It's official: Rand Paul is no libertarian


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
And no, not because of his pointless Romney endorsement.

One of the problems with government reactions to crisis situations is they often make the wrong choices, or make decisions that make no sense.

On Sept. 11, 2001, 19 terrorists hijacked planes and flew them into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Over 3,000 Americans were killed that day. All of these terrorists were foreign nationals who learned to fly in private flight schools in the United States.

Eleven years after 9/11, the Government Accountability Office issued a disturbing report indicating the Transportation Security Administration and the Federal Aviation Administration still do not have adequate protections in place to stop another 9/11.

Rand Paul Blasts TSA's Lax Oversight of Flight Schools

The most important part, however, is this:

Later this month, I will be proposing a moratorium on foreign nationals being trained in our flights schools. The moratorium will last a minimum of six months, and will not be lifted until TSA, DHS and Congress agree that they have the necessary safeguards in place to protect Americans from the very situation that caused 9/11.

So the so-called libertarian, the "constitutional conservative," whatever that is, Rand Paul is willing to use the force of the government to unconstitutionally ban foreigners from taking flight lessons based only on the fact that they're not American citizens.

And no, not because of his pointless Romney endorsement.

One of the problems with government reactions to crisis situations is they often make the wrong choices, or make decisions that make no sense.

On Sept. 11, 2001, 19 terrorists hijacked planes and flew them into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Over 3,000 Americans were killed that day. All of these terrorists were foreign nationals who learned to fly in private flight schools in the United States.

Eleven years after 9/11, the Government Accountability Office issued a disturbing report indicating the Transportation Security Administration and the Federal Aviation Administration still do not have adequate protections in place to stop another 9/11.

Rand Paul Blasts TSA's Lax Oversight of Flight Schools

The most important part, however, is this:

Later this month, I will be proposing a moratorium on foreign nationals being trained in our flights schools. The moratorium will last a minimum of six months, and will not be lifted until TSA, DHS and Congress agree that they have the necessary safeguards in place to protect Americans from the very situation that caused 9/11.

So the so-called libertarian, the "constitutional conservative," whatever that is, Rand Paul is willing to use the force of the government to unconstitutionally ban foreigners from taking flight lessons based only on the fact that they're not American citizens.


well, i guess if your city were hit by planes whose pilots took lessons on how to steer a plane but not how to take off or land, you might feel differently.

and rand paul finally says something that shows some thought and you say he's not a libertarian. *shrug*

i didn't know to be a libertarian you had to ignore reason totally.

goldwater is rolling over in his grave.
And no, not because of his pointless Romney endorsement.

One of the problems with government reactions to crisis situations is they often make the wrong choices, or make decisions that make no sense.

On Sept. 11, 2001, 19 terrorists hijacked planes and flew them into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Over 3,000 Americans were killed that day. All of these terrorists were foreign nationals who learned to fly in private flight schools in the United States.

Eleven years after 9/11, the Government Accountability Office issued a disturbing report indicating the Transportation Security Administration and the Federal Aviation Administration still do not have adequate protections in place to stop another 9/11.

Rand Paul Blasts TSA's Lax Oversight of Flight Schools

The most important part, however, is this:

Later this month, I will be proposing a moratorium on foreign nationals being trained in our flights schools. The moratorium will last a minimum of six months, and will not be lifted until TSA, DHS and Congress agree that they have the necessary safeguards in place to protect Americans from the very situation that caused 9/11.

So the so-called libertarian, the "constitutional conservative," whatever that is, Rand Paul is willing to use the force of the government to unconstitutionally ban foreigners from taking flight lessons based only on the fact that they're not American citizens.


Libertarians are the confluence of the far right and the far left. They are better characterized as the idiot fringe; Libertarians are those who hold no opinions without first asking and answering the question, "how does this effect me?"
And no, not because of his pointless Romney endorsement.

One of the problems with government reactions to crisis situations is they often make the wrong choices, or make decisions that make no sense.

On Sept. 11, 2001, 19 terrorists hijacked planes and flew them into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Over 3,000 Americans were killed that day. All of these terrorists were foreign nationals who learned to fly in private flight schools in the United States.

Eleven years after 9/11, the Government Accountability Office issued a disturbing report indicating the Transportation Security Administration and the Federal Aviation Administration still do not have adequate protections in place to stop another 9/11.

Rand Paul Blasts TSA's Lax Oversight of Flight Schools

The most important part, however, is this:

Later this month, I will be proposing a moratorium on foreign nationals being trained in our flights schools. The moratorium will last a minimum of six months, and will not be lifted until TSA, DHS and Congress agree that they have the necessary safeguards in place to protect Americans from the very situation that caused 9/11.

So the so-called libertarian, the "constitutional conservative," whatever that is, Rand Paul is willing to use the force of the government to unconstitutionally ban foreigners from taking flight lessons based only on the fact that they're not American citizens.


well, i guess if your city were hit by planes whose pilots took lessons on how to steer a plane but not how to take off or land, you might feel differently.

and rand paul finally says something that shows some thought and you say he's not a libertarian. *shrug*

i didn't know to be a libertarian you had to ignore reason totally.

goldwater is rolling over in his grave.

Right, I don't care about 9/11 because I don't live in New York, Washington, or Pennsylvania.

Yes, Rand showed some thought. Banning people who have never been charged or convicted of any crime from attending flight school simply because they're not American citizens. I suppose that is a thought. Just not a very good one.

Also, who in the world cares what Barry Goldwater would do? He wasn't a libertarian either.
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And no, not because of his pointless Romney endorsement.

One of the problems with government reactions to crisis situations is they often make the wrong choices, or make decisions that make no sense.

On Sept. 11, 2001, 19 terrorists hijacked planes and flew them into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Over 3,000 Americans were killed that day. All of these terrorists were foreign nationals who learned to fly in private flight schools in the United States.

Eleven years after 9/11, the Government Accountability Office issued a disturbing report indicating the Transportation Security Administration and the Federal Aviation Administration still do not have adequate protections in place to stop another 9/11.

Rand Paul Blasts TSA's Lax Oversight of Flight Schools

The most important part, however, is this:

Later this month, I will be proposing a moratorium on foreign nationals being trained in our flights schools. The moratorium will last a minimum of six months, and will not be lifted until TSA, DHS and Congress agree that they have the necessary safeguards in place to protect Americans from the very situation that caused 9/11.

So the so-called libertarian, the "constitutional conservative," whatever that is, Rand Paul is willing to use the force of the government to unconstitutionally ban foreigners from taking flight lessons based only on the fact that they're not American citizens.


Libertarians are the confluence of the far right and the far left. They are better characterized as the idiot fringe; Libertarians are those who hold no opinions without first asking and answering the question, "how does this effect me?"

If that were true then why would I care? I'm an American citizen so I would be able to take flight lessons if I wanted to.

I can see you really thought that one through.
So the so-called libertarian, the "constitutional conservative," whatever that is, Rand Paul is willing to use the force of the government to unconstitutionally ban foreigners from taking flight lessons based only on the fact that they're not American citizens.


Aliens have a constitutional right to American flight schools? No.

Rand observed that there are a number of illegal aliens in flight schools. How would you feel if a score of them were Saudis?

A temporary ban might be an over-reaction, but at worst it's only an inconvenience for a handful of non-Americans in America. It's not like millions of Americans who are inconvenienced every day at airports.

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