Ivanka booed in Germany, audience hisses and disses


Trump syndrome? Overinflated ego?

What do you think 'successful' means?
lets not get too technical. You do not have the money, fame, influence, or power she does. Sorry bud. Women's worth is not synonymous with superficial physical beauty.
That's not my goal. How successful are you, dipshit? Are you a millionaire? If not, you aren't as 'successful' as I am...according to your own metric.
I am no millionaire and do not boast of my successes like you do. Now, are you "successful" like trump, did daddy hand you those millions?
Ah I see....you just brag about other's successes because you are loser. Gotchya.
When have you seen me brag? I did not grow up with the entitlement (spoiled brat syndrome) issue currently seizing the GOP.

Hallie Jackson @HallieJackson

Some in audience now hissing Ivanka as moderator presses her about @POTUS attitude toward women. #W20

4:25 AM - 25 Apr 2017 · Berlin, Germany
Ivanka Trump booed at women’s panel in Germany

Trump must believe the Euros are as gullible as his slackjawed voters, sad

That was very mild and only happened for a few seconds.

It's pretty ridiculous that any Trump would be asked to speak at a women's panel. The Trump stance on women is that they are objects, here to serve at a man's behest. Something that conservatives admire I suppose. But not what I would want my daughter to hear.

You keep spouting these lies like they are fact. Sad and typical.
Big facts. Women are objects. They are only as useful as their physical appearance or the sexual pleasure they can provide.
In his 2006 book Trump 101: The Way to Success, Trump wrote: “Beauty and elegance, whether in a woman, a building, or a work of art, is not just superficial or something pretty to see."

“I mean, we could say politically correct that look doesn’t matter, but the look obviously matters,” Trump said to a female reporter in a clip featured on “Last Week Tonight.” “Like you wouldn’t have your job if you weren’t beautiful.”

Some women may be objects, i.e. the Kardashian paradigm, but to me its usually other women that are far more subjective of women based on looks.

Of course democrat men have a faaaar better track record on how they treat women.......
theres a difference between being some what superficial about looks and literally thinking all women are objects to use. Don't normalize trumps behavior.
Women are both objects and individuals. Same with men. We all use each other. The stupidity it takes to not understand that is astounding. You live in snowflake world and use snowflake language.

Hallie Jackson @HallieJackson

Some in audience now hissing Ivanka as moderator presses her about @POTUS attitude toward women. #W20

4:25 AM - 25 Apr 2017 · Berlin, Germany
Ivanka Trump booed at women’s panel in Germany

Trump must believe the Euros are as gullible as his slackjawed voters, sad

That was very mild and only happened for a few seconds.

It's pretty ridiculous that any Trump would be asked to speak at a women's panel. The Trump stance on women is that they are objects, here to serve at a man's behest. Something that conservatives admire I suppose. But not what I would want my daughter to hear.

You keep spouting these lies like they are fact. Sad and typical.
Big facts. Women are objects. They are only as useful as their physical appearance or the sexual pleasure they can provide.
In his 2006 book Trump 101: The Way to Success, Trump wrote: “Beauty and elegance, whether in a woman, a building, or a work of art, is not just superficial or something pretty to see."

“I mean, we could say politically correct that look doesn’t matter, but the look obviously matters,” Trump said to a female reporter in a clip featured on “Last Week Tonight.” “Like you wouldn’t have your job if you weren’t beautiful.”

Some women may be objects, i.e. the Kardashian paradigm, but to me its usually other women that are far more subjective of women based on looks.

Of course democrat men have a faaaar better track record on how they treat women.......
theres a difference between being some what superficial about looks and literally thinking all women are objects to use. Don't normalize trumps behavior.
Women are both objects and individuals. Same with men. We all use each other. The stupidity it takes to not understand that is astounding. You live in snowflake world and use snowflake language.
yea yea and all you are is another conservative dckhead who can't indentify sexism when he sees it because he's never experienced it. You live in la la land- must be nice.
What do you think 'successful' means?
lets not get too technical. You do not have the money, fame, influence, or power she does. Sorry bud. Women's worth is not synonymous with superficial physical beauty.
That's not my goal. How successful are you, dipshit? Are you a millionaire? If not, you aren't as 'successful' as I am...according to your own metric.
I am no millionaire and do not boast of my successes like you do. Now, are you "successful" like trump, did daddy hand you those millions?
Ah I see....you just brag about other's successes because you are loser. Gotchya.
When have you seen me brag? I did not grow up with the entitlement (spoiled brat syndrome) issue currently seizing the GOP.
Moron...you just bragged about some chick being rich and powerful. Are you seriously this stupid? You tried to shame me with that example, you failed miserably....now you deny what you did. Priceless.
That was very mild and only happened for a few seconds.

You keep spouting these lies like they are fact. Sad and typical.
Big facts. Women are objects. They are only as useful as their physical appearance or the sexual pleasure they can provide.
In his 2006 book Trump 101: The Way to Success, Trump wrote: “Beauty and elegance, whether in a woman, a building, or a work of art, is not just superficial or something pretty to see."

“I mean, we could say politically correct that look doesn’t matter, but the look obviously matters,” Trump said to a female reporter in a clip featured on “Last Week Tonight.” “Like you wouldn’t have your job if you weren’t beautiful.”

Some women may be objects, i.e. the Kardashian paradigm, but to me its usually other women that are far more subjective of women based on looks.

Of course democrat men have a faaaar better track record on how they treat women.......
theres a difference between being some what superficial about looks and literally thinking all women are objects to use. Don't normalize trumps behavior.
Women are both objects and individuals. Same with men. We all use each other. The stupidity it takes to not understand that is astounding. You live in snowflake world and use snowflake language.
yea yea and all you are is another conservative dckhead who can't indentify sexism when he sees it because he's never experienced it. You live in la la land- must be nice.
Dipshit...keep on dipshitting.
It is absolutely amazing to see how these leftist ditzes think they make hard hitting points.... But they're nothing more than indicators of how retarded they actually are.

Hallie Jackson @HallieJackson

Some in audience now hissing Ivanka as moderator presses her about @POTUS attitude toward women. #W20

4:25 AM - 25 Apr 2017 · Berlin, Germany
Ivanka Trump booed at women’s panel in Germany

Trump must believe the Euros are as gullible as his slackjawed voters, sad

That was very mild and only happened for a few seconds.

It's pretty ridiculous that any Trump would be asked to speak at a women's panel. The Trump stance on women is that they are objects, here to serve at a man's behest. Something that conservatives admire I suppose. But not what I would want my daughter to hear.

You keep spouting these lies like they are fact. Sad and typical.
Big facts. Women are objects. They are only as useful as their physical appearance or the sexual pleasure they can provide.
In his 2006 book Trump 101: The Way to Success, Trump wrote: “Beauty and elegance, whether in a woman, a building, or a work of art, is not just superficial or something pretty to see."

“I mean, we could say politically correct that look doesn’t matter, but the look obviously matters,” Trump said to a female reporter in a clip featured on “Last Week Tonight.” “Like you wouldn’t have your job if you weren’t beautiful.”

Some women may be objects, i.e. the Kardashian paradigm, but to me its usually other women that are far more subjective of women based on looks.

Of course democrat men have a faaaar better track record on how they treat women.......
theres a difference between being some what superficial about looks and literally thinking all women are objects to use. Don't normalize trumps behavior.

How is Trump's behavior anything else than being superficial? Does he not promote women at his companies? Does he not hire women for positions in his companies?

Your side is the one trying to find anything to bash him with, and yet defend actual leeches like Clinton, just because 'his politics are good"

Hallie Jackson @HallieJackson

Some in audience now hissing Ivanka as moderator presses her about @POTUS attitude toward women. #W20

4:25 AM - 25 Apr 2017 · Berlin, Germany
Ivanka Trump booed at women’s panel in Germany

Trump must believe the Euros are as gullible as his slackjawed voters, sad

That was very mild and only happened for a few seconds.

It's pretty ridiculous that any Trump would be asked to speak at a women's panel. The Trump stance on women is that they are objects, here to serve at a man's behest. Something that conservatives admire I suppose. But not what I would want my daughter to hear.

You keep spouting these lies like they are fact. Sad and typical.
Big facts. Women are objects. They are only as useful as their physical appearance or the sexual pleasure they can provide.
In his 2006 book Trump 101: The Way to Success, Trump wrote: “Beauty and elegance, whether in a woman, a building, or a work of art, is not just superficial or something pretty to see."

“I mean, we could say politically correct that look doesn’t matter, but the look obviously matters,” Trump said to a female reporter in a clip featured on “Last Week Tonight.” “Like you wouldn’t have your job if you weren’t beautiful.”

Some women may be objects, i.e. the Kardashian paradigm, but to me its usually other women that are far more subjective of women based on looks.

Of course democrat men have a faaaar better track record on how they treat women.......
theres a difference between being some what superficial about looks and literally thinking all women are objects to use. Don't normalize trumps behavior.

How is Trump's behavior anything else than being superficial? Does he not promote women at his companies? Does he not hire women for positions in his companies?

Your side is the one trying to find anything to bash him with, and yet defend actual leeches like Clinton, just because 'his politics are good"
What makes it more than superficial is that he thinks that women are so beneath him he can take whatever he wants from them, and he does. He's a sexual predator, a confessed sexual assailant, and more likely than not a rapist.
That was very mild and only happened for a few seconds.

You keep spouting these lies like they are fact. Sad and typical.
Big facts. Women are objects. They are only as useful as their physical appearance or the sexual pleasure they can provide.
In his 2006 book Trump 101: The Way to Success, Trump wrote: “Beauty and elegance, whether in a woman, a building, or a work of art, is not just superficial or something pretty to see."

“I mean, we could say politically correct that look doesn’t matter, but the look obviously matters,” Trump said to a female reporter in a clip featured on “Last Week Tonight.” “Like you wouldn’t have your job if you weren’t beautiful.”

Some women may be objects, i.e. the Kardashian paradigm, but to me its usually other women that are far more subjective of women based on looks.

Of course democrat men have a faaaar better track record on how they treat women.......
theres a difference between being some what superficial about looks and literally thinking all women are objects to use. Don't normalize trumps behavior.

How is Trump's behavior anything else than being superficial? Does he not promote women at his companies? Does he not hire women for positions in his companies?

Your side is the one trying to find anything to bash him with, and yet defend actual leeches like Clinton, just because 'his politics are good"
What makes it more than superficial is that he thinks that women are so beneath him he can take whatever he wants from them, and he does. He's a sexual predator, a confessed sexual assailant, and more likely than not a rapist.

You have no proof he is a sexual predator
All he did was joke about the pussy grab thing, there is no evidence of him ever actually doing it.
And the fact you are accusing him of rape without even a shred of evidence proves what a worthless, dime store hack you are.

Hallie Jackson @HallieJackson

Some in audience now hissing Ivanka as moderator presses her about @POTUS attitude toward women. #W20

4:25 AM - 25 Apr 2017 · Berlin, Germany
Ivanka Trump booed at women’s panel in Germany

Trump must believe the Euros are as gullible as his slackjawed voters, sad

That was very mild and only happened for a few seconds.

It's pretty ridiculous that any Trump would be asked to speak at a women's panel. The Trump stance on women is that they are objects, here to serve at a man's behest. Something that conservatives admire I suppose. But not what I would want my daughter to hear.

You keep spouting these lies like they are fact. Sad and typical.
Big facts. Women are objects. They are only as useful as their physical appearance or the sexual pleasure they can provide.
In his 2006 book Trump 101: The Way to Success, Trump wrote: “Beauty and elegance, whether in a woman, a building, or a work of art, is not just superficial or something pretty to see."

“I mean, we could say politically correct that look doesn’t matter, but the look obviously matters,” Trump said to a female reporter in a clip featured on “Last Week Tonight.” “Like you wouldn’t have your job if you weren’t beautiful.”

Some women may be objects, i.e. the Kardashian paradigm, but to me its usually other women that are far more subjective of women based on looks.

Of course democrat men have a faaaar better track record on how they treat women.......
theres a difference between being some what superficial about looks and literally thinking all women are objects to use. Don't normalize trumps behavior.

How is Trump's behavior anything else than being superficial? Does he not promote women at his companies? Does he not hire women for positions in his companies?

Your side is the one trying to find anything to bash him with, and yet defend actual leeches like Clinton, just because 'his politics are good"
Marty, leftists are retards. Once you accept that, your posts will get shorter because you realize it is pointless to argue with them. Just trying to save you a headache.
Big facts. Women are objects. They are only as useful as their physical appearance or the sexual pleasure they can provide.
In his 2006 book Trump 101: The Way to Success, Trump wrote: “Beauty and elegance, whether in a woman, a building, or a work of art, is not just superficial or something pretty to see."

“I mean, we could say politically correct that look doesn’t matter, but the look obviously matters,” Trump said to a female reporter in a clip featured on “Last Week Tonight.” “Like you wouldn’t have your job if you weren’t beautiful.”

Some women may be objects, i.e. the Kardashian paradigm, but to me its usually other women that are far more subjective of women based on looks.

Of course democrat men have a faaaar better track record on how they treat women.......
theres a difference between being some what superficial about looks and literally thinking all women are objects to use. Don't normalize trumps behavior.

How is Trump's behavior anything else than being superficial? Does he not promote women at his companies? Does he not hire women for positions in his companies?

Your side is the one trying to find anything to bash him with, and yet defend actual leeches like Clinton, just because 'his politics are good"
What makes it more than superficial is that he thinks that women are so beneath him he can take whatever he wants from them, and he does. He's a sexual predator, a confessed sexual assailant, and more likely than not a rapist.

You have no proof he is a sexual predator
All he did was joke about the pussy grab thing, there is no evidence of him ever actually doing it.
And the fact you are accusing him of rape without even a shred of evidence proves what a worthless, dime store hack you are.
Oh its no joke. He told us exactly what he thinks of women, and exactly what he does to them. Right from the horse's mouth. I know many trumps, they are dangerous men.

Hallie Jackson @HallieJackson

Some in audience now hissing Ivanka as moderator presses her about @POTUS attitude toward women. #W20

4:25 AM - 25 Apr 2017 · Berlin, Germany
Ivanka Trump booed at women’s panel in Germany

Trump must believe the Euros are as gullible as his slackjawed voters, sad

That was very mild and only happened for a few seconds.

It's pretty ridiculous that any Trump would be asked to speak at a women's panel. The Trump stance on women is that they are objects, here to serve at a man's behest. Something that conservatives admire I suppose. But not what I would want my daughter to hear.

You keep spouting these lies like they are fact. Sad and typical.
Big facts. Women are objects. They are only as useful as their physical appearance or the sexual pleasure they can provide.
In his 2006 book Trump 101: The Way to Success, Trump wrote: “Beauty and elegance, whether in a woman, a building, or a work of art, is not just superficial or something pretty to see."

“I mean, we could say politically correct that look doesn’t matter, but the look obviously matters,” Trump said to a female reporter in a clip featured on “Last Week Tonight.” “Like you wouldn’t have your job if you weren’t beautiful.”

Some women may be objects, i.e. the Kardashian paradigm, but to me its usually other women that are far more subjective of women based on looks.

Of course democrat men have a faaaar better track record on how they treat women.......
theres a difference between being some what superficial about looks and literally thinking all women are objects to use. Don't normalize trumps behavior.

How is Trump's behavior anything else than being superficial? Does he not promote women at his companies? Does he not hire women for positions in his companies?

Your side is the one trying to find anything to bash him with, and yet defend actual leeches like Clinton, just because 'his politics are good"

You mean like when he gave our missile technology to China?

Flashback: Bill Clinton Gave China Missile Technology
That was very mild and only happened for a few seconds.

You keep spouting these lies like they are fact. Sad and typical.
Big facts. Women are objects. They are only as useful as their physical appearance or the sexual pleasure they can provide.
In his 2006 book Trump 101: The Way to Success, Trump wrote: “Beauty and elegance, whether in a woman, a building, or a work of art, is not just superficial or something pretty to see."

“I mean, we could say politically correct that look doesn’t matter, but the look obviously matters,” Trump said to a female reporter in a clip featured on “Last Week Tonight.” “Like you wouldn’t have your job if you weren’t beautiful.”

Some women may be objects, i.e. the Kardashian paradigm, but to me its usually other women that are far more subjective of women based on looks.

Of course democrat men have a faaaar better track record on how they treat women.......
theres a difference between being some what superficial about looks and literally thinking all women are objects to use. Don't normalize trumps behavior.

How is Trump's behavior anything else than being superficial? Does he not promote women at his companies? Does he not hire women for positions in his companies?

Your side is the one trying to find anything to bash him with, and yet defend actual leeches like Clinton, just because 'his politics are good"
What makes it more than superficial is that he thinks that women are so beneath him he can take whatever he wants from them, and he does. He's a sexual predator, a confessed sexual assailant, and more likely than not a rapist.
You are a sexual predator, a confessed retard and more than likely a rapist.

I have just as much evidence for my claims as you do. Well, that you're a retard is established....all the rest is unprovable at the moment.
Some women may be objects, i.e. the Kardashian paradigm, but to me its usually other women that are far more subjective of women based on looks.

Of course democrat men have a faaaar better track record on how they treat women.......
theres a difference between being some what superficial about looks and literally thinking all women are objects to use. Don't normalize trumps behavior.

How is Trump's behavior anything else than being superficial? Does he not promote women at his companies? Does he not hire women for positions in his companies?

Your side is the one trying to find anything to bash him with, and yet defend actual leeches like Clinton, just because 'his politics are good"
What makes it more than superficial is that he thinks that women are so beneath him he can take whatever he wants from them, and he does. He's a sexual predator, a confessed sexual assailant, and more likely than not a rapist.

You have no proof he is a sexual predator
All he did was joke about the pussy grab thing, there is no evidence of him ever actually doing it.
And the fact you are accusing him of rape without even a shred of evidence proves what a worthless, dime store hack you are.
Oh its no joke. He told us exactly what he thinks of women, and exactly what he does to them. Right from the horse's mouth. I know many trumps, they are dangerous men.

More bullshit from the newest rookie bullshitter on this board.

So who's sock are you?
theres a difference between being some what superficial about looks and literally thinking all women are objects to use. Don't normalize trumps behavior.

How is Trump's behavior anything else than being superficial? Does he not promote women at his companies? Does he not hire women for positions in his companies?

Your side is the one trying to find anything to bash him with, and yet defend actual leeches like Clinton, just because 'his politics are good"
What makes it more than superficial is that he thinks that women are so beneath him he can take whatever he wants from them, and he does. He's a sexual predator, a confessed sexual assailant, and more likely than not a rapist.

You have no proof he is a sexual predator
All he did was joke about the pussy grab thing, there is no evidence of him ever actually doing it.
And the fact you are accusing him of rape without even a shred of evidence proves what a worthless, dime store hack you are.
Oh its no joke. He told us exactly what he thinks of women, and exactly what he does to them. Right from the horse's mouth. I know many trumps, they are dangerous men.

More bullshit from the newest rookie bullshitter on this board.

So who's sock are you?
Donald trump: I abuse women
America: WTF
Multiple women: He's right, he did that to me.
Donald trump: No I didn't
America: but you just saidd....
Donald trump: No, I didn't.
America: Yes you did!
Republicans: No he didn't

I'll never understand.
How is Trump's behavior anything else than being superficial? Does he not promote women at his companies? Does he not hire women for positions in his companies?

Your side is the one trying to find anything to bash him with, and yet defend actual leeches like Clinton, just because 'his politics are good"
What makes it more than superficial is that he thinks that women are so beneath him he can take whatever he wants from them, and he does. He's a sexual predator, a confessed sexual assailant, and more likely than not a rapist.

You have no proof he is a sexual predator
All he did was joke about the pussy grab thing, there is no evidence of him ever actually doing it.
And the fact you are accusing him of rape without even a shred of evidence proves what a worthless, dime store hack you are.
Oh its no joke. He told us exactly what he thinks of women, and exactly what he does to them. Right from the horse's mouth. I know many trumps, they are dangerous men.

More bullshit from the newest rookie bullshitter on this board.

So who's sock are you?
Donald trump: I abuse women
America: WTF
Multiple women: He's right, he did that to me.
Donald trump: No I didn't
America: but you just saidd....
Donald trump: No, I didn't.
America: Yes you did!
Republicans: No he didn't

I'll never understand.

So what happened to all those accusations? When do the trials start?

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