Its Time To Do To Teachers Union Teachers What Reagan Did To Air Traffic Controllers

Who are the scabs who will replace them who will agree to worse working conditions and lower pay than teachers already have? If you have no ready answer you should be ashamed of your post.
There is a problem with contagion. Kids are so incredibly contagious!! I think teachers do need vaccinations.

Besides, who wants public schools anyway, with all the far-left indoctrination? Everyone I know sent their kids to private schools. We did too. This gives the country a chance to rethink public education. Private schools that parents can control better would be better for the kids.

Fire 'em all, like Biden did to pipeline workers, promise them solar panel jobs - there are a LOT of qualified out-of-work Americans who would step in and take their jobs to save our kids / future.
Can't be done.

ATC's were a national profession. They were not beholden to any one state but were federalized. Much like those who do security at airports today. They are federalized.

Teachers are employed by the States and the Feds can't legally touch them.

What you are calling for is good idea, but it has to be done on the individual state level.
Who are the scabs who will replace them who will agree to worse working conditions and lower pay than teachers already have? If you have no ready answer you should be ashamed of your post.
Less pay for decent teachers could amount to more computers and programs for students. Maybe pay for security and turn inner city schools around that are playgrounds for gangs and other budding criminals.

Why would anyone want that? The union bosses are multi millionaires. Aren't you tired of people with all the money in the world telling you how to think and live?
Who are the scabs who will replace them who will agree to worse working conditions and lower pay than teachers already have? If you have no ready answer you should be ashamed of your post.

I agree. They should be paid according to their abilities.

Having only a teaching certificate should not be considered for employment.

Fire 'em all, like Biden did to pipeline workers, promise them solar panel jobs - there are a LOT of qualified out-of-work Americans who would step in and take their jobs to save our kids / future.

You want to fire all the teachers?


What color is the sky in your world?
Just the lying, hypocrite, corrupt, self-serving douche-bags who continue to prove they have no reason not to go back to school, that they just want to stay home and get paid while screwing our kids and country.

Joe is putting more than 700 unaccompanied children in a Kiddie Cage designed to humanely hold no more than 80, where kids are packed shoulder-to-shoulder, where its so packed they have to take shifts sleeping on mats on the floor....

...and vaccinated union teachers don't want to go back to classrooms where kids are separated from each other by 6 feet, although the CDC has stated only 3 feet is required AND there is no danger going back.

Fire them?

Who are the scabs who will replace them who will agree to worse working conditions and lower pay than teachers already have? If you have no ready answer you should be ashamed of your post.


High school students who are at the top of their class academically but receive very little in the way of scholarships and grants.


Who are the scabs who will replace them who will agree to worse working conditions and lower pay than teachers already have? If you have no ready answer you should be ashamed of your post.
What 'worse conditions. The union's demands were met...and they walked again. Tge CDC says its safe to go back. Tge teachers have been vaccinated. Kids will be behind plexiglass 6 feet apart, despite the CDC saying only 3 feet is necessary.

Would genuine teachers....not trained indoctrinators rather have:

1. more money.

2. permission to shoot-to-kill any little shit that disrupts actual education of others?
Who are the scabs who will replace them who will agree to worse working conditions and lower pay than teachers already have? If you have no ready answer you should be ashamed of your post.
What 'worse conditions. The union's demands were met...and they walked again. Tge CDC says its safe to go back. Tge teachers have been vaccinated. Kids will be behind plexiglass 6 feet apart, despite the CDC saying only 3 feet is necessary.

Should teachers ever have to work without representation before long McDonald's would look like the better career choice. Teacher's unions exist mostly because their pay and benefits are a favorite target for budget cuts. Start treating them like the extraordinarily valuable public servants they are and all this friction with the unions will go away.
Who are the scabs who will replace them who will agree to worse working conditions and lower pay than teachers already have? If you have no ready answer you should be ashamed of your post.
What 'worse conditions. The union's demands were met...and they walked again. Tge CDC says its safe to go back. Tge teachers have been vaccinated. Kids will be behind plexiglass 6 feet apart, despite the CDC saying only 3 feet is necessary.

Should teachers ever have to work without representation before long McDonald's would look like the better career choice. Teacher's unions exist mostly because their pay and benefits are a favorite target for budget cuts. Start treating them like the extraordinarily valuable public servants they are and all this friction with the unions will go away.
Spin, spin, spin....'Hey....look over HERE!'


Fire 'em all, like Biden did to pipeline workers, promise them solar panel jobs - there are a LOT of qualified out-of-work Americans who would step in and take their jobs to save our kids / future.

You want to fire all the teachers?


What color is the sky in your world?
The stronger urban and other area unions need to go. How many years and decades have the warning sounds been blaring? To much money is spent on the school districts for a variety reasons and the taxes keep going higher and higher just for the districts.
Who are the scabs who will replace them who will agree to worse working conditions and lower pay than teachers already have? If you have no ready answer you should be ashamed of your post.
What 'worse conditions. The union's demands were met...and they walked again. Tge CDC says its safe to go back. Tge teachers have been vaccinated. Kids will be behind plexiglass 6 feet apart, despite the CDC saying only 3 feet is necessary.

Should teachers ever have to work without representation before long McDonald's would look like the better career choice. Teacher's unions exist mostly because their pay and benefits are a favorite target for budget cuts. Start treating them like the extraordinarily valuable public servants they are and all this friction with the unions will go away.


We'll treat them like we do military members who teach at training facilities.

Does E-5 pay with the same military benefits sound fine for a starting teacher?

BTW That means they actually teach twelve months out of the year too.



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