It's Time For The Other 13 Candidates to DROP OUT!


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Perhaps when Trump hits 50% NEXT WEEK?

At what point in Donald Trump's inaugural address do you figure the GOP establishment will finally grasp what's been happening?

The establishment -- not "elites," because they're mostly bland functionaries who went to third-rate schools -- have thrown absolutely everything they have at Trump. I've never seen so many Republicans featured on MSNBC.

At least no one will be able to say the Republican National Committee didn't give it the old college try (and, again, that would be third-rate colleges).

Trump is a runaway hit with Americans for the simple reason that he's the only candidate saying anything Americans care about.

After the San Bernardino terrorist attack, committed by Muslim immigrants -- which followed the 1993 World Trade Center terrorist attack committed by Muslim immigrants; the 9/11 terrorist attacks committed by Muslim immigrants; the Fort Hood terrorist attack committed by a Muslim immigrant; the Boston Marathon terrorist attack committed by Muslim immigrants, and on and on -- Trump suggested a temporary pause on Muslim immigration.

The other candidates responded by attacking him viciously. Now, the eunuchs are duking it out over who has the most aggressive approach to ... fighting ISIS!

Asked why he called Trump's proposal "unhinged," Jeb! explained: "Well, first of all, we need to destroy ISIS in the caliphate."

Marco Rubio said: "The problem is we had an attack in San Bernardino," adding that "what's important to do is we must deal frontally with this threat of radical Islamists, especially from ISIS."

Ted Cruz said: "We need a president who understands the first obligation of the commander in chief is to keep America safe. If I am elected president ... we will utterly destroy ISIS."

Why are Republicans talking about starting a war in Syria to stop Muslim immigrants from killing Americans in America? Is it our job to straighten out Syria? Can't our government just stop bringing the terrorists here? If Rubio thinks he knows how to govern Syria, he's free to run for president there. (Except he'd have to stop talking about his dad the bartender because Muslims don't drink.).......

Ann Coulter - Official Home Page
Perhaps when Trump hits 50% NEXT WEEK?

At what point in Donald Trump's inaugural address do you figure the GOP establishment will finally grasp what's been happening?

The establishment -- not "elites," because they're mostly bland functionaries who went to third-rate schools -- have thrown absolutely everything they have at Trump. I've never seen so many Republicans featured on MSNBC.

At least no one will be able to say the Republican National Committee didn't give it the old college try (and, again, that would be third-rate colleges).

Trump is a runaway hit with Americans for the simple reason that he's the only candidate saying anything Americans care about.

After the San Bernardino terrorist attack, committed by Muslim immigrants -- which followed the 1993 World Trade Center terrorist attack committed by Muslim immigrants; the 9/11 terrorist attacks committed by Muslim immigrants; the Fort Hood terrorist attack committed by a Muslim immigrant; the Boston Marathon terrorist attack committed by Muslim immigrants, and on and on -- Trump suggested a temporary pause on Muslim immigration.

The other candidates responded by attacking him viciously. Now, the eunuchs are duking it out over who has the most aggressive approach to ... fighting ISIS!

Asked why he called Trump's proposal "unhinged," Jeb! explained: "Well, first of all, we need to destroy ISIS in the caliphate."

Marco Rubio said: "The problem is we had an attack in San Bernardino," adding that "what's important to do is we must deal frontally with this threat of radical Islamists, especially from ISIS."

Ted Cruz said: "We need a president who understands the first obligation of the commander in chief is to keep America safe. If I am elected president ... we will utterly destroy ISIS."

Why are Republicans talking about starting a war in Syria to stop Muslim immigrants from killing Americans in America? Is it our job to straighten out Syria? Can't our government just stop bringing the terrorists here? If Rubio thinks he knows how to govern Syria, he's free to run for president there. (Except he'd have to stop talking about his dad the bartender because Muslims don't drink.).......

Ann Coulter - Official Home Page

Have this many candidates ever run previously? I mean it's completely absurd.

Jeb and Lindsey Graham should have dropped out about two months ago for a start.

I like Ann Coulter, I frequently read her stuff.

Trump-Coulter 2016, now THERE'S a ticket!
The dumb rube candidates need to drop out. Go Trump!
Your liking Trump now?

Funny how the big topic of the night during the debate switched to what Trump has been pushing all along.

I heard on the news that Americans voted with their emotions ( anger) when Reagan was elected, and are angry with emotions now raising Trump in the polls.
The dumb rube candidates need to drop out. Go Trump!
Your liking Trump now?

Funny how the big topic of the night during the debate switched to what Trump has been pushing all along.

I heard on the news that Americans voted with their emotions ( anger) when Reagan was elected, and are angry with emotions now raising Trump in the polls.
Absolutely I support Trump! For the GOP primary that is. :thup:
The dumb rube candidates need to drop out. Go Trump!
Your liking Trump now?

Funny how the big topic of the night during the debate switched to what Trump has been pushing all along.

I heard on the news that Americans voted with their emotions ( anger) when Reagan was elected, and are angry with emotions now raising Trump in the polls.
Absolutely I support Trump! For the GOP primary that is. :thup:

It's okay to admit that you secretly love The Donald :wink: :poke:
The dumb rube candidates need to drop out. Go Trump!
Your liking Trump now?

Funny how the big topic of the night during the debate switched to what Trump has been pushing all along.

I heard on the news that Americans voted with their emotions ( anger) when Reagan was elected, and are angry with emotions now raising Trump in the polls.
Absolutely I support Trump! For the GOP primary that is. :thup:

Same here, but I hope he doesn't pick Cruz as his running mate, it would blow it for him.

What do you all feel about Rubio?
Adolf Trump will probably win the GOP Primary and then pick Orly Taitz as his VP running mate. Then Hillary will crush them!
The dumb rube candidates need to drop out. Go Trump!
Your liking Trump now?

Funny how the big topic of the night during the debate switched to what Trump has been pushing all along.

I heard on the news that Americans voted with their emotions ( anger) when Reagan was elected, and are angry with emotions now raising Trump in the polls.
Absolutely I support Trump! For the GOP primary that is. :thup:

It's okay to admit that you secretly love The Donald :wink: :poke:
Go Donald!!! Don't make me start liking you for your humor Lucy... :laugh:
The dumb rube candidates need to drop out. Go Trump!
Your liking Trump now?

Funny how the big topic of the night during the debate switched to what Trump has been pushing all along.

I heard on the news that Americans voted with their emotions ( anger) when Reagan was elected, and are angry with emotions now raising Trump in the polls.
Absolutely I support Trump! For the GOP primary that is. :thup:

Same here, but I hope he doesn't pick Cruz as his running mate, it would blow it for him.

What do you all feel about Rubio?

Isn't Rubio supporting the bill that would allow unlimited immigration of the so-called refugees?
Everyone should drop out before a single vote has been cast? I'm fine/prefer to beat Trump in a general but I'm holding out for the GOP to go totally crazy and switch to Cruz.
The dumb rube candidates need to drop out. Go Trump!
Your liking Trump now?

Funny how the big topic of the night during the debate switched to what Trump has been pushing all along.

I heard on the news that Americans voted with their emotions ( anger) when Reagan was elected, and are angry with emotions now raising Trump in the polls.
Absolutely I support Trump! For the GOP primary that is. :thup:

It's okay to admit that you secretly love The Donald :wink: :poke:
Go Donald!!! Don't make me start liking you for your humor Lucy... :laugh:

Oh darling, you KNOW you WANT to....go on, it's painless :wink::smiliehug::eek-52::eusa_doh::poke:
The dumb rube candidates need to drop out. Go Trump!
Your liking Trump now?

Funny how the big topic of the night during the debate switched to what Trump has been pushing all along.

I heard on the news that Americans voted with their emotions ( anger) when Reagan was elected, and are angry with emotions now raising Trump in the polls.
Absolutely I support Trump! For the GOP primary that is. :thup:

It's okay to admit that you secretly love The Donald :wink: :poke:
Go Donald!!! Don't make me start liking you for your humor Lucy... :laugh:

Oh darling, you KNOW you WANT to....go on, it's painless :wink::smiliehug::eek-52::eusa_doh::poke:
Aaaarghhh!!! :mad:

Adolf Trump will probably win the GOP Primary and then pick Orly Taitz as his VP running mate. Then Hillary will crush them!

Or Bernie Sanders gets the Democratic nomination, Cruz gets the GOP nomination and Trump goes Third Party and chooses Hillary and Trump/Hillary win the election :eek-52:
Your liking Trump now?

Funny how the big topic of the night during the debate switched to what Trump has been pushing all along.

I heard on the news that Americans voted with their emotions ( anger) when Reagan was elected, and are angry with emotions now raising Trump in the polls.
Absolutely I support Trump! For the GOP primary that is. :thup:

It's okay to admit that you secretly love The Donald :wink: :poke:
Go Donald!!! Don't make me start liking you for your humor Lucy... :laugh:

Oh darling, you KNOW you WANT to....go on, it's painless :wink::smiliehug::eek-52::eusa_doh::poke:
Aaaarghhh!!! :mad:


Adolf Trump will probably win the GOP Primary and then pick Orly Taitz as his VP running mate. Then Hillary will crush them!

good one. I had to look it up.
Orly Taitz (born August 30, 1960) is a figure in the "birther" movement, which challenges whether Barack Obama is a natural-born citizen eligible to serve as
Adolf Trump will probably win the GOP Primary and then pick Orly Taitz as his VP running mate. Then Hillary will crush them!

good one. I had to look it up.
Orly Taitz (born August 30, 1960) is a figure in the "birther" movement, which challenges whether Barack Obama is a natural-born citizen eligible to serve as

The only thing I've ever thought, is with all of his money, why Trump hasn't had something done with the hair, as illustrated in your avatar. I mean, he could have had a great hair transplant years ago....Trump's hair is just totally crazy, I often find myself fixated and just staring at his head trying to figure it out.
The only thing I've ever thought, is with all of his money, why Trump hasn't had something done with the hair, as illustrated in your avatar. I mean, he could have had a great hair transplant years ago....Trump's hair is just totally crazy, I often find myself fixated and just staring at his head trying to figure it out.

Maybe he thinks he is "better" because he not went bald? all natural? very fine hair, like baby hair. I don't know crap about those fake hair plugs? other than Mark Levin calls Biden "plugs", looks phony?
surprise! Google


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