Ivanka Trump: Malia Obama should be 'OFF limits' to the media

Malia was walking around the city wearing only a shirt and no pants. She sees a camera and has to throw her twerking ass in front of it.

She's a slut, like her dad, both of them.
Our President got Marla Maples pregnant when he had a young family. He brags about trying to have sex with married women while Melania was pregnant

Malia smoked a cigarette

Moral Conservatives are outraged
Yes, Marla gave birth to Tiffany when she was still single.

What kind of message does that send to our young people?

A man with young children dumps his wife who is starting to show her age and picks up some young model and gets her pregnant
Yes, the party of family values.

Some one has to be it because it's definitely not the trashy left who prefers a free for all..


The trashy left and the trashy right attack the kids of politicians.

Don't be an asshole- leave the kids alone.
Some one has to be it because it's definitely not the trashy left who prefers a free for all..

Like Trump before he conned the cons.

He was a Democrat back then. :)
And always a sociopath.

Define sociopath?

I just see a guy who exaggerate's who has a lot of passion for life still and cares deeply about his country .

I remember when we all wanted Lee Iacocca to run, he would of been a good president and he said no "Why would I want to take a job that pays less and all the stress that goes into it" ?

Trump took a job and all the stress that goes into it, he is fighting his own kind the left..

As a social liberal, fiscal conservative , middle class working guy ...its pure poetry in motion ..

It's so enjoyable

I could comment- but I don't want to derail this thread.

Its really simple

Assholes attack the kids of Presidents- doesn't matter whether the kid is Barron or Malia, Jenna or Chelsea- attacking them for being the President's kid is an asshole move.

That changes once the kid gets independently political- like Ivanka- and Chelsea now. But until then- don't be an asshole- leave the kids alone.
I figure the next 8 years that Trump is president they are going to do the same thing to barron...he will get caught smoking a joint, flirting with the girls, drinking a beer..

I hate this shit ever since I was aware of it with Amy Carter

And I look forward to decent people condemning those assholes who attack Barron.

Yes it will happen- but we don't have to let them get away with it.
Our President got Marla Maples pregnant when he had a young family. He brags about trying to have sex with married women while Melania was pregnant

Malia smoked a cigarette

Moral Conservatives are outraged
Yes, Marla gave birth to Tiffany when she was still single.

What kind of message does that send to our young people?

A man with young children dumps his wife who is starting to show her age and picks up some young model and gets her pregnant
Yes, the party of family values.

Some one has to be it because it's definitely not the trashy left who prefers a free for all..


The trashy left and the trashy right attack the kids of politicians.

Don't be an asshole- leave the kids alone.

No shit this is one hot button with me, one thing I have despised for the past 40 years.

The politicians got in office , kids have to be off limits, like who cares if newt daughter is gay, why were they picking on amy Carter, Chelsea Clinton? They turned out to be beautiful young women or the Bush twins ...who gives a damn about what Obama's daughter's do?

It's disgusting

And I forgot to add Palin's daughter..

The MSM press can be complete assholes these kids didn't ask to be in the spot light
If Malia doesn't want to be a target she shouldn't make herself one.

Yep- just like those rape victims shouldn't have made themselves a target.

Face it- you contards will always find an excuse to blame the women.

Come on, I agree with you that the kids should be left alone but you comparing a teenager smoking to a rape victim is pretty out there.

Yes- I used hyperbole to make a point- there are people who blame women- for being the rape victim, for being the sex abuse victim, for being married to an abusive husband, for falling for a con-man. Or for being 18 years old and photographed smoking- and feel like it justifies targeting them.

Almost 2 years ago there was a thread about the kids of Ted Cruz being attacked in a media cartoon- and the 'tards' from both sides came out- and this is what I said for those who rationalized why it was okay to attack Cruz's kids- the same applies to the OP

You are rationaliziing- saying on one hand "Oh its bad when Cruz's children are attacked' and out the other side of your mouth you imply it is Cruz's own fault for showing us his children. It is rationalization and equivocation.

Every politician has shown himself with his kids- perhaps you think that is wrong- but it is not attacking the children- it isn't harming children.

Going into a national forum and attack Cruz's kids, or Obama's kids, or Chelsea's kids or Palin's kids- and harming them- in order to attack their parents if a fucking asshole move- and should be condemned universally- and clearly- with no 'equivalency'

Simple line in the sand- attacking kids on the internet is done by hateful immoral fucking bastards.

I think everyone should be able to clearly- and without any equivocation- condemn the internet abuse of kids.

Gotcha! I agree with you. Kids didn’t ask to be a politician’s kids, they just are unlucky. They need to be left alone.
Shut up, ivanka you stupid rino. The stinking press gleefully crucified sarah palin's family so i don't want to hear that crap "the children are off limits."

Ivanka Trump: Malia Obama should be 'OFF limits' to the media

nov 24 2017 Ivanka Trump, the president's eldest daughter and top White House adviser, condemned recent media coverage of former President Barack Obama's eldest daughter, Malia Obama, a 19-year-old freshman at Harvard.

"Malia Obama should be allowed the same privacy as her school aged peers," Trump tweeted on Friday. "She is a young adult and private citizen, and should be OFF limits."

Shortly after, another former first daughter, Chelsea Clinton, tweeted a similar sentiment.

"Malia Obama's private life, as a young woman, a college student, a private citizen, should not be your clickbait," Clinton wrote. "Be better."

Over the past week, videos of Malia Obama smoking and kissing another Harvard student at a football game went viral.

Didn't you scum always say no o. Could talk about the bush twins?

They should leave all presidential kids along.

Why does that bother you?

Or is it only the kids of dems you think should be abused?
Shut up, ivanka you stupid rino. The stinking press gleefully crucified sarah palin's family so i don't want to hear that crap "the children are off limits."
Maybe you could rise above the slime. Have you considered that?

Children should always be off limits. If they reach adulthood and start in on the partisan political crap, that's a different story.
Shut up, ivanka you stupid rino. The stinking press gleefully crucified sarah palin's family so i don't want to hear that crap "the children are off limits."

Ivanka Trump: Malia Obama should be 'OFF limits' to the media

nov 24 2017 Ivanka Trump, the president's eldest daughter and top White House adviser, condemned recent media coverage of former President Barack Obama's eldest daughter, Malia Obama, a 19-year-old freshman at Harvard.

"Malia Obama should be allowed the same privacy as her school aged peers," Trump tweeted on Friday. "She is a young adult and private citizen, and should be OFF limits."

Shortly after, another former first daughter, Chelsea Clinton, tweeted a similar sentiment.

"Malia Obama's private life, as a young woman, a college student, a private citizen, should not be your clickbait," Clinton wrote. "Be better."

Over the past week, videos of Malia Obama smoking and kissing another Harvard student at a football game went viral.

Didn't you scum always say no o. Could talk about the bush twins?

They should leave all presidential kids along.

Why does that bother you?

Or is it only the kids of dems you think should be abused?

They really should leave all politicians kids off limits it's not fair jillian , we don't need to know about it, it's not news..
Shut up, ivanka you stupid rino. The stinking press gleefully crucified sarah palin's family so i don't want to hear that crap "the children are off limits."

Ivanka Trump: Malia Obama should be 'OFF limits' to the media

nov 24 2017 Ivanka Trump, the president's eldest daughter and top White House adviser, condemned recent media coverage of former President Barack Obama's eldest daughter, Malia Obama, a 19-year-old freshman at Harvard.

"Malia Obama should be allowed the same privacy as her school aged peers," Trump tweeted on Friday. "She is a young adult and private citizen, and should be OFF limits."

Shortly after, another former first daughter, Chelsea Clinton, tweeted a similar sentiment.

"Malia Obama's private life, as a young woman, a college student, a private citizen, should not be your clickbait," Clinton wrote. "Be better."

Over the past week, videos of Malia Obama smoking and kissing another Harvard student at a football game went viral.

Didn't you scum always say no o. Could talk about the bush twins?

They should leave all presidential kids along.

Why does that bother you?

Or is it only the kids of dems you think should be abused?

They really should leave all politicians kids off limits it's not fair jillian , we don't need to know about it, it's not news..

Exactly. It's hard enough growing up in that fish bowl.
Shut up, ivanka you stupid rino. The stinking press gleefully crucified sarah palin's family so i don't want to hear that crap "the children are off limits."

Ivanka Trump: Malia Obama should be 'OFF limits' to the media

nov 24 2017 Ivanka Trump, the president's eldest daughter and top White House adviser, condemned recent media coverage of former President Barack Obama's eldest daughter, Malia Obama, a 19-year-old freshman at Harvard.

"Malia Obama should be allowed the same privacy as her school aged peers," Trump tweeted on Friday. "She is a young adult and private citizen, and should be OFF limits."

Shortly after, another former first daughter, Chelsea Clinton, tweeted a similar sentiment.

"Malia Obama's private life, as a young woman, a college student, a private citizen, should not be your clickbait," Clinton wrote. "Be better."

Over the past week, videos of Malia Obama smoking and kissing another Harvard student at a football game went viral.
This is called showing class, something we weren't used to when Obama was in the White House, and the children of politicians should be off limits.
The Great Obama was the most scandal free Presidency since Carter
Both personally and professionally

Correct, but only when leftists are allowed to define scandal.

Benghazi wasn't a scandal according to the left, fast and furious wasn't a scandal, paying off congress people to pass commie care wasn't a scandal, Bergdahl wasn't a scandal, giving Iran hundreds of millions of dollars was not a scandal..........
Benghazi.....no scandal

Thanks for proving my point. You leftists do it all the time.
Shut up, ivanka you stupid rino. The stinking press gleefully crucified sarah palin's family so i don't want to hear that crap "the children are off limits."
This is called showing class, something we weren't used to when Obama was in the White House, and the children of politicians should be off limits.
The Great Obama was the most scandal free Presidency since Carter
Both personally and professionally

Correct, but only when leftists are allowed to define scandal.

Benghazi wasn't a scandal according to the left, fast and furious wasn't a scandal, paying off congress people to pass commie care wasn't a scandal, Bergdahl wasn't a scandal, giving Iran hundreds of millions of dollars was not a scandal..........
Benghazi.....no scandal

Thanks for proving my point. You leftists do it all the time.
The irony of that post- in a thread by one of you contards- upset because contards were being told not to attack Obama's kids.
This is called showing class, something we weren't used to when Obama was in the White House, and the children of politicians should be off limits.
The Great Obama was the most scandal free Presidency since Carter
Both personally and professionally

Correct, but only when leftists are allowed to define scandal.

Benghazi wasn't a scandal according to the left, fast and furious wasn't a scandal, paying off congress people to pass commie care wasn't a scandal, Bergdahl wasn't a scandal, giving Iran hundreds of millions of dollars was not a scandal..........
Benghazi.....no scandal

Thanks for proving my point. You leftists do it all the time.
The irony of that post- in a thread by one of you contards- upset because contards were being told not to attack Obama's kids.

Irony of what post? We were't even talking about Obama's kids. We drifted off the subject.
Shut up, ivanka you stupid rino. The stinking press gleefully crucified sarah palin's family so i don't want to hear that crap "the children are off limits."

Ivanka Trump: Malia Obama should be 'OFF limits' to the media

nov 24 2017 Ivanka Trump, the president's eldest daughter and top White House adviser, condemned recent media coverage of former President Barack Obama's eldest daughter, Malia Obama, a 19-year-old freshman at Harvard.

"Malia Obama should be allowed the same privacy as her school aged peers," Trump tweeted on Friday. "She is a young adult and private citizen, and should be OFF limits."

Shortly after, another former first daughter, Chelsea Clinton, tweeted a similar sentiment.

"Malia Obama's private life, as a young woman, a college student, a private citizen, should not be your clickbait," Clinton wrote. "Be better."

Over the past week, videos of Malia Obama smoking and kissing another Harvard student at a football game went viral.

The Palin family got into drunken family brawls
Malia smoked

Hardly the same wouldn't you agree?

Malia was walking around the city wearing only a shirt and no pants. She sees a camera and has to throw her twerking ass in front of it.

She's a slut, like her dad, both of them.
Our President got Marla Maples pregnant when he had a young family. He brags about trying to have sex with married women while Melania was pregnant

Malia smoked a cigarette

Moral Conservatives are outraged
Maria's father drove a car all over Hawaii drugged out on his ass. It is a shame he didn't kill anyone and be prohibited from being president.

Malian is a pothead drug addict like her parents.
The Great Obama was the most scandal free Presidency since Carter
Both personally and professionally

Correct, but only when leftists are allowed to define scandal.

Benghazi wasn't a scandal according to the left, fast and furious wasn't a scandal, paying off congress people to pass commie care wasn't a scandal, Bergdahl wasn't a scandal, giving Iran hundreds of millions of dollars was not a scandal..........
Benghazi.....no scandal

Thanks for proving my point. You leftists do it all the time.
The irony of that post- in a thread by one of you contards- upset because contards were being told not to attack Obama's kids.

Irony of what post? We were't even talking about Obama's kids. We drifted off the subject.
Where's The PR Reps? President Obama's Daughter Malia Was Recorded Allegedly Smoking Weed And Blowing Smoke Rings! | Video

This began the thread. :wtf:
Reading the OP again I can't seem to find where this started or who first reported it.

Not hard- it Shootspeeder doing is Shooter thing in the OP- the OP started this thread. He is responsible for the content. You know the classy guy with the ever so classy personal photo.
Shut up, ivanka you stupid rino. The stinking press gleefully crucified sarah palin's family so i don't want to hear that crap "the children are off limits."

Ivanka Trump: Malia Obama should be 'OFF limits' to the media

nov 24 2017 Ivanka Trump, the president's eldest daughter and top White House adviser, condemned recent media coverage of former President Barack Obama's eldest daughter, Malia Obama, a 19-year-old freshman at Harvard.

"Malia Obama should be allowed the same privacy as her school aged peers," Trump tweeted on Friday. "She is a young adult and private citizen, and should be OFF limits."

Shortly after, another former first daughter, Chelsea Clinton, tweeted a similar sentiment.

"Malia Obama's private life, as a young woman, a college student, a private citizen, should not be your clickbait," Clinton wrote. "Be better."

Over the past week, videos of Malia Obama smoking and kissing another Harvard student at a football game went viral.

The Palin family got into drunken family brawls
Malia smoked

Hardly the same wouldn't you agree?

Malia was walking around the city wearing only a shirt and no pants. She sees a camera and has to throw her twerking ass in front of it.

She's a slut, like her dad, both of them.
Our President got Marla Maples pregnant when he had a young family. He brags about trying to have sex with married women while Melania was pregnant

Malia smoked a cigarette

Moral Conservatives are outraged
Maria's father drove a car all over Hawaii drugged out on his ass. It is a shame he didn't kill anyone and be prohibited from being president.

Malian is a pothead drug addict like her parents.

Wow- just when I thought the Trump voters couldn't get more disgusting.

Here we have Tipsy disappointed that teenage Obama didn't kill anyone in a car accident.
The Great Obama was the most scandal free Presidency since Carter
Both personally and professionally

Correct, but only when leftists are allowed to define scandal.

Benghazi wasn't a scandal according to the left, fast and furious wasn't a scandal, paying off congress people to pass commie care wasn't a scandal, Bergdahl wasn't a scandal, giving Iran hundreds of millions of dollars was not a scandal..........
Benghazi.....no scandal

Thanks for proving my point. You leftists do it all the time.
The irony of that post- in a thread by one of you contards- upset because contards were being told not to attack Obama's kids.

Irony of what post? We were't even talking about Obama's kids. We drifted off the subject.

the irony of the post was you commenting about 'you leftists' do it all the time- in a thread by a contard- doing what you contards do all the time.
Daddy gave Ivanka security clearance and an office in the west wing ... that pulls the plug on her being off limits.

Don Cheetos fault, blame him.
Correct, but only when leftists are allowed to define scandal.

Benghazi wasn't a scandal according to the left, fast and furious wasn't a scandal, paying off congress people to pass commie care wasn't a scandal, Bergdahl wasn't a scandal, giving Iran hundreds of millions of dollars was not a scandal..........
Benghazi.....no scandal

Thanks for proving my point. You leftists do it all the time.
The irony of that post- in a thread by one of you contards- upset because contards were being told not to attack Obama's kids.

Irony of what post? We were't even talking about Obama's kids. We drifted off the subject.

the irony of the post was you commenting about 'you leftists' do it all the time- in a thread by a contard- doing what you contards do all the time.

Oh yeah? And WTF is a contard?

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