business punishing a player for refusing to turn over his personal correspondence.

I hope Brady tells them to pound sand.
All this because the GAY ASS COLS ORGANIZATION could not handle losing like real men. Fuck the Colts, and Roger Goddell
And one of the guys who's going to be handing down the punishments was one of the officials at the game who witnessed the balls being tested at halftime and found them to be under-inflated.

Report Tom Brady Will be Suspended by Roger Goodell for Role in DeflateGate - Breitbart
The whole NFL should be suspended, until it gets its shit together.

It is as corrupt and dishonest as Congress.

Is the NFL going to give up it's tax exempt status?


NFL Will Give Up Tax-Exempt Status Calling It A Distraction - Forbes
I'm no Patriots or Brady fan but I don't get what the big deal is about this. The "legal" minimum limit for a football is an arbitrary 12.5 PSI and the balls were "barely" below this value. Didn't they "fix" the problem in the second half which was when the real beat down happened? If the Pats squirted WD-40 on the Colts footballs, then I'm all in on the scandal, but not for this.
And one of the guys who's going to be handing down the punishments was one of the officials at the game who witnessed the balls being tested at halftime and found them to be under-inflated.

Report Tom Brady Will be Suspended by Roger Goodell for Role in DeflateGate - Breitbart
The whole NFL should be suspended, until it gets its shit together.

It is as corrupt and dishonest as Congress.

thats an understatement.It became corrupt and a joke back in the early 80's when teams were allowed to leave at the drop of a hat for another city just because they couldnt get a new stadium. its gotten even far more corrupt even now than it was back then.

The NFL might as well not even exist if Goddel is not fired as NFL commissioner for kissing Robert Krafts ass all these years and kraft is allowed to keep ownership of that team,and Belicheat and Brady are allowed to remain in the league.

the ONLY way the NFL can be reformed is reforming the patriots franchise by making Kraft give up ownership and kicking Belicheat and Brady out of the league and firing Goodell.

Goodell is EASILY the worst NFL commissioner in the sports by leaps and bounds.He along with all those 3 people in the patriots organization have got to go for the NFL to have any integrity again.
And one of the guys who's going to be handing down the punishments was one of the officials at the game who witnessed the balls being tested at halftime and found them to be under-inflated.

Report Tom Brady Will be Suspended by Roger Goodell for Role in DeflateGate - Breitbart
The whole NFL should be suspended, until it gets its shit together.

It is as corrupt and dishonest as Congress.

thats an understatement.It became corrupt and a joke back in the early 80's when teams were allowed to leave at the drop of a hat for another city just because they couldnt get a new stadium. its gotten even far more corrupt even now than it was back then.

The NFL might as well not even exist if Goddel is not fired as NFL commissioner for kissing Robert Krafts ass all these years and kraft is allowed to keep ownership of that team,and Belicheat and Brady are allowed to remain in the league.

the ONLY way the NFL can be reformed is reforming the patriots franchise by making Kraft give up ownership and kicking Belicheat and Brady out of the league and firing Goodell.

Goodell is EASILY the worst NFL commissioner in the sports by leaps and bounds.He along with all those 3 people in the patriots organization have got to go for the NFL to have any integrity again.
All this because the GAY ASS COLS ORGANIZATION could not handle losing like real men. Fuck the Colts, and Roger Goddell

No it goes far deeper than that.the Ravens alerted the colts to the deflated balls.while the deflated balls were not a factor against the colts it WAS a factor against the Ravens the previous week in a close game.

The cheats have been cheating for years.Goddel has had his head up Krafts for the longest time with the NFL playing favorites.

They have rigged playoff games for them to win,they STOLE their first superbowl victory with the worst call in NFL playoff history the bullshit tuck rule they officials INVENTED on the spot so the cheats could advance to their first superbowl victory ever.

the refs cheated for the pats in that game,.they not only invented the tuck rule for them to advance,but they made THREE bad calls that went against the raiders that game that affected the outcome of the game as well. when they make other bad calls against the other team as well,then its no biggie.

However there was not ONE SINGLE BAD CALL that went against the cheats in that game though.

Funny how they suspend him for not turning over records to the NFL, yet Hillary gets a pass for doing the same thing.. not turning over records that is.

Is that REALLY surprising though? remember politicians get away with crimes everyday WE go to jail for. there is one different law for us than there is for them?

The NFL has no business punishing a player for refusing to turn over his personal correspondence.

I hope Brady tells them to pound sand.

Brady and the whole organization have gone and outright LIED about everything,.to say he should not be punished is like saying Nixon should have been allowed to remain president.
I'm no Patriots or Brady fan but I don't get what the big deal is about this. The "legal" minimum limit for a football is an arbitrary 12.5 PSI and the balls were "barely" below this value. Didn't they "fix" the problem in the second half which was when the real beat down happened? If the Pats squirted WD-40 on the Colts footballs, then I'm all in on the scandal, but not for this.

the big deal is brady,belicheat,and Kraft have all LIED about everything from day one.thats the crime.Goodel has had his ass up Krafts ass for so long that if he is allowed to remain NFL commissioner and Kraft is allowed to keep ownership of that team and brady and belicheat are not kicked out of the league.then what kind of message is the NFL sending to kids when they are allowed to LIE about their actions and get away with it.

the proof is in the pudding that Goddel has had his head up Krafts ass ever since he became owner.Sean peyton of the saints got suspended for bountygate even though the evidence was very flimsy against him and far less than the evidence against belicheat for spygate.

How come belicheat just gets a mere slap on the wrist by goddel losing a mere first round draft choice for that?

adrian peterson of the vikings got suspended for a year for lying,favorites will be being played once AGAIN if they allow Brady to get just a mere two game suspension.

these two posters here below nailed it on another thread.:thup: I toast them for these two excellent posts below.:beer:

This report finally proves what I've been saying for YEARS.... The New England Patriots are the spoiled rich kids of the NFL. The Patriots LOOK like exactly what the NFL wants a team to look like (publicly). They're a "team". They aren't a roster full of mercenary individuals and free agents, superstars for hire. They don't generally blow teams out, but always seem to find a way to "win" in the dend. That's EXACTLY what the NFL claims it wants every team to look like in this parity-driven, salary-cap restricted era of football.... Make every team's fans think this is the year THEIR TEAM will do what the Patriots have done for the last decade and a half.

In reality the Patriots (and a few other teams) get a way with a mountain of crap because the NFL front office is covering for them. Spygate? Deflategate? The Tuck Rule. Three different situations in which the Patriots cheated or were assisted by NFL officials. It's only because OTHER TEAM OWNERS/Officials brought the charges in the Spygate and Deflategate situations that anything was even looked at.

As a Washington Redskins fan, I want to see what the penalties are. My team got CLOBBERED with $37 Million of reduced salary cap space for doing something that was totally LEGAL at the time they did it. If the Patriots don't get bent over by the NFL for this one, and again escape with a slap on the wrist, like in Spygate; the fans of the other 31 teams need to BLOW UP on the league for their collusion.:thup:

Those claiming no big deal, suck on this a minute. What is this teaching our kids involved in sports? And, this is a pattern this team has chosen for years. By allowing it to continue that teaches our kids it is ok, caught or not.

And in the US, sports betting is legal in 4 states. If cheating is going on, then that affects those betting, if it results in skewed results. Just because it did not affect the overall outcome of a championship game, it doesn't mean other close games might not have been effected.

Just because its sports, doesn't mean we look the other way. Many of you stating no big deal have surprised me, because you would scream over that behavior in other areas of life, such as with politicians. You either care for integrity in all things in life, or in nothing. Which is it?:thup:

that last poster REALLY nailed it big big time.:up:

oh and if it is no big thing here,then there would not be so many former NFL players calling them cheaters and liars.:up:

NFL Players say Brady is lying about not knowing the balls deflated US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Tom Brady s idol Joe Montana points finger at Patriots Quarterback for Deflategate Daily Mail Online

Tom Brady s idol Joe Montana points finger at Patriots Quarterback for Deflategate Daily Mail Online

face it,this rivals the black sox

if i was a public figure like brady and my OWN IDOL was calling me a cheater,i would be too embarrassed to show my face in public again.what a black eye for brady. same as belicheat having one of the greatest coachs ever calling him a cheater.
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they should forfeit the trophy if they had a conscience and were men (real men admit wrongdoing)

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