It's the Government-Not the Truther

What a copy and paste wall of text. This patriot guy is quite the show. Jesus.

WTC7 fell for freefall for 2.25 seconds, as admitted, documented, and shown by NIST. This fact alone proves controlled demolition, because to achieve freefall acceleration, there needs to be ZERO resistance. 8 floors of structural steel and building DOES NOT give off ZERO resistance. Thus proving controlled demolition. Fires cannot cause this, it is impossible. You cannot argue this. Wake up and stop playing games cronnie.


Attributing a quote to someone that did not make it is a no-no asshole.
huggy, the quotes got messed up
he didnt do it intentionally


Yes he did. He intentionally changes my post to validate what he wanted to say.

Many, many thanks to HUGGY for backing me up on this.

That's a pretty funny Rat. I was referring to him doing it to me. But you can think we are buddies if you want. :lol::lol::lol: I haven't followed your posts too closely.. Do I have you on "The List"? :lol:
huggy, the quotes got messed up
he didnt do it intentionally


Yes he did. He intentionally changes my post to validate what he wanted to say.

Many, many thanks to HUGGY for backing me up on this.
not talking about what you are
he was accusing YOU of altering what he said
and the quotes are fucked up and i dont know who started it
but thats why i didnt quote the post
huggy, the quotes got messed up
he didnt do it intentionally


Yes he did. He intentionally changes my post to validate what he wanted to say.

Many, many thanks to HUGGY for backing me up on this.

That's a pretty funny Rat. I was referring to him doing it to me. But you can think we are buddies if you want. :lol::lol::lol: I haven't followed your posts too closely.. Do I have you on "The List"? :lol:

Huggy, although we have crossed swords a couple of times, I haven't seen myself on the list. All in all, you are are honest in replying to posts, and I have never seen you alter a post to your point of view, as PE has done to mine on many occasions.

Dive, PE/Chrissy has changed my posts on several occasions to fit his point of view. I'm sorry if you thought I was blaming HUGGY, as that was not my intent. I have reported PE's alterations to the mods, and am willing to remand him to their judgment.

Yes he did. He intentionally changes my post to validate what he wanted to say.

Many, many thanks to HUGGY for backing me up on this.

That's a pretty funny Rat. I was referring to him doing it to me. But you can think we are buddies if you want. :lol::lol::lol: I haven't followed your posts too closely.. Do I have you on "The List"? :lol:

Huggy, although we have crossed swords a couple of times, I haven't seen myself on the list. All in all, you are are honest in replying to posts, and I have never seen you alter a post to your point of view, as PE has done to mine on many occasions.

Dive, PE/Chrissy has changed my posts on several occasions to fit his point of view. I'm sorry if you thought I was blaming HUGGY, as that was not my intent. I have reported PE's alterations to the mods, and am willing to remand him to their judgment.
i was telling Huggy that YOU didnt do it to him on purpose, but that the quotes got messed up

and i know PE has altered your posts before
but he isnt goof-o-phera
That's a pretty funny Rat. I was referring to him doing it to me. But you can think we are buddies if you want. :lol::lol::lol: I haven't followed your posts too closely.. Do I have you on "The List"? :lol:

Huggy, although we have crossed swords a couple of times, I haven't seen myself on the list. All in all, you are are honest in replying to posts, and I have never seen you alter a post to your point of view, as PE has done to mine on many occasions.

Dive, PE/Chrissy has changed my posts on several occasions to fit his point of view. I'm sorry if you thought I was blaming HUGGY, as that was not my intent. I have reported PE's alterations to the mods, and am willing to remand him to their judgment.
i was telling Huggy that YOU didnt do it to him on purpose, but that the quotes got messed up

and i know PE has altered your posts before
but he isnt goof-o-phera

You know that I usually agree with you on things, but on this I have to disagree,

PE & Chri$$y are one and the same. Do you really think that there are two distinct posters from Santa Barbara CA posting wacky theories on the same board, yet never online at the same time?

We have been chiding him about his goofball theory, and telling him he is wrong, and then all of a sudden a new poster comes on line from the same town with a new line of BS.

The only surprise is that it wasn't Citizen Pat spewing all of the new BS.
Huggy, although we have crossed swords a couple of times, I haven't seen myself on the list. All in all, you are are honest in replying to posts, and I have never seen you alter a post to your point of view, as PE has done to mine on many occasions.

Dive, PE/Chrissy has changed my posts on several occasions to fit his point of view. I'm sorry if you thought I was blaming HUGGY, as that was not my intent. I have reported PE's alterations to the mods, and am willing to remand him to their judgment.
i was telling Huggy that YOU didnt do it to him on purpose, but that the quotes got messed up

and i know PE has altered your posts before
but he isnt goof-o-phera

You know that I usually agree with you on things, but on this I have to disagree,

PE & Chri$$y are one and the same. Do you really think that there are two distinct posters from Santa Barbara CA posting wacky theories on the same board, yet never online at the same time?

We have been chiding him about his goofball theory, and telling him he is wrong, and then all of a sudden a new poster comes on line from the same town with a new line of BS.

The only surprise is that it wasn't Citizen Pat spewing all of the new BS.
yes, it is possible
PE wont even address the goof-o-phera topics and just keeps spamming for the WTC7 site
Huggy, although we have crossed swords a couple of times, I haven't seen myself on the list. All in all, you are are honest in replying to posts, and I have never seen you alter a post to your point of view, as PE has done to mine on many occasions.

Dive, PE/Chrissy has changed my posts on several occasions to fit his point of view. I'm sorry if you thought I was blaming HUGGY, as that was not my intent. I have reported PE's alterations to the mods, and am willing to remand him to their judgment.
i was telling Huggy that YOU didnt do it to him on purpose, but that the quotes got messed up

and i know PE has altered your posts before
but he isnt goof-o-phera

You know that I usually agree with you on things, but on this I have to disagree,

PE & Chri$$y are one and the same. Do you really think that there are two distinct posters from Santa Barbara CA posting wacky theories on the same board, yet never online at the same time?

We have been chiding him about his goofball theory, and telling him he is wrong, and then all of a sudden a new poster comes on line from the same town with a new line of BS.

The only surprise is that it wasn't Citizen Pat spewing all of the new BS.

Sign the Petition

They have the same agenda I do. The truth. Care to call them all out? There's 1,400 Architects and Engineers on that list so far, are they spreading a 'goofball' theory as well? Maybe you can't handle the truth, or you cant accept the facts. Either way, you're wrong, and the facts of that day are right. WTC7 collapsed at freefall for 2.25 seconds, it was not hit by a plane, and it was not mentioned in the 9/11 commission report. Wake up child.
i was telling Huggy that YOU didnt do it to him on purpose, but that the quotes got messed up

and i know PE has altered your posts before
but he isnt goof-o-phera

You know that I usually agree with you on things, but on this I have to disagree,

PE & Chri$$y are one and the same. Do you really think that there are two distinct posters from Santa Barbara CA posting wacky theories on the same board, yet never online at the same time?

We have been chiding him about his goofball theory, and telling him he is wrong, and then all of a sudden a new poster comes on line from the same town with a new line of BS.

The only surprise is that it wasn't Citizen Pat spewing all of the new BS.

Sign the Petition

They have the same agenda I do. The truth. Care to call them all out? There's 1,400 Architects and Engineers on that list so far, are they spreading a 'goofball' theory as well? Maybe you can't handle the truth, or you cant accept the facts. Either way, you're wrong, and the facts of that day are right. WTC7 collapsed at freefall for 2.25 seconds, it was not hit by a plane, and it was not mentioned in the 9/11 commission report. Wake up child.
child, it wasnt hit by a plane, it was hit by a fucking BUILDING
You know that I usually agree with you on things, but on this I have to disagree,

PE & Chri$$y are one and the same. Do you really think that there are two distinct posters from Santa Barbara CA posting wacky theories on the same board, yet never online at the same time?

We have been chiding him about his goofball theory, and telling him he is wrong, and then all of a sudden a new poster comes on line from the same town with a new line of BS.

The only surprise is that it wasn't Citizen Pat spewing all of the new BS.

Sign the Petition

They have the same agenda I do. The truth. Care to call them all out? There's 1,400 Architects and Engineers on that list so far, are they spreading a 'goofball' theory as well? Maybe you can't handle the truth, or you cant accept the facts. Either way, you're wrong, and the facts of that day are right. WTC7 collapsed at freefall for 2.25 seconds, it was not hit by a plane, and it was not mentioned in the 9/11 commission report. Wake up child.
child, it wasnt hit by a plane, it was hit by a fucking BUILDING

No it wasnt. The Towers played no role in the collapse of WTC7, as said by NIST. (your favorite agency) Explosions were heard by Barry Jennings, he experienced them first hand. There is also evidence of NANOTHERMITE and MOLTEN STEEL. not to mention freefall acceleration through the path of greatest resistance. This is impossible, that's why 1,400 Engineers and Architects so far have signed a petition and spread the word for a reinvestigation of the events that day. stop avoiding the facts, you can't run from the truth, its reality.


Care to address these facts? You're not man enough. You only got names and distractions.
Last edited:
Sign the Petition

They have the same agenda I do. The truth. Care to call them all out? There's 1,400 Architects and Engineers on that list so far, are they spreading a 'goofball' theory as well? Maybe you can't handle the truth, or you cant accept the facts. Either way, you're wrong, and the facts of that day are right. WTC7 collapsed at freefall for 2.25 seconds, it was not hit by a plane, and it was not mentioned in the 9/11 commission report. Wake up child.
child, it wasnt hit by a plane, it was hit by a fucking BUILDING

No it wasnt. The Towers played no role in the collapse of WTC7, as said by NIST. (your favorite agency) Explosions were heard by Barry Jennings, he experienced them first hand. There is also evidence of NANOTHERMITE and MOLTEN STEEL. not to mention freefall acceleration through the path of greatest resistance. This is impossible, that's why 1,400 Engineers and Architects so far have signed a petition and spread the word for a reinvestigation of the events that day. stop avoiding the facts, you can't run from the truth, its reality.


Care to address these facts? You're not man enough. You only got names and distractions.
you didnt post a single FACT dipshit
so there are no FACTS to address

btw, the "explosions" he heard, were HOURS before the fucking building collapsed
so they were NOT from a controlled demo
you are too much of a fucking moron to understand that
Last edited:
Sign the Petition

They have the same agenda I do. The truth. Care to call them all out? There's 1,400 Architects and Engineers on that list so far, are they spreading a 'goofball' theory as well? Maybe you can't handle the truth, or you cant accept the facts. Either way, you're wrong, and the facts of that day are right. WTC7 collapsed at freefall for 2.25 seconds, it was not hit by a plane, and it was not mentioned in the 9/11 commission report. Wake up child.
child, it wasnt hit by a plane, it was hit by a fucking BUILDING

No it wasnt. The Towers played no role in the collapse of WTC7, as said by NIST. (your favorite agency) Explosions were heard by Barry Jennings, he experienced them first hand. There is also evidence of NANOTHERMITE and MOLTEN STEEL. not to mention freefall acceleration through the path of greatest resistance. This is impossible, that's why 1,400 Engineers and Architects so far have signed a petition and spread the word for a reinvestigation of the events that day. stop avoiding the facts, you can't run from the truth, its reality.


Care to address these facts? You're not man enough. You only got names and distractions.

"The Towers played no role in the collapse of WTC7"

Are you serious, Gumby?

What do you think triggered the fires in the building, a child with a book of matches?

Or did the building just sit there, undamaged, until it was time for George Bush, Dick Cheney, Larry Silverstein and Haliburton to set off the free-fall charges?

So 1400 morons signed a piece of paper, and that means it was one big old nasty conspiracy. Big whoop-de-doo.

Go back and finish your bag of Cheetos before they get stale.
i was telling Huggy that YOU didnt do it to him on purpose, but that the quotes got messed up

and i know PE has altered your posts before
but he isnt goof-o-phera

You know that I usually agree with you on things, but on this I have to disagree,

PE & Chri$$y are one and the same. Do you really think that there are two distinct posters from Santa Barbara CA posting wacky theories on the same board, yet never online at the same time?

We have been chiding him about his goofball theory, and telling him he is wrong, and then all of a sudden a new poster comes on line from the same town with a new line of BS.

The only surprise is that it wasn't Citizen Pat spewing all of the new BS.

Sign the Petition

They have the same agenda I do. The truth. Care to call them all out? There's 1,400 Architects and Engineers on that list so far, are they spreading a 'goofball' theory as well? Maybe you can't handle the truth, or you cant accept the facts. Either way, you're wrong, and the facts of that day are right. WTC7 collapsed at freefall for 2.25 seconds, it was not hit by a plane, and it was not mentioned in the 9/11 commission report. Wake up child.

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By the way Gumby, was this supposed to be 0 pos points, or 0 neg points?

You didn't leave a comment.

You claim to have the knowledge of Newtonian Physics, yet you can't manage to figure out a simple rep system?


I laugh at the superior intellect!!!
You know that I usually agree with you on things, but on this I have to disagree,

PE & Chri$$y are one and the same. Do you really think that there are two distinct posters from Santa Barbara CA posting wacky theories on the same board, yet never online at the same time?

We have been chiding him about his goofball theory, and telling him he is wrong, and then all of a sudden a new poster comes on line from the same town with a new line of BS.

The only surprise is that it wasn't Citizen Pat spewing all of the new BS.

Sign the Petition

They have the same agenda I do. The truth. Care to call them all out? There's 1,400 Architects and Engineers on that list so far, are they spreading a 'goofball' theory as well? Maybe you can't handle the truth, or you cant accept the facts. Either way, you're wrong, and the facts of that day are right. WTC7 collapsed at freefall for 2.25 seconds, it was not hit by a plane, and it was not mentioned in the 9/11 commission report. Wake up child.
child, it wasnt hit by a plane, it was hit by a fucking BUILDING

Why do you continue to lie like that?? it was hit by debris that ignited the fires but otherwise played no significant role in the collapse according to NIST or do you support some other theory ?
Sign the Petition

They have the same agenda I do. The truth. Care to call them all out? There's 1,400 Architects and Engineers on that list so far, are they spreading a 'goofball' theory as well? Maybe you can't handle the truth, or you cant accept the facts. Either way, you're wrong, and the facts of that day are right. WTC7 collapsed at freefall for 2.25 seconds, it was not hit by a plane, and it was not mentioned in the 9/11 commission report. Wake up child.
child, it wasnt hit by a plane, it was hit by a fucking BUILDING

Why do you continue to lie like that?? it was hit by debris that ignited the fires but otherwise played no significant role in the collapse according to NIST or do you support some other theory ?
so, that debris wasnt part of a building???

fuck off dipshit you are too fucking stupid for rational topics of discussion
child, it wasnt hit by a plane, it was hit by a fucking BUILDING

No it wasnt. The Towers played no role in the collapse of WTC7, as said by NIST. (your favorite agency) Explosions were heard by Barry Jennings, he experienced them first hand. There is also evidence of NANOTHERMITE and MOLTEN STEEL. not to mention freefall acceleration through the path of greatest resistance. This is impossible, that's why 1,400 Engineers and Architects so far have signed a petition and spread the word for a reinvestigation of the events that day. stop avoiding the facts, you can't run from the truth, its reality.


Care to address these facts? You're not man enough. You only got names and distractions.

"The Towers played no role in the collapse of WTC7"

Are you serious, Gumby?

What do you think triggered the fires in the building, a child with a book of matches?
Or did the building just sit there, undamaged, until it was time for George Bush, Dick Cheney, Larry Silverstein and Haliburton to set off the free-fall charges?

So 1400 morons signed a piece of paper, and that means it was one big old nasty conspiracy. Big whoop-de-doo.

Go back and finish your bag of Cheetos before they get stale.

according to NIST a child with a book of matches could indeed of caused the towers to collapse...that is a fact
No it wasnt. The Towers played no role in the collapse of WTC7, as said by NIST. (your favorite agency) Explosions were heard by Barry Jennings, he experienced them first hand. There is also evidence of NANOTHERMITE and MOLTEN STEEL. not to mention freefall acceleration through the path of greatest resistance. This is impossible, that's why 1,400 Engineers and Architects so far have signed a petition and spread the word for a reinvestigation of the events that day. stop avoiding the facts, you can't run from the truth, its reality.

Care to address these facts? You're not man enough. You only got names and distractions.

"The Towers played no role in the collapse of WTC7"

Are you serious, Gumby?

What do you think triggered the fires in the building, a child with a book of matches?
Or did the building just sit there, undamaged, until it was time for George Bush, Dick Cheney, Larry Silverstein and Haliburton to set off the free-fall charges?

So 1400 morons signed a piece of paper, and that means it was one big old nasty conspiracy. Big whoop-de-doo.

Go back and finish your bag of Cheetos before they get stale.

according to NIST a child with a book of matches could indeed of caused the towers to collapse...that is a fact

it said no such thing
child, it wasnt hit by a plane, it was hit by a fucking building

why do you continue to lie like that?? It was hit by debris that ignited the fires but otherwise played no significant role in the collapse according to nist or do you support some other theory ?
so, that debris wasnt part of a building???

Fuck off dipshit you are too fucking stupid for rational topics of discussion

you did not say part of a building ..did you...and you also imply it played some significant role other than igniting fire despite the fact you know the is not in agreement with the findings of nist intentionally being question

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