It's With Great Humility I Accept Your Nomination

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Hillarious is still lying to the obsequious petunias. The only time she's experienced humility is when she found out the blue dress didn't make it to the dry cleaners.

She's been saying the same lame platitudes for decades. She's a rookie, LBJ created plantations and padded his pocket on the lives of our soldiers in Viet Nam through Brown & Root at the same time. Hillarious Bucks are coming your way, make room for more plantations. You're on standby, Brown & Root. Start perusing Libya on Google maps for the best place to set up shop.
Hillarious is still lying to the obsequious petunias. The only time she's experienced humility is when she found out the blue dress didn't make it to the dry cleaners.

She's been saying the same lame platitudes for decades. She's a rookie, LBJ created plantations and padded his pocket on the lives of our soldiers in Viet Nam through Brown & Root at the same time. Hillarious Bucks are coming your way, make room for more plantations. You're on standby, Brown & Root. Start perusing Libya on Google maps for the best place to set up shop.

Well Ricky - You can call her names, sling mud at her, and even have a temper tantrum if you want, but Hillary R. Clinton will be the next President. Put on your big boy pants and deal with it!
Hillarious is still lying to the obsequious petunias. The only time she's experienced humility is when she found out the blue dress didn't make it to the dry cleaners.

She's been saying the same lame platitudes for decades. She's a rookie, LBJ created plantations and padded his pocket on the lives of our soldiers in Viet Nam through Brown & Root at the same time. Hillarious Bucks are coming your way, make room for more plantations. You're on standby, Brown & Root. Start perusing Libya on Google maps for the best place to set up shop.

Well Ricky - You can call her names, sling mud at her, and even have a temper tantrum if you want, but Hillary R. Clinton will be the next President. Put on your big boy pants and deal with it!

Democrats got 450,000 of our soldiers killed last century from their corruption, bigotry, lying, and crony Capitalism. Do you have a copy of Hillarious' speeches to Goldman Sachs?
Hillarious is still lying to the obsequious petunias. The only time she's experienced humility is when she found out the blue dress didn't make it to the dry cleaners.

She's been saying the same lame platitudes for decades. She's a rookie, LBJ created plantations and padded his pocket on the lives of our soldiers in Viet Nam through Brown & Root at the same time. Hillarious Bucks are coming your way, make room for more plantations. You're on standby, Brown & Root. Start perusing Libya on Google maps for the best place to set up shop.

Well Ricky - You can call her names, sling mud at her, and even have a temper tantrum if you want, but Hillary R. Clinton will be the next President. Put on your big boy pants and deal with it!

The election this November is going to depend on one thing...

which candidate has the most dupes

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