It's On!!!: Trump Accepts To Debate Bernie Sanders In California Before Primary----Hillary Declines

Anyone know the actual date and time or is that to be decided? I want to watch this, it should be informative and funny at the same time.

Before the June 7 primaries.

There's 547 delegates in California, Hillary Clinton only needs 90 of them to secure the nomination. California is a mixed primary state, but they do not allow Independents to vote in their Presidential primaries, they are only allowed to vote on ballot issues. So I suspect that California is going to look a lot like New York, and New Jersey with 147 delegates is also in Hillary Clinton territory.

There is no gain for Bernie Sanders to do this. He is only alienating the entire Democrat party, by self appointing himself as the nominee to go out and debate Donald Trump. He will be the most despised and hated Senator in Washington D.C. for breaking Democrat party platform protocol.

It will be a very cold day in hell before the Democrat party ever allows anyone to change their party status to run on their ticket again.

You expected an AVOWED socialist to play by your rules?
And you wonder why people think you are stupid?
He will be the most despised and hated Senator in Washington D.C. for breaking Democrat party platform protocol.

Actually the Democrats are more concerned with cannibalizing their DNC chairwoman right now.
Not to be redundant, but it is hilarious the democrat party is in complete meltdown mode even though the MSM protected them and giggled daily about the republicans.
Sander's just confirmed it on Twitter and Trump just accepted Sanders offer on Jimmy Kimmel.

Game on. I look forward to debating Donald Trump in California before the June 7 primary.— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) May 26, 2016

It will show voters what an absolute chicken Hillary Clinton is..she didnt want to debate Sanders.

Hillary opts out.
Clinton declines to debate Sanders in California -

What's the point? Other than pointless entertainment?
I think Trump would obliterate Sanders. To the point where it will be uncomfortable. That lunatic old socialist has been up against a woman who is trying to be polite against him in the hopes that she can win over his drones... Trump has no reason to hold back.
You are living in a dream world bud. Sanders could have hammered Clinton from the start on the emails and corruption yet helped her by making light of it, and was very easy on her from the start. Think about that with your tiny brain: Sanders helped her right of the bat with his "damn emails" comment. Then when Sanders long held positions (unlike flip flop stretch truth/lie Hillary) were popular Hillary suddenly was for them. A good example is the TPP she flipped on, temporarily until she is elected of course. Hell saturday night live did a hilarious sketch of her turning into Bernie that was right on the money.

So the truth is Bernie has been very polite to Hillary, and only tough with her on the issues he cares about most. And as soon as Sanders had some traction the DNC has tried to tear him down at every opportunity.

One of the reasons Sanders has done well is because he has beat her in debates, and you think she has been soft on him? You are delusional bud. Clinton just backed out of a previously scheduled debate.

Sanders will hold his own just fine against Trump, you should be worried about Hillary against him since she already canceled her debate against Sanders.
Well, I do think that if Trump actually does research(Though he hasn't seemed to have done any at any point, yet has been doing fine), it wouldn't be hard at all to counter any and all of Bernie's 'points'. Bernie is calling for a slightly modified form of an ideal that has repeatedly failed since its inception, without the core components being 'fixed', because without said core components, since all of them would need to be replaced for it to have a chance, it would no longer be socialism. There is so much ammo for him to use, should he actually choose to use it, that it could be downright embarrassing. The thing is, I really don't think that the best option here would be to destroy him. I think his best option is working to win over his supporters. As it is, Bernie's supporters are too stubborn or too young to know better. You can't win them over with logic. If you could, they'd have stopped being Socialist long ago. However, I'm also not sure if there's a way for him to win them over without possibly alienating the Republican votes he somehow managed to get(Let's be fair, they're voting AGAINST Hillary.).
I think Trump would obliterate Sanders. To the point where it will be uncomfortable. That lunatic old socialist has been up against a woman who is trying to be polite against him in the hopes that she can win over his drones... Trump has no reason to hold back.
You are living in a dream world bud. Sanders could have hammered Clinton from the start on the emails and corruption yet helped her by making light of it, and was very easy on her from the start. Think about that with your tiny brain: Sanders helped her right of the bat with his "damn emails" comment. Then when Sanders long held positions (unlike flip flop stretch truth/lie Hillary) were popular Hillary suddenly was for them. A good example is the TPP she flipped on, temporarily until she is elected of course. Hell saturday night live did a hilarious sketch of her turning into Bernie that was right on the money.

So the truth is Bernie has been very polite to Hillary, and only tough with her on the issues he cares about most. And as soon as Sanders had some traction the DNC has tried to tear him down at every opportunity.

One of the reasons Sanders has done well is because he has beat her in debates, and you think she has been soft on him? You are delusional bud. Clinton just backed out of a previously scheduled debate.

Sanders will hold his own just fine against Trump, you should be worried about Hillary against him since she already canceled her debate against Sanders.
Well, I do think that if Trump actually does research(Though he hasn't seemed to have done any at any point, yet has been doing fine), it wouldn't be hard at all to counter any and all of Bernie's 'points'. Bernie is calling for a slightly modified form of an ideal that has repeatedly failed since its inception, without the core components being 'fixed', because without said core components, since all of them would need to be replaced for it to have a chance, it would no longer be socialism. There is so much ammo for him to use, should he actually choose to use it, that it could be downright embarrassing. The thing is, I really don't think that the best option here would be to destroy him. I think his best option is working to win over his supporters. As it is, Bernie's supporters are too stubborn or too young to know better. You can't win them over with logic. If you could, they'd have stopped being Socialist long ago. However, I'm also not sure if there's a way for him to win them over without possibly alienating the Republican votes he somehow managed to get(Let's be fair, they're voting AGAINST Hillary.).
I wish you the best of luck with your Hillary campaign.
I wish you the best of luck with your Hillary campaign.
I'm no Hillary supporter. Nor am I a Bernie Sanders supporter. Nor am I a Donald Trump supporter. I'm only laying out my thoughts. I'm not sure how you would have gathered "I'm a Hillary supporter" from what I typed up, but rest assured, you misread.
There is no gain for Bernie Sanders to do this.

So? Seems he's more of a spine than Hillary.

He is only alienating the entire Democrat party, by self appointing himself as the nominee to go out and debate Donald Trump.

I believe Hillary and Debbie have done a sufficient job rigging the process in Clinton's favor. It is Sanders' supporters who are being alienated here.
Clinton cancelled a previously agreed upon debate, so now Sanders is debating Trump instead.

Whether you like Sanders or not you have to admit this is a man honest with his convictions and will debate anyone about them anytime. There is a reason he has made it this far in politics as an outsider that doesn't bow to big money.
I wish you the best of luck with your Hillary campaign.
I'm no Hillary supporter. Nor am I a Bernie Sanders supporter. Nor am I a Donald Trump supporter. I'm only laying out my thoughts. I'm not sure how you would have gathered "I'm a Hillary supporter" from what I typed up, but rest assured, you misread.
Maybe I have misread you, I apologize.
Sander's just confirmed it on Twitter and Trump just accepted Sanders offer on Jimmy Kimmel.

Game on. I look forward to debating Donald Trump in California before the June 7 primary.— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) May 26, 2016

It will show voters what an absolute chicken Hillary Clinton is..she didnt want to debate Sanders.

Hillary opts out.
Clinton declines to debate Sanders in California -
This would be the television event of the century if it were to happen, but I know Trump is going to puss out last minute.
There was a Trump rally in California yesterday and the cops outnumbered the protesters.
Sander's just confirmed it on Twitter and Trump just accepted Sanders offer on Jimmy Kimmel.

Game on. I look forward to debating Donald Trump in California before the June 7 primary.— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) May 26, 2016

It will show voters what an absolute chicken Hillary Clinton is..she didnt want to debate Sanders.

Hillary opts out.
Clinton declines to debate Sanders in California -

Sweet Baby Jesus--a loser debating the Republican nominee loser. If this happens I am breaking out the beer & popcorn. I imagine the media is going to hit them both hard all night long as being the only two candidates in the last 40 years that have refused to release their income tax returns. I can't wait to hear their responses to that one--LOL Really I don't like Trump but I would like to see him snap off that pointer finger of Bernie Sanders. That may be exciting.

Hillary Clinton opting out of this one is a very wise decision. She doesn't need to debate Bernie Sanders, he's already lost this race. And when she debates Trump, she is going to run him through a paper shredder.

It's going to be the Dumb and Dumber debate.


Score card
Hillary Clinton needs 90 delegates
Bernie Sanders need 847 delegates

On June 7th Hillary Clinton will secure the nomination of the Democrat Party.
Oh god shut up. Bernie could easily beat Trump. Hillary is now trailing Trump. The polls reflect that. Your denial is sickening.

Yeah it's over for Bernie but you should mourn his loss to a candidate everyone hates.
Sander's just confirmed it on Twitter and Trump just accepted Sanders offer on Jimmy Kimmel.

Game on. I look forward to debating Donald Trump in California before the June 7 primary.— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) May 26, 2016

It will show voters what an absolute chicken Hillary Clinton is..she didnt want to debate Sanders.

Hillary opts out.
Clinton declines to debate Sanders in California -
This would be the television event of the century if it were to happen, but I know Trump is going to puss out last minute.
The only one who will never puss out? Sanders. Seriously though this guy never stops.
Bernie is out of control and needs to be lobotomized or at least given shock therapy.

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