Its time to start profiling white people.....seriously!!

This monster murdered a 18 month old child....folks we can keep our heads in the sand and believe that only the brown people are monsters and murderers....but Mr. Charlie, Buck and good ol boy Barney....these mf's are the most dangerous people on the whites.

White people are 10 times more likely to kill cops, white people are 10 times more likely to do mass shootings, white people are 10 times more likely to steal in stores, that's fact, they're 10's more likely to vote for idiots to go to washington, they lead the numbers in drug abuse, white collar crimes, scams and are the first to hire, house and rent to the very illegals, they're now whining about...

Its time we start charting these people and keeping a close eye on Mr. Charlie....our lives may depend on it someday!!
Funny that you should say that, back in 1984 I was just leaving a bar with my friend and was pulled over by the police. They had a description of a car that fit the one I was driving, along that there were 2 people who robbed a bank at gun point. Now I was in the Air Force(had the 35/10 haircut), but also had my legal magnum in the back seat of the car, and the police officers, wanted my information, which I provided with, yes Sir, and no Sir. After a short discussion and some eye witnesses from the bar, I was allowed to continue on my journey back to the base.

Was it because I was WHITE, that nothing happened to me, or that I was very courteous to the police, showing the respect that they deserved?
What the fuck makes you think, that every single brown person is rude and obnoxious when dealing with cops...I can show you video after video of polite blacks who got shot...wanna test me on this one.....question...what the fuck did this black man do? and do tell me what the fuck did this guy do?

When you can show me footage of a white guy getting shot for doing what is right, than we can talk soldier. Until then take your white boy story and tell it to somebody that gives a damn...I don't!!

Those are two very horrible cases. I think the problem is with police training in a lot of these cases
This monster murdered a 18 month old child....folks we can keep our heads in the sand and believe that only the brown people are monsters and murderers....but Mr. Charlie, Buck and good ol boy Barney....these mf's are the most dangerous people on the whites.

White people are 10 times more likely to kill cops, white people are 10 times more likely to do mass shootings, white people are 10 times more likely to steal in stores, that's fact, they're 10's more likely to vote for idiots to go to washington, they lead the numbers in drug abuse, white collar crimes, scams and are the first to hire, house and rent to the very illegals, they're now whining about...

Its time we start charting these people and keeping a close eye on Mr. Charlie....our lives may depend on it someday!!

10 times more per capita?
This monster murdered a 18 month old child....folks we can keep our heads in the sand and believe that only the brown people are monsters and murderers....but Mr. Charlie, Buck and good ol boy Barney....these mf's are the most dangerous people on the whites.

White people are 10 times more likely to kill cops, white people are 10 times more likely to do mass shootings, white people are 10 times more likely to steal in stores, that's fact, they're 10's more likely to vote for idiots to go to washington, they lead the numbers in drug abuse, white collar crimes, scams and are the first to hire, house and rent to the very illegals, they're now whining about...

Its time we start charting these people and keeping a close eye on Mr. Charlie....our lives may depend on it someday!!

Blacques already profile fat white girls with low self esteem.
This monster murdered a 18 month old child....folks we can keep our heads in the sand and believe that only the brown people are monsters and murderers....but Mr. Charlie, Buck and good ol boy Barney....these mf's are the most dangerous people on the whites.

White people are 10 times more likely to kill cops, white people are 10 times more likely to do mass shootings, white people are 10 times more likely to steal in stores, that's fact, they're 10's more likely to vote for idiots to go to washington, they lead the numbers in drug abuse, white collar crimes, scams and are the first to hire, house and rent to the very illegals, they're now whining about...

Its time we start charting these people and keeping a close eye on Mr. Charlie....our lives may depend on it someday!!

Any serious profiling, race is only ONE factor and generally a minor one.

And yes, there are no reason to not profile white people, who fit certain profiles.
The demographic characteristics of homicide victims and
o enders were di erent from the characteristics of the general

Based on available data from 1980 to 2008—
 Blacks were disproportionately represented as both homicide
victims and off enders. Th e victimization rate for blacks (27.8
per 100,000) was 6 times higher than the rate for whites (4.5 per
100,000). Th e off ending rate for blacks (34.4 per 100,000) was almost
8 times higher than the rate for whites (4.5 per 100,000) (table 1).

FactCheck: do black Americans commit more crime?
This monster murdered a 18 month old child....folks we can keep our heads in the sand and believe that only the brown people are monsters and murderers....but Mr. Charlie, Buck and good ol boy Barney....these mf's are the most dangerous people on the whites.

White people are 10 times more likely to kill cops, white people are 10 times more likely to do mass shootings, white people are 10 times more likely to steal in stores, that's fact, they're 10's more likely to vote for idiots to go to washington, they lead the numbers in drug abuse, white collar crimes, scams and are the first to hire, house and rent to the very illegals, they're now whining about...

Its time we start charting these people and keeping a close eye on Mr. Charlie....our lives may depend on it someday!!
I will go one farther... white progressives
This monster murdered a 18 month old child....folks we can keep our heads in the sand and believe that only the brown people are monsters and murderers....but Mr. Charlie, Buck and good ol boy Barney....these mf's are the most dangerous people on the whites.

White people are 10 times more likely to kill cops, white people are 10 times more likely to do mass shootings, white people are 10 times more likely to steal in stores, that's fact, they're 10's more likely to vote for idiots to go to washington, they lead the numbers in drug abuse, white collar crimes, scams and are the first to hire, house and rent to the very illegals, they're now whining about...

Its time we start charting these people and keeping a close eye on Mr. Charlie....our lives may depend on it someday!!
Funny that you should say that, back in 1984 I was just leaving a bar with my friend and was pulled over by the police. They had a description of a car that fit the one I was driving, along that there were 2 people who robbed a bank at gun point. Now I was in the Air Force(had the 35/10 haircut), but also had my legal magnum in the back seat of the car, and the police officers, wanted my information, which I provided with, yes Sir, and no Sir. After a short discussion and some eye witnesses from the bar, I was allowed to continue on my journey back to the base.

Was it because I was WHITE, that nothing happened to me, or that I was very courteous to the police, showing the respect that they deserved?
What the fuck makes you think, that every single brown person is rude and obnoxious when dealing with cops...I can show you video after video of polite blacks who got shot...wanna test me on this one.....question...what the fuck did this black man do? and do tell me what the fuck did this guy do?

When you can show me footage of a white guy getting shot for doing what is right, than we can talk soldier. Until then take your white boy story and tell it to somebody that gives a damn...I don't!!

I worked in quality control for a number of years. Suppose a manufacturer has two machines that make the same part/product, machine 1 and machine 2. If machine one has a failure that results in defective parts, then all the parts from machine one will be sorted, not parts from machine two as long as machine 2 and it's parts meet the QC plan. In other words, the parts made with machine 1 are profiled...but with good reason. Most of the parts from machine 1 may be perfectly acceptable parts, but they get extra scrutiny because of a few which are bad.

Sometimes profiling simply is good math.
This monster murdered a 18 month old child....folks we can keep our heads in the sand and believe that only the brown people are monsters and murderers....but Mr. Charlie, Buck and good ol boy Barney....these mf's are the most dangerous people on the whites.

White people are 10 times more likely to kill cops, white people are 10 times more likely to do mass shootings, white people are 10 times more likely to steal in stores, that's fact, they're 10's more likely to vote for idiots to go to washington, they lead the numbers in drug abuse, white collar crimes, scams and are the first to hire, house and rent to the very illegals, they're now whining about...

Its time we start charting these people and keeping a close eye on Mr. Charlie....our lives may depend on it someday!!
If you have a good method for profiling crazy people, im all ears. I hold no allegiance to crazy people, regardless of their skin color.

This monster murdered a 18 month old child....folks we can keep our heads in the sand and believe that only the brown people are monsters and murderers....but Mr. Charlie, Buck and good ol boy Barney....these mf's are the most dangerous people on the whites.

White people are 10 times more likely to kill cops, white people are 10 times more likely to do mass shootings, white people are 10 times more likely to steal in stores, that's fact, they're 10's more likely to vote for idiots to go to washington, they lead the numbers in drug abuse, white collar crimes, scams and are the first to hire, house and rent to the very illegals, they're now whining about...

Its time we start charting these people and keeping a close eye on Mr. Charlie....our lives may depend on it someday!!

Be careful what you wish for. I actually thought about this today. I would be fine being profiled and I'm guessing most white would be. But this means you can't bitch and whine about minorities being profiled. I say go for it!!!

No you wouldn't. Stop lying.
This monster murdered a 18 month old child....folks we can keep our heads in the sand and believe that only the brown people are monsters and murderers....but Mr. Charlie, Buck and good ol boy Barney....these mf's are the most dangerous people on the whites.

White people are 10 times more likely to kill cops, white people are 10 times more likely to do mass shootings, white people are 10 times more likely to steal in stores, that's fact, they're 10's more likely to vote for idiots to go to washington, they lead the numbers in drug abuse, white collar crimes, scams and are the first to hire, house and rent to the very illegals, they're now whining about...

Its time we start charting these people and keeping a close eye on Mr. Charlie....our lives may depend on it someday!!

10 times more per capita?

Per capita doesn't count. .How about we use actual numbers of occurrences?
This monster murdered a 18 month old child....folks we can keep our heads in the sand and believe that only the brown people are monsters and murderers....but Mr. Charlie, Buck and good ol boy Barney....these mf's are the most dangerous people on the whites.

White people are 10 times more likely to kill cops, white people are 10 times more likely to do mass shootings, white people are 10 times more likely to steal in stores, that's fact, they're 10's more likely to vote for idiots to go to washington, they lead the numbers in drug abuse, white collar crimes, scams and are the first to hire, house and rent to the very illegals, they're now whining about...

Its time we start charting these people and keeping a close eye on Mr. Charlie....our lives may depend on it someday!!

10 times more per capita?

Per capita doesn't count. .How about we use actual numbers of occurrences?
The fact that you came up with all 10s suggest that you pulled that number out of your ass.
Per capita doesn't count. .How about we use actual numbers of occurrences?

That would be ignorance. Blacks make up 13% of the population. Whites are over 70%. To ignore that fact is to ignore the truth.

Sally Kohn: 'White men account for 69 percent of those arrested for violent crimes'

Looking solely at murders, black men are arrested more for murder than white men, and at a much higher rate when you account for population.

When Kohn said that 69 percent of arrests for violent crimes were white males, she left out the population factor.

"You can't talk about risk without talking about population size," Fox told PunditFact. "There are many more whites than blacks so it makes sense that the number of crimes will be high."

For 2013, Fox calculated that black men were about seven times more likely than white men to be arrested for murder. That would be a rate of 33 murders for every 100,000 black men, compared to 4.7 for every 100,000 whites.

Drawing on the 2012 figures, whites were arrested for over 275,000 violent crimes. For blacks, the number is about 170,000. So while whites were arrested more, the arrest rate for blacks is nearly four times that for whites.

So the ONLY reason one would want to ignore the population factor is because it is, to quote one famous liberal, it's an "inconvenient truth."
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This monster murdered a 18 month old child....folks we can keep our heads in the sand and believe that only the brown people are monsters and murderers....but Mr. Charlie, Buck and good ol boy Barney....these mf's are the most dangerous people on the whites.

White people are 10 times more likely to kill cops, white people are 10 times more likely to do mass shootings, white people are 10 times more likely to steal in stores, that's fact, they're 10's more likely to vote for idiots to go to washington, they lead the numbers in drug abuse, white collar crimes, scams and are the first to hire, house and rent to the very illegals, they're now whining about...

Its time we start charting these people and keeping a close eye on Mr. Charlie....our lives may depend on it someday!!

10 times more per capita?

Per capita doesn't count. .How about we use actual numbers of occurrences?

Per capita doesn't count.

Why not?
Is it because you failed math?
This monster murdered a 18 month old child....folks we can keep our heads in the sand and believe that only the brown people are monsters and murderers....but Mr. Charlie, Buck and good ol boy Barney....these mf's are the most dangerous people on the whites.

White people are 10 times more likely to kill cops, white people are 10 times more likely to do mass shootings, white people are 10 times more likely to steal in stores, that's fact, they're 10's more likely to vote for idiots to go to washington, they lead the numbers in drug abuse, white collar crimes, scams and are the first to hire, house and rent to the very illegals, they're now whining about...

Its time we start charting these people and keeping a close eye on Mr. Charlie....our lives may depend on it someday!!

10 times more per capita?

Per capita doesn't count. .How about we use actual numbers of occurrences?

Huh? Of course it matters! Geeeeze!
What a surprise! The Racist Race Baiting OP Race Baiter Race Baits Once Again!
This monster murdered a 18 month old child....folks we can keep our heads in the sand and believe that only the brown people are monsters and murderers....but Mr. Charlie, Buck and good ol boy Barney....these mf's are the most dangerous people on the whites.

White people are 10 times more likely to kill cops, white people are 10 times more likely to do mass shootings, white people are 10 times more likely to steal in stores, that's fact, they're 10's more likely to vote for idiots to go to washington, they lead the numbers in drug abuse, white collar crimes, scams and are the first to hire, house and rent to the very illegals, they're now whining about...

Its time we start charting these people and keeping a close eye on Mr. Charlie....our lives may depend on it someday!!

10 times more per capita?

Per capita doesn't count. .How about we use actual numbers of occurrences?

Huh? Of course it matters! Geeeeze!

She acts as though she does not understand how stupid that makes her look.

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