It's official...we are an ineptocracy

when you look at all the parasites in our culture now it's a wonder we can even survive

Yes all we need is a bunch of republicans in office and we will finally have the government we deserve.:eusa_whistle:

If we get another batch of liberal (see moderate and sensible in the liberal dictionary) Republicans in office, we most likely will not see much improvement. We desperately need real fiscally conservative people of either party to fix this mess.
The Twenty-First Century “Ineptocracy” of America
MICHAEL J HURD (2012.06.18 )
I ran across a t-shirt that says everything about the state of our country today:

Ineptocracy: A system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

It’s not sarcasm or exaggeration to say all this. Every word of it is true.

The Twenty-First Century "Ineptocracy" of America | Capitalism MagazineCapitalism Magazine

America is a republic with Globalist controlled kakistocrats.

kak·is·toc·ra·cy/ˌkækəˈstɒkrəsi/ Show Spelled [kak-uh-stok-ruh-see]

noun, plural kak·is·toc·ra·cies.

government by the worst persons; a form of government in which the worst persons are in power.

This is all done by design so the Globalists can further their agenda no matter which party gets elected.

Only by voting 3rd party will America ever stop this trend.

Just look at the people who inhabit D.C.: Narcissists who are willing to beg for campaign funds, who are willing to lie to face of the very same people who elected them, who start running for re-election on their first day, who are willing to endure public humiliation from the media and from the other party, who have somehow convinced themselves that their constituents "need" them, who play bullshit partisan games to gain the favor of contributors and of those who control committee assignments.

Holy crap, what do you expect?

And there are still so many who place such faith and trust and hope in these people. Absolutely astonishing.

when you look at all the parasites in our culture now it's a wonder we can even survive

Yes all we need is a bunch of republicans in office and we will finally have the government we deserve.:eusa_whistle:

If we get another batch of liberal (see moderate and sensible in the liberal dictionary) Republicans in office, we most likely will not see much improvement. We desperately need real fiscally conservative people of either party to fix this mess.

No such thing. What many call fiscally conservative are actually sociopaths willing to inflict as much pain as it takes to make the oligarchs feel better.
Yes all we need is a bunch of republicans in office and we will finally have the government we deserve.:eusa_whistle:

If we get another batch of liberal (see moderate and sensible in the liberal dictionary) Republicans in office, we most likely will not see much improvement. We desperately need real fiscally conservative people of either party to fix this mess.

No such thing. What many call fiscally conservative are actually sociopaths willing to inflict as much pain as it takes to make the oligarchs feel better.

Occupied has to be a college student.
If we get another batch of liberal (see moderate and sensible in the liberal dictionary) Republicans in office, we most likely will not see much improvement. We desperately need real fiscally conservative people of either party to fix this mess.

No such thing. What many call fiscally conservative are actually sociopaths willing to inflict as much pain as it takes to make the oligarchs feel better.

Occupied has to be a college student.

You say that like it's a bad thing, you have something against the educated? I bet you played high school football.
The Twenty-First Century “Ineptocracy” of America
MICHAEL J HURD (2012.06.18 )
I ran across a t-shirt that says everything about the state of our country today:

Ineptocracy: A system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

It’s not sarcasm or exaggeration to say all this. Every word of it is true.

The Twenty-First Century "Ineptocracy" of America | Capitalism MagazineCapitalism Magazine

A good read. I particularly liked this part:

People ought to be smart enough to understand that the success of another is NOT an attack on you. If your life is impoverished today, it’s not because somebody else has done well. You can set a well-off person’s big house on fire, and if you were living in a slum before, you’re still living in a slum now. The well-being of one has no cause-and-effect relationship with the lesser well-being of another.

I have been saying this for over two decades, but it seems that the progressives won't ever get it.

When you depend upon an outside entity for your health and happiness, you are nothing but a tool to be used by others.

One gentle correction here, or maybe just an addition to the thought? While it is true that burning the rich man's house down will not make your house one whit better, it is not necessarily true that the state of one has no cause and effect on the other. As I have tried (and apparently failed if you believe some there) to teach in my Greed, Giving, or Government thread, the success of the rich man is not why the poor are poor. But in a free market system, the success of the rich man is the very best shot the poor man has to become richer. The rich man is much more likely to provide jobs and opportunity for many others that a poor man can never do.

America is indeed an ineptocracy, but not because of the private sector. We can look squarely at those who attempt to bypass the free market system in order to make the poor person richer as the root of most, maybe all, of our ineptocracy.
The Twenty-First Century “Ineptocracy” of America
MICHAEL J HURD (2012.06.18 )
I ran across a t-shirt that says everything about the state of our country today:

Ineptocracy: A system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

It’s not sarcasm or exaggeration to say all this. Every word of it is true.

The Twenty-First Century "Ineptocracy" of America | Capitalism MagazineCapitalism Magazine

A good read. I particularly liked this part:

People ought to be smart enough to understand that the success of another is NOT an attack on you. If your life is impoverished today, it’s not because somebody else has done well. You can set a well-off person’s big house on fire, and if you were living in a slum before, you’re still living in a slum now. The well-being of one has no cause-and-effect relationship with the lesser well-being of another.

I have been saying this for over two decades, but it seems that the progressives won't ever get it.

When you depend upon an outside entity for your health and happiness, you are nothing but a tool to be used by others.

One gentle correction here, or maybe just an addition to the thought? While it is true that burning the rich man's house down will not make your house one whit better, it is not necessarily true that the state of one has no cause and effect on the other. As I have tried (and apparently failed if you believe some there) to teach in my Greed, Giving, or Government thread, the success of the rich man is not why the poor are poor. But in a free market system, the success of the rich man is the very best shot the poor man has to become richer. The rich man is much more likely to provide jobs and opportunity for many others that a poor man can never do.

America is indeed an ineptocracy, but not because of the private sector. We can look squarely at those who attempt to bypass the free market system in order to make the poor person richer as the root of most, maybe all, of our ineptocracy.

Ah, the myth of the job creator, the catch-all excuse why we should continue the incredibly expensive social programs for their benefit alone.
A good read. I particularly liked this part:

I have been saying this for over two decades, but it seems that the progressives won't ever get it.

When you depend upon an outside entity for your health and happiness, you are nothing but a tool to be used by others.

One gentle correction here, or maybe just an addition to the thought? While it is true that burning the rich man's house down will not make your house one whit better, it is not necessarily true that the state of one has no cause and effect on the other. As I have tried (and apparently failed if you believe some there) to teach in my Greed, Giving, or Government thread, the success of the rich man is not why the poor are poor. But in a free market system, the success of the rich man is the very best shot the poor man has to become richer. The rich man is much more likely to provide jobs and opportunity for many others that a poor man can never do.

America is indeed an ineptocracy, but not because of the private sector. We can look squarely at those who attempt to bypass the free market system in order to make the poor person richer as the root of most, maybe all, of our ineptocracy.

Ah, the myth of the job creator, the catch-all excuse why we should continue the incredibly expensive social programs for their benefit alone.

Is your reading comprehension always that bad? Or just on Sundays?
The Twenty-First Century “Ineptocracy” of America
MICHAEL J HURD (2012.06.18 )
I ran across a t-shirt that says everything about the state of our country today:

Ineptocracy: A system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

It’s not sarcasm or exaggeration to say all this. Every word of it is true.

The Twenty-First Century "Ineptocracy" of America | Capitalism MagazineCapitalism Magazine

A good read. I particularly liked this part:

People ought to be smart enough to understand that the success of another is NOT an attack on you. If your life is impoverished today, it’s not because somebody else has done well. You can set a well-off person’s big house on fire, and if you were living in a slum before, you’re still living in a slum now. The well-being of one has no cause-and-effect relationship with the lesser well-being of another.
I have been saying this for over two decades, but it seems that the progressives won't ever get it.

When you depend upon an outside entity for your health and happiness, you are nothing but a tool to be used by others.

One gentle correction here, or maybe just an addition to the thought? While it is true that burning the rich man's house down will not make your house one whit better, it is not necessarily true that the state of one has no cause and effect on the other. As I have tried (and apparently failed if you believe some there) to teach in my Greed, Giving, or Government thread, the success of the rich man is not why the poor are poor. But in a free market system, the success of the rich man is the very best shot the poor man has to become richer. The rich man is much more likely to provide jobs and opportunity for many others that a poor man can never do.

America is indeed an ineptocracy, but not because of the private sector. We can look squarely at those who attempt to bypass the free market system in order to make the poor person richer as the root of most, maybe all, of our ineptocracy.
Of course, but to Me, the paragraph means that wealth is not a limited thing, and that one man being rich does not take food from the table of a working class person, nor does it take the roof off the house of a working person.

When we become dependent upon government to provide us our sustenance, our happiness, the very shelter against the elements, we have given over our lives to those who will inevitably, misuse that power.
A good read. I particularly liked this part:

I have been saying this for over two decades, but it seems that the progressives won't ever get it.

When you depend upon an outside entity for your health and happiness, you are nothing but a tool to be used by others.

One gentle correction here, or maybe just an addition to the thought? While it is true that burning the rich man's house down will not make your house one whit better, it is not necessarily true that the state of one has no cause and effect on the other. As I have tried (and apparently failed if you believe some there) to teach in my Greed, Giving, or Government thread, the success of the rich man is not why the poor are poor. But in a free market system, the success of the rich man is the very best shot the poor man has to become richer. The rich man is much more likely to provide jobs and opportunity for many others that a poor man can never do.

America is indeed an ineptocracy, but not because of the private sector. We can look squarely at those who attempt to bypass the free market system in order to make the poor person richer as the root of most, maybe all, of our ineptocracy.

Ah, the myth of the job creator, the catch-all excuse why we should continue the incredibly expensive social programs for their benefit alone.
That is strange. I do not see 2 trillion dollars of tax payer money being spent on the rich. It does not get any more expensive than that. But I wouldn't really expect you to admit to that.
A good read. I particularly liked this part:

I have been saying this for over two decades, but it seems that the progressives won't ever get it.

When you depend upon an outside entity for your health and happiness, you are nothing but a tool to be used by others.

One gentle correction here, or maybe just an addition to the thought? While it is true that burning the rich man's house down will not make your house one whit better, it is not necessarily true that the state of one has no cause and effect on the other. As I have tried (and apparently failed if you believe some there) to teach in my Greed, Giving, or Government thread, the success of the rich man is not why the poor are poor. But in a free market system, the success of the rich man is the very best shot the poor man has to become richer. The rich man is much more likely to provide jobs and opportunity for many others that a poor man can never do.

America is indeed an ineptocracy, but not because of the private sector. We can look squarely at those who attempt to bypass the free market system in order to make the poor person richer as the root of most, maybe all, of our ineptocracy.
Of course, but to Me, the paragraph means that wealth is not a limited thing, and that one man being rich does not take food from the table of a working class person, nor does it take the roof off the house of a working person.

When we become dependent upon government to provide us our sustenance, our happiness, the very shelter against the elements, we have given over our lives to those who will inevitably, misuse that power.

Oh absolutely and I think that is exactly what I said. I agreed that folks getting rich is not why the poor are poor. But my quarrel was with the implication in the quoted paragraph that folks getting rich has no affect at all on the poor. I believe it does and it is all good for those who do not wish to remain poor. Those who become rich provide the jobs and other opportunities that give the poor the best shot at becoming unpoor.

The ineptitude expressed in the OP is NOT about the private sector. It is about those who would bypass the private sector and/or the free market system in their grandiose pretense of lifting people out of poverty.
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One gentle correction here, or maybe just an addition to the thought? While it is true that burning the rich man's house down will not make your house one whit better, it is not necessarily true that the state of one has no cause and effect on the other. As I have tried (and apparently failed if you believe some there) to teach in my Greed, Giving, or Government thread, the success of the rich man is not why the poor are poor. But in a free market system, the success of the rich man is the very best shot the poor man has to become richer. The rich man is much more likely to provide jobs and opportunity for many others that a poor man can never do.

America is indeed an ineptocracy, but not because of the private sector. We can look squarely at those who attempt to bypass the free market system in order to make the poor person richer as the root of most, maybe all, of our ineptocracy.

Ah, the myth of the job creator, the catch-all excuse why we should continue the incredibly expensive social programs for their benefit alone.

Is your reading comprehension always that bad? Or just on Sundays?

It's just fine, your refusal to blame the private sector for any of our economic and social woes is the mindset that allowed the banking industry to repeatedly rob many of their future security and will again, with your blessing. That's the beauty of a meritocracy, any money swindled is rightfully earned.
The Twenty-First Century “Ineptocracy” of America
MICHAEL J HURD (2012.06.18 )
I ran across a t-shirt that says everything about the state of our country today:

Ineptocracy: A system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

It’s not sarcasm or exaggeration to say all this. Every word of it is true.

The Twenty-First Century "Ineptocracy" of America | Capitalism MagazineCapitalism Magazine

No good deed goes unpunished. ;)
Ah, the myth of the job creator, the catch-all excuse why we should continue the incredibly expensive social programs for their benefit alone.

Is your reading comprehension always that bad? Or just on Sundays?

It's just fine, your refusal to blame the private sector for any of our economic and social woes is the mindset that allowed the banking industry to repeatedly rob many of their future security and will again, with your blessing. That's the beauty of a meritocracy, any money swindled is rightfully earned.

If the OP had been about who is to blame for our economic and social woes, I would have addressed that. It didn't. So I didn't.
Is your reading comprehension always that bad? Or just on Sundays?

It's just fine, your refusal to blame the private sector for any of our economic and social woes is the mindset that allowed the banking industry to repeatedly rob many of their future security and will again, with your blessing. That's the beauty of a meritocracy, any money swindled is rightfully earned.

If the OP had been about who is to blame for our economic and social woes, I would have addressed that. It didn't. So I didn't.

Why not? A vast amount of political power rests in the unaccountable hands of the "job creators". You will no doubt make excuses for them but the fact remains that they dictate policy through their lobbying efforts and pet politicians, why do they not figure into your overall assessment that we are indeed living in an ineptocracy?
One gentle correction here, or maybe just an addition to the thought? While it is true that burning the rich man's house down will not make your house one whit better, it is not necessarily true that the state of one has no cause and effect on the other. As I have tried (and apparently failed if you believe some there) to teach in my Greed, Giving, or Government thread, the success of the rich man is not why the poor are poor. But in a free market system, the success of the rich man is the very best shot the poor man has to become richer. The rich man is much more likely to provide jobs and opportunity for many others that a poor man can never do.

America is indeed an ineptocracy, but not because of the private sector. We can look squarely at those who attempt to bypass the free market system in order to make the poor person richer as the root of most, maybe all, of our ineptocracy.
Of course, but to Me, the paragraph means that wealth is not a limited thing, and that one man being rich does not take food from the table of a working class person, nor does it take the roof off the house of a working person.

When we become dependent upon government to provide us our sustenance, our happiness, the very shelter against the elements, we have given over our lives to those who will inevitably, misuse that power.

Oh absolutely and I think that is exactly what I said. I agreed that folks getting rich is not why the poor are poor. But my quarrel was with the implication in the quoted paragraph that folks getting rich has no affect at all on the poor. I believe it does and it is all good for those who do not wish to remain poor. Those who become rich provide the jobs and other opportunities that give the poor the best shot at becoming unpoor.

The ineptitude expressed in the OP is NOT about the private sector. It is about those who would bypass the private sector and/or the free market system in their grandiose pretense of lifting people out of poverty.
I agree.
It's just fine, your refusal to blame the private sector for any of our economic and social woes is the mindset that allowed the banking industry to repeatedly rob many of their future security and will again, with your blessing. That's the beauty of a meritocracy, any money swindled is rightfully earned.

If the OP had been about who is to blame for our economic and social woes, I would have addressed that. It didn't. So I didn't.

Why not? A vast amount of political power rests in the unaccountable hands of the "job creators". You will no doubt make excuses for them but the fact remains that they dictate policy through their lobbying efforts and pet politicians, why do they not figure into your overall assessment that we are indeed living in an ineptocracy?

Why not? Because polite people do not make every thread into what THEY want to talk about. They go to the proper threads for that. Or they make their own. This thread has a particular focus and I appreciate and respect those who can see that and appreciate it for the interesting topic that it is. Okay?

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