Its time to stop supporting Cain

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
I personally like Cain and some of his ideas but it is clear that he is not only out of his league but his flip flops are epic in size.

He appears to really lack the principles that we need in our president. On no less than 3 issues he has changed his position at least twice. And two of those he changed his position 3 times in the same day. One or two changes over a long period could be overlooked. Fact is he tries to excuse his change of position by blaming it on "joking". A sense of humor is great but we got serious problems and we need a serious candidate.

Then their is the whole experience thing. I was willing to overlook a lack of govt experience for a sound economicly minded potus but.... The lack of experience is glaringly obvious when he can't seem to hold a position solid.

Which leads me to my final reason. Seemingly he has no core convictions worthy of standing up for. To change ones position so many times is a perfect example of not having a good set of core principles.

He is clearly different than Obama as far as govt intrusion goes but he is much to similar to him in the area of caving in. Compromise is one thing but abandoning your principles is unacceptable for me.
I'm getting off the Cain Train. We still have time though.
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Seemingly he has no core convictions worthy of standing up for. To change ones position so many times is a perfect example of not having a good set of core principles.

Which would be consistent for a businessman.

Indeed, Cain ran his ‘campaign’ like an ad campaign: come up with a marketing scheme and if that fails to get results come up with another then another until something clicks. That may work for selling pizzas, but not running for president.
I really wanted Cain for awhile. But after watching him in the debates I've concluded Obama would trounce him in any debates. Simply saying "your calculations are wrong" won't cut it in the general. Obama offered vagueries in 08. That's not gonna fly again.

It's almost as funny as blindly supporting a failed president. Except of course for one thing. Were learning the failings of our person before any elections while you guys blindly ignore the problems glaring you right in the face year after year.
Wow, that was fast. Easy come, easy go in the search for the latest "Not Romney" GOP candidate who is actually a conservative.

So what are our choices, then?

Romney? Again, I think that he's been at this for five years now, and he's never exceeded the 25% of GOP voters he had 4 years ago. He a virtual garuntee a third party will form.

Perry- Formidable fundraiser, has actual experience in governance. But it really looks like he decided to do this on a lark and doesn't have the oragnization yet.

Gingrich- Smarter than the rest of them combined, but more personal baggage than anyone would want to deal with.

Ron Paul- Nuts.

Michelle Bachmann- Crazy. And broke.

John Huntsman. - Dude, I think you are in the wrong party. Besides, he's broke.

Santorum- No, seriously?

I still think this fight for the soul of the Republican Party is going to come down to Romney and Perry, at the end of the day. Polls aside, I think Perry would have the better chance of beating Obama.
Who's left then? You people (righties) are in between a rock & a hard place at this moment.
Wow, that was fast. Easy come, easy go in the search for the latest "Not Romney" GOP candidate who is actually a conservative.

So what are our choices, then?

Romney? Again, I think that he's been at this for five years now, and he's never exceeded the 25% of GOP voters he had 4 years ago. He a virtual garuntee a third party will form.

Perry- Formidable fundraiser, has actual experience in governance. But it really looks like he decided to do this on a lark and doesn't have the oragnization yet.

Gingrich- Smarter than the rest of them combined, but more personal baggage than anyone would want to deal with.

Ron Paul- Nuts.

Michelle Bachmann- Crazy. And broke.

John Huntsman. - Dude, I think you are in the wrong party. Besides, he's broke.

Santorum- No, seriously?

I still think this fight for the soul of the Republican Party is going to come down to Romney and Perry, at the end of the day. Polls aside, I think Perry would have the better chance of beating Obama.

As much as our party denies it, our field is not what I would like to see. Stragglers from past years are holding us back in my opinion. Although I do like Newt despite his personal issues. I'll take whatever I can get as long as they intend to reverse all the job killing bullshit but I want some real options for 2016. We need fresh ideas to come to the forefront.
I personally like Cain and some of his ideas but it is clear that he is not only out of his league but his flip flops are epic in size.

He appears to really lack the principles that we need in our president. On no less than 3 issues he has changed his position at least twice. And two of those he changed his position 3 times in the same day. One or two changes over a long period could be overlooked. Fact is he tries to excuse his change of position by blaming it on "joking". A sense of humor is great but we got serious problems and we need a serious candidate.

Then their is the whole experience thing. I was willing to overlook a lack of govt experience for a sound economicly minded potus but.... The lack of experience is glaringly obvious when he can't seem to hold a position solid.

Which leads me to my final reason. Seemingly he has no core convictions worthy of standing up for. To change ones position so many times is a perfect example of not having a good set of core principles.

He is clearly different than Obama as far as govt intrusion goes but he is much to similar to him in the area of caving in. Compromise is one thing but abandoning your principles is unacceptable for me.

I love Cain too, but think he lacks what it takes to win the general. His 9-9-9 plan would raise taxes on many in the middle class and that is just something I can't stomach, not at a time when we are in such a horrific recession. It would end the child tax credit and end the mortgage interest rate deduction. This 9% sales tax would be on everything from a gallon of milk to a gallon of gasoline.

This tax would also not be applied to used goods, therefore everyone would be purchasing used goods in order to avoid the 9% on new. What would happen to the producers and retailers of new goods should this tax be applied? They could see a tremendous reduction in demand for the new goods, thereby causing further unemployment. I find this aspect very troubling. Few of us make or sell used products, we sell and make new products from clothing to cars and trucks.
Wow, that was fast. Easy come, easy go in the search for the latest "Not Romney" GOP candidate who is actually a conservative.

So what are our choices, then?

Romney? Again, I think that he's been at this for five years now, and he's never exceeded the 25% of GOP voters he had 4 years ago. He a virtual garuntee a third party will form.

Perry- Formidable fundraiser, has actual experience in governance. But it really looks like he decided to do this on a lark and doesn't have the oragnization yet.

Gingrich- Smarter than the rest of them combined, but more personal baggage than anyone would want to deal with.

Ron Paul- Nuts.

Michelle Bachmann- Crazy. And broke.

John Huntsman. - Dude, I think you are in the wrong party. Besides, he's broke.

Santorum- No, seriously?

I still think this fight for the soul of the Republican Party is going to come down to Romney and Perry, at the end of the day. Polls aside, I think Perry would have the better chance of beating Obama.

Wrong on both, unless you can in any way prove it. I already know you can’t prove your comments about Newt and you will deflect if anything.

I like Newt but he is not "smarter" than Paul, how do you measure that, what is your system? At this point I'd vote for Newt over everyone but Paul and if anyone else won If do a write in or sit it out.

What positions do you not like about Paul, be extremely specific. I await your deflection.

To the OP, glad to see you come around, I hope the negative energy between us can be washed away as I went through the same stuff you did with Cain only a longer while back.
Wow, that was fast. Easy come, easy go in the search for the latest "Not Romney" GOP candidate who is actually a conservative.

So what are our choices, then?

Romney? Again, I think that he's been at this for five years now, and he's never exceeded the 25% of GOP voters he had 4 years ago. He a virtual garuntee a third party will form.

Perry- Formidable fundraiser, has actual experience in governance. But it really looks like he decided to do this on a lark and doesn't have the oragnization yet.

Gingrich- Smarter than the rest of them combined, but more personal baggage than anyone would want to deal with.

Ron Paul- Nuts.

Michelle Bachmann- Crazy. And broke.

John Huntsman. - Dude, I think you are in the wrong party. Besides, he's broke.

Santorum- No, seriously?

I still think this fight for the soul of the Republican Party is going to come down to Romney and Perry, at the end of the day. Polls aside, I think Perry would have the better chance of beating Obama.

Fact- No way Perry can beat Obama. Fact- people start paying attention to politics 3 weeks before the election when they start watching the debates. Fact: Perry can't debate, can't even win one. Fact: Obama can debate. Fact: Obama is great at it. Fact: Obama would mop the floor with Perry during a debate. Fact: Obama would win the election if Perry wins the nomination.
Wow, that was fast. Easy come, easy go in the search for the latest "Not Romney" GOP candidate who is actually a conservative.

So what are our choices, then?

Romney? Again, I think that he's been at this for five years now, and he's never exceeded the 25% of GOP voters he had 4 years ago. He a virtual garuntee a third party will form.

Perry- Formidable fundraiser, has actual experience in governance. But it really looks like he decided to do this on a lark and doesn't have the oragnization yet.

Gingrich- Smarter than the rest of them combined, but more personal baggage than anyone would want to deal with.

Ron Paul- Nuts.

Michelle Bachmann- Crazy. And broke.

John Huntsman. - Dude, I think you are in the wrong party. Besides, he's broke.

Santorum- No, seriously?

I still think this fight for the soul of the Republican Party is going to come down to Romney and Perry, at the end of the day. Polls aside, I think Perry would have the better chance of beating Obama.

Wrong on both, unless you can in any way prove it. I already know you can’t prove your comments about Newt and you will deflect if anything.

I like Newt but he is not "smarter" than Paul, how do you measure that, what is your system? At this point I'd vote for Newt over everyone but Paul and if anyone else won If do a write in or sit it out.

What positions do you not like about Paul, be extremely specific. I await your deflection.

To the OP, glad to see you come around, I hope the negative energy between us can be washed away as I went through the same stuff you did with Cain only a longer while back.

I will be specific, Paul is extremely, dangerously, naive on foriegn policy. Has blamed America for the 9-11 attacks. He is weak on the defence of this country. " Freedom is NOT Free, Paul thinks it is.
I personally like Cain and some of his ideas but it is clear that he is not only out of his league but his flip flops are epic in size.

He appears to really lack the principles that we need in our president. On no less than 3 issues he has changed his position at least twice. And two of those he changed his position 3 times in the same day. One or two changes over a long period could be overlooked. Fact is he tries to excuse his change of position by blaming it on "joking". A sense of humor is great but we got serious problems and we need a serious candidate.

Then their is the whole experience thing. I was willing to overlook a lack of govt experience for a sound economicly minded potus but.... The lack of experience is glaringly obvious when he can't seem to hold a position solid.

Which leads me to my final reason. Seemingly he has no core convictions worthy of standing up for. To change ones position so many times is a perfect example of not having a good set of core principles.

He is clearly different than Obama as far as govt intrusion goes but he is much to similar to him in the area of caving in. Compromise is one thing but abandoning your principles is unacceptable for me.

I love Cain too, but think he lacks what it takes to win the general. His 9-9-9 plan would raise taxes on many in the middle class and that is just something I can't stomach, not at a time when we are in such a horrific recession. It would end the child tax credit and end the mortgage interest rate deduction. This 9% sales tax would be on everything from a gallon of milk to a gallon of gasoline.

This tax would also not be applied to used goods, therefore everyone would be purchasing used goods in order to avoid the 9% on new. What would happen to the producers and retailers of new goods should this tax be applied? They could see a tremendous reduction in demand for the new goods, thereby causing further unemployment. I find this aspect very troubling. Few of us make or sell used products, we sell and make new products from clothing to cars and trucks.

House GOP cool to Cain

Another GOP member of the Ways and Means Committee, Rep. Wally Herger (Calif.), said he was concerned about opening up “some new sources of revenue.” His worry: Cain’s plan “starts out at 9-9-9 and it ends up at 20-20-20.”

You are essentially opening up a new way for the Federal government to get into our wallets, I personally don't think that is ever a good idea.
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Let's let this thread stand on its own subject and not get derailed into an anti Paul party guys. I think Cain needs to be scrutinized and going on and on about Paul is not the way to achieve that.

There are plenty of threads devoted to Paul.
Wrong on both, unless you can in any way prove it. I already know you can’t prove your comments about Newt and you will deflect if anything.

I like Newt but he is not "smarter" than Paul, how do you measure that, what is your system? At this point I'd vote for Newt over everyone but Paul and if anyone else won If do a write in or sit it out..

I usually avoid talking to Paulbots because they are usually high functioning mental defectives. But let's start with the easy one. Newt is unelectable because he was banging a lobbyist while trying to impeach a sitting president for banging an intern.

Americans will tolerate liars and cheats, but they don't much like hypocrites.

What positions do you not like about Paul, be extremely specific. I await your deflection.

To the OP, glad to see you come around, I hope the negative energy between us can be washed away as I went through the same stuff you did with Cain only a longer while back.

Let's see now. What's wrong with Paul. Where to start? How about wanting to go back to the Gold Standard....:cuckoo:

There were his claims that the Fences on the border were to keep us in.

Then there are his comments on Race. Laughable. His comments on religion. WOuld be funny if they weren't sad.
Wow, that was fast. Easy come, easy go in the search for the latest "Not Romney" GOP candidate who is actually a conservative.

So what are our choices, then?

Romney? Again, I think that he's been at this for five years now, and he's never exceeded the 25% of GOP voters he had 4 years ago. He a virtual garuntee a third party will form.

Perry- Formidable fundraiser, has actual experience in governance. But it really looks like he decided to do this on a lark and doesn't have the oragnization yet.

Gingrich- Smarter than the rest of them combined, but more personal baggage than anyone would want to deal with.

Ron Paul- Nuts.

Michelle Bachmann- Crazy. And broke.

John Huntsman. - Dude, I think you are in the wrong party. Besides, he's broke.

Santorum- No, seriously?

I still think this fight for the soul of the Republican Party is going to come down to Romney and Perry, at the end of the day. Polls aside, I think Perry would have the better chance of beating Obama.

Wrong on both, unless you can in any way prove it. I already know you can’t prove your comments about Newt and you will deflect if anything.

I like Newt but he is not "smarter" than Paul, how do you measure that, what is your system? At this point I'd vote for Newt over everyone but Paul and if anyone else won If do a write in or sit it out.

What positions do you not like about Paul, be extremely specific. I await your deflection.

To the OP, glad to see you come around, I hope the negative energy between us can be washed away as I went through the same stuff you did with Cain only a longer while back.

I will be specific, Paul is extremely, dangerously, naive on foriegn policy. Has blamed America for the 9-11 attacks. He is weak on the defence of this country. " Freedom is NOT Free, Paul thinks it is.

I asked that you be specific, you failed. Where on foreign policy is Paul dangerous, why is it dangerous and how do you know this.

The CIA, pentagon and the attackers agree with why 911 happened… Why don’t you again?
Let's let this thread stand on its own subject and not get derailed into an anti Paul party guys. I think Cain needs to be scrutinized and going on and on about Paul is not the way to achieve that.

There are plenty of threads devoted to Paul.

Quite right.

Here's where I see the problem with Cain.

I think his comments about electrified fences are the last thing we need. The only way the GOP wins this time and more importantly, stays viable as a party in the long run is to start peeling Hispanics away from the Democrats. I think this is very doable, because on fiscal and social issues, they are singing from the same hymnbook.

But Cain has fallen into the trap a lot of these guys fall into, of immigrant bashing.

I also think 9-9-9 is unworkable. It will actually hurt manufacturing in this country.
You brought up a point I never considered about buying used and what it could do to the new market. That could very well be true. As far as his tax plan hurting the economy I'm not sure what to think. Unfortunately this country only takes bold steps when things are bad. If we don't try to fix our tax code now I'm afraid we never will. And for the record I don't care if taxes are raised "slightly" as long as it is done for the purposes of making the tax code fair for all. No more free rides.
Let's let this thread stand on its own subject and not get derailed into an anti Paul party guys. I think Cain needs to be scrutinized and going on and on about Paul is not the way to achieve that.

There are plenty of threads devoted to Paul.

Fair enough and sorry I didn't read through the whole thread before I posted.

My opinion of Cain is that he used the position of running for President to sell books. I, me, Avorysuds, have more concrete stances on issues than Cain does so I honestly can't see how he took running for President seriously.

I do think Cain wants to be another Palin.

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