It's official...we are an ineptocracy

No such thing. What many call fiscally conservative are actually sociopaths willing to inflict as much pain as it takes to make the oligarchs feel better.

Occupied has to be a college student.

You say that like it's a bad thing, you have something against the educated? I bet you played high school football.

No one accused you of being educated, the accusation is you are a college student.
If the OP had been about who is to blame for our economic and social woes, I would have addressed that. It didn't. So I didn't.

Why not? A vast amount of political power rests in the unaccountable hands of the "job creators". You will no doubt make excuses for them but the fact remains that they dictate policy through their lobbying efforts and pet politicians, why do they not figure into your overall assessment that we are indeed living in an ineptocracy?

Why not? Because polite people do not make every thread into what THEY want to talk about. They go to the proper threads for that. Or they make their own. This thread has a particular focus and I appreciate and respect those who can see that and appreciate it for the interesting topic that it is. Okay?

You are a slippery one, that's OK, it's clear that you see only the government's power over our lives as unwarranted or subject to criticism, but you will agree (maybe) that all sorts of entities have the power to disrupt our lives though mismanagement, is it somehow missing the mark to expect all who hold power to use it wisely and fairly?

The government's blatant waste, bloat, sloth, deceit and corruption all occur under the guise of "public servants working for the people" by using taxed money. And amazingly, some still apologize for it willingly.

If I don't like a corporation today, I'll use another one tomorrow. No problem.

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Just look at the people who inhabit D.C.: Narcissists who are willing to beg for campaign funds, who are willing to lie to face of the very same people who elected them, who start running for re-election on their first day, who are willing to endure public humiliation from the media and from the other party, who have somehow convinced themselves that their constituents "need" them, who play bullshit partisan games to gain the favor of contributors and of those who control committee assignments.

Holy crap, what do you expect?

And there are still so many who place such faith and trust and hope in these people. Absolutely astonishing.


That was included in the ineptitude was it not?

Those in the private sector are saints and sinners and everything in between. But the private sector in a free market system, provided there is enough law enforced to prevent folks from doing violence to each other, is mostly going to provide goods and services that people need or want at a price people can afford and are willing to pay. There will be some crooks among them, of course, but most will not risk losing everything and stay pretty much within the law. The inept simply eventually close up shop with a minimal negative effect on society overall while the successful provide jobs, markets, and useful products and services that runs the economic engines and benefits society overall.

Contrast that with those in government, most of whom have never run a business and have no clear concept of what makes an economy run and be successful. Nor do they much care about that. Most of them have a single goal: to get into government where they will increase their power, prestige, influence, and acquire massive wealth. Why else would they spend millions to get a job that appears to pay a fraction of that? And they have unlimited access to our money to make people dependent on that money so that they will keep the professional politicians in power in perpetuity.

The private sector has every incentive to help people prosper because it then has more customers with more money to buy its products and services. It has every incentive to operate efficiently and effectively to maximize its success.

The government has every incentive to make people dependent and keep them poor to ensure they will keep voting for the people who will keep the freebies flowing. And if it is inefficient and ineffective, well that is okay because that was never its concern or priority in the first place.
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Just look at the people who inhabit D.C.: Narcissists who are willing to beg for campaign funds, who are willing to lie to face of the very same people who elected them, who start running for re-election on their first day, who are willing to endure public humiliation from the media and from the other party, who have somehow convinced themselves that their constituents "need" them, who play bullshit partisan games to gain the favor of contributors and of those who control committee assignments.

Holy crap, what do you expect?

And there are still so many who place such faith and trust and hope in these people. Absolutely astonishing.


That was included in the ineptitude was it not?

Those in the private sector are saints and sinners and everything in between. But the private sector in a free market system, provided there is enough law enforced to prevent folks from doing violence to each other, is mostly going to provide goods and services that people need or want at a price people can afford and are willing to pay. There will be some crooks among them, of course, but most will not risk losing everything and stay pretty much within the law. The inept simply eventually close up shop with a minimal negative effect on society overall while the successful provide jobs, markets, and useful products and services that runs the economic engines and benefits society overall.

Contrast that with those in government, most of whom have never run a business and have no clear concept of what makes an economy run and be successful. Nor do they much care about that. Most of them have a single goal: to get into government where they will increase their power, prestige, influence, and acquire massive wealth. Why else would they spend millions to get a job that appears to pay a fraction of that? And they have unlimited access to our money to make people dependent on that money so that they will keep the professional politicians in power in perpetuity.

The private sector has every incentive to help people prosper because it then has more customers with more money to buy its products and services. It has every incentive to operate efficiently and effectively to maximize its success.

The government has every incentive to make people dependent and keep them poor to ensure they will keep voting for the people who will keep the freebies flowing. And if it is inefficient and ineffective, well that is okay because that was never its concern or priority in the first place.
^^^ This

Just look at the people who inhabit D.C.: Narcissists who are willing to beg for campaign funds, who are willing to lie to face of the very same people who elected them, who start running for re-election on their first day, who are willing to endure public humiliation from the media and from the other party, who have somehow convinced themselves that their constituents "need" them, who play bullshit partisan games to gain the favor of contributors and of those who control committee assignments.

Holy crap, what do you expect?

And there are still so many who place such faith and trust and hope in these people. Absolutely astonishing.


That was included in the ineptitude was it not?

Those in the private sector are saints and sinners and everything in between. But the private sector in a free market system, provided there is enough law enforced to prevent folks from doing violence to each other, is mostly going to provide goods and services that people need or want at a price people can afford and are willing to pay. There will be some crooks among them, of course, but most will not risk losing everything and stay pretty much within the law. The inept simply eventually close up shop with a minimal negative effect on society overall while the successful provide jobs, markets, and useful products and services that runs the economic engines and benefits society overall.

Contrast that with those in government, most of whom have never run a business and have no clear concept of what makes an economy run and be successful. Nor do they much care about that. Most of them have a single goal: to get into government where they will increase their power, prestige, influence, and acquire massive wealth. Why else would they spend millions to get a job that appears to pay a fraction of that? And they have unlimited access to our money to make people dependent on that money so that they will keep the professional politicians in power in perpetuity.

The private sector has every incentive to help people prosper because it then has more customers with more money to buy its products and services. It has every incentive to operate efficiently and effectively to maximize its success.

The government has every incentive to make people dependent and keep them poor to ensure they will keep voting for the people who will keep the freebies flowing. And if it is inefficient and ineffective, well that is okay because that was never its concern or priority in the first place.
^^^ This

A good read. I particularly liked this part:

I have been saying this for over two decades, but it seems that the progressives won't ever get it.

When you depend upon an outside entity for your health and happiness, you are nothing but a tool to be used by others.

One gentle correction here, or maybe just an addition to the thought? While it is true that burning the rich man's house down will not make your house one whit better, it is not necessarily true that the state of one has no cause and effect on the other. As I have tried (and apparently failed if you believe some there) to teach in my Greed, Giving, or Government thread, the success of the rich man is not why the poor are poor. But in a free market system, the success of the rich man is the very best shot the poor man has to become richer. The rich man is much more likely to provide jobs and opportunity for many others that a poor man can never do.

America is indeed an ineptocracy, but not because of the private sector. We can look squarely at those who attempt to bypass the free market system in order to make the poor person richer as the root of most, maybe all, of our ineptocracy.
Of course, but to Me, the paragraph means that wealth is not a limited thing, and that one man being rich does not take food from the table of a working class person, nor does it take the roof off the house of a working person.

When we become dependent upon government to provide us our sustenance, our happiness, the very shelter against the elements, we have given over our lives to those who will inevitably, misuse that power.
And it is happening now. The elites think they have carte blanche...just look at Reid, Pelosi, Obama...what they're doing...and the cast of millions that support it...even too many on these boards are part of it.
One gentle correction here, or maybe just an addition to the thought? While it is true that burning the rich man's house down will not make your house one whit better, it is not necessarily true that the state of one has no cause and effect on the other. As I have tried (and apparently failed if you believe some there) to teach in my Greed, Giving, or Government thread, the success of the rich man is not why the poor are poor. But in a free market system, the success of the rich man is the very best shot the poor man has to become richer. The rich man is much more likely to provide jobs and opportunity for many others that a poor man can never do.

America is indeed an ineptocracy, but not because of the private sector. We can look squarely at those who attempt to bypass the free market system in order to make the poor person richer as the root of most, maybe all, of our ineptocracy.
Of course, but to Me, the paragraph means that wealth is not a limited thing, and that one man being rich does not take food from the table of a working class person, nor does it take the roof off the house of a working person.

When we become dependent upon government to provide us our sustenance, our happiness, the very shelter against the elements, we have given over our lives to those who will inevitably, misuse that power.
And it is happening now. The elites think they have carte blanche...just look at Reid, Pelosi, Obama...what they're doing...and the cast of millions that support it...even too many on these boards are part of it.

The far left wants drones that will follow the DNC/far left programming without question.

Just goes to show that they can make the DNC servers work all the time.
Of course, but to Me, the paragraph means that wealth is not a limited thing, and that one man being rich does not take food from the table of a working class person, nor does it take the roof off the house of a working person.

When we become dependent upon government to provide us our sustenance, our happiness, the very shelter against the elements, we have given over our lives to those who will inevitably, misuse that power.
And it is happening now. The elites think they have carte blanche...just look at Reid, Pelosi, Obama...what they're doing...and the cast of millions that support it...even too many on these boards are part of it.

The far left wants drones that will follow the DNC/far left programming without question.

Just goes to show that they can make the DNC servers work all the time.
Yep. And not a thinking one in the bunch that cares a wit of where it leads this country...and thus back to the OP's point.
Y'all know where Ineptocracy leads.. It results in Idiocracy... And THIS is the government you get then...


Suggest if you're confused --- you go rent the movie...
It is very true. Not only is this an ineptocracy, but the more inept the leader of the ineptocracy is, the better his performance is perceived to be!

Yeah look at John Boehner.

He is not leading the country into the shitpile...he is just not flushing the toilet. He should man up and call the spade a spade...

It's a silent wish that Boehner was president instead of the presidunce we have.
The Twenty-First Century “Ineptocracy” of America
MICHAEL J HURD (2012.06.18 )
I ran across a t-shirt that says everything about the state of our country today:

Ineptocracy: A system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

It’s not sarcasm or exaggeration to say all this. Every word of it is true.

The Twenty-First Century "Ineptocracy" of America | Capitalism MagazineCapitalism Magazine

That would be right wingnuts. The evidence? The disastrous Red States totally depended on Blue States. Proved 150 years of disastrous right wing policies and now there are dozens of Red Welfare States.
The Twenty-First Century “Ineptocracy” of America
MICHAEL J HURD (2012.06.18 )
I ran across a t-shirt that says everything about the state of our country today:

Ineptocracy: A system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

It’s not sarcasm or exaggeration to say all this. Every word of it is true.

The Twenty-First Century "Ineptocracy" of America | Capitalism MagazineCapitalism Magazine

That would be right wingnuts. The evidence? The disastrous Red States totally depended on Blue States. Proved 150 years of disastrous right wing policies and now there are dozens of Red Welfare States.
Why am I not surprised you are so far off the mark that it is like you had a stroke and didn't comprehend a word read to you....
Why not? A vast amount of political power rests in the unaccountable hands of the "job creators". You will no doubt make excuses for them but the fact remains that they dictate policy through their lobbying efforts and pet politicians, why do they not figure into your overall assessment that we are indeed living in an ineptocracy?

Why not? Because polite people do not make every thread into what THEY want to talk about. They go to the proper threads for that. Or they make their own. This thread has a particular focus and I appreciate and respect those who can see that and appreciate it for the interesting topic that it is. Okay?

You are a slippery one, that's OK, it's clear that you see only the government's power over our lives as unwarranted or subject to criticism, but you will agree (maybe) that all sorts of entities have the power to disrupt our lives though mismanagement, is it somehow missing the mark to expect all who hold power to use it wisely and fairly?

Of course mismanagement of any organization that directly affects me can negatively affect me. That includes everything from our cable company to our auto mechanic to a house cleaning service to the company I might work for or name any company that I depend on for specific products and services. But those companies, when they do not directly affect me, have little or no impact on my life when they mismanage or screw up something. Mismanagement of a very large company offering public stocks can also affect our modest portfolio but always on a temporary basis and rarely ever in any significant way. And it IS my choice to take those kinds of risks. Nobody forces me to take them.

The private sector company that is seriously mismanaged cannot force me to do business with it in the first place, and it will eventually go out of business with only localized and temporary affect on the people. Another will take its place, the ripples smooth out, and life goes on quite nicely.

But there is no escape from the federal government. I do not have the option of utilizing it or not, of choosing another entity if it isn't doing its job. It has become an enormous bloated entity that exists primarily to perpetuate itself. It can take whatever it wants from me and when it mismanages what it takes and/or is ineffective, inefficient, excessively expensive--i.e. completely inept in what it does--it uses that as justification for why it needs to take more resourcesfrom me and/or take more of my liberties choices, options, and opportunities.

Between the private sector and the government, it is no contest which is more likely to harm me.
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Why not? A vast amount of political power rests in the unaccountable hands of the "job creators". You will no doubt make excuses for them but the fact remains that they dictate policy through their lobbying efforts and pet politicians, why do they not figure into your overall assessment that we are indeed living in an ineptocracy?

Why not? Because polite people do not make every thread into what THEY want to talk about. They go to the proper threads for that. Or they make their own. This thread has a particular focus and I appreciate and respect those who can see that and appreciate it for the interesting topic that it is. Okay?

You are a slippery one, that's OK, it's clear that you see only the government's power over our lives as unwarranted or subject to criticism, but you will agree (maybe) that all sorts of entities have the power to disrupt our lives though mismanagement, is it somehow missing the mark to expect all who hold power to use it wisely and fairly?
A mismanaged business eventually goes out of business while it is only government thatcan force everybody to pay for their mismanagement, no matter how disruptive they are.

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