Ivanka booed in Germany, audience hisses and disses

Some women may be objects, i.e. the Kardashian paradigm, but to me its usually other women that are far more subjective of women based on looks.

Of course democrat men have a faaaar better track record on how they treat women.......
theres a difference between being some what superficial about looks and literally thinking all women are objects to use. Don't normalize trumps behavior.

How is Trump's behavior anything else than being superficial? Does he not promote women at his companies? Does he not hire women for positions in his companies?

Your side is the one trying to find anything to bash him with, and yet defend actual leeches like Clinton, just because 'his politics are good"
What makes it more than superficial is that he thinks that women are so beneath him he can take whatever he wants from them, and he does. He's a sexual predator, a confessed sexual assailant, and more likely than not a rapist.

You have no proof he is a sexual predator
All he did was joke about the pussy grab thing, there is no evidence of him ever actually doing it.
And the fact you are accusing him of rape without even a shred of evidence proves what a worthless, dime store hack you are.
Oh its no joke. He told us exactly what he thinks of women, and exactly what he does to them. Right from the horse's mouth. I know many trumps, they are dangerous men.

No callback, huh?
Remember that Democrats were the populist party once. War always starts out of fear or out of nationalist fervor. Those things tend to stem from social (not fiscal) conservatism, which is a staple of populism.

Is that why Stormfront is filled with very socially Conservative anti-war people, while Capitalists profit off of building up a war effort?
Social conservatives are very much pro war, as long as it supports their causes. I suspect you would argue that the racist Storm Fronters oppose us interfering in Syria. That's because they see Assad as an enemy to Muslims and Jews. Something they have in common. If Trump sent in troops in support of Assad's Syrian Army, the racist Storm Fronters would be thrilled.
You fucking idiot. Libtards are just as down for war if it supports their causes. Did you vote for Hillary, faggot? She wanted to go to war with Russia over the DNC hacks. Dumb fuck.
I can't even make it through one of your sentences you are so unbearably uncivil. Can't wait til your kind are back under your rocks. The worst of America folks, take a good look.
Bitch, we are going to put your kind under.
Red State Amerika is a region of bitches and whores.

Hallie Jackson @HallieJackson

Some in audience now hissing Ivanka as moderator presses her about @POTUS attitude toward women. #W20

4:25 AM - 25 Apr 2017 · Berlin, Germany
Ivanka Trump booed at women’s panel in Germany

Trump must believe the Euros are as gullible as his slackjawed voters, sad

And....? They like bill clinton....he is accused of actually raping 3 women and actually sexually assaulting at least a dozen more that we know of........and hilary, another star over in Europe.....led the team that was tasked with destroying these women when they came forward in order to keep her and her rapist husband in power....

So......that these twits don't understand who Trump is....and support clinton....is not a big deal.....supporting hitler, then massive islamic migration shows how stupid they are...
It's pretty ridiculous that any Trump would be asked to speak at a women's panel. The Trump stance on women is that they are objects, here to serve at a man's behest. Something that conservatives admire I suppose. But not what I would want my daughter to hear.
You're a fucking liar you fucking piece of shit.
It's pretty ridiculous that any Trump would be asked to speak at a women's panel. The Trump stance on women is that they are objects, here to serve at a man's behest. Something that conservatives admire I suppose. But not what I would want my daughter to hear.

It is more amazing that any woman would support the democrat party...a party that actively defended bill clinton, a man actually accused of raping 3 women...that we know of....and at least a dozen more......not to mention all the women too afraid to come forward....this is actual rape and sexual assault....not a comment about gold diggers allowing bad behavior by a rich man.....

And on top of that is hilary who attacked the women her husband raped and assaulted...all to keep herself viable for the Presidency...
It's pretty ridiculous that any Trump would be asked to speak at a women's panel. The Trump stance on women is that they are objects, here to serve at a man's behest. Something that conservatives admire I suppose. But not what I would want my daughter to hear.

It is more amazing that any woman would support the democrat party...a party that actively defended bill clinton, a man actually accused of raping 3 women...that we know of....and at least a dozen more......not to mention all the women too afraid to come forward....this is actual rape and sexual assault....not a comment about gold diggers allowing bad behavior by a rich man.....

And on top of that is hilary who attacked the women her husband raped and assaulted...all to keep herself viable for the Presidency...
Trump raped his own wife and was accused of rape by at least 5 other women.
It's pretty ridiculous that any Trump would be asked to speak at a women's panel. The Trump stance on women is that they are objects, here to serve at a man's behest. Something that conservatives admire I suppose. But not what I would want my daughter to hear.
You're a fucking liar you fucking piece of shit.
It's pretty ridiculous that any Trump would be asked to speak at a women's panel. The Trump stance on women is that they are objects, here to serve at a man's behest. Something that conservatives admire I suppose. But not what I would want my daughter to hear.

It is more amazing that any woman would support the democrat party...a party that actively defended bill clinton, a man actually accused of raping 3 women...that we know of....and at least a dozen more......not to mention all the women too afraid to come forward....this is actual rape and sexual assault....not a comment about gold diggers allowing bad behavior by a rich man.....

And on top of that is hilary who attacked the women her husband raped and assaulted...all to keep herself viable for the Presidency...
Trump was actually accused of rape several times as well. By your logic they are the same.

Hallie Jackson @HallieJackson

Some in audience now hissing Ivanka as moderator presses her about @POTUS attitude toward women. #W20

4:25 AM - 25 Apr 2017 · Berlin, Germany
Ivanka Trump booed at women’s panel in Germany

Trump must believe the Euros are as gullible as his slackjawed voters, sad

People in Germany know Ivanka Trump is a fucking LIAR!!!!
Lol you mean the same Germany which has opened the gate to a massive rape jihad? Merkel and her supporters are traitors to western civilization and need to be executed (judicially or otherwise) for their crimes, with luck she will die screaming in pain like that traitorous whore Jo Cox.
These people are morons.
lets not get too technical. You do not have the money, fame, influence, or power she does. Sorry bud. Women's worth is not synonymous with superficial physical beauty.
That's not my goal. How successful are you, dipshit? Are you a millionaire? If not, you aren't as 'successful' as I am...according to your own metric.
I am no millionaire and do not boast of my successes like you do. Now, are you "successful" like trump, did daddy hand you those millions?
Ah I see....you just brag about other's successes because you are loser. Gotchya.
When have you seen me brag? I did not grow up with the entitlement (spoiled brat syndrome) issue currently seizing the GOP.
Moron...you just bragged about some chick being rich and powerful. Are you seriously this stupid? You tried to shame me with that example, you failed miserably....now you deny what you did. Priceless.
how is that bragging? I said women are worth more than their physical appearance, thus women do well without beauty. You asked how that was going for Greta, I noted her accomplishments. Are you delusional?
It's pretty ridiculous that any Trump would be asked to speak at a women's panel. The Trump stance on women is that they are objects, here to serve at a man's behest. Something that conservatives admire I suppose. But not what I would want my daughter to hear.
You're a fucking liar you fucking piece of shit.
You're mad because you know it's true.
What I know is that you are a dirty liar, but Democrats constantly lie, that's your modus operandi. That's why Democrats go to hell. After a million of years of burning in flames you may decide it wasn't worth it.
It's pretty ridiculous that any Trump would be asked to speak at a women's panel. The Trump stance on women is that they are objects, here to serve at a man's behest. Something that conservatives admire I suppose. But not what I would want my daughter to hear.

It's funny that the capital of the European rape jihad would hold a woman's panel in the first place.
Ivanka can't even come clean and say her father molested her!!!

Hallie Jackson @HallieJackson

Some in audience now hissing Ivanka as moderator presses her about @POTUS attitude toward women. #W20

4:25 AM - 25 Apr 2017 · Berlin, Germany
Ivanka Trump booed at women’s panel in Germany

Trump must believe the Euros are as gullible as his slackjawed voters, sad

Lol you mean the same Germany which has opened the gate to a massive rape jihad? Merkel and her supporters are traitors to western civilization and need to be executed (judicially or otherwise) for their crimes, with luck she will die screaming in pain like that traitorous whore Jo Cox.
These people are morons.
Ivanka Trump knows her dad molested her.'
That's not my goal. How successful are you, dipshit? Are you a millionaire? If not, you aren't as 'successful' as I am...according to your own metric.
I am no millionaire and do not boast of my successes like you do. Now, are you "successful" like trump, did daddy hand you those millions?
Ah I see....you just brag about other's successes because you are loser. Gotchya.
When have you seen me brag? I did not grow up with the entitlement (spoiled brat syndrome) issue currently seizing the GOP.
Moron...you just bragged about some chick being rich and powerful. Are you seriously this stupid? You tried to shame me with that example, you failed miserably....now you deny what you did. Priceless.
how is that bragging? I said women are worth more than their physical appearance, thus women do well without beauty. You asked how that was going for Greta, I noted her accomplishments. Are you delusional?
You snottily said I was less successful than some woman on some random magazine's list of powerful women. Don't play dumb.
It's pretty ridiculous that any Trump would be asked to speak at a women's panel. The Trump stance on women is that they are objects, here to serve at a man's behest. Something that conservatives admire I suppose. But not what I would want my daughter to hear.
You're a fucking liar you fucking piece of shit.
You're mad because you know it's true.
What I know is that you are a dirty liar, but Democrats constantly lie, that's your modus operandi. That's why Democrats go to hell. After a million of years of burning in flames you may decide it wasn't worth it.
Lol :laugh:

It's pretty ridiculous that any Trump would be asked to speak at a women's panel. The Trump stance on women is that they are objects, here to serve at a man's behest. Something that conservatives admire I suppose. But not what I would want my daughter to hear.

It's funny that the capital of the European rape jihad would hold a woman's panel in the first place.
Ivanka can't even come clean and say her father molested her!!!
You are a pervert. What other sick fantasies do you have about Ivanka?
Is that why Stormfront is filled with very socially Conservative anti-war people, while Capitalists profit off of building up a war effort?
Social conservatives are very much pro war, as long as it supports their causes. I suspect you would argue that the racist Storm Fronters oppose us interfering in Syria. That's because they see Assad as an enemy to Muslims and Jews. Something they have in common. If Trump sent in troops in support of Assad's Syrian Army, the racist Storm Fronters would be thrilled.
You fucking idiot. Libtards are just as down for war if it supports their causes. Did you vote for Hillary, faggot? She wanted to go to war with Russia over the DNC hacks. Dumb fuck.
I can't even make it through one of your sentences you are so unbearably uncivil. Can't wait til your kind are back under your rocks. The worst of America folks, take a good look.
Bitch, we are going to put your kind under.
Red State Amerika is a region of bitches and whores.
Keep it up, and you'll keep winning elections with your positive attitude.
I am no millionaire and do not boast of my successes like you do. Now, are you "successful" like trump, did daddy hand you those millions?
Ah I see....you just brag about other's successes because you are loser. Gotchya.
When have you seen me brag? I did not grow up with the entitlement (spoiled brat syndrome) issue currently seizing the GOP.
Moron...you just bragged about some chick being rich and powerful. Are you seriously this stupid? You tried to shame me with that example, you failed miserably....now you deny what you did. Priceless.
how is that bragging? I said women are worth more than their physical appearance, thus women do well without beauty. You asked how that was going for Greta, I noted her accomplishments. Are you delusional?
You snottily said I was less successful than some woman on some random magazine's list of powerful women. Don't play dumb.
Well you are less successful, aren't you?
and as a misogynist, that burns you, doesn't it?
The evil Democrats are displaying in this thread is astounding. How do you people live with yourselves? Don't you ever feel dirty after posting here and want to take a shower?

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