Its time to stop supporting Cain

I'm getting off the Cain Train. We still have time though.

Why is everyone abandoning him now? I do not understand it.

It's called the process. There is still time to figure things out.

Maybe I'll vote for my dog Buster. He is smart, loyal, and very charismatic. I think he would do well in the general election.


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I'm getting off the Cain Train. We still have time though.

Why is everyone abandoning him now? I do not understand it.
Everyone is not. Only those that expect perfection. Because they are unrealistically expecting perfection from the gitgo. All politicians misspeak now and then...all seem to flip-flop now and then, especially when the media misunderstands the first stance, or the original question was misunderstood.

One thing about Cain, and the vision of the Founders...they expected citizens to be involved, taking a break out from thier professions, serve the nation for awhile...and then get out and go back to thier profession.

Professional politicians isn't what they had in mind...but sadly what it has become.
To the are about 8 weeks late by my count.

Yea, I'm late for being through and closely evaluating all the candidates before the election. :cuckoo:

It's just a shame that the left didn't do the same.

You could try harder. President Obama was vetted. The voters liked what they found. Enough still do.

Cain played you. Now you are lining up to be played by Newt. Neither one of them is serious about winning the nomination, let alone the Presidency.
To the are about 8 weeks late by my count.

Yea, I'm late for being through and closely evaluating all the candidates before the election. :cuckoo:

It's just a shame that the left didn't do the same.

You could try harder. President Obama was vetted. The voters liked what they found. Enough still do.

Cain played you. Now you are lining up to be played by Newt. Neither one of them is serious about winning the nomination, let alone the Presidency.

That's odd because I'm not remembering Cain digging in our wallets like Obama does daily.
To the are about 8 weeks late by my count.

Yea, I'm late for being through and closely evaluating all the candidates before the election. :cuckoo:

It's just a shame that the left didn't do the same.

You could try harder. President Obama was vetted. The voters liked what they found. Enough still do.

Cain played you. Now you are lining up to be played by Newt. Neither one of them is serious about winning the nomination, let alone the Presidency.

:lmao: Vetted :lmao:
I personally like Cain and some of his ideas but it is clear that he is not only out of his league but his flip flops are epic in size.

He appears to really lack the principles that we need in our president. On no less than 3 issues he has changed his position at least twice. And two of those he changed his position 3 times in the same day. One or two changes over a long period could be overlooked. Fact is he tries to excuse his change of position by blaming it on "joking". A sense of humor is great but we got serious problems and we need a serious candidate.

Then their is the whole experience thing. I was willing to overlook a lack of govt experience for a sound economicly minded potus but.... The lack of experience is glaringly obvious when he can't seem to hold a position solid.

Which leads me to my final reason. Seemingly he has no core convictions worthy of standing up for. To change ones position so many times is a perfect example of not having a good set of core principles.

He is clearly different than Obama as far as govt intrusion goes but he is much to similar to him in the area of caving in. Compromise is one thing but abandoning your principles is unacceptable for me.

Please explain what his "epic flip flops" are.

I've seen what "govt experience" has given us in the past, and I'm not so sure I want somebody with a history of "govt experience" piloting this ship. Let him get a first mate (VP) with the experience (govt) to help him navigate the waters.

Personally, I think the current tax code is completely screwed up. Mr Cain seems to be the only candidate willing to rip up the tax code and replace it with something brand new. His solution may not be the best answer, but then, what we've got is not working and adding minor tweaks to it will not fix the problem that it currently is.

4 instances.

Border fence

First position. Electrified with warning signs.
Second position. I was only joking.
Third position. I stand behind my first position.


First position. If you disagree your wrong.
Second position. Okay maybe exceptions for inner cities.
Third position. If you still disagree your math is wrong.
Fourth position. I haven't released all the details so stop complaining. (code for I gotta change it again please wait)

Negotiating with terrorists.

First position just before a debate. I would consider trading all gitmo prisoners for a US soldier.
Second position during debate. I would listen to my advisors.
Third position post debate interview. No way I would negotiate with terrorists.


First position. It's up to the family.
Second position. It's illegal.
Third position. It's up to the family.

He muddled the whole abortion thing so bad I honestly have no idea what he really believes and what he thinks the law should be.

On a side note social issues take a back burner for me.

Normally you and I are on exactly the same page and enjoy a mutual agreement fest, Grampa, but I think you're selling out brother Cain too quickly.

In every one of those instances, he was in a different context when he made a statement. For instance, I can 100% agree with his take that abortion should be illegal while at the same time think the federal government should stay out of it.

Like Sarah Palin was for awhile, Cain is currently the most coveted guest to put into the spotlight by every media source. ANYBODY who is speaking extemporaneously that much is going to appear to contradict themselves or present soundbites that can be made to look like something awful or stupid and used against them.

Cain, however, speaks from the heart and from conviction. He is not pandering to anybody and he defends his positions quite competently when given a forum to do so.

Please don't let the looney hateful left demonize, diminish, disqualify, or distort him as they do to EVERY leader the GOP raises up, most especially if it is a minority or a woman. We are severely outnumbered by media sources and the Democrats and a willing surrogate media aren't about to allow anybody like that wander off their reservation.

I don't know whether Cain is the man for the job. But I know he has said a whole lot more to commend him that are getting almost no play at all while media plays over and over the few useful sound bites that they use to convince even his admirers that he is a fool.

Let's don't let them do that to Herman Cain.
Yea, I'm late for being through and closely evaluating all the candidates before the election. :cuckoo:

It's just a shame that the left didn't do the same.

You could try harder. President Obama was vetted. The voters liked what they found. Enough still do.

Cain played you. Now you are lining up to be played by Newt. Neither one of them is serious about winning the nomination, let alone the Presidency.

:lmao: Vetted :lmao:

Obama was closely vetted by the press as to his taste in underwear and personal grooming habits.
You could try harder. President Obama was vetted. The voters liked what they found. Enough still do.

Cain played you. Now you are lining up to be played by Newt. Neither one of them is serious about winning the nomination, let alone the Presidency.

:lmao: Vetted :lmao:

Obama was closely vetted by the press as to his taste in underwear and personal grooming habits.

I laugh every time the claim is made.
To the are about 8 weeks late by my count.

Yea, I'm late for being through and closely evaluating all the candidates before the election. :cuckoo:

It's just a shame that the left didn't do the same.

You could try harder. President Obama was vetted. The voters liked what they found. Enough still do.

Cain played you. Now you are lining up to be played by Newt. Neither one of them is serious about winning the nomination, let alone the Presidency.

Obama was vetted??? Yeah sure, his relationship with the Rev Wright was really out there and had it been out there before super Tuesday we would have a Hillary Clinton President today. He wasn't vetted until it was over. Huge mistake.
You could try harder. President Obama was vetted. The voters liked what they found. Enough still do.

Cain played you. Now you are lining up to be played by Newt. Neither one of them is serious about winning the nomination, let alone the Presidency.

:lmao: Vetted :lmao:

Obama was closely vetted by the press as to his taste in underwear and personal grooming habits.

That's about all he was vetted for, his taste in his underwear and personal grooming habits, the fact that he was just a State senator, a community organizor, and a U.S senator and during those years he was running for President. In other words little to no experience and never ever even had a job in the private sector, that somehow was all missed. The fact that he is a socialist with Marxist leanings was never heard. Yes, but somehow they knew the color of his underwear. :cuckoo::cuckoo:
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Yea, I'm late for being through and closely evaluating all the candidates before the election. :cuckoo:

It's just a shame that the left didn't do the same.

You could try harder. President Obama was vetted. The voters liked what they found. Enough still do.

Cain played you. Now you are lining up to be played by Newt. Neither one of them is serious about winning the nomination, let alone the Presidency.

Obama was vetted??? Yeah sure, his relationship with the Rev Wright was really out there and had it been out there before super Tuesday we would have a Hillary Clinton President today. He wasn't vetted until it was over. Huge mistake.

I so didn't want a John McCain Presidency, I actually would have looked at Hillary pretty closely in that election too. Do I think she would have been a great president? No. But she would have done a hell of a lot less damage than the current occupant in the White House and the Marxist sympathizing bunch he has surrounded himself with.
Please explain what his "epic flip flops" are.

I've seen what "govt experience" has given us in the past, and I'm not so sure I want somebody with a history of "govt experience" piloting this ship. Let him get a first mate (VP) with the experience (govt) to help him navigate the waters.

Personally, I think the current tax code is completely screwed up. Mr Cain seems to be the only candidate willing to rip up the tax code and replace it with something brand new. His solution may not be the best answer, but then, what we've got is not working and adding minor tweaks to it will not fix the problem that it currently is.

4 instances.

Border fence

First position. Electrified with warning signs.
Second position. I was only joking.
Third position. I stand behind my first position.


First position. If you disagree your wrong.
Second position. Okay maybe exceptions for inner cities.
Third position. If you still disagree your math is wrong.
Fourth position. I haven't released all the details so stop complaining. (code for I gotta change it again please wait)

Negotiating with terrorists.

First position just before a debate. I would consider trading all gitmo prisoners for a US soldier.
Second position during debate. I would listen to my advisors.
Third position post debate interview. No way I would negotiate with terrorists.


First position. It's up to the family.
Second position. It's illegal.
Third position. It's up to the family.

He muddled the whole abortion thing so bad I honestly have no idea what he really believes and what he thinks the law should be.

On a side note social issues take a back burner for me.

Normally you and I are on exactly the same page and enjoy a mutual agreement fest, Grampa, but I think you're selling out brother Cain too quickly.

In every one of those instances, he was in a different context when he made a statement. For instance, I can 100% agree with his take that abortion should be illegal while at the same time think the federal government should stay out of it.

Like Sarah Palin was for awhile, Cain is currently the most coveted guest to put into the spotlight by every media source. ANYBODY who is speaking extemporaneously that much is going to appear to contradict themselves or present soundbites that can be made to look like something awful or stupid and used against them.

Cain, however, speaks from the heart and from conviction. He is not pandering to anybody and he defends his positions quite competently when given a forum to do so.

Please don't let the looney hateful left demonize, diminish, disqualify, or distort him as they do to EVERY leader the GOP raises up, most especially if it is a minority or a woman. We are severely outnumbered by media sources and the Democrats and a willing surrogate media aren't about to allow anybody like that wander off their reservation.

I don't know whether Cain is the man for the job. But I know he has said a whole lot more to commend him that are getting almost no play at all while media plays over and over the few useful sound bites that they use to convince even his admirers that he is a fool.

Let's don't let them do that to Herman Cain.

Don't get me wrong, I love Herman Cain, I think he is the real deal, I am not so fond of his 9-9-9 plan as I think it will raise taxes on 85% of Americans and for that reason I can't go along. That's a 9% income tax, a 9% corporate tax and a 9% sales tax on top of our state and local taxes. In my case it would amount to a 15.4% tax on everything I buy. Social security and medicare would still be taken out of our checks.

What concerns me even more is that you would not be taxed on used products, that would in turn encourage everyone to buy used goods to avoid the 9% sales tax. What would that do to the sale of new products, such as cars, trucks, appliances, clothing?? I think it would decrease the sales of new products, therefore causing even greater unemployment, because we make and sell new stuff- which creates jobs, we don't make any used stuff.

I am all in for a complete overhaul of our tax system, I just don't think this is the one that we need or want, certainly not if it's going to raise our taxes.
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I personally like Cain and some of his ideas but it is clear that he is not only out of his league but his flip flops are epic in size.

He appears to really lack the principles that we need in our president. On no less than 3 issues he has changed his position at least twice. And two of those he changed his position 3 times in the same day. One or two changes over a long period could be overlooked. Fact is he tries to excuse his change of position by blaming it on "joking". A sense of humor is great but we got serious problems and we need a serious candidate.

Then their is the whole experience thing. I was willing to overlook a lack of govt experience for a sound economicly minded potus but.... The lack of experience is glaringly obvious when he can't seem to hold a position solid.

Which leads me to my final reason. Seemingly he has no core convictions worthy of standing up for. To change ones position so many times is a perfect example of not having a good set of core principles.

He is clearly different than Obama as far as govt intrusion goes but he is much to similar to him in the area of caving in. Compromise is one thing but abandoning your principles is unacceptable for me.

I would still like to see him on a ticket. Maybe with Newt's VP so he could gain some experience, and if he would take 2nd chair. Cain will learn how to be just takes time...look at our..:lol: leader :lol: now. He still hasn't learned anything...

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