It's Time for a US Naval Blockade of North Korea Ports

We block off all entry. We board ships enroute to NK. Allow South Korea to provide the required food etc to enter through SK ports then transported to the North to mitigate shortage of necessary products


The United States could escalate the conflict with North Korea in a variety of ways. It could threaten to launch — or actually launch — minor or major retaliatory strikes against North Korean targets if Pyongyang conducts further missile tests or detonates additional nuclear devices.

The United States could also attempt to enforce sanctions by mounting a full naval blockade against North Korea and forcibly board ships bound for North Korean ports. These actions would require coordination with South Korea and could go far beyond what Seoul would be comfortable with.

North Korea Threat: 4 approaches Donald Trump could take

Everything they need will come across their Northern Border.
Blockade NK through the news. Yes, it is censorship but having the MSM report their propaganda is counter productive. Has anyone noticed that NK has become the hot topic since Syria apparently has dropped off the map?

I would tell China that we have no choice. If NK launches a missile at any of our ally countries retaliation will be swift and decisive. NK will get to launch ONE missile after that they will truly be in the stone age, even if it requires nuclear weapons. I would also tell China that NK's actions are not in the economic interest of either of our countries. That I think would wake up the Chinese. The problem with that scenario is that what might happen is another Gulf of Tonkin incident.

Military action is always problematic and should never be our first response, and when needed it must be measured. Putin's an asshole but a smart and practical leader; Kim Jong Un is an asshole but he's not smart nor pragmatic. Send in the diplomats, before the generals do what generals do.

As I said, without NK provocation I would not use military action.

"provocation" is Kim Jong Un's game. He has already shown to be belligerent, antagonistic, threatening and has the weapons and military to act without the slightest hesitation. The guy had his half-brother and his uncle murdered, he's a Shakespearean antagonist on steroids.

Send in Bill Clinton, placate Kim Jong Un and see what happens. The more Trump tweets and threats him, the greater the threat to our homes and families.

I am not sure why the Clinton love. He bombed the crap out of Serbia. Ended up killing the children at Waco. Bombed a pill factory in Iraq. I don't see where sending a serial cheater in would do any good. Although someone could go talk to the tyrant I doubt it would help.

Clinton is a well respected elder statesman, someone KIm Jong Un seeks approval of and wants to be seen on the same stage with. I no more love Clinton than I hate Trump, both are emotions which require a close connection. I respect Clinton, I disrespect Trump, the former was competent, thoughtful and empathetic. Trump has none of those qualities.

Comment on the OP, if you can. if you believe it's stupid or foolish, make that case.
After the 2018 budget appropriations I wonder if we'll be hearing less about North Korea?
After the 2018 budget appropriations I wonder if we'll be hearing less about North Korea?

Huh? Once we get rid of the Republican Majority in The Congress, maybe we can impeach Trump and have a rational response to world and domestic problems, unless of course Pence ignores them and tells the American people "just pray, God is on our side, i.e., conservatism". Kicking the can down the road is the one thing Conservative Republicans do very well.
We block off all entry. We board ships enroute to NK. Allow South Korea to provide the required food etc to enter through SK ports then transported to the North to mitigate shortage of necessary products


The United States could escalate the conflict with North Korea in a variety of ways. It could threaten to launch — or actually launch — minor or major retaliatory strikes against North Korean targets if Pyongyang conducts further missile tests or detonates additional nuclear devices.

The United States could also attempt to enforce sanctions by mounting a full naval blockade against North Korea and forcibly board ships bound for North Korean ports. These actions would require coordination with South Korea and could go far beyond what Seoul would be comfortable with.

North Korea Threat: 4 approaches Donald Trump could take

So you are willing to risk World War, including the possibility of nuclear war, over a tin pot dictator who dares flaunt our authoritah? I say that because a blockade would mean we board Chinese ships. That is an act of war. China would respond, they would have to, and how exactly do we defeat China in a war? I mean, we could drop some nukes, and cut their population by about half, they would nuke us back, and reduce our population about the same.

But we can't defeat China.

For us to win, not only are the Chinese going to have to do exactly what we want, which is unlikely to the point of laughable. I mean, you have a better chance of winning the big lottery mate. But their response has to be almost total capitulation.

In other words, you're insane if you think it would work. I mean, if you are bored with life, then there are easier ways to commit suicide without taking half the country with you.

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