Its time to start profiling white people.....seriously!!

Wait? White people are against profiling?

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What makes you think white people aren't profiled?



The fact that you didn't approve of the idea. Easy


Where do you see a post where I didn't approve of profiling white people?

I profile them all the time.


It wasn't POLITIFACT YOU STUPID FUCKING IDIOT, it was punditfact. Obviously you're too stupid to even be able to read. And I'm bothering to even waste my time on you? I'd be better off talking to housebrick, at least it HAS A JOB.

Fuck you you dumb mother fucker. Take 100,000 blacks and 100,000 whites. Those niggas commit 5 times more crime than the whites. I know you don't want to hear it, but its true.

Funny that experts say that looking at raw numbers and not taking into account that there are 5 times more whites than blacks out there is stupid and ignorant.

Apparently you're NOT an expert. But you are stupid and ignorant.
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This monster murdered a 18 month old child....folks we can keep our heads in the sand and believe that only the brown people are monsters and murderers....but Mr. Charlie, Buck and good ol boy Barney....these mf's are the most dangerous people on the whites.

White people are 10 times more likely to kill cops, white people are 10 times more likely to do mass shootings, white people are 10 times more likely to steal in stores, that's fact, they're 10's more likely to vote for idiots to go to washington, they lead the numbers in drug abuse, white collar crimes, scams and are the first to hire, house and rent to the very illegals, they're now whining about...

Its time we start charting these people and keeping a close eye on Mr. Charlie....our lives may depend on it someday!!

So if whites were completely wiped out ,there will still be the same problems you mentioned.
Then who you gonna blame?
You will still have the same problems.

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