It's the Government-Not the Truther

He makes it blatantly obvious that he's an attention seeking idiot troll with no life and not entitled to any responses.[/QUOTE]

thats what i got done just saying.Like i said,he made that perfectly obvious in his very first post he made here when he first came here ADMITTING he goes to all these different message boards everywhere posting his lies and propaganda.thats what I cant say this enough,dont feed the trolls.your just giving them the attention they came here seeking when you take their bait and reply to them.their one objective is to do what they are paid to do,disrupt any kind of 9/11 truth discussion.
People shouldn't be so quick to dismiss others as being "Twoofers." Governments lie all the time. It's what they do. I would think Wikileaks has shown this to be fact. Our own Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ordering Diplomats to spy on UN Members? No one would have known about that if Wikileaks didn't come along. There are still many valid questions about 911. Our Government did not conduct an acceptable investigation. They wrapped it up way too quickly and neatly. I stand by my belief that our Government has not told us the truth about 911. If that makes me a "Twoofer" than so be it.
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Usual bullshit from the troofers. Cite some source in hopes no one actually reads it. In this case the book and Author cited actually SUPPORTS and DEFENDS the 9/11 Commission and yet troofers claim otherwise.

Kinda like all the names Eots and buddies throw around. If you do any research you quickly learn that these LEARNED men almost uniformly do NOT support the troofers. What they do claim is that some piece of the investigation got something slightly wrong and they want it corrected. For example the one they cite for the fire problem in building 7 does not disagree that fire brought the building down at all. He feels that the insulation was the problem and FOR SAFETY REASONS, that part should be changed.

The pilots they cite , none of them say that the flight in Washington DC could not have done what it did, what they say is that it was strange behavior for a plane to do and that possibly a more experienced pilot would be needed. BUT reality is that a Plane, its crew, its passengers all vanished on 9/11 and the plane debris is located in the hole in the Pentagon along with DNA evidence and body parts of the missing crew and passengers.

In Pennsylvania we have a couple people insisting a plane that size could not belly flop in the hole presented. Totally ignoring the fact the plane came in at a steep angle. Totally ignoring that the cockpit debris and human remains were found in the woods just a short way away. Ignoring the fact that 95 percent of the aircraft was dug up from that hole. Ignoring the fact the plane crashed into an old land fill where the ground was soft to begin with. Ignoring the fact that AGAIN, the DNA evidence and human remains all belonged to crew and passengers on THAT flight.

NOT a single troofer has presented us with facts or figures on how many floors of the two trade Centers and building 7 would have had to be rigged for explosives to validate THEIR claim explosives were used. The only supposed evidence they give of explosions is the cloud debris from when the upper floors crashed into the lower floors at the start of the collapse and a couple people that claim they heard explosions near the bottom of the building. All explained away with the actual findings.

The there is the missile claim. No one can explain how if a missile was used on the Pentagon, where the plane, crew and passengers went. No one can provide any evidence of explosive materials in the ruins of the Pentagon. No one can explain what type of missile makes the damage pattern in evidence at the Pentagon. And of course none of them can explain where the mystery missile came from, what it was fired from or who exactly fired it. Nor can they explain away the body parts the DNA or the air craft wreckage recovered there.

Lies as always from you brainwashed Retired Idiot.we give you the proof of everything you mentioned. your just such a fucking coward afraid to admit you have been brainwashed so you cover your ears and close your eyes when it doesnt go along with your version of events that you want to see cause the truth scares you.
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People shouldn't be so quick to dismiss others as being "Twoofers." Governments lie all the time. It's what they do. I would think Wikileaks has shown this to be fact. Our own Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ordering Diplomats to spy on UN Members? No one would have known about that if Wikileaks didn't come along. There are still many valid questions about 911. Our Government did not conduct an acceptable investigation. They wrapped it up way too quickly and neatly. I stand by my belief that our Government has not told us the truth about 911. If that makes me a "Twoofer" than so be it.

Yes the OCTA'S here-"the official conspiracy theory apologists" will automatically throw you in the same boat as us as a twoofer just for this statement alone.:cuckoo: the thing though that the OCTA'S here cant get around,is that the evidence was destroyed and shipped off overseas and standard operating procedures were not followed that day and the pentagon the most highly sophisticated air defense system in the world was incompetent that day allegedly that day and yet with all its hundreds of cameras it has there,they cant produce any evidence with photographs or film that an airliner crashed there.Nobody was arrested for the destruction of evidence or fired,they all got promotions for their incompetence.we are left with only five frames of the pentagon explosion to look at,five measely frames of a fireball hitting the wall which proves NOTHING!!!.

all these OCTA'S like Parrot,candytroll,moron in the hat,divecunt ect ect can do is fling shit in defeat like the monkeys they are.:lol::lol::lol: they cant get around any of those facts.:lol:
Usual bullshit from the troofers. Cite some source in hopes no one actually reads it. In this case the book and Author cited actually SUPPORTS and DEFENDS the 9/11 Commission and yet troofers claim otherwise.

Kinda like all the names Eots and buddies throw around. If you do any research you quickly learn that these LEARNED men almost uniformly do NOT support the troofers. What they do claim is that some piece of the investigation got something slightly wrong and they want it corrected. For example the one they cite for the fire problem in building 7 does not disagree that fire brought the building down at all. He feels that the insulation was the problem and FOR SAFETY REASONS, that part should be changed.

The pilots they cite , none of them say that the flight in Washington DC could not have done what it did, what they say is that it was strange behavior for a plane to do and that possibly a more experienced pilot would be needed. BUT reality is that a Plane, its crew, its passengers all vanished on 9/11 and the plane debris is located in the hole in the Pentagon along with DNA evidence and body parts of the missing crew and passengers.

In Pennsylvania we have a couple people insisting a plane that size could not belly flop in the hole presented. Totally ignoring the fact the plane came in at a steep angle. Totally ignoring that the cockpit debris and human remains were found in the woods just a short way away. Ignoring the fact that 95 percent of the aircraft was dug up from that hole. Ignoring the fact the plane crashed into an old land fill where the ground was soft to begin with. Ignoring the fact that AGAIN, the DNA evidence and human remains all belonged to crew and passengers on THAT flight.

NOT a single troofer has presented us with facts or figures on how many floors of the two trade Centers and building 7 would have had to be rigged for explosives to validate THEIR claim explosives were used. The only supposed evidence they give of explosions is the cloud debris from when the upper floors crashed into the lower floors at the start of the collapse and a couple people that claim they heard explosions near the bottom of the building. All explained away with the actual findings.

The there is the missile claim. No one can explain how if a missile was used on the Pentagon, where the plane, crew and passengers went. No one can provide any evidence of explosive materials in the ruins of the Pentagon. No one can explain what type of missile makes the damage pattern in evidence at the Pentagon. And of course none of them can explain where the mystery missile came from, what it was fired from or who exactly fired it. Nor can they explain away the body parts the DNA or the air craft wreckage recovered there.

Lies as always from you brainwashed Retired Idiot.we give you the proof of everything you mentioned. your just such a fucking coward afraid to admit you have been brainwashed so you cover your ears and eyes when it doesnt go along with your version of events that you want to see cause the truth scares you.

Retired, care to address the fact of 2.25 seconds of freefall in wtc7? This is impossible due to fire, and NIST is stating fire caused this. This means they are lying. Why would they lie? To cover something up right?

Now that we got that far

Could you please watch this video:


I know you want to ignore the facts, but thats only disrespecting yourself. I'd suggest using your intellect.
thats what i got done just saying.Like i said,he made that perfectly obvious in his very first post he made here when he first came here ADMITTING he goes to all these different message boards everywhere posting his lies and propaganda.thats what I cant say this enough,dont feed the trolls.your just giving them the attention they came here seeking when you take their bait and reply to them.their one objective is to do what they are paid to do,disrupt any kind of 9/11 truth discussion.
there is no rational discussion of the events of 9/11 because of the dipshits like you
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People shouldn't be so quick to dismiss others as being "Twoofers." Governments lie all the time. It's what they do. I would think Wikileaks has shown this to be fact. Our own Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ordering Diplomats to spy on UN Members? No one would have known about that if Wikileaks didn't come along. There are still many valid questions about 911. Our Government did not conduct an acceptable investigation. They wrapped it up way too quickly and neatly. I stand by my belief that our Government has not told us the truth about 911. If that makes me a "Twoofer" than so be it.
if by "the truth" you mean they haven't told everything, then i would agree, but i in no way believe they caused or allowed to happen, the events on 9/11
People shouldn't be so quick to dismiss others as being "Twoofers."
In my opinion, one has to work at being a truther, twoofer or truthtard. My litmus test is simple; do they deny evidence without reason. If they do, they're truthtards and should be treated as such. If they seriously wish to debate the events of 9/11 or the events surrounding 9/11, that does NOT make them truthers.

LibocalypseNow said:
Governments lie all the time. It's what they do.
Too true. The government is also god awful at keeping these lies secret.

LibocalypseNow said:
I would think Wikileaks has shown this to be fact.
Like I said, our government is god awful at hiding lies.

LibocalypseNow said:
Our own Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ordering Diplomats to spy on UN Members? No one would have known about that if Wikileaks didn't come along.
Well, technically that isn't a lie.... it is the way of politics. Everyone spies on everyone else. It isn't even all that much of a secret. Think nobody else is spying on us? :lol: Now, if you wish to debate whether or not Hillary should be using diplomats as spies, that is a whole different issue for debate, and one we probably agree on.

LibocalypseNow said:
There are still many valid questions about 911.
So ask away! Many people with legitimate questions are often times surprised that their questions have answers backed up by evidence.

LibocalypseNow said:
Our Government did not conduct an acceptable investigation. They wrapped it up way too quickly and neatly. I stand by my belief that our Government has not told us the truth about 911. If that makes me a "Twoofer" than so be it.
Do we know every last detail about 9/11? No. I don't think we do. Do we know Al Qaeda was behind 9/11? Yes. Was there anyone else? No. It would not surprise me at all to find out there are still ongoing coverups of mistakes made on 9/11. Do I think any of them were malicious? No. I think any evidence of that would have come out. Just my opinion about what we haven't been told. I have nothing to back up my feeling of not having been told the whole truth other than my natural suspicions of human nature.

That being said, you're not going to be able to cover up something the size of 9/11 no matter how hard you try. WAY too many people involved and WAY too much scrutiny to get away with something like that. This opinion IS backed up by evidence. Lots and LOTS of evidence.
Usual bullshit from the troofers. Cite some source in hopes no one actually reads it. In this case the book and Author cited actually SUPPORTS and DEFENDS the 9/11 Commission and yet troofers claim otherwise.

Kinda like all the names Eots and buddies throw around. If you do any research you quickly learn that these LEARNED men almost uniformly do NOT support the troofers. What they do claim is that some piece of the investigation got something slightly wrong and they want it corrected. For example the one they cite for the fire problem in building 7 does not disagree that fire brought the building down at all. He feels that the insulation was the problem and FOR SAFETY REASONS, that part should be changed.

The pilots they cite , none of them say that the flight in Washington DC could not have done what it did, what they say is that it was strange behavior for a plane to do and that possibly a more experienced pilot would be needed. BUT reality is that a Plane, its crew, its passengers all vanished on 9/11 and the plane debris is located in the hole in the Pentagon along with DNA evidence and body parts of the missing crew and passengers.

In Pennsylvania we have a couple people insisting a plane that size could not belly flop in the hole presented. Totally ignoring the fact the plane came in at a steep angle. Totally ignoring that the cockpit debris and human remains were found in the woods just a short way away. Ignoring the fact that 95 percent of the aircraft was dug up from that hole. Ignoring the fact the plane crashed into an old land fill where the ground was soft to begin with. Ignoring the fact that AGAIN, the DNA evidence and human remains all belonged to crew and passengers on THAT flight.

NOT a single troofer has presented us with facts or figures on how many floors of the two trade Centers and building 7 would have had to be rigged for explosives to validate THEIR claim explosives were used. The only supposed evidence they give of explosions is the cloud debris from when the upper floors crashed into the lower floors at the start of the collapse and a couple people that claim they heard explosions near the bottom of the building. All explained away with the actual findings.

The there is the missile claim. No one can explain how if a missile was used on the Pentagon, where the plane, crew and passengers went. No one can provide any evidence of explosive materials in the ruins of the Pentagon. No one can explain what type of missile makes the damage pattern in evidence at the Pentagon. And of course none of them can explain where the mystery missile came from, what it was fired from or who exactly fired it. Nor can they explain away the body parts the DNA or the air craft wreckage recovered there.

Lies as always from you brainwashed Retired Idiot.we give you the proof of everything you mentioned. your just such a fucking coward afraid to admit you have been brainwashed so you cover your ears and eyes when it doesnt go along with your version of events that you want to see cause the truth scares you.

Retired, care to address the fact of 2.25 seconds of freefall in wtc7? This is impossible due to fire, and NIST is stating fire caused this. This means they are lying. Why would they lie? To cover something up right?

Now that we got that far

Could you please watch this video:


I know you want to ignore the facts, but thats only disrespecting yourself. I'd suggest using your intellect.

I can guarantee you right now he wont.anytime overwhelming evidence is presented to them in videos they cant debunk,the OCTA's here "ALWAYS" run off with their tail between their legs and never even attempt to debunk them despite the hundreds of times you aks them to explain whats wrong with the video.see for yourself right here how they all ran off without trying to debunk this video of mine.:lol: I have asked Retired too many times to remember to debunk a video,he wont,he knows he cant counter them.

and look below,notice how divecunt,slackass,candytroll and all the other agents and Buush dupes ran off with their tail between their legs when I asked them HUNDREDS of times to debunk this video and explian whats wrong with it? they'll do the same with you,amek up some kind of excuses to avoid the evidence like they did on my thread below as you can tell.

i mean if they wont even do the courtesy to explain whats wrong with them or even try to counter them,then they got no debating skills at all.thats HARDLY the way you debate.:lol:

i ALWAYS watch a video when someone posts it to me and always will explain whats wrong with it.These Bush dupes wont do you the same courtesy as you will find out later from this video you posted.they will run off,just watch.:lol:
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dipshit, every one of those videos has been debunked many times over
just you paranoid dipshits keep re-posting them like they haven't
I'm still amazed that so many people think their Government tells them the truth all the time. Hasn't Wikileaks taught these people anything? Our Government does all sorts of awful & devious things without our knowledge. Lying to the People is what they specialize in. So if anything,people should always just assume that their Government is lying to them.

So why would 911 be anything different? Of course they lied to us about 911. I think that's a very sane & rational assumption. To believe otherwise seems much more insane & irrational to me. They lie to us everyday about all sorts of things. People really shouldn't condemn those still asking questions about 911. They should actually be encouraging and joining them instead. If more people asked these questions,maybe our Government would be forced to be honest & open. I'm not counting on that though. It will take a Wikileak-like scenario to ever get the real truth on 911. It is very sad but it is what it is.
I'm still amazed that so many people think their Government tells them the truth all the time. Hasn't Wikileaks taught these people anything? Our Government does all sorts of awful & devious things without our knowledge. Lying to the People is what they specialize in. So if anything,people should always just assume that their Government is lying to them.

So why would 911 be anything different? Of course they lied to us about 911. I think that's a very sane & rational assumption. To believe otherwise seems much more insane & irrational to me. They lie to us everyday about all sorts of things. People really shouldn't condemn those still asking questions about 911. They should actually be encouraging and joining them instead. If more people asked these questions,maybe our Government would be forced to be honest & open. I'm not counting on that though. It will take a Wikileak-like scenario to ever get the real truth on 911. It is very sad but it is what it is.
sorry, but i refuse to join the traitorous troofer morons that believe it was an inside job
I'm still amazed that so many people think their Government tells them the truth all the time. Hasn't Wikileaks taught these people anything? Our Government does all sorts of awful & devious things without our knowledge. Lying to the People is what they specialize in. So if anything,people should always just assume that their Government is lying to them.

So why would 911 be anything different? Of course they lied to us about 911. I think that's a very sane & rational assumption. To believe otherwise seems much more insane & irrational to me. They lie to us everyday about all sorts of things. People really shouldn't condemn those still asking questions about 911. They should actually be encouraging and joining them instead. If more people asked these questions,maybe our Government would be forced to be honest & open. I'm not counting on that though. It will take a Wikileak-like scenario to ever get the real truth on 911. It is very sad but it is what it is.
sorry, but i refuse to join the traitorous troofer morons that believe it was an inside job

Same here.
I'm still amazed that so many people think their Government tells them the truth all the time. Hasn't Wikileaks taught these people anything? Our Government does all sorts of awful & devious things without our knowledge. Lying to the People is what they specialize in. So if anything,people should always just assume that their Government is lying to them.

So why would 911 be anything different? Of course they lied to us about 911. I think that's a very sane & rational assumption. To believe otherwise seems much more insane & irrational to me. They lie to us everyday about all sorts of things. People really shouldn't condemn those still asking questions about 911. They should actually be encouraging and joining them instead. If more people asked these questions,maybe our Government would be forced to be honest & open. I'm not counting on that though. It will take a Wikileak-like scenario to ever get the real truth on 911. It is very sad but it is what it is.

you got to remember people like Retired who have served in the army,its a tough pill for them to swallow and so many are so much in denial they only see what they want to see is what I have learned over the years.they dont want to face or admit the country they grew up believing in and were taught about in school was all a lie.that were not a government of the people,that were a government for the corporations instead.It doesnt matter what evidence you show,their so much in denial and only see what they want to see,you might as well be talking to a brick wall.

for instance,this ex friend of mine.He was a huge Clinton supporter.I tried telling him that many people in government were outraged over the fact that he went to Indonisia and had lunch with President Suharto who was a communist dictater who brutally had his army murder and torture thousands of people in his takeover.I tried telling him about that and he would just say-sure,yeah sure he did 9/11. I then said-there were only photographs taken of the event John. He then replied with-Photos can be faked.I then said-He was only seen by several people in congress in tv being broadcast live that day having dinner with him.He then came back with-images can be faked,those people in congress just have an agenda against him.

I mean,what more can you possibly do or say to an idiot like that who is in denial? nothing.He is a die hard democrat,anything i say about how corrupt Clinton or Obama is,he blatanly ignores it just like he did on that president Suharto thing.the funny thing is since 9/11 happened under the Bush administration he believes THAT,he just wont listen to anything that proves that Clinton or Obama are evil and corrupt.:cuckoo: so many people are scared and in denial like him and the octa's on here,that you might as well be talking to a brickwall.if it doesnt go along with what they want to see or hear,they disregard and dismiss it just like my ex friend did with Clinton and President Suharto.:cuckoo: preey sad that my ex friend John CAN accept the truth that 9/11 was an inside job yet because of his denial about Clinton and democrats,he wont accept it that Okalahoma city Bombing was an inside job though since Clinton of course was president.Pretty sad isnt it?
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I'm still amazed that so many people think their Government tells them the truth all the time. Hasn't Wikileaks taught these people anything? Our Government does all sorts of awful & devious things without our knowledge. Lying to the People is what they specialize in. So if anything,people should always just assume that their Government is lying to them.

So why would 911 be anything different? Of course they lied to us about 911. I think that's a very sane & rational assumption. To believe otherwise seems much more insane & irrational to me. They lie to us everyday about all sorts of things. People really shouldn't condemn those still asking questions about 911. They should actually be encouraging and joining them instead. If more people asked these questions,maybe our Government would be forced to be honest & open. I'm not counting on that though. It will take a Wikileak-like scenario to ever get the real truth on 911. It is very sad but it is what it is.
sorry, but i refuse to join the traitorous troofer morons that believe it was an inside job

Oh i'm with you on that. That stuff is just plain absurd.
I'm still amazed that so many people think their Government tells them the truth all the time. Hasn't Wikileaks taught these people anything? Our Government does all sorts of awful & devious things without our knowledge. Lying to the People is what they specialize in. So if anything,people should always just assume that their Government is lying to them.

So why would 911 be anything different? Of course they lied to us about 911. I think that's a very sane & rational assumption. To believe otherwise seems much more insane & irrational to me. They lie to us everyday about all sorts of things. People really shouldn't condemn those still asking questions about 911. They should actually be encouraging and joining them instead. If more people asked these questions,maybe our Government would be forced to be honest & open. I'm not counting on that though. It will take a Wikileak-like scenario to ever get the real truth on 911. It is very sad but it is what it is.
sorry, but i refuse to join the traitorous troofer morons that believe it was an inside job

Oh i'm with you on that. That stuff is just plain absurd.
now you will be thrown under the bus by the very same troofers that were just applauding you

I'm still amazed that so many people think their Government tells them the truth all the time. Hasn't Wikileaks taught these people anything? Our Government does all sorts of awful & devious things without our knowledge. Lying to the People is what they specialize in. So if anything,people should always just assume that their Government is lying to them.

So why would 911 be anything different? Of course they lied to us about 911. I think that's a very sane & rational assumption. To believe otherwise seems much more insane & irrational to me. They lie to us everyday about all sorts of things. People really shouldn't condemn those still asking questions about 911. They should actually be encouraging and joining them instead. If more people asked these questions,maybe our Government would be forced to be honest & open. I'm not counting on that though. It will take a Wikileak-like scenario to ever get the real truth on 911. It is very sad but it is what it is.

you got to remember people like Retired who have served in the army,its a tough pill for them to swallow and so many are so much in denial they only see what they want to see is what I have learned over the years.they dont want to face or admit the country they grew up believing in and were taught about in school was all a lie.that were not a government of the people,that were a government for the corporations instead.It doesnt matter what evidence you show,their so much in denial and only see what they want to see,you might as well be talking to a brick wall.

Exactly. That's why its scary/sad.

There are CLEAR CUT videos and evidence that proves we have been lied to. The 2.25 seconds of freefall indicates FIRE was not the cause of the WTC7 collapse, meaning we are being lied to by NIST. We deserve to know the answers and we should demand them. DiveCon might be trying to stir shit up with us and you because you are on the Truth side, but just try and ignore his distractions if you can.

I'd suggest checking out if you havent yet
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I believe calling 9/11 an "inside job" is glib and sophomoric. What is "inside" anyway? Was Bush inside? Give me a break. He's too stupid. Was Clinton inside? He's smart enough and all of the training and preparation on both sides happened on his shift.

I don't believe the generalities of the "reports". I don't believe an Arab that cannot perform a solo in a 172 Cessna can get a commercial pilots license without some hanky panky. etc...

My working theory is if there was some kind of "inside" help there had to be something huge to gain to facilitate such a horrible plan. I believe that many in NSA, CIA..etc knew of the impending attempt, in general terms, and the training and the players involved. They wouldn't be able to cash in though. Whoever could have been involved in "helping" this thing happen needed access to the information and some authority to allow the plot to proceed. Cheney was in a pretty good position to be the top inside guy and had authority. He also was a major stockholder in a corporation on the brink of bankruptcy that made hundreds of billions on the result of 9/11. I don't believe the "inside" guys really had to do much of anything and there was plenty of time to plan to react in any way they saw as advantageous. Cheney was also a signature to the letter from the New American Century group that advocated invading Iraq and handed it to Clinton which he rejected.
People shouldn't be so quick to dismiss others as being "Twoofers." Governments lie all the time. It's what they do. I would think Wikileaks has shown this to be fact. Our own Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ordering Diplomats to spy on UN Members? No one would have known about that if Wikileaks didn't come along. There are still many valid questions about 911. Our Government did not conduct an acceptable investigation. They wrapped it up way too quickly and neatly. I stand by my belief that our Government has not told us the truth about 911. If that makes me a "Twoofer" than so be it.
The way I see it, the government created the so called "truthers" that they hate, but that wont make any sense to them :cuckoo:

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