It's time

An accusation has been made about trolling, but what IS trolling, really? Well in fishing parlance from which the term was adopted, to troll is to lay out a wide net hoping to catch whatever one can catch
Similarly, in internet parlance, to troll is to set about deliberately to inflame , insult and otherwise annoy others - again, to catch whatever one can catch.

Every single posting of IM2 blames whites, accuses whites, maligns whites, insults whites, mischaracterizes whites and is designed to inflame whites. This dude seriously HATES white people.

When the targets of his hatred and rage respond, they are not trolling They are
Responding TO the trolling.

IM2 is just getting back what he is putting out.

I've done none of this. Again this is the race and racism thread and every black person here that stands up to the racists like doggiedoo get the same things done to them I do. And everybody white that doesn't express racism and calls it out gets the same treatment I do. I refused to be bullied by a bunch of chicken---- whites using a computer as a shield to say things they would never say to a black persons face.

And don't even try that with me, because I stood in front of whites in classroom and in halls of power saying what I am now.

Chicken shit whites.

Do keep it coming 1M2

I created this thread so you can argue your white victimhood argument and present facts to show that it is real. You have now followed me into a 4th thread. So are you scared? Or do you only want to troll?
I am not scared and I am not trolling.

If I was scared, I would be appeasing all your racism like those feeling white guilt do.

I'm just sitting here taking all your racist attacks, your attempts at intimidation and all your suggestions of violence knowing that you will continue to do so with no impediment.

You are trolling. You are contributing nothing to the discussions and you along with others here are the ones making racial attacks.

So, you going to post anything pertaining to the topic?

I already explained what trolling was, and I have already addressed the topic.

Heck, if you were the white guy and me the black, you would be long gone by now. Being black gives you many privileges, not the least of which is the ability to act as the hateful maniac you are safe from repercussions.
People want to troll my threads incessantly here in the race and racism section for speaking on race and racism. For some reason people here have come to believe the race and racism section is only to be for whites to bitch, whine and cry about how unfair things are for whites and how blacks are handed everything. Or that only whites get to post stories and pictures of black criminals. That whites get to make false claims about blacks and that the shit they make up can't be questioned. That blacks here have no right to show the lies, but that we are only to agree with the whites here that what we face is our fault only, unless we become a president the he's half white don't you know.

That whites can enter any black persons thread and troll it with bullshit off topic posts until admin closes the thread instead of deleting the whites who are trolling while being very quick to delete any and every off topic post or posts by blacks that admin believes is race baiting or trolling. So now it's time.

My premise-There is no such thing as anti white discrimination.

So bring everything you got, because that's what it's going to take.

The Truth about Anti-White Discrimination
Many white Americans feel that discrimination against whites is on the rise. Experiments suggests otherwise

By Keith Payne on July 18, 2019

A friend complained to me recently that his son wasn’t getting into Ivy League colleges because it’s so hard for a middle-class white kid to be admitted, even with straight A’s. I asked if the advantages of being a middle-class white kid might be part of the reason his son had become a straight-A student in the first place. It got awkward.

As our politics have fractured increasingly around race, there seems to be more and more confusion about who’s discriminating against whom. For example, a national survey reported that both blacks and whites believed that discrimination against blacks had declined over the past few decades, but whites believed that discrimination against whites was now more common than discrimination against blacks.

The reason, say the study’s authors Michael Norton and Sam Sommers, is that whites see discrimination as a zero-sum game. The more they thought discrimination against blacks was decreasing, the more they felt discrimination against whites was increasing. That’s consistent with other studies showing that if you remind whites that the American population is becoming more diverse and that whites will soon be less that half of the population, their concern about anti-white discrimination increases. Whites tend to view increasing diversity as anti-white bias.

News stories are full of statistical evidence for disparities between black and whites, such as the fact that the average black family earns about half as much as the average white family, or that the unemployment rate for blacks is twice that for whites, or that the wealth of the average white family is ten times the wealth of the average black family. But this kind of evidence is like a political Rorschach test that looks very different to liberals and conservatives. What looks to liberals like evidence of discrimination looks to conservatives like evidence of racial disparities in hard work and responsible behavior.

This dynamic was captured in a New York Times readers forum about a study showing large racial disparities in economic mobility, especially for black boys. A reader named Michael wrote, “Why is racism the only explanation for this phenomenon? Perhaps something happens to black boys while they are growing up that makes them less capable of succeeding in the U.S. economy… So, why do the authors take the easy way out and blame amorphous racism?” Professor Ibram Kendi responded, “Actually, the easy way out is to say there must be something wrong with these black boys. It is the easy way out that Americans have historically taken in trying to explain racial disparities in our society…Racist ideas of black inferiority is the easy way out.”

This kind of back and forth seems to be everywhere, from intellectuals arguing in books and essays to the general public arguing on social media. When it comes to statistical disparities, this is a rare case in which almost no one is disputing the facts. But the meaning of those facts appears endlessly up for grabs because opponents cannot agree on what is the cause of the disparities—discrimination or differences in merit.

The only kind of evidence that can hope to bridge this divide comes from experiments which directly measure discrimination — and these experiments have been done.

Consider an experiment by sociologist Devah Pager, who sent pairs of experimenters—one black and one white—to apply for 340 job ads in New York City. She gave them resumes doctored to have identical qualifications. She gave them scripts so that the applicants said the same things when handing in their applications. She even dressed them alike. She found that black applicants got half the call backs that white applicants got with the same qualifications.

This study inspired experiments in lots of areas of life. One study, for example, responded to more than 14,000 online apartment rental adds but varied whether the name attached to the email implied a white applicant (e.g., Allison Bauer) or a black applicant (e.g., Ebony Washington). The black applicants were twenty-six percent less likely to be told that the apartment was available.

These kinds of experiments are not ambiguous like statistics on disparities are. There were no differences in merit. Race was the cause. Real employers and landlords discriminated against blacks and in favor of whites, by a large margin.

This kind of direct evidence of discrimination against minorities have been found in other arenas. Professors are more likely to ignore emails from students of color. Airbnb hosts are more likely to tell black renters that the listing has already been taken. Pager and her colleagues published a meta-analysis incorporating every field experiment on hiring since the first ones were carried out in the 1980’s. Across two dozen studies, black applicants were called back 36 percent less than whites with the same qualifications. Not a single study found a reliable anti-white bias. Most sobering of all, the rate of discrimination is the same today as in the 1980’s.

The Truth about Anti-White Discrimination
You accused me of being white because I disagreed with you in another thread.....
Perspective of a black voter not inline w/DNC
Chicken shit whites.

Do keep it coming 1M2

I created this thread so you can argue your white victimhood argument and present facts to show that it is real. You have now followed me into a 4th thread. So are you scared? Or do you only want to troll?
I am not scared and I am not trolling.

If I was scared, I would be appeasing all your racism like those feeling white guilt do.

I'm just sitting here taking all your racist attacks, your attempts at intimidation and all your suggestions of violence knowing that you will continue to do so with no impediment.

You are trolling. You are contributing nothing to the discussions and you along with others here are the ones making racial attacks.

So, you going to post anything pertaining to the topic?

I already explained what trolling was, and I have already addressed the topic.

Heck, if you were the white guy and me the black, you would be long gone by now. Being black gives you many privileges, not the least of which is the ability to act as the hateful maniac you are safe from repercussions.


make a deliberately offensive or provocative online post with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them.

The Off Topic Troll

It's pretty hard not to hate that person who posts something completely off topic in any type of social community discussion. It can be even worse when that person succeeds in shifting the topic and everyone ends up talking about whatever irrelevant thing that he or she posted. You see it all the time online – in the comments of Facebook posts, in threaded YouTube comments, on Twitter and literally anywhere there're active discussions happening.

This is you. And your last paragraph is a lie.

So, when are you going to show me how whites as an entire race face discrimination worse than what blacks do?
You are an angry person who hates white people. When you are utterly hostile to white people, blame them for all your own failures, insult them. malign them at every opportunity, verbally abuse them and threaten them, you are calling their response to you "racism". It isn't racism, though it is simply responding to all your aggression and hatred.

When I lived in Oakland I knew black men who were real men and not like you, and they were friendly and kind, had a sense of humor and interacted with white people just like everybody else . They were successes, not failures, and it was no coincidence that they did not see all this much imagined racism in white people.They were not creating it by their boorish, aggressive behavior.

I bet if you would stop hating white people with the manic intensity you do, you would find that precious few would ever hate you back.

You hate people for the color of their skin and when the people you hate end up hating you back , it's not that they hate black people. They hate YOU.

Grow up. It's never too late to turn into a man.
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The rise in race hostility in the past 11 years is disturbing. Race has always been a problem but it really started to catch my attention and invade my world when President Obama was elected. I'm noting the importance of "catching my attention and invading my world" because before I didn't notice racial tension in my immediate environment with the exception of what I would read or see on television or in a rare instance. That is not to say that racism wasn't happening. It just speaks to my own oblivion.

I've been thinking about this issue with some real consideration. And what I think is happening is that we are at a generational crossroads that is creating a conflict between the races. What I mean by this is that the younger white generation has not experienced the blatant hate and dehumanization of black America. It's almost an enigma to them. On the other hand, the younger black generation is still very much aware of our past sins and the more memories or acknowledgement of these sins fade from society their voices are rising to have it remembered.

It's a rippling effect between the races.
The rise in race hostility in the past 11 years is disturbing. Race has always been a problem but it really started to catch my attention and invade my world when President Obama was elected. I'm noting the importance of "catching my attention and invading my world" because before I didn't notice racial tension in my immediate environment with the exception of what I would read or see on television or in a rare instance. That is not to say that racism wasn't happening. It just speaks to my own oblivion.

I've been thinking about this issue with some real consideration. And what I think is happening is that we are at a generational crossroads that is creating a conflict between the races. What I mean by this is that the younger white generation has not experienced the blatant hate and dehumanization of black America. It's almost an enigma to them. On the other hand, the younger black generation is still very much aware of our past sins and the more memories or acknowledgement of these sins fade from society their voices are rising to have it remembered.

It's a rippling effect between the races.
Where in Md are you?

I have a home on the Susquehanna in Harford County and would like to invite you over for a cookout.
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People want to troll my threads incessantly here in the race and racism section for speaking on race and racism. For some reason people here have come to believe the race and racism section is only to be for whites to bitch, whine and cry about how unfair things are for whites and how blacks are handed everything. Or that only whites get to post stories and pictures of black criminals. That whites get to make false claims about blacks and that the shit they make up can't be questioned. That blacks here have no right to show the lies, but that we are only to agree with the whites here that what we face is our fault only, unless we become a president the he's half white don't you know.

That whites can enter any black persons thread and troll it with bullshit off topic posts until admin closes the thread instead of deleting the whites who are trolling while being very quick to delete any and every off topic post or posts by blacks that admin believes is race baiting or trolling. So now it's time.

My premise-There is no such thing as anti white discrimination.

So bring everything you got, because that's what it's going to take.

The Truth about Anti-White Discrimination
Many white Americans feel that discrimination against whites is on the rise. Experiments suggests otherwise

By Keith Payne on July 18, 2019

A friend complained to me recently that his son wasn’t getting into Ivy League colleges because it’s so hard for a middle-class white kid to be admitted, even with straight A’s. I asked if the advantages of being a middle-class white kid might be part of the reason his son had become a straight-A student in the first place. It got awkward.

As our politics have fractured increasingly around race, there seems to be more and more confusion about who’s discriminating against whom. For example, a national survey reported that both blacks and whites believed that discrimination against blacks had declined over the past few decades, but whites believed that discrimination against whites was now more common than discrimination against blacks.

The reason, say the study’s authors Michael Norton and Sam Sommers, is that whites see discrimination as a zero-sum game. The more they thought discrimination against blacks was decreasing, the more they felt discrimination against whites was increasing. That’s consistent with other studies showing that if you remind whites that the American population is becoming more diverse and that whites will soon be less that half of the population, their concern about anti-white discrimination increases. Whites tend to view increasing diversity as anti-white bias.

News stories are full of statistical evidence for disparities between black and whites, such as the fact that the average black family earns about half as much as the average white family, or that the unemployment rate for blacks is twice that for whites, or that the wealth of the average white family is ten times the wealth of the average black family. But this kind of evidence is like a political Rorschach test that looks very different to liberals and conservatives. What looks to liberals like evidence of discrimination looks to conservatives like evidence of racial disparities in hard work and responsible behavior.

This dynamic was captured in a New York Times readers forum about a study showing large racial disparities in economic mobility, especially for black boys. A reader named Michael wrote, “Why is racism the only explanation for this phenomenon? Perhaps something happens to black boys while they are growing up that makes them less capable of succeeding in the U.S. economy… So, why do the authors take the easy way out and blame amorphous racism?” Professor Ibram Kendi responded, “Actually, the easy way out is to say there must be something wrong with these black boys. It is the easy way out that Americans have historically taken in trying to explain racial disparities in our society…Racist ideas of black inferiority is the easy way out.”

This kind of back and forth seems to be everywhere, from intellectuals arguing in books and essays to the general public arguing on social media. When it comes to statistical disparities, this is a rare case in which almost no one is disputing the facts. But the meaning of those facts appears endlessly up for grabs because opponents cannot agree on what is the cause of the disparities—discrimination or differences in merit.

The only kind of evidence that can hope to bridge this divide comes from experiments which directly measure discrimination — and these experiments have been done.

Consider an experiment by sociologist Devah Pager, who sent pairs of experimenters—one black and one white—to apply for 340 job ads in New York City. She gave them resumes doctored to have identical qualifications. She gave them scripts so that the applicants said the same things when handing in their applications. She even dressed them alike. She found that black applicants got half the call backs that white applicants got with the same qualifications.

This study inspired experiments in lots of areas of life. One study, for example, responded to more than 14,000 online apartment rental adds but varied whether the name attached to the email implied a white applicant (e.g., Allison Bauer) or a black applicant (e.g., Ebony Washington). The black applicants were twenty-six percent less likely to be told that the apartment was available.

These kinds of experiments are not ambiguous like statistics on disparities are. There were no differences in merit. Race was the cause. Real employers and landlords discriminated against blacks and in favor of whites, by a large margin.

This kind of direct evidence of discrimination against minorities have been found in other arenas. Professors are more likely to ignore emails from students of color. Airbnb hosts are more likely to tell black renters that the listing has already been taken. Pager and her colleagues published a meta-analysis incorporating every field experiment on hiring since the first ones were carried out in the 1980’s. Across two dozen studies, black applicants were called back 36 percent less than whites with the same qualifications. Not a single study found a reliable anti-white bias. Most sobering of all, the rate of discrimination is the same today as in the 1980’s.

The Truth about Anti-White Discrimination
You accused me of being white because I disagreed with you in another thread.....
Perspective of a black voter not inline w/DNC

I said you are white because that's what you appear to be. And you said this:

"I have no doubt about Trump gaining black support and getting re-elected."

I'm black and Trump didn't have much black support to begin with. He has less now. He is not going to gain support and while you guys are so confident of his re election, I think you might want to fall back on that. People don't get called white or racist just because someone disagrees with them. You have no idea of how the majority of blacks see Trump. He got 8 percent last time and Rasmussen numbers aren't even close to correct.
People want to troll my threads incessantly here in the race and racism section for speaking on race and racism. For some reason people here have come to believe the race and racism section is only to be for whites to bitch, whine and cry about how unfair things are for whites and how blacks are handed everything. Or that only whites get to post stories and pictures of black criminals. That whites get to make false claims about blacks and that the shit they make up can't be questioned. That blacks here have no right to show the lies, but that we are only to agree with the whites here that what we face is our fault only, unless we become a president the he's half white don't you know.

That whites can enter any black persons thread and troll it with bullshit off topic posts until admin closes the thread instead of deleting the whites who are trolling while being very quick to delete any and every off topic post or posts by blacks that admin believes is race baiting or trolling. So now it's time.

My premise-There is no such thing as anti white discrimination.

So bring everything you got, because that's what it's going to take.

The Truth about Anti-White Discrimination
Many white Americans feel that discrimination against whites is on the rise. Experiments suggests otherwise

By Keith Payne on July 18, 2019

A friend complained to me recently that his son wasn’t getting into Ivy League colleges because it’s so hard for a middle-class white kid to be admitted, even with straight A’s. I asked if the advantages of being a middle-class white kid might be part of the reason his son had become a straight-A student in the first place. It got awkward.

As our politics have fractured increasingly around race, there seems to be more and more confusion about who’s discriminating against whom. For example, a national survey reported that both blacks and whites believed that discrimination against blacks had declined over the past few decades, but whites believed that discrimination against whites was now more common than discrimination against blacks.

The reason, say the study’s authors Michael Norton and Sam Sommers, is that whites see discrimination as a zero-sum game. The more they thought discrimination against blacks was decreasing, the more they felt discrimination against whites was increasing. That’s consistent with other studies showing that if you remind whites that the American population is becoming more diverse and that whites will soon be less that half of the population, their concern about anti-white discrimination increases. Whites tend to view increasing diversity as anti-white bias.

News stories are full of statistical evidence for disparities between black and whites, such as the fact that the average black family earns about half as much as the average white family, or that the unemployment rate for blacks is twice that for whites, or that the wealth of the average white family is ten times the wealth of the average black family. But this kind of evidence is like a political Rorschach test that looks very different to liberals and conservatives. What looks to liberals like evidence of discrimination looks to conservatives like evidence of racial disparities in hard work and responsible behavior.

This dynamic was captured in a New York Times readers forum about a study showing large racial disparities in economic mobility, especially for black boys. A reader named Michael wrote, “Why is racism the only explanation for this phenomenon? Perhaps something happens to black boys while they are growing up that makes them less capable of succeeding in the U.S. economy… So, why do the authors take the easy way out and blame amorphous racism?” Professor Ibram Kendi responded, “Actually, the easy way out is to say there must be something wrong with these black boys. It is the easy way out that Americans have historically taken in trying to explain racial disparities in our society…Racist ideas of black inferiority is the easy way out.”

This kind of back and forth seems to be everywhere, from intellectuals arguing in books and essays to the general public arguing on social media. When it comes to statistical disparities, this is a rare case in which almost no one is disputing the facts. But the meaning of those facts appears endlessly up for grabs because opponents cannot agree on what is the cause of the disparities—discrimination or differences in merit.

The only kind of evidence that can hope to bridge this divide comes from experiments which directly measure discrimination — and these experiments have been done.

Consider an experiment by sociologist Devah Pager, who sent pairs of experimenters—one black and one white—to apply for 340 job ads in New York City. She gave them resumes doctored to have identical qualifications. She gave them scripts so that the applicants said the same things when handing in their applications. She even dressed them alike. She found that black applicants got half the call backs that white applicants got with the same qualifications.

This study inspired experiments in lots of areas of life. One study, for example, responded to more than 14,000 online apartment rental adds but varied whether the name attached to the email implied a white applicant (e.g., Allison Bauer) or a black applicant (e.g., Ebony Washington). The black applicants were twenty-six percent less likely to be told that the apartment was available.

These kinds of experiments are not ambiguous like statistics on disparities are. There were no differences in merit. Race was the cause. Real employers and landlords discriminated against blacks and in favor of whites, by a large margin.

This kind of direct evidence of discrimination against minorities have been found in other arenas. Professors are more likely to ignore emails from students of color. Airbnb hosts are more likely to tell black renters that the listing has already been taken. Pager and her colleagues published a meta-analysis incorporating every field experiment on hiring since the first ones were carried out in the 1980’s. Across two dozen studies, black applicants were called back 36 percent less than whites with the same qualifications. Not a single study found a reliable anti-white bias. Most sobering of all, the rate of discrimination is the same today as in the 1980’s.

The Truth about Anti-White Discrimination
You accused me of being white because I disagreed with you in another thread.....
Perspective of a black voter not inline w/DNC

I said you are white because that's what you appear to be. And you said this:

"I have no doubt about Trump gaining black support and getting re-elected."

I'm black and Trump didn't have much black support to begin with. He has less now. He is not going to gain support and while you guys are so confident of his re election, I think you might want to fall back on that. People don't get called white or racist just because someone disagrees with them. You have no idea of how the majority of blacks see Trump. He got 8 percent last time and Rasmussen numbers aren't even close to correct.
I'm white because I can see Trump gaining support from blacks?? Is that what you're saying, IM2? lol
I created this thread so you can argue your white victimhood argument and present facts to show that it is real. You have now followed me into a 4th thread. So are you scared? Or do you only want to troll?
I am not scared and I am not trolling.

If I was scared, I would be appeasing all your racism like those feeling white guilt do.

I'm just sitting here taking all your racist attacks, your attempts at intimidation and all your suggestions of violence knowing that you will continue to do so with no impediment.

You are trolling. You are contributing nothing to the discussions and you along with others here are the ones making racial attacks.

So, you going to post anything pertaining to the topic?

I already explained what trolling was, and I have already addressed the topic.

Heck, if you were the white guy and me the black, you would be long gone by now. Being black gives you many privileges, not the least of which is the ability to act as the hateful maniac you are safe from repercussions.


make a deliberately offensive or provocative online post with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them.

The Off Topic Troll

It's pretty hard not to hate that person who posts something completely off topic in any type of social community discussion. It can be even worse when that person succeeds in shifting the topic and everyone ends up talking about whatever irrelevant thing that he or she posted. You see it all the time online – in the comments of Facebook posts, in threaded YouTube comments, on Twitter and literally anywhere there're active discussions happening.

This is you. And your last paragraph is a lie.

So, when are you going to show me how whites as an entire race face discrimination worse than what blacks do?
You are an angry person who hates white people. When you are utterly hostile to white people, blame them for all your own failures, insult them. malign them at every opportunity, verbally abuse them and threaten them, you are calling their response to you "racism". It isn't racism, though it is simply responding to all your aggression and hatred.

When I lived in Oakland I knew black men who were real men and not like you, and they were friendly and kind, had a sense of humor and interacted with white people just like everybody else . They were successes, not failures, and it was no coincidence that they did not see all this much imagined racism in white people.They were not creating it by their boorish, aggressive behavior.

I bet if you would stop hating white people with the manic intensity you do, you would find that precious few would ever hate you back.

You hate people for the color of their skin and when the people you hate end up hating you back , it's not that they hate black people. They hate YOU.

Grow up. It's never too late to turn into a man.

I have no problem with white people. And if I was angry, I have every right to be.

You keep repeating the same silly shit.

So can you show me nationwide discrimination against white people or not?
  • People want to troll my threads incessantly here in the race and racism section for speaking on race and racism. For some reason people here have come to believe the race and racism section is only to be for whites to bitch, whine and cry about how unfair things are for whites and how blacks are handed everything. Or that only whites get to post stories and pictures of black criminals. That whites get to make false claims about blacks and that the shit they make up can't be questioned. That blacks here have no right to show the lies, but that we are only to agree with the whites here that what we face is our fault only, unless we become a president the he's half white don't you know.

    That whites can enter any black persons thread and troll it with bullshit off topic posts until admin closes the thread instead of deleting the whites who are trolling while being very quick to delete any and every off topic post or posts by blacks that admin believes is race baiting or trolling. So now it's time.

    My premise-There is no such thing as anti white discrimination.

    So bring everything you got, because that's what it's going to take.

    The Truth about Anti-White Discrimination
    Many white Americans feel that discrimination against whites is on the rise. Experiments suggests otherwise

    By Keith Payne on July 18, 2019

    A friend complained to me recently that his son wasn’t getting into Ivy League colleges because it’s so hard for a middle-class white kid to be admitted, even with straight A’s. I asked if the advantages of being a middle-class white kid might be part of the reason his son had become a straight-A student in the first place. It got awkward.

    As our politics have fractured increasingly around race, there seems to be more and more confusion about who’s discriminating against whom. For example, a national survey reported that both blacks and whites believed that discrimination against blacks had declined over the past few decades, but whites believed that discrimination against whites was now more common than discrimination against blacks.

    The reason, say the study’s authors Michael Norton and Sam Sommers, is that whites see discrimination as a zero-sum game. The more they thought discrimination against blacks was decreasing, the more they felt discrimination against whites was increasing. That’s consistent with other studies showing that if you remind whites that the American population is becoming more diverse and that whites will soon be less that half of the population, their concern about anti-white discrimination increases. Whites tend to view increasing diversity as anti-white bias.

    News stories are full of statistical evidence for disparities between black and whites, such as the fact that the average black family earns about half as much as the average white family, or that the unemployment rate for blacks is twice that for whites, or that the wealth of the average white family is ten times the wealth of the average black family. But this kind of evidence is like a political Rorschach test that looks very different to liberals and conservatives. What looks to liberals like evidence of discrimination looks to conservatives like evidence of racial disparities in hard work and responsible behavior.

    This dynamic was captured in a New York Times readers forum about a study showing large racial disparities in economic mobility, especially for black boys. A reader named Michael wrote, “Why is racism the only explanation for this phenomenon? Perhaps something happens to black boys while they are growing up that makes them less capable of succeeding in the U.S. economy… So, why do the authors take the easy way out and blame amorphous racism?” Professor Ibram Kendi responded, “Actually, the easy way out is to say there must be something wrong with these black boys. It is the easy way out that Americans have historically taken in trying to explain racial disparities in our society…Racist ideas of black inferiority is the easy way out.”

    This kind of back and forth seems to be everywhere, from intellectuals arguing in books and essays to the general public arguing on social media. When it comes to statistical disparities, this is a rare case in which almost no one is disputing the facts. But the meaning of those facts appears endlessly up for grabs because opponents cannot agree on what is the cause of the disparities—discrimination or differences in merit.

    The only kind of evidence that can hope to bridge this divide comes from experiments which directly measure discrimination — and these experiments have been done.

    Consider an experiment by sociologist Devah Pager, who sent pairs of experimenters—one black and one white—to apply for 340 job ads in New York City. She gave them resumes doctored to have identical qualifications. She gave them scripts so that the applicants said the same things when handing in their applications. She even dressed them alike. She found that black applicants got half the call backs that white applicants got with the same qualifications.

    This study inspired experiments in lots of areas of life. One study, for example, responded to more than 14,000 online apartment rental adds but varied whether the name attached to the email implied a white applicant (e.g., Allison Bauer) or a black applicant (e.g., Ebony Washington). The black applicants were twenty-six percent less likely to be told that the apartment was available.

    These kinds of experiments are not ambiguous like statistics on disparities are. There were no differences in merit. Race was the cause. Real employers and landlords discriminated against blacks and in favor of whites, by a large margin.

    This kind of direct evidence of discrimination against minorities have been found in other arenas. Professors are more likely to ignore emails from students of color. Airbnb hosts are more likely to tell black renters that the listing has already been taken. Pager and her colleagues published a meta-analysis incorporating every field experiment on hiring since the first ones were carried out in the 1980’s. Across two dozen studies, black applicants were called back 36 percent less than whites with the same qualifications. Not a single study found a reliable anti-white bias. Most sobering of all, the rate of discrimination is the same today as in the 1980’s.

    The Truth about Anti-White Discrimination
    You accused me of being white because I disagreed with you in another thread.....
    Perspective of a black voter not inline w/DNC

    I said you are white because that's what you appear to be. And you said this:

    "I have no doubt about Trump gaining black support and getting re-elected."

    I'm black and Trump didn't have much black support to begin with. He has less now. He is not going to gain support and while you guys are so confident of his re election, I think you might want to fall back on that. People don't get called white or racist just because someone disagrees with them. You have no idea of how the majority of blacks see Trump. He got 8 percent last time and Rasmussen numbers aren't even close to correct.
    I'm white because I can see Trump gaining support from blacks?? Is that what you're saying, IM2? lol
    anything that isn't New Black Panthers is White in the world of IM2

    Oh, and welcome to white world, Tycho.

    Isn't it grand,!!! Now you, too, can reap all the privilege that takes the form of IM2 calling you a racist!
People want to troll my threads incessantly here in the race and racism section for speaking on race and racism. For some reason people here have come to believe the race and racism section is only to be for whites to bitch, whine and cry about how unfair things are for whites and how blacks are handed everything. Or that only whites get to post stories and pictures of black criminals. That whites get to make false claims about blacks and that the shit they make up can't be questioned. That blacks here have no right to show the lies, but that we are only to agree with the whites here that what we face is our fault only, unless we become a president the he's half white don't you know.

That whites can enter any black persons thread and troll it with bullshit off topic posts until admin closes the thread instead of deleting the whites who are trolling while being very quick to delete any and every off topic post or posts by blacks that admin believes is race baiting or trolling. So now it's time.

My premise-There is no such thing as anti white discrimination.

So bring everything you got, because that's what it's going to take.

The Truth about Anti-White Discrimination
Many white Americans feel that discrimination against whites is on the rise. Experiments suggests otherwise

By Keith Payne on July 18, 2019

A friend complained to me recently that his son wasn’t getting into Ivy League colleges because it’s so hard for a middle-class white kid to be admitted, even with straight A’s. I asked if the advantages of being a middle-class white kid might be part of the reason his son had become a straight-A student in the first place. It got awkward.

As our politics have fractured increasingly around race, there seems to be more and more confusion about who’s discriminating against whom. For example, a national survey reported that both blacks and whites believed that discrimination against blacks had declined over the past few decades, but whites believed that discrimination against whites was now more common than discrimination against blacks.

The reason, say the study’s authors Michael Norton and Sam Sommers, is that whites see discrimination as a zero-sum game. The more they thought discrimination against blacks was decreasing, the more they felt discrimination against whites was increasing. That’s consistent with other studies showing that if you remind whites that the American population is becoming more diverse and that whites will soon be less that half of the population, their concern about anti-white discrimination increases. Whites tend to view increasing diversity as anti-white bias.

News stories are full of statistical evidence for disparities between black and whites, such as the fact that the average black family earns about half as much as the average white family, or that the unemployment rate for blacks is twice that for whites, or that the wealth of the average white family is ten times the wealth of the average black family. But this kind of evidence is like a political Rorschach test that looks very different to liberals and conservatives. What looks to liberals like evidence of discrimination looks to conservatives like evidence of racial disparities in hard work and responsible behavior.

This dynamic was captured in a New York Times readers forum about a study showing large racial disparities in economic mobility, especially for black boys. A reader named Michael wrote, “Why is racism the only explanation for this phenomenon? Perhaps something happens to black boys while they are growing up that makes them less capable of succeeding in the U.S. economy… So, why do the authors take the easy way out and blame amorphous racism?” Professor Ibram Kendi responded, “Actually, the easy way out is to say there must be something wrong with these black boys. It is the easy way out that Americans have historically taken in trying to explain racial disparities in our society…Racist ideas of black inferiority is the easy way out.”

This kind of back and forth seems to be everywhere, from intellectuals arguing in books and essays to the general public arguing on social media. When it comes to statistical disparities, this is a rare case in which almost no one is disputing the facts. But the meaning of those facts appears endlessly up for grabs because opponents cannot agree on what is the cause of the disparities—discrimination or differences in merit.

The only kind of evidence that can hope to bridge this divide comes from experiments which directly measure discrimination — and these experiments have been done.

Consider an experiment by sociologist Devah Pager, who sent pairs of experimenters—one black and one white—to apply for 340 job ads in New York City. She gave them resumes doctored to have identical qualifications. She gave them scripts so that the applicants said the same things when handing in their applications. She even dressed them alike. She found that black applicants got half the call backs that white applicants got with the same qualifications.

This study inspired experiments in lots of areas of life. One study, for example, responded to more than 14,000 online apartment rental adds but varied whether the name attached to the email implied a white applicant (e.g., Allison Bauer) or a black applicant (e.g., Ebony Washington). The black applicants were twenty-six percent less likely to be told that the apartment was available.

These kinds of experiments are not ambiguous like statistics on disparities are. There were no differences in merit. Race was the cause. Real employers and landlords discriminated against blacks and in favor of whites, by a large margin.

This kind of direct evidence of discrimination against minorities have been found in other arenas. Professors are more likely to ignore emails from students of color. Airbnb hosts are more likely to tell black renters that the listing has already been taken. Pager and her colleagues published a meta-analysis incorporating every field experiment on hiring since the first ones were carried out in the 1980’s. Across two dozen studies, black applicants were called back 36 percent less than whites with the same qualifications. Not a single study found a reliable anti-white bias. Most sobering of all, the rate of discrimination is the same today as in the 1980’s.

The Truth about Anti-White Discrimination
You accused me of being white because I disagreed with you in another thread.....
Perspective of a black voter not inline w/DNC

I said you are white because that's what you appear to be. And you said this:

"I have no doubt about Trump gaining black support and getting re-elected."

I'm black and Trump didn't have much black support to begin with. He has less now. He is not going to gain support and while you guys are so confident of his re election, I think you might want to fall back on that. People don't get called white or racist just because someone disagrees with them. You have no idea of how the majority of blacks see Trump. He got 8 percent last time and Rasmussen numbers aren't even close to correct.
I'm white because I can see Trump gaining support from blacks?? Is that what you're saying, IM2? lol

No. You are white because you more than likely were born white. Now this thread is about anti white discrimination. I say there is no such thing. So you can either agree or show me a nationwide policy of discrimination against whites.
I am not scared and I am not trolling.

If I was scared, I would be appeasing all your racism like those feeling white guilt do.

I'm just sitting here taking all your racist attacks, your attempts at intimidation and all your suggestions of violence knowing that you will continue to do so with no impediment.

You are trolling. You are contributing nothing to the discussions and you along with others here are the ones making racial attacks.

So, you going to post anything pertaining to the topic?

I already explained what trolling was, and I have already addressed the topic.

Heck, if you were the white guy and me the black, you would be long gone by now. Being black gives you many privileges, not the least of which is the ability to act as the hateful maniac you are safe from repercussions.


make a deliberately offensive or provocative online post with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them.

The Off Topic Troll

It's pretty hard not to hate that person who posts something completely off topic in any type of social community discussion. It can be even worse when that person succeeds in shifting the topic and everyone ends up talking about whatever irrelevant thing that he or she posted. You see it all the time online – in the comments of Facebook posts, in threaded YouTube comments, on Twitter and literally anywhere there're active discussions happening.

This is you. And your last paragraph is a lie.

So, when are you going to show me how whites as an entire race face discrimination worse than what blacks do?
You are an angry person who hates white people. When you are utterly hostile to white people, blame them for all your own failures, insult them. malign them at every opportunity, verbally abuse them and threaten them, you are calling their response to you "racism". It isn't racism, though it is simply responding to all your aggression and hatred.

When I lived in Oakland I knew black men who were real men and not like you, and they were friendly and kind, had a sense of humor and interacted with white people just like everybody else . They were successes, not failures, and it was no coincidence that they did not see all this much imagined racism in white people.They were not creating it by their boorish, aggressive behavior.

I bet if you would stop hating white people with the manic intensity you do, you would find that precious few would ever hate you back.

You hate people for the color of their skin and when the people you hate end up hating you back , it's not that they hate black people. They hate YOU.

Grow up. It's never too late to turn into a man.

I have no problem with white people. And if I was angry, I have every right to be.

You keep repeating the same silly shit.

So can you show me nationwide discrimination against white people or not?
Back when quotas and affirmative action ramped up around the early 1970's or so, white males were put last on the list of being hired. Graduating high school and applying fr a good job was useless for most. You will never ever get to lie about that. The Progs will never broadcast that. A true story. Lasted at least a decade/fifteen years but a bit tougher in the beginning.
I am not scared and I am not trolling.

If I was scared, I would be appeasing all your racism like those feeling white guilt do.

I'm just sitting here taking all your racist attacks, your attempts at intimidation and all your suggestions of violence knowing that you will continue to do so with no impediment.

You are trolling. You are contributing nothing to the discussions and you along with others here are the ones making racial attacks.

So, you going to post anything pertaining to the topic?

I already explained what trolling was, and I have already addressed the topic.

Heck, if you were the white guy and me the black, you would be long gone by now. Being black gives you many privileges, not the least of which is the ability to act as the hateful maniac you are safe from repercussions.


make a deliberately offensive or provocative online post with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them.

The Off Topic Troll

It's pretty hard not to hate that person who posts something completely off topic in any type of social community discussion. It can be even worse when that person succeeds in shifting the topic and everyone ends up talking about whatever irrelevant thing that he or she posted. You see it all the time online – in the comments of Facebook posts, in threaded YouTube comments, on Twitter and literally anywhere there're active discussions happening.

This is you. And your last paragraph is a lie.

So, when are you going to show me how whites as an entire race face discrimination worse than what blacks do?
You are an angry person who hates white people. When you are utterly hostile to white people, blame them for all your own failures, insult them. malign them at every opportunity, verbally abuse them and threaten them, you are calling their response to you "racism". It isn't racism, though it is simply responding to all your aggression and hatred.

When I lived in Oakland I knew black men who were real men and not like you, and they were friendly and kind, had a sense of humor and interacted with white people just like everybody else . They were successes, not failures, and it was no coincidence that they did not see all this much imagined racism in white people.They were not creating it by their boorish, aggressive behavior.

I bet if you would stop hating white people with the manic intensity you do, you would find that precious few would ever hate you back.

You hate people for the color of their skin and when the people you hate end up hating you back , it's not that they hate black people. They hate YOU.

Grow up. It's never too late to turn into a man.

I have no problem with white people. And if I was angry, I have every right to be.

You keep repeating the same silly shit.

So can you show me nationwide discrimination against white people or not?
Do white people have a valid reason to be angry when they see 13% of black population committing over 50% of crimes?
You are trolling. You are contributing nothing to the discussions and you along with others here are the ones making racial attacks.

So, you going to post anything pertaining to the topic?

I already explained what trolling was, and I have already addressed the topic.

Heck, if you were the white guy and me the black, you would be long gone by now. Being black gives you many privileges, not the least of which is the ability to act as the hateful maniac you are safe from repercussions.


make a deliberately offensive or provocative online post with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them.

The Off Topic Troll

It's pretty hard not to hate that person who posts something completely off topic in any type of social community discussion. It can be even worse when that person succeeds in shifting the topic and everyone ends up talking about whatever irrelevant thing that he or she posted. You see it all the time online – in the comments of Facebook posts, in threaded YouTube comments, on Twitter and literally anywhere there're active discussions happening.

This is you. And your last paragraph is a lie.

So, when are you going to show me how whites as an entire race face discrimination worse than what blacks do?
You are an angry person who hates white people. When you are utterly hostile to white people, blame them for all your own failures, insult them. malign them at every opportunity, verbally abuse them and threaten them, you are calling their response to you "racism". It isn't racism, though it is simply responding to all your aggression and hatred.

When I lived in Oakland I knew black men who were real men and not like you, and they were friendly and kind, had a sense of humor and interacted with white people just like everybody else . They were successes, not failures, and it was no coincidence that they did not see all this much imagined racism in white people.They were not creating it by their boorish, aggressive behavior.

I bet if you would stop hating white people with the manic intensity you do, you would find that precious few would ever hate you back.

You hate people for the color of their skin and when the people you hate end up hating you back , it's not that they hate black people. They hate YOU.

Grow up. It's never too late to turn into a man.

I have no problem with white people. And if I was angry, I have every right to be.

You keep repeating the same silly shit.

So can you show me nationwide discrimination against white people or not?
Do white people have a valid reason to be angry when they see 13% of black population committing over 50% of crimes?

But they don't see that. Because whites commit 70 percent of the crimes.
You are trolling. You are contributing nothing to the discussions and you along with others here are the ones making racial attacks.

So, you going to post anything pertaining to the topic?

I already explained what trolling was, and I have already addressed the topic.

Heck, if you were the white guy and me the black, you would be long gone by now. Being black gives you many privileges, not the least of which is the ability to act as the hateful maniac you are safe from repercussions.


make a deliberately offensive or provocative online post with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them.

The Off Topic Troll

It's pretty hard not to hate that person who posts something completely off topic in any type of social community discussion. It can be even worse when that person succeeds in shifting the topic and everyone ends up talking about whatever irrelevant thing that he or she posted. You see it all the time online – in the comments of Facebook posts, in threaded YouTube comments, on Twitter and literally anywhere there're active discussions happening.

This is you. And your last paragraph is a lie.

So, when are you going to show me how whites as an entire race face discrimination worse than what blacks do?
You are an angry person who hates white people. When you are utterly hostile to white people, blame them for all your own failures, insult them. malign them at every opportunity, verbally abuse them and threaten them, you are calling their response to you "racism". It isn't racism, though it is simply responding to all your aggression and hatred.

When I lived in Oakland I knew black men who were real men and not like you, and they were friendly and kind, had a sense of humor and interacted with white people just like everybody else . They were successes, not failures, and it was no coincidence that they did not see all this much imagined racism in white people.They were not creating it by their boorish, aggressive behavior.

I bet if you would stop hating white people with the manic intensity you do, you would find that precious few would ever hate you back.

You hate people for the color of their skin and when the people you hate end up hating you back , it's not that they hate black people. They hate YOU.

Grow up. It's never too late to turn into a man.

I have no problem with white people. And if I was angry, I have every right to be.

You keep repeating the same silly shit.

So can you show me nationwide discrimination against white people or not?
Back when quotas and affirmative action ramped up around the early 1970's or so, white males were put last on the list of being hired. Graduating high school and applying fr a good job was useless for most. You will never ever get to lie about that. The Progs will never broadcast that. A true story. Lasted at least a decade/fifteen years but a bit tougher in the beginning.

Why was this done just 5 years after the civil rights act? Would you like to explain that?
I already explained what trolling was, and I have already addressed the topic.

Heck, if you were the white guy and me the black, you would be long gone by now. Being black gives you many privileges, not the least of which is the ability to act as the hateful maniac you are safe from repercussions.


make a deliberately offensive or provocative online post with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them.

The Off Topic Troll

It's pretty hard not to hate that person who posts something completely off topic in any type of social community discussion. It can be even worse when that person succeeds in shifting the topic and everyone ends up talking about whatever irrelevant thing that he or she posted. You see it all the time online – in the comments of Facebook posts, in threaded YouTube comments, on Twitter and literally anywhere there're active discussions happening.

This is you. And your last paragraph is a lie.

So, when are you going to show me how whites as an entire race face discrimination worse than what blacks do?
You are an angry person who hates white people. When you are utterly hostile to white people, blame them for all your own failures, insult them. malign them at every opportunity, verbally abuse them and threaten them, you are calling their response to you "racism". It isn't racism, though it is simply responding to all your aggression and hatred.

When I lived in Oakland I knew black men who were real men and not like you, and they were friendly and kind, had a sense of humor and interacted with white people just like everybody else . They were successes, not failures, and it was no coincidence that they did not see all this much imagined racism in white people.They were not creating it by their boorish, aggressive behavior.

I bet if you would stop hating white people with the manic intensity you do, you would find that precious few would ever hate you back.

You hate people for the color of their skin and when the people you hate end up hating you back , it's not that they hate black people. They hate YOU.

Grow up. It's never too late to turn into a man.

I have no problem with white people. And if I was angry, I have every right to be.

You keep repeating the same silly shit.

So can you show me nationwide discrimination against white people or not?
Do white people have a valid reason to be angry when they see 13% of black population committing over 50% of crimes?

But they don't see that. Because whites commit 70 percent of the crimes.
We can't ignore the facts, IM2.
People want to troll my threads incessantly here in the race and racism section for speaking on race and racism. For some reason people here have come to believe the race and racism section is only to be for whites to bitch, whine and cry about how unfair things are for whites and how blacks are handed everything. Or that only whites get to post stories and pictures of black criminals. That whites get to make false claims about blacks and that the shit they make up can't be questioned. That blacks here have no right to show the lies, but that we are only to agree with the whites here that what we face is our fault only, unless we become a president the he's half white don't you know.

That whites can enter any black persons thread and troll it with bullshit off topic posts until admin closes the thread instead of deleting the whites who are trolling while being very quick to delete any and every off topic post or posts by blacks that admin believes is race baiting or trolling. So now it's time.

My premise-There is no such thing as anti white discrimination.

So bring everything you got, because that's what it's going to take.

The Truth about Anti-White Discrimination
Many white Americans feel that discrimination against whites is on the rise. Experiments suggests otherwise

By Keith Payne on July 18, 2019

A friend complained to me recently that his son wasn’t getting into Ivy League colleges because it’s so hard for a middle-class white kid to be admitted, even with straight A’s. I asked if the advantages of being a middle-class white kid might be part of the reason his son had become a straight-A student in the first place. It got awkward.

As our politics have fractured increasingly around race, there seems to be more and more confusion about who’s discriminating against whom. For example, a national survey reported that both blacks and whites believed that discrimination against blacks had declined over the past few decades, but whites believed that discrimination against whites was now more common than discrimination against blacks.

The reason, say the study’s authors Michael Norton and Sam Sommers, is that whites see discrimination as a zero-sum game. The more they thought discrimination against blacks was decreasing, the more they felt discrimination against whites was increasing. That’s consistent with other studies showing that if you remind whites that the American population is becoming more diverse and that whites will soon be less that half of the population, their concern about anti-white discrimination increases. Whites tend to view increasing diversity as anti-white bias.

News stories are full of statistical evidence for disparities between black and whites, such as the fact that the average black family earns about half as much as the average white family, or that the unemployment rate for blacks is twice that for whites, or that the wealth of the average white family is ten times the wealth of the average black family. But this kind of evidence is like a political Rorschach test that looks very different to liberals and conservatives. What looks to liberals like evidence of discrimination looks to conservatives like evidence of racial disparities in hard work and responsible behavior.

This dynamic was captured in a New York Times readers forum about a study showing large racial disparities in economic mobility, especially for black boys. A reader named Michael wrote, “Why is racism the only explanation for this phenomenon? Perhaps something happens to black boys while they are growing up that makes them less capable of succeeding in the U.S. economy… So, why do the authors take the easy way out and blame amorphous racism?” Professor Ibram Kendi responded, “Actually, the easy way out is to say there must be something wrong with these black boys. It is the easy way out that Americans have historically taken in trying to explain racial disparities in our society…Racist ideas of black inferiority is the easy way out.”

This kind of back and forth seems to be everywhere, from intellectuals arguing in books and essays to the general public arguing on social media. When it comes to statistical disparities, this is a rare case in which almost no one is disputing the facts. But the meaning of those facts appears endlessly up for grabs because opponents cannot agree on what is the cause of the disparities—discrimination or differences in merit.

The only kind of evidence that can hope to bridge this divide comes from experiments which directly measure discrimination — and these experiments have been done.

Consider an experiment by sociologist Devah Pager, who sent pairs of experimenters—one black and one white—to apply for 340 job ads in New York City. She gave them resumes doctored to have identical qualifications. She gave them scripts so that the applicants said the same things when handing in their applications. She even dressed them alike. She found that black applicants got half the call backs that white applicants got with the same qualifications.

This study inspired experiments in lots of areas of life. One study, for example, responded to more than 14,000 online apartment rental adds but varied whether the name attached to the email implied a white applicant (e.g., Allison Bauer) or a black applicant (e.g., Ebony Washington). The black applicants were twenty-six percent less likely to be told that the apartment was available.

These kinds of experiments are not ambiguous like statistics on disparities are. There were no differences in merit. Race was the cause. Real employers and landlords discriminated against blacks and in favor of whites, by a large margin.

This kind of direct evidence of discrimination against minorities have been found in other arenas. Professors are more likely to ignore emails from students of color. Airbnb hosts are more likely to tell black renters that the listing has already been taken. Pager and her colleagues published a meta-analysis incorporating every field experiment on hiring since the first ones were carried out in the 1980’s. Across two dozen studies, black applicants were called back 36 percent less than whites with the same qualifications. Not a single study found a reliable anti-white bias. Most sobering of all, the rate of discrimination is the same today as in the 1980’s.

The Truth about Anti-White Discrimination

Dude, when you start a thread with comments such as this...….

People want to troll my threads incessantly here in the race and racism section for speaking on race and racism. For some reason people here have come to believe the race and racism section is only to be for whites to bitch, whine and cry about how unfair things are for whites and how blacks are handed everything. Or that only whites get to post stories and pictures of black criminals. That whites get to make false claims about blacks and that the shit they make up can't be questioned. That blacks here have no right to show the lies, but that we are only to agree with the whites here that what we face is our fault only, unless we become a president the he's half white don't you know.

That whites can enter any black persons thread and troll it with bullshit off topic posts until admin closes the thread instead of deleting the whites who are trolling while being very quick to delete any and every off topic post or posts by blacks that admin believes is race baiting or trolling. So now it's time.

and the majority of your threads read with racism such as these...…..

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  1. Thread
    It's time
    People want to troll my threads incessantly here in the race and racism section for speaking on race and racism. For some reason people here have...
    Thread by: IM2, Today at 11:18 AM, 68 replies, in forum: Race Relations/Racism

  2. Thread
    Please listen to Champ Bailey, Charles Barkley
    Last night was the NFL Hall of Fame Induction ceremony. This is the pinnacle of the sport. It is the highest achievement they can get. Champ...
    Thread by: IM2, Yesterday at 12:25 PM, 63 replies, in forum: Race Relations/Racism

  3. Thread
    We make more money but we can't breathe-Trump Environmental policy
    Yee haw! The economy is rolling ! Unemployment is at record lows. Why them thar blacks have lower unemployment than ever before. That tax cut made...
    Thread by: IM2, Saturday at 10:53 AM, 12 replies, in forum: Politics

  4. Thread
    Affirmative Action-for whites
    Once again a thread made detailing advantages whites have received as part of a system based on white racial preferences gets closed here at USMB....
    Thread by: IM2, Saturday at 4:54 AM, 101 replies, in forum: Race Relations/Racism

  5. Thread
    Ronald Reagan’s Long-Hidden Racist Conversation With Richard Nixon
    It's funny how quick some people are to tell you that a particular white public figure is not racist. I remember several here trying to argue with...
    Thread by: IM2, Friday at 1:20 AM, 76 replies, in forum: Race Relations/Racism

  6. Thread
    Free Stuff.... For whites
    Some of us need to learn American history. The adult version. How Whites Have Benefited From Affirmative Action Throughout American History [MEDIA]
    Thread by: IM2, Wednesday at 8:35 PM, 216 replies, in forum: Race Relations/Racism

  7. Thread
    "Democratically" (dog whistle) controlled cities
    No matter how badly republicans fuck up, they cannot take responsibility.. The nation almost went in depression in 2008 after 6 years of total...
    Thread by: IM2, Wednesday at 12:27 PM, 112 replies, in forum: Politics

  8. Thread
    Trump is a racist
    Fuck beating around the bush. You guys know he is a racist and you support him because you agree with him. Trump’s race-baiting base strategy is...
    Thread by: IM2, Tuesday at 6:04 AM, 69 replies, in forum: Race Relations/Racism

  9. Thread
    Now it's Cummings turn
    So now we are about to see the trump butt sniffers attacking Elijah Cummings and Baltimore . They have already begun. The idiots don't understand...
    Thread by: IM2, Jul 28, 2019, 643 replies, in forum: Politics

  10. Thread
    Ilhan Omar: It Is Not Enough to Condemn Trump’s Racism
    Read the OP and tell she me what she has said that is unamerican. It's time to stop listening to Trumps lies. Ilhan Omar: It Is Not Enough to...
    Thread by: IM2, Jul 26, 2019, 186 replies, in forum: Politics

  11. Thread
    What happened to the tea party?
    White "conservatives" were all enraged because Obama started his administration by spending big bucks. A move that saved the economy. They claimed...
    Thread by: IM2, Jul 23, 2019, 162 replies, in forum: Politics

  12. Thread
    This is style. It's what gets copied by so called superior types. [MEDIA]
    Thread by: IM2, Jul 22, 2019, 36 replies, in forum: Race Relations/Racism

  13. Thread
    And the Pattern Continues.
    The court records on Trumps hush money campaign finance crime have been released. Jeffrey Epstein faces spending the rest of his days in prison...
    Thread by: IM2, Jul 21, 2019, 14 replies, in forum: Politics

  14. Thread
    Donald Trump Hates America
    David Brooks is a conservative journalist. That's all that needs to be said in this introduction. Donald Trump Hates America The rest of us can...
    Thread by: IM2, Jul 19, 2019, 96 replies, in forum: Politics

  15. Thread
    Why you shouldn't try to reason with Trump supporters
    USMB validates everything the writer points out. Why you shouldn't try to reason with Trump supporters Reporters have noticed that no amount of...
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  16. Thread
    Robert S. Mueller
    This is the quintessential "American". And he's coming to testify next week. The time has come, the shit is about to hit. If he just reads the...
    Thread by: IM2, Jul 19, 2019, 12 replies, in forum: Politics

  17. Thread
    A double standard
    Why do "working class whites" get to beg the government for jobs while they tell other races of working class people how they need to stop being...
    Thread by: IM2, Jul 19, 2019, 23 replies, in forum: Race Relations/Racism

  18. Thread
    Republicans and Blacks
    We keep getting told about how republicans freed us from slavery. We don't get told about how republicans treated blacks after it was done. The...
    Thread by: IM2, Jul 19, 2019, 49 replies, in forum: Race Relations/Racism

  19. Thread
    What would have happened if Obama had told the birthers in congress to go back to Europe?
    The bullshit posted by many of the whites her has just gotten out of hand. There's not a fucking thing a white person can ever say that's racist,...
    Thread by: IM2, Jul 18, 2019, 192 replies, in forum: Race Relations/Racism

  20. Thread
    Trump has complained about America all his life
    According to him, he can go back where he came from. He can leave. He can leave right now.
    Thread by: IM2, Jul 16, 2019, 420 replies, in forum: Politics

  21. Thread
    Conservatives, clean out your house
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    Thread by: IM2, Jul 12, 2019, 263 replies, in forum: Politics

  22. Thread
    Black Unemployment Is Rising Again, And Trumpism Could Be Playing a Role
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    Thread by: IM2, Jul 8, 2019, 28 replies, in forum: Economy

  23. Thread
    Modern slavery
    One thing is evident to me as I grow older is how truth always wins. Now I know that some of the people here have difficulties facing truth. We...
    Thread by: IM2, Jul 6, 2019, 58 replies, in forum: Europe

everything you post has to do with racism and is anti-white discrimination in itself...….in this very thread alone you have trolled for the white response you knew very well you'd get......just by heading up with the first 2 paragraphs. You've complained of others lying, even about their own skin color just because they don't see the same as you??? You've demanded personal information of proof of anothers story of 'anti-white discrimination' to be posted on a public message board??? Then complain his response wasn't within the context of the thread topic????

Do you not see the very hypocrisy within yourself that you hurl at others??? Then you wonder shy nobody on this board can take you seriously???????

If you want a real conversation, without racism, racial slurs, discriminations, etc...….then don't bring it up and offer real conversation. It might take awhile for everyone to get over the shock, but eventually honest discussions to happen......regardless of personal differences does anyone here know you are even black? How do you know any of us are white? Racist? Republican or Democrat? Rich or poor? You don't, I don't, nobody does.
If you are returning to this thread, you may not recognize it.. Because about 60% of the original posts have been removed.. Edited the OP to move the bias and trolling accusations OUT of the OPost... They were NOT supposed to be the topic...

Mod Staff is watching this thread critically.. Stay ON the topic.. Discuss ONLY the topic. You don't want to find out what happens if you don't after I did all this "thread reconstruction" work...
My premise-There is no such thing as anti white discrimination.

That is an absurd premise.

Prove it. Show there is an nationwide adverse impact on whites today.
No, all it takes to prove that there is anti white discrimination is one example of anti white discrimination. That is why your you premise is absurd. According to your premise, no one ever gets discriminated against for being white.
My premise-There is no such thing as anti white discrimination.

That is an absurd premise.

Prove it. Show there is an nationwide adverse impact on whites today.
No, all it takes to prove that there is anti white discrimination is one example of anti white discrimination. That is why your you premise is absurd. According to your premise, no one ever gets discriminated against for being white.

I'm afraid that one example is not going to be logically sufficient to determine that whites as a race are facing anti white discrimination.

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