It’s Time To Hold Israel, Israelis And American Zionists Financially Responsible For Terrorism

The Palestinians will win, israel has reached retirement age

The world's largest welfare fraud is winning nothing.
True, the israeli welfare check should be cut to zero
You still can sleep well at night knowing you've done your part to support Israel.

Now, The gee-had is waiting.... even for you keyboard wannabes. There's a good fellow.
When are you moving your sorry arse over there then, follie?
The Palestinians will win, israel has reached retirement age

The world's largest welfare fraud is winning nothing.
True, the israeli welfare check should be cut to zero
You still can sleep well at night knowing you've done your part to support Israel.

Now, The gee-had is waiting.... even for you keyboard wannabes. There's a good fellow.
When are you moving your sorry arse over there then, follie?
Ah. A name-caller.

It's funny that I get you so flustered.
Lets try again,When are you moving your sorry arse over to the occupied territories then?
You could make Jewhad, or whatever they call it
fanger, Penelope, et al,

The inability of the Palestinians to accept responsibility for their actions and the follow-on hostile behaviors is a result of insecurity.

Look at some of the comments make here, you would think that the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) were squeaky clean --- having no responsibility for any terrorist action at all.

This dialog is a manifestation of the HoAP Self-defined Victim Personality for the Palestinian people that who habitually indulge in self-victimization (also known as playing the victim) do so for various reasons: (BY HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY CONSULTANCY on OCTOBER 26, 2012):

• to control or influence other people’s thoughts, feelings and actions;
They tend to manipulate or abuse anyone who does not show them sympathy, but then blame the other person (i.e. the real victim --- Israel) for provoking the abuse.
The Palestinian is attempting to garner sympathy and to gain compassion or support; but will take violent action against Israel and later complain that Israel's response was improper of illegal.
• to justify HoAP Jihadist, aggression and terrorism they direct towards others;
The Palestinian tend to avoid taking responsibility for their life, instead blaming others for their mistreatment or unfortunate circumstances.
The Palestinian diplomatic relationships with those they have acquired sympathy form and use the opportunity to condemn Israel in an effort to convince themselves and the world of their unfortunate status; blaming the UN, US, UK, the Israelis, etc for their plight.

They tend to avoid taking responsibility for their nations outcomes, instead blaming others for their mistreatment or unfortunate circumstances.
• to seek attention; or, as a way of coping with situations.

The HoAP form a crippling dependency on friends and allies.
For a long time good People were afraid of making a comment that might get them attached to the name calling "Anti-semite" these days being "Pro-semite" means killing thousands of Palestinian children in their beds, so these days the label Anti-semite is a badge of honor
I agree, Israel and all Zionist needs to start being accountable for their crimes against everyone. They have got away with too much for too long.
A pity then that the ICC does not have any jurisdiction over Israel in this case isn't it. And if it did it would find them all not guilty as there is no reported cases of terrorism other than those committed by islamonazi's

Taking responsibility for their actions is not something Palestinians routinely do. For instance in June 2014, one of the triggers for the initiation of Operation Protective Edge, three Israeli teenagers were kidnapped at a in the vicinity of Alon Shvut. Khaled Mashal (Chairman Politiburo) said the HAMAS Leadership NO foreknowledge of the kidnapping and in essence, it was not sanctioned.
Screen Shot 2015-08-22 at 3.26.14 PM.png
National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism
Global Terrorism Database --- Perpetrators: [Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)]
From: 201411100028 --- to --- 201403110069
Between March and November 2014, a small group, supported and under safe haven in the Gaza Strip, known as the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) (I pick this group because it is relative same, the numbers are easily managed, and most of all because I liked the name.) conducted a dozen attacks. "Despite deaths and arrests of leaders in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip in 2009, the group remained active—mostly by firing rockets from the Gaza Strip. Although US citizens have died in attacks mounted by the PIJ, the group has not directly targeted US interests."(Quote NCTC) In none of these acts were the Israelis (the real victims) responsible. In only two (possibly three) of these events where military related. Civilians are protected against attack, unless and for such time as they take a direct part in hostilities.

"Criminal responsibility applies not only to those who perform criminal acts but also to those who aid and abet a perpetrator by encouraging or in any way knowingly helping in the commission of such an act (e.g., by providing information, implements, or practical help). Those who actually perform the criminal act (e.g., wielding the weapon that strikes the fatal blow) are often called principals..."​

No matter what a Palestinian might tell you: "Nothing can justify terrorism — ever. No grievance, no goal, no cause can excuse terrorist acts." (SG/SM/14764-SC/10883)

Most Respectfully,
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fanger, is it your contention that the land occupied by the "Palestinians" is theirs because they were there prior to Israel becoming a Nation born again? In that case, you must surely believe that Medina should be returned to the Jews, correct?
In your opinion RoccoR, was the french resistance justified in using terrorist tactics against the German occupation?
fanger, is it your contention that the land occupied by the "Palestinians" is theirs because they were there prior to Israel becoming a Nation born again? In that case, you must surely believe that Medina should be returned to the Jews, correct?
returned to the jews still living there?
The comment only appears to be stupid to someone who does "stupid" on a daily basis
I understand that absent a handy cut and paste from wiki, your limitations at relevant commentary are extensive, but the French resistance during WW2 has no connection to the tactics of Islamic terrorism.
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fanger, is it your contention that the land occupied by the "Palestinians" is theirs because they were there prior to Israel becoming a Nation born again? In that case, you must surely believe that Medina should be returned to the Jews, correct?
returned to the jews still living there?

No. To the families of the Jews that were killed or run off. They were there first.
fanger, et al,

Just because a group of Jihadist call themselves a "Resistance Movement," does not mean that they are.

In your opinion RoccoR, was the french resistance justified in using terrorist tactics against the German occupation?

Spies and saboteurs have always been subject to harsh penalties on capture. Today, it is cover under Article 68 of the Geneva Convention IV.


"may impose the death penalty on a protected person only in cases where the person is guilty of espionage, of serious acts of sabotage against the military installations of the Occupying Power or of intentional offences which have caused the death of one or more persons, provided that such offences were punishable by death under the law of the occupied territory in force before the occupation began."

The Resistance Movement of the Arab Palestinian is nothing more than those that were disillusioned with other methods of political struggle, some anarchist and other revolutionary organizations, and subsequently some nationalist groups Jihadist and religious radicals took to political violence. This is not the same as the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Don't attempt to compare the various WWII resistance organizations to the Palestinian Terrorist. They focus on the traits of terrorism that cause most of us to view the practice with deep moral repugnance: (i) violence (ii) against non-combatants (or, alternatively, against innocent people) for the sake of (iii) intimidation (and, on some definitions, (iv) coercion). This is not what the WWII era Resistance Movements like the Maquis did. They never targeted strictly civilian targets.

Most Respectfully,
What makes you think that the land that the Arabs have squatted on is not Israeli land?

Well, you probably have your ass parked on some tribal land....Now, you can say that "we beat those Indians up and took their land"....pretty much like the Israelis are now saying about the once Palestine,
No. To the families of the Jews that were killed or run off. They were there first.

Lets test your memory (or ignorance) a bit......When Christian Europe wanted Jerusalem back in the so-called "Crusades" were those Templars fighting against Jews or Arabs?
"It’s Time To Hold Israel, Israelis And American Zionists Financially Responsible For Terrorism"

Not necessary.

It's simply time for the United States to withdraw the unwarranted support it affords Israel - support it clearly doesn't need.
It's simply time for the United States to withdraw the unwarranted support it affords Israel - support it clearly doesn't need.

Well, through our collective humanistic spirit, we donate to Israel enough money that THEY can have free health care....Go figure.
You lot were saying the same thing every year since 1948, so why hasn't it happened ?
The Palestinians will win, israel has reached retirement age

The world's largest welfare fraud is winning nothing.
True, the israeli welfare check should be cut to zero
You still can sleep well at night knowing you've done your part to support Israel.

Now, The gee-had is waiting.... even for you keyboard wannabes. There's a good fellow.
When are you moving your sorry arse over there then, follie?
Ah. A name-caller.

It's funny that I get you so flustered.

Just some spotty faced teenager who cant control themselves, so has to reduce every thread to that of imbecilic name calling and personal insults
It's simply time for the United States to withdraw the unwarranted support it affords Israel - support it clearly doesn't need.

Well, through our collective humanistic spirit, we donate to Israel enough money that THEY can have free health care....Go figure.
That's not true, Israelis are the world highest consumers of health insurance, despite having a great health system and subsidies health care, those are only over the Israeli taxpayers nothing more.

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