It’s Russia, Russia, Russia

All roads from Russia lead directly to the Dumbocrats...
John Brennan, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), made a secret visit to Moscow in March, according to Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Oleg Syromolotov. The visit, he said, had nothing to do with Russia’s decision two weeks ago to begin withdrawing from Syria.
So communist asshole John Brennan makes a “secret” visit to Moscow to meet with the FSB (the successor to the KGB) and even the Russians admit it had nothing to do with Syria. Shortly thereafter, the now infamous “Trump Dossier” is born.

Literally every road from Russia leads directly to the Dumbocrats.

Developing: Obama CIA Chief John Brennan Made Secret Visit to Russia Around Same Time as Fusion GPS Produced anti-Trump Memos
No wonder Hussein Obama selected him.
Bingo. Barack Insane Obama brought in self-professed communist Van Jones and communist supporter John Brennan. Tells you everything you need to know. And it speaks volumes that the left LOVED him for his communist policies and his communist appointees.

"President Barack Obama downplayed the differences between capitalism and communism, claiming that they are just “intellectual arguments.” He urged those at a town hall eventin Buenos Aires, Argentina on Wednesday to “just choose from what works.”
Obama Downplays Difference Between Capitalism, Communism [VIDEO]

And this:

"Government control of private sector aptly described as Bolshevik- or Marxist, socialist, collectivist, statist, or, for that matter, fascist, too.Indeed, nationalized health care was one of the first programs enacted by the Bolsheviks after they seized power in 1917(Banks, insurance companies and means of communications were also taken over by Soviet authorities immediately."
Dziewanowski, "A History of Soviet Russia," p. 107.

They didn't call it ObamaCare....
"President Barack Obama downplayed the differences between capitalism and communism, claiming that they are just “intellectual arguments.” He urged those at a town hall event in Buenos Aires, Argentina on Wednesday to “just choose from what works.”
Obama Downplays Difference Between Capitalism, Communism
Really, Barack? Ok, so what if “what works” is returning all African-Americans to slavery (starting with he and Michelle)? Think about it - it results in mass production at next to no cost. So you have all of the production for society with none of the devastating costs.

Come on a man for once in your limp-wristed life. Put your money where your mouth is and go on a world tour touting that slavery for African-Americans “just works”. After all, slavery isn’t bad. It is just an “intellectual argument”.
Good job on taking this out of context. The relevant part of that speech:

"The president admitted that while those policies are working in Cuba, the economy there is still failing, “and so you have to be practical in asking yourself how can you achieve the goals of equality and inclusion, but also recognize that the market system produces a lot of wealth and goods and services.”

Just stop with daily caller, the far-right bias site has made false claims according to snopes and politifact.
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"President Barack Obama downplayed the differences between capitalism and communism, claiming that they are just “intellectual arguments.” He urged those at a town hall event in Buenos Aires, Argentina on Wednesday to “just choose from what works.”
Obama Downplays Difference Between Capitalism, Communism
Really, Barack? Ok, so what if “what works” is returning all African-Americans to slavery (starting with he and Michelle)? Think about it - it results in mass production at next to no cost. So you have all of the production for society with none of the devastating costs.

Come on a man for once in your limp-wristed life. Put your money where your mouth is and go on a world tour touting that slavery for African-Americans “just works”. After all, slavery isn’t bad. It is just an “intellectual argument”.

Not just Obama.....Democrats:

"....we are now free of that inordinate fear of communism...."
Jimmy Carter
Jimmy Carter: UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME - Address at Commencement Exercises at the University
All roads from Russia lead directly to the Dumbocrats...
Out of 7 total memos, 4 of them have been redacted and classified. 3 of them are not. Comey allegedly leaked FOUR of these memos to his friend in order to be given to the press. That means that — at the very minimum — ONE of those was classified.
So the acting Director of the F.B.I. not only leaked memos - he leaked classified memos.

Do the math: THIS proves Comey leaked classified memos
Even the members of the Obama Administration are openly admitting that they were told to allow Russian interference in our elections. The Russians were trying to help get Hitlery Clinton elected. They knew they could walk all over her like they did MaObama.

Obama cyber chief confirms 'stand down' order against Russian cyberattacks in summer 2016

Do you even read this link you posted? If you did you sure can spin your usual effort to attack Democrats; your failure to report that Trump was chosen by the Russian Cyber Attack to be the most likely to benefit their agendas was the point of this article, to wit:

"Instead, Obama officials chose another course of action after becoming frustrated that Republican leaders on Capitol Hill would not endorse a bipartisan statement condemning Russian interference and fearful that any unilateral action by them would feed then candidate Donald Trump’s claims that the election was rigged. They chose a private “stern” warning by Obama to Russian President Vladimir Putin at a summit in China in early September 2016 to stop his country’s campaign to disrupt the U.S. election."

Leaving out this germane paragraph is once again dishonest and a lie by omission and conscious commission. The link proves Trump was chosen by Putin, and one must speculate there was a reason. To further speculate, Trump's support for Putin may be that Putin has dirt on Trump, and that any dirt Putin's agents had when they met with Don Jr. at Trump Tower did not exist.

If the speculation is true, and Putin has control of Trump, we are in deep shit.
Even the members of the Obama Administration are openly admitting that they were told to allow Russian interference in our elections. The Russians were trying to help get Hitlery Clinton elected. They knew they could walk all over her like they did MaObama.

Obama cyber chief confirms 'stand down' order against Russian cyberattacks in summer 2016

Do you even read this link you posted? If you did you sure can spin your usual effort to attack Democrats; your failure to report that Trump was chosen by the Russian Cyber Attack to be the most likely to benefit their agendas was the point of this article, to wit:

"Instead, Obama officials chose another course of action after becoming frustrated that Republican leaders on Capitol Hill would not endorse a bipartisan statement condemning Russian interference and fearful that any unilateral action by them would feed then candidate Donald Trump’s claims that the election was rigged. They chose a private “stern” warning by Obama to Russian President Vladimir Putin at a summit in China in early September 2016 to stop his country’s campaign to disrupt the U.S. election."

Leaving out this germane paragraph is once again dishonest and a lie by omission and conscious commission. The link proves Trump was chosen by Putin, and one must speculate there was a reason. To further speculate, Trump's support for Putin may be that Putin has dirt on Trump, and that any dirt Putin's agents had when they met with Don Jr. at Trump Tower did not exist.

If the speculation is true, and Putin has control of Trump, we are in deep shit.

I'll bet Puti was terrified of President Beta Male.
Even the members of the Obama Administration are openly admitting that they were told to allow Russian interference in our elections. The Russians were trying to help get Hitlery Clinton elected. They knew they could walk all over her like they did MaObama.

Obama cyber chief confirms 'stand down' order against Russian cyberattacks in summer 2016

Do you even read this link you posted? If you did you sure can spin your usual effort to attack Democrats; your failure to report that Trump was chosen by the Russian Cyber Attack to be the most likely to benefit their agendas was the point of this article, to wit:

"Instead, Obama officials chose another course of action after becoming frustrated that Republican leaders on Capitol Hill would not endorse a bipartisan statement condemning Russian interference and fearful that any unilateral action by them would feed then candidate Donald Trump’s claims that the election was rigged. They chose a private “stern” warning by Obama to Russian President Vladimir Putin at a summit in China in early September 2016 to stop his country’s campaign to disrupt the U.S. election."

Leaving out this germane paragraph is once again dishonest and a lie by omission and conscious commission. The link proves Trump was chosen by Putin, and one must speculate there was a reason. To further speculate, Trump's support for Putin may be that Putin has dirt on Trump, and that any dirt Putin's agents had when they met with Don Jr. at Trump Tower did not exist.

If the speculation is true, and Putin has control of Trump, we are in deep shit.

I'll bet Puti was terrified of President Beta Male.

I suspect Putin was very worried HRC would be elected, and decided Trump was too inexperienced to be POTUS, and would easy to exploit; especially if Putin had evidence which would embarrass Trump or if Putin could release financial records of Trump's collusion with the Oligarchs.
Even the members of the Obama Administration are openly admitting that they were told to allow Russian interference in our elections. The Russians were trying to help get Hitlery Clinton elected. They knew they could walk all over her like they did MaObama.

Obama cyber chief confirms 'stand down' order against Russian cyberattacks in summer 2016
I don't know about 'walk all over her' she's cheap but not free ... She's the kinda girl they could keep in their pocket.
Even the members of the Obama Administration are openly admitting that they were told to allow Russian interference in our elections. The Russians were trying to help get Hitlery Clinton elected. They knew they could walk all over her like they did MaObama.

Obama cyber chief confirms 'stand down' order against Russian cyberattacks in summer 2016

Do you even read this link you posted? If you did you sure can spin your usual effort to attack Democrats; your failure to report that Trump was chosen by the Russian Cyber Attack to be the most likely to benefit their agendas was the point of this article, to wit:

"Instead, Obama officials chose another course of action after becoming frustrated that Republican leaders on Capitol Hill would not endorse a bipartisan statement condemning Russian interference and fearful that any unilateral action by them would feed then candidate Donald Trump’s claims that the election was rigged. They chose a private “stern” warning by Obama to Russian President Vladimir Putin at a summit in China in early September 2016 to stop his country’s campaign to disrupt the U.S. election."

Leaving out this germane paragraph is once again dishonest and a lie by omission and conscious commission. The link proves Trump was chosen by Putin, and one must speculate there was a reason. To further speculate, Trump's support for Putin may be that Putin has dirt on Trump, and that any dirt Putin's agents had when they met with Don Jr. at Trump Tower did not exist.

If the speculation is true, and Putin has control of Trump, we are in deep shit.

I'll bet Puti was terrified of President Beta Male.

I suspect Putin was very worried HRC would be elected, and decided Trump was too inexperienced to be POTUS, and would easy to exploit; especially if Putin had evidence which would embarrass Trump or if Putin could release financial records of Trump's collusion with the Oligarchs.

I suspect Mr. Rump is more than any of you give him credit for. Having said he still works for same Bankers that they all do. Hillary made it very clear SHE wanted War with Russia. Her Syrian "no fly zone" policy would have accomplished that very quickly.
I wish it wasn't Russia Russia Russia - but thanks to Trump it is.

"maybe Russia can find those emails"

the door opened, questions arose, answers were given or uncovered and here we are today.

when Trump isn't busy sucking Russia he's saluting North Korea.

F Trump
Leaving out this germane paragraph is once again dishonest and a lie by omission and conscious commission.
Snowflake, I didn't leave anything out. I didn't quote a single sentence from the article. I put a link to the ENTIRE article for everyone to read.

MaObama told cybersecurity staff to "stand down" so Russia could interfere with the election. His own staff admits it.
Leaving out this germane paragraph is once again dishonest and a lie by omission and conscious commission.
Snowflake, I didn't leave anything out. I didn't quote a single sentence from the article. I put a link to the ENTIRE article for everyone to read.

MaObama told cybersecurity staff to "stand down" so Russia could interfere with the election. His own staff admits it.


Daniel added that “it’s not accurate to say that all activity ceased at that point.” He and his staff “shifted our focus” to assisting state governments to protect against Russian cyberattacks against state and local election systems.
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I wish it wasn't Russia Russia Russia - but thanks to Trump it is.
President Trump didn't collude with Christopher Steel of England

President Trump didn't collude with the Russians to create the "Trump Dossier"

President Trump didn't collude with Perkins Coie to purchase and disseminate the "Trump Dossier"

President Trump didn't grant "special exemption" without a Visa to get Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya into the United States

President Trump didn't tell his cybersecurity staff to "stand down" so that Russia could interfere with the elections

It must be killing you to realize that everything you were duped into believing was 100% false. :laugh:

The Russian Trail Leads To The Democrats

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