It's The Low-Income Economy, Stupid! Consumer Spending Up Two Months In A Row!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
What comes of lower-income relief excesses? Increase of Consumer Spending two months in a row in a 33% downturn of GDP. That downturn is now better said more at the excessively middle and upper income level economies. The Republicans effectively stalled 75% of Stimulus spending, according to some reports.

Suburban moms know what they feel, and it seems to be not good--but coerced, and so on(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matthew 25: 14-30, of the Imperial Roman era, admiring of Pharaoh's subjugating. raping Egypt!)
What comes of lower-income relief excesses? Increase of Consumer Spending two months in a row in a 33% downturn of GDP. That downturn is now better said more at the excessively middle and upper income level economies. The Republicans effectively stalled 75% of Stimulus spending, according to some reports.

Suburban moms know what they feel, and it seems to be not good--but coerced, and so on(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matthew 25: 14-30, of the Imperial Roman era, admiring of Pharaoh's subjugating. raping Egypt!)
And excessive debt...

Think of it as thinking that you're rich, and going on a spending spree, because you have your Daddy's credit card...
What comes of lower-income relief excesses? Increase of Consumer Spending two months in a row in a 33% downturn of GDP. That downturn is now better said more at the excessively middle and upper income level economies. The Republicans effectively stalled 75% of Stimulus spending, according to some reports.

Suburban moms know what they feel, and it seems to be not good--but coerced, and so on(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matthew 25: 14-30, of the Imperial Roman era, admiring of Pharaoh's subjugating. raping Egypt!)
But it’s ok for donalds buddies to steal millions in PPP relief? Ijit
"Excessive Debt" can now be said relegated to the history bin of discarded concepts. "Fiat Money" is about everyday currency. Deficits can be repaid from taxes or debt ceiling limits. The market sector follows credit rules as usual, but when banks screw up--then even the Federal Reserve can buy up all the mistakes: Virtually doing nothing more than pushing buttons. Bank failures and bailouts are in that manner avoided. A new "Efficiency" of increase of debt gets created, in separate accounting. City of San Bernardino, CA, even tried to find some of the paper--in a plan to make the city more inhabitable. That went nowhere(?).

Banks remain afloat. What is "Excessive" is then better said newer pricey payrolls, pricey credit, and a too pricey marketplace. Fixed percentage nationwide pay adjustment are not helpful with that. The Rich get richer, but the successive lower incomes are increasingly more worthless. Any new credit is up against more risk. The pricing structure doesn't work. An organization cannot adjust its pricing upward: To cover increase of costs, even usual "Wage-Price Inflation." That is an older liberal concept, not fully explaining the depth of the simple computing problem.

Even a nominal debt amount, comparing: Can become "Excessive" over time. Interest rates can rise--especially as an economy creates increasingly valueless incomes. Valueless incomes effectively drop out of any credit repayment structure. Many might say the obvious: "Sounds like Bush-Cheney" all over again! The market-reliant enterprises lost sufficiency of pricing power--pricey wages, adjustable credit costs, and a shrinking market into which to offer anything for sale.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Then when it comes to Martians Landing(?): The Best Defense is Deut 23: 19-20! The planet is basically uninhabitable!)
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Documenting that even Republicans are noting that Stimulus Money has not been spent, indirectly and directly faulting a Trump-Up Administration, The increase of $1.2 tril. personal income in the Q2 first GDP report is directly connected to The Stimulus social benefits spending. This below is different from that.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Then when it comes to Martians Landing(?): The Best Defense is Deut 23: 19-20! The planet is basically uninhabitable!)
"Excessive Debt" can now be said relegated to the history bin of discarded concepts. "Fiat Money" is about everyday currency. Deficits can be repaid from taxes or debt ceiling limits. The market sector follows credit rules as usual, but when banks screw up--then even the Federal Reserve can buy up all the mistakes: Virtually doing nothing more than pushing buttons. Bank failures and bailouts are in that manner avoided. A new "Efficiency" of increase of debt gets created, in separate accounting. City of San Bernardino, CA, even tried to find some of the paper--in a plan to make the city more inhabitable. That went nowhere(?).

Banks remain afloat. What is "Excessive" is then better said newer pricey payrolls, pricey credit, and a too pricey marketplace. Fixed percentage nationwide pay adjustment are not helpful with that. The Rich get richer, but the successive lower incomes are increasingly more worthless. Any new credit is up against more risk. The pricing structure doesn't work. An organization cannot adjust its pricing upward: To cover increase of costs, even usual "Wage-Price Inflation." That is an older liberal concept, not fully explaining the depth of the simple computing problem.

Even a nominal debt amount, comparing: Can become "Excessive" over time. Interest rates can rise--especially as an economy creates increasingly valueless incomes. Valueless incomes effectively drop out of any credit repayment structure. Many might say the obvious: "Sounds like Bush-Cheney" all over again! The market-reliant enterprises lost sufficiency of pricing power--pricey wages, adjustable credit costs, and a shrinking market into which to offer anything for sale.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Then when it comes to Martians Landing(?): The Best Defense is Deut 23: 19-20! The planet is basically uninhabitable!)

"Excessive Debt" can now be said relegated to the history bin of discarded concepts. "

What is it?
"Excessive Debt" is an Obiwan poster concept, so that is better asked of that poster.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(For landing Martians control: Dial Deut 23: 19-20, proving that the planet is uninhabitable!)

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Deut 23: 19-20, shows in ops the House of Pharaoh, even--of the subjugated!)

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Deut 23: 19-20, shows in ops the House of Pharaoh, even--of the subjugated!)

What about it?
The Fed didn't buy any "bank mistakes".

Go ahead, list what they bought.
You'll realize your error.
Illiterate Toddsterpatriot claims that banks do not create Commercial Assets(?), on which basis there is nothing further to discuss. The adjusted assets became mistakes. They could also be called, "Bogus," "Idiotic," "Lunatic, or any one of another common names. It would still make no sense to Illiterate Toddsterpatriot poster.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30, is even subject of prayers!)
Illiterate Toddsterpatriot claims that banks do not create Commercial Assets(?), on which basis there is nothing further to discuss. The adjusted assets became mistakes. They could also be called, "Bogus," "Idiotic," "Lunatic, or any one of another common names. It would still make no sense to Illiterate Toddsterpatriot poster.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30, is even subject of prayers!)

Toddsterpatriot claims that banks do not create Commercial Assets

I did? Where? Link?

The adjusted assets became mistakes.

List what the Fed bought. Then we can talk about why/if they were mistakes.
Being Toddsterpatriot Illiterate does not make it all right. QE3 was about The Fed buying up the bogus Commercial Asset mistakes--which Toddsterpatriot claims the Fed didn't do. "The banks didn't buy any bank mistakes," is posted. Entire city governments couldn't find the bogus, bundled paper--to even start rehab of their neighborhoods.

Illiteracy of even the Acting Director of Homeland Security, Chad Wolf--of local law enforcement events on the ground is also apparent. The illiteracy does not make Federal Agents, dressed up like Right Wind Militia--prowling the neighborhood blocks away from Federal Properties--even close to being all right.

Trumped-Up Oval Office, failing at reading the daily Intel Briefings--doesn't make the illiteracy all right.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The in the matter of Matt 25: 14-30: Illiteracy about it doesn't make it alright!)
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Being Toddsterpatriot Illiterate does not make it all right. QE3 was about The Fed buying up the bogus Commercial Asset mistakes--which Toddsterpatriot claims the Fed didn't do. "The banks didn't buy any bank mistakes," is posted. Entire city governments couldn't find the bogus, bundled paper--to even start rehab of their neighborhoods.

Illiteracy of even the Acting Director of Homeland Security, Chad Wolf--of local law enforcement events on the ground is also apparent. The illiteracy does not make Federal Agents, dressed up like Right Wind Militia--prowling the neighborhood blocks away from Federal Properties--even close to being all right.

Trumped-Up Oval Office, failing at reading the daily Intel Briefings--doesn't make the illiteracy all right.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The in the matter of Matt 25: 14-30: Illiteracy about it doesn't make it alright!)

QE3 was about The Fed buying up the bogus Commercial Asset mistakes--which Toddsterpatriot claims the Fed didn't do.

Prove it.

Post a real source that lists what the Fed bought.

Don't be afraid.
Going from--"Toddsterpatriot claims that banks do not create Commercial Assets, I did? Where? Link?" to "Proove it. Post a real source that lists what the Fed bought," is proof enough. What the Fed does tends to public record.

City of San Bernardino, trying to find the public detailed records--is also proof enough! There as a mess, but no bank runs. Suggesting that the Fed was not attempting to shore up the banks is the Illiteracy, not all right!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many contend that Pharaoh's household--like Deut 23: 19-20, was not all right, either!
Going from--"Toddsterpatriot claims that banks do not create Commercial Assets, I did? Where? Link?" to "Proove it. Post a real source that lists what the Fed bought," is proof enough. What the Fed does tends to public record.

City of San Bernardino, trying to find the public detailed records--is also proof enough! There as a mess, but no bank runs. Suggesting that the Fed was not attempting to shore up the banks is the Illiteracy, not all right!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many contend that Pharaoh's household--like Deut 23: 19-20, was not all right, either!

What the Fed does tends to public record.

Exactly. Makes me wonder why you're afraid to post your proof?
Illiteracy is not about common knowledge--
Quantitative easing (QE) is when a central bank buys long-term securities from its member banks.
In return, it issues credit to the banks' reserves.

Where do central banks get the funds to purchase the banks' securities? They simply create them out of thin air. In the United States, only the Federal Reserve has this unique power. That's why some people say the Federal Reserve is printing money.
"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Deut 23: 19-20--Scaring away the Martians for over 4000 years!)
Illiteracy is not about common knowledge--
Quantitative easing (QE) is when a central bank buys long-term securities from its member banks.
In return, it issues credit to the banks' reserves.

Where do central banks get the funds to purchase the banks' securities? They simply create them out of thin air. In the United States, only the Federal Reserve has this unique power. That's why some people say the Federal Reserve is printing money.
"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Deut 23: 19-20--Scaring away the Martians for over 4000 years!)

Quantitative easing (QE) is when a central bank buys long-term securities from its member banks.
In return, it issues credit to the banks' reserves.


No mention of "commercial assets". Because you were wrong?
The first illiteracy of Toddsterpatriot poster is the inability to read thrugh Obiwan poster's post. The continuing illiteracy then had to be addressed in several posts. The final illiteracy is that "Commercial Assets" are not shown at all mentioned of anything the Federal Reserve then buys(?). To the literate, that is not the case.

Anyone can see that Toddsterpatriot does not see "Commercial Assets" mentioned(?)! That would be an idiosyncratic aberration, except for the basis illiteracy.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Then there is the common meaning of Matthew 25: 14-30!)
The first illiteracy of Toddsterpatriot poster is the inability to read thrugh Obiwan poster's post. The continuing illiteracy then had to be addressed in several posts. The final illiteracy is that "Commercial Assets" are not shown at all mentioned of anything the Federal Reserve then buys(?). To the literate, that is not the case.

Anyone can see that Toddsterpatriot does not see "Commercial Assets" mentioned(?)! That would be an idiosyncratic aberration, except for the basis illiteracy.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Then there is the common meaning of Matthew 25: 14-30!)

Come on, don't be a pussy your whole life, post specifics.

What bonds did the Fed buy?

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