It's too difficult to commit mentally ill people to a mental institution, that's why we're having...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
...all these mass shootings.

So, all the other reasons given aren't the problem: white supremacy, Muslim extremism, devil-worship, guns, knives.

The problem is that mentally ill people, identified by their families as dangerous to themselves and others, are allowed to run around loose.

We can thank the ACLU for that.
I still think our teachers and professors are turning these kids into radical bigots. After all, they've been conditioning these kids with their rebellious lawlessness for decades.
...all these mass shootings.

So, all the other reasons given aren't the problem: white supremacy, Muslim extremism, devil-worship, guns, knives.

The problem is that mentally ill people, identified by their families as dangerous to themselves and others, are allowed to run around loose.

We can thank the ACLU for that.
Not just running around...but getting guns.
I think the point of public education is churning out ignorant people, who are easier for the government to dominate and rule.
...all these mass shootings.

So, all the other reasons given aren't the problem: white supremacy, Muslim extremism, devil-worship, guns, knives.

The problem is that mentally ill people, identified by their families as dangerous to themselves and others, are allowed to run around loose.

We can thank the ACLU for that.
Not just running around...but getting guns.
And voting for democrats.
I still think our teachers and professors are turning these kids into radical bigots. After all, they've been conditioning these kids with their rebellious lawlessness for decades.
Yeah...let's blame education....Here's your sign.....
After decades of teachers and professors pounding their radical progressive attitudes into their students, it's only logical that sooner or later they will create a number of dangerous radicals. That's exactly what happens when you're only given one side of the story. These serial killers have been taught that what they're doing is right. That's the insanity being pushed by our education system.
...all these mass shootings.

So, all the other reasons given aren't the problem: white supremacy, Muslim extremism, devil-worship, guns, knives.

The problem is that mentally ill people, identified by their families as dangerous to themselves and others, are allowed to run around loose.

We can thank the ACLU for that.
Do you have any idea how many mentally ill people there are?

Why don’t we just lock up all the racists?
I don't own a gun, but I do believe in the Constitution, and that includes the 2nd Amendment.

The real issue about crazy people owning guns is not addressed often enough.

Crazy people have a Constitutional right to Due Process...before they are adjudicated to be Crazy to begin with.

That's hard to do, and unfortunate as the result sometimes is...its important that they have Due Process.

Because I am sitting here wearing a Revolutionary War (Betsy Ross) U.S. Flag T-shirt, which I owned before the latest ridiculous brouhaha over it...gotten from Amazon, not Rush Limbaugh...before Demo-Liberals tried to classify it, the first symbol of our Independence, as RACCCIIISSSTTT.

And, if the Demo-Socialists ever got the right to decide if someone is too crazy to own a gun...short of Judicial Due Process...they would surely put me on the list...just for having the T-Shirt....somewhat like Comey, McCabe, Obama et al just perverted the Patriot Act to get unlawful FISA Warrants to spy on their political opposition, instead of terroists.

NO Due Process equals ABUSE by Demo-Socialists.

So, I'm o.k. with all the back-ground checks you want, but never never put anyone on a No-Gun list until they are accorded full Due Process as required by the Constitution...and that's what the Demo-Socialists actually want...a NO-Gun List that they get to prepare...they may deny it...just like they denied for a long time they wanted "Abortion up to the Day before Birth"...and just like they deny that their entire Immigration Policy is: Turn Texas Blue.

Never trust a Zealot.
I don't own a gun, but I do believe in the Constitution, and that includes the 2nd Amendment.

The real issue about crazy people owning guns is not addressed often enough.

Crazy people have a Constitutional right to Due Process...before they are adjudicated to be Crazy to begin with.

That's hard to do, and unfortunate as the result sometimes is...its important that they have Due Process.

Because I am sitting here wearing a Revolutionary War (Betsy Ross) U.S. Flag T-shirt, which I owned before the latest ridiculous brouhaha over it...gotten from Amazon, not Rush Limbaugh...before Demo-Liberals tried to classify it, the first symbol of our Independence, as RACCCIIISSSTTT.

And, if the Demo-Socialists ever got the right to decide if someone is too crazy to own a gun...short of Judicial Due Process...they would surely put me on the list...just for having the T-Shirt....somewhat like Comey, McCabe, Obama et al just perverted the Patriot Act to get unlawful FISA Warrants to spy on their political opposition, instead of terroists.

NO Due Process equals ABUSE by Demo-Socialists.

So, I'm o.k. with all the back-ground checks you want, but never never put anyone on a No-Gun list until they are accorded full Due Process as required by the Constitution...and that's what the Demo-Socialists actually want...a NO-Gun List that they get to prepare...they may deny it...just like they denied for a long time they wanted "Abortion up to the Day before Birth"...and just like they deny that their entire Immigration Policy is: Turn Texas Blue.

Never trust a Zealot.

And that's the problem in a bread basket. Democrats have proven themselves to be untrustworthy.

DumBama demonstrated this during the end of his second term. He created an order that put people on Social Security who could not make out their own bills on a Do Not Sell list.

That begs the question: how many problems have we had with old people unable to pay their bills buying guns and killing people with them???

Democrats will abuse power whenever the opportunity presents itself. If we allow this Thought Police process to continue, the next thing you know, you'll be put on that list if you get a little depressed, have bad dreams, or have marriage problems that require professional help. So the problem is we can't let Democrats have that opportunity.

I have no problem if authorities assign agents or police to keep an eye on people who seem erratic, but to take a persons Constitutional rights away because of something we think they are going to do, that opens up a Pandoras Box we should take caution into opening.
...all these mass shootings.

So, all the other reasons given aren't the problem: white supremacy, Muslim extremism, devil-worship, guns, knives.

The problem is that mentally ill people, identified by their families as dangerous to themselves and others, are allowed to run around loose.

We can thank the ACLU for that.
Do you have any idea how many mentally ill people there are?

Why don’t we just lock up all the racists?

And there you go. Thank you for making my point Winger.
I still think our teachers and professors are turning these kids into radical bigots. After all, they've been conditioning these kids with their rebellious lawlessness for decades.
Yeah...let's blame education....Here's your sign.....
After decades of teachers and professors pounding their radical progressive attitudes into their students, it's only logical that sooner or later they will create a number of dangerous radicals. That's exactly what happens when you're only given one side of the story. These serial killers have been taught that what they're doing is right. That's the insanity being pushed by our education system.

These mass killings are directly proportional with the dwindling of religious beliefs in this country.

I grew up a Catholic. I went to Catholic grade school. I was an altar boy. When we were growing up, we lived in a society of deep belief in God. You could steal a bike and maybe get away with it on earth, but God knows you stole that bike, and will make you pay for it in the afterlife.

I have always said the two most dangerous people are those who don't fear God, and those who don't fear death. The most dangerous are the combination of the two.

When some nut goes out and kills a bunch of people, and kills himself, in his mind, he will get away with a crime and not pay any penalty for it. Why? Because upon death, everything goes blank just as it was before you were born in their minds.
...all these mass shootings.

So, all the other reasons given aren't the problem: white supremacy, Muslim extremism, devil-worship, guns, knives.

The problem is that mentally ill people, identified by their families as dangerous to themselves and others, are allowed to run around loose.

We can thank the ACLU for that.

Back in the 70's, Geraldo had his own weekly show. He went to these nut houses and protested because those people were committed by the courts, and broke no law. He called these institutions crime-less prisons.

It was a pretty popular show and it drew up a lot of controversy at the time. So it made it to court and they ruled that Geraldo was correct. You cannot lock people up who committed no crime.

So they had to take the locks off the doors and allow those who wanted to leave to do just that, and they are still in our streets today, particularly in Democrat tent cities.

We haven't seen a constitutional amendment in many years in this country, but perhaps it's time to put a new one in; one that won't be partisan in any way; the ability to reinstitute courts being allowed to commit those who are a possible harm to themselves or other people.

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